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Lost In You

Page 13

by Remmy Duchene

  “I can help you get the feeling back.”

  “I bet you can.” Jackson giggled.

  Ko laughed as the two of them trudged through the snow and in through the back door of the cabin. Even with Charlie, Jackson had never had that warmth by a simple thing as holding hands. He’d never had that spark with another man. As they stripped out of their winter clothes, Jackson stopped to watch Ko’s body come to life and he couldn’t help smiling. He allowed his gaze to travel up Ko’s frame, to his beautiful mouth, over his nose and to his eyes.

  Yes, Jackson Stark was in love. There was no way around it. He didn’t even want to try denying it. He dumped his jacket and snow pants on the floor and rushed over to Ko. For a silent moment, he merely framed Ko’s face with his palms and stared into his eyes.

  “Baby?” Ko asked, concern filling his gaze.

  “I love you,” Jackson whispered.

  Ko said nothing. He blinked.

  “Did you hear me, Ko? I said I…”

  Ko fused their lips together, drinking Jackson’s words and sending fire through Jackson’s veins. They kissed until Jackson tasted the saltiness of tears. At first, he thought they were his but when he lifted his head from their connection, he saw they belonged to Ko.

  “Darling?” Jackson asked.

  “You’ve made me happier than I think I should be right now.”

  Jackson used his thumbs to dry Ko’s eyes. “I only hope I can keep doing that—making you happy.”

  “You will. Don’t forget, I’m easy.”

  Jackson laughed. “I can see that.”

  They kissed again and Ko reached down to grab his stuff. “Let me hang these up so they can dry out.”

  “Okay. I’ll get us some cider and start a fire?”

  “Yes, please.” Ko reached for Jackson’s clothes, too, then stopped. “I love you.”

  Jackson beamed. Warmth spread through him like the sun rising on a new day. “I love you, too, Ko.”

  Ko left him in the kitchen and Jackson turned to the fridge. He poured some cider into a pot and set it on the stove. Ko didn’t like the cider heated in the microwave. At first, Jackson didn’t understand why then he tasted it and afterward, he was hooked. After turning the stove down to low, he hurried into the living room and hunched before the fireplace. As he removed the front panel and dropped wood in, he reached for a lighter to check the draft.

  The sound of Ko whistling from the hall filled the space. Jackson smiled and finished lighting the fire. He set the front panel back in place and held both his palms toward the flames. He thought back to the moment he’d looked up from his photo shoot and had seen the infamous Ko Takao watching him. Primal urges had twisted his insides that day, ones that had scared him. That night, when he had gone home, he’d prayed—at first for forgiveness, then for clarity. But as he’d fallen heedlessly harder for the sexy businessman and designer, Jackson knew forgiveness hadn’t been what he should have asked for.

  As he stood by the fire, he said another prayer. This time, one of thanks. For as Ko whistled louder and more melodic, Jackson knew that was how their life would be. Sure, as Ko had said, it wouldn’t be easy or perfect for everyone, but perfect for the two of them.

  Jackson’s heart danced. “I’m yours, Ko Takao. Yours…”

  Also available from Pride Publishing:

  IntoXication: Faded Into You

  Remmy Dechene


  Chapter One

  The gym was empty first thing in the morning, and that was precisely how Ravinder Raja liked it. He hated having guys stare at him when he worked out, some even whistling. The distraction drove him nuts, even with the music on. He got there just after six and was one of only two people there. After spending an hour running on the treadmill and half an hour on weights, he used thirty minutes in the sauna. A quick shower later, he got dressed in his suit and went to the office. Working PR for a small firm gave him little wiggle room to go back home for a proper shower and shave.

  His day melted by and when it ended, all he wanted to do was go to sleep. From one media appearance that went sideways to a bunch of files that got corrupted—he just couldn’t deal. But he had plans with Lana, so he couldn’t flake. He walked into his condo and found Lana sitting in the middle of his bed reading her Kindle.

  “Good evening, lover,” she teased. “I didn’t make dinner because we’re going out. I’m craving Bessie’s.”

  Ravinder kissed her nose before setting his laptop and gym bags on the floor then flopping on the bed beside her. “I could use a juicy burger myself.”

  “Long day?”

  “You would not believe the day I’ve had.” Ravinder sighed. “Went to do an interview down at the station. They broadsided me with my boss’ criminal history…”

  “Say what, now?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Ravinder sat up. “Apparently, Dossier was up on charges of possession when he was nineteen, but it went ‘poof’! The reporter wanted me to tell the public how that happened.”


  “I was mortified and pissed off. I could not believe Dossier wouldn’t have told me that.”

  Lana set her e-reader down. “So, how’d you handle it?”

  “Avoidance. Just told them he was a child then, and that whole deal is something he’s moved on from, so I would not be going into it.”

  “Good man!”

  Ravinder rose and walked over to his dresser to remove his necklace and watch. “Hardly. Then I went back to the office and tore a strip off his ass. I wanted to make sure there was nothing else that would fucking jump out at me.”

