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This Beautiful Thing (Young Love Series)

Page 8

by Amanda Heath

  “Okay so not only are you dating Jaden but you have a thing for Caden? Are you freaking kidding me right now? Why am I just know hearing about this?” I take a deep breath and wait impatiently for Grace’s reply.

  “You are just now hearing it because I didn’t want you in the middle of it. You’ve got this thing going on with Declan and I didn’t want you to worry about me. Look I just ran into Caden in the cafeteria a couple of weeks back and I didn’t even know he was your brother let alone Jaden’s twin. I mean they look nothing alike. But it’s okay now because he is a total douche bag! I mean he said he would call me and its weeks later and he hasn’t said anything to me. At least Jaden knows how to keep his word.”

  She is pacing around the tiny bathroom while chewing on her nail. I feel bad for her. As someone who has had to live with those two I wouldn’t want to be between them either. “Well that sounds like Caden and you don’t want anything to do with him I think. He’s more into the easy type and you aren’t like that. Jaden might talk about football a lot but he won’t have sex with you and never call again.”

  “Exactly I knew Caden was a player but he was just so sweet and understanding. I mean I did accidently dump my food all over him. I know that grin though. It’s all over any bad boy in this world. At the time I would have jumped at the chance to know him because I didn’t think Jaden would ever talk to me. Now they are acting like total assholes over me. I don’t want drama Teagan I couldn’t handle it after everything I have been through.” She’s almost in tears.

  I reach out for her and she hugs me by my place on the sink. “I know honey. I’ll talk to Caden and tell him to get over it. He needs to respect your wishes to be with Jaden or whatever y’all are doing.”

  “I don’t know what we are doing. He talks to me at practice and stuff but he hasn’t ever discussed what we are doing. I don’t know if I should I mean it’s already gotten dramatic and I’m not even attached to either one!”

  “Well then you need to ask him. I think the only drama you are going to get is right now with Caden but if I ask him to back off. It’s not going to be like last time I swear.” About a year ago Grace broke up with her longtime boyfriend and he didn’t take it well at all. He started going around telling everyone she was a whore and an awful person. It’s got to the point that she couldn’t even leave the house without someone calling her names and vandalizing her stuff. She told me that when she got her gown out for Graduation it had whore spray painted across it. Luckily they had extras but that’s not something you should face for breaking up with someone.

  “I can’t go through that again Teagan. What Jesse put me through was so awful I can’t even believe it sometimes and I thought that I knew him you know?”

  “Yeah I know honey but neither one of my brothers is like that. Jaden wouldn’t disrespect a girl like that and Caden is more likely to get disrespected by a girl.”

  She smiles at that. “Okay well go play air hockey with Declan or something while I have a little chat with Jaden. Please?”

  “Sure just send him this way.” I say not having any intention of leaving the bathroom. I haven’t seen him since Monday morning and I’m itching for a little action.

  I wait for about five minutes before I hear someone coming down the hall way to the game room. Its Declan. I quickly grab his arm and pull him into the bathroom with me. My hands immediately find his neck and I pull his tall frame down to my lips. They are open in shock and I quickly thrust my tongue into his mouth. I’ll give him credit it doesn’t take long for the shock to where off and he’s picking me up to place my bottom on the counter next to the sink.

  I feel his hands on the skin of my stomach where he slips them under my shirt. My skin erupts into goose bumps and I shiver at the feeling I get when he touches me. I can’t help myself as I start to unbutton his shirt. His lips never leave mine as he shrugs out of the shirt. I can’t see anything with the lights off so of course I turn them on after pulling away from his lips. I mean come on; I have Declan Sage topless I’ve got to have a look.

  The fuzzy memory I have of him without a shirt doesn’t even begin to do him justice. He’s got this cocky smirk on his face as I ogle him. You can tell he works out, boy does he work out. His abs are nice and packed making me feel as if I could wash my clothes on them. His chest is broad and nicely formed. Little brown nipples I can’t help leaning over and sucking into my mouth.

  He groans pulling my head away from his body. “None of that baby or I’m going to lose it.”

  I grab his belt loops and pull him back in between my legs. “Maybe I want you to lose it.”

  “God you are a vixen.” He chuckles leaning over to kiss and nibble my neck.

  I let out a low moan. “Now I’m going to lose it.” I say pulling his head away and bringing his lips back to mine. Our tongues meet almost instantly. I suck it into my mouth not letting it go when he tries to take it away. Yeah its gets a little hot after that.

  Before I can even blink my shirt is over my head. My bra quickly follows and then we are skin to skin and it feels so delicious to rub up against him as he groans. “Baby stop it. I’m already about to lose control.”

  “Umm like I said maybe I want you too.”

  “No you don’t. Not in a bathroom.”

  “Shhhh you talk too much.” I say as I kiss and lick his neck.

  Before I know it I’m lifted off the counter and placed on the ground where he proceeds to unbutton my jeans and push them down past my hips. He then lifts me back up to the counter. He puts his forehead against mine saying “Is this what you want Teagan?” he whispers against my lips as his fingers trace the inside of my panties.

  “Yes.” I moan taking his mouth.

  I don’t get any notice before he nudges a thick finger into my wet heat. “You’re so tight baby. You don’t even know how much it turns me on that no one has been here but me.” He says breathless around my lips.

  The only answer he gets is my moan of pure pleasure. His finger continues to thrust slowly as he devours my mouth. I feel as if I could climb into him, be him if we got any closer. Before I know it his finger starts to move faster and his thumb finds my nub of nerves rubbing slowly.

  That’s when it starts, the tingling in my body starting at my core. God it is so amazing and I find my hips meeting his hand in a sensual dance. “Come baby. Come for me, all over my hand.” And that’s all I needed before I’m falling over the edge. He covers my mouth to catch my scream of pleasure. I’m clutching on to him for dear life and my toes are curling in my boots. Yeah I really get what all the hype with sex is and its name is Declan Sage.


  Okay so this is the second time since I was a pre-teen I’ve gotten off in my pants. I really hope this doesn’t become a habit