  “What’d he say?”

  “Said there was nothing else. I don’t know, Lana. I can’t stay at that company. It’s a good job and it pays well, but I can’t keep working for a man who expects me to bring business to him then hides things he knows the media will find that could hurt said business.”

  “You think he’s lying about something else?”

  Ravinder turned and rested his hands akimbo. He rolled his shoulders and sighed. “Yes. No. I don’t know. But one thing’s for sure, I hate working with someone I can’t trust and who refuses to trust me.”

  While Lana went back to her book, he took a shower, washed his hair, then shaved. He got dressed in a simple pair of black slacks and a dark blue dress shirt then looked at himself in the mirror before walking out to show Lana. She approved with two thumbs up and a grin.

  By the time they made it out on the streets again, it was dark outside. They stopped by Bessie’s for a burger and fries then proceeded to wander the shopping malls until they were closed. Ravinder didn’t really need anything but he wound up with a couple of new pairs of boxers and a shirt. After which, they made a detour out of Bathsheba for ice cream. By the time they got to the nightclub, Fun, the long line outside told them they’d gotten there late.

  “Hey! Ravinder!” the bouncer called.

  “Did you sleep with him?” Lana whispered.


  “Feng told me you were coming.” The man shook Ravinder’s hand. “Come on in.”

  Ravinder exchanged looks with Lana but didn’t complain. It was better than standing in that line for only God knew how long. He thanked the bouncer and escorted Lana inside. But the club wasn’t as much fun as the name suggested. The DJ was horrendous, playing songs that caused the dance floor to have just your typical twinks trying to shake their asses. After about an hour, Lana pulled in close to speak in his ear.

  “We should go,” she said.

  He agreed and led her outside. Since she wore heels, he left her by the doors to get the car. When he returned, Lana was trying to get away from some guy who was way too close. Ravinder frowned.

  “The lady said no,” he said, pushing his body between Lana and the drunken fool.

  “You were in a gay club, so you’re obviously not her boyfriend,” the guy slurred. “Get to walking, Ghandi.”

  When the man reached around Ravinder, try
ing to grab Lana’s arm, Ravinder reeled back and punched him square in the face. He then stood over the man and glared down at him. “That’s where you’re wrong. Unlike Ghandi, I will fuck you up.”

  Lana pulled his arm and Ravinder reluctantly walked away without kicking the fool in the ribs.

  “What are parents teaching their kids these days?” Ravinder muttered. “Why are men such colossal assholes?”

  “Don’t say men—you, Feng and Darius have been nothing but awesome to me,” Lana said. “But there’s always that one asshat who ruins it for everyone.”

  “Amen to that.”

  Ravinder took Lana home. He ensured she got into her building then waited until she texted him before he drove off. Lana and Feng were the closest he had to family and he always wanted to make sure they were safe. By the time he arrived home, it was just about one in the morning and, without checking Facebook or the company’s Google Ads numbers, he climbed right into bed. The next day was going to be a long-assed one. It should be something he was looking forward to—more wedding plans with Feng—but he just didn’t feel excited.

  Ravinder pulled the collar of his coat together and zipped it up. He then wrapped his thick infinity scarf around his neck and pulled his hat on. After sliding his hands into his gloves, he grabbed his keys. With a quick glance in the mirror, he locked the door to his condo then jogged down the hall to the elevator.

  The building was all new to him. It was so new that sometimes at night, if he wasn’t paying attention, Ravinder would drive by the place and stop in front of his old apartment. In those moments, all he could do was shake his head, whisper a small prayer of thanks to anyone listening and make a U-turn to his actual home. Never in a million years had he thought he’d be able to buy a condo in his twenties in such a wonderful building, but after he’d graduated and worked for a year, he was able to save up enough for the down payment. He still had a mortgage on it, but the lovely one-bedroom condo was all his.

  Humming, he let himself into the underground garage and headed straight for his car. Sure, it wasn’t a 1969 Ferrari Dino like he’d always dreamed of, but the new-to-him Acura RLX suited him just perfectly. He’d bought it from a man whose marriage had failed and he’d had to sell the vehicle and give his wife half of everything. Ravinder had felt bad for him but that was life—right? Even as he slipped into the leather seat and closed the door, Ravinder wondered again what had happened to their marriage. He was curious as to how people could go from loving each other enough to merge all their worldly belongs, to taking the wedding plunge, to fighting each other tooth and nail for things.

  Order your copy here

  About the Author

  Multi-published Remmy Duchene was born in St. Anns, Jamaica and moved to Canada at a young age. When not working or writing, Remmy loves dabbling in photography, traveling and spending time with friends and family.


  Remmy loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Remmy Duchene

  Tempted to Touch

  Shivers: Ciro

  Shivers: Osaki

  Shivers: Koi

  Intoxication: So Into You

  Intoxication: Faded IntoYou




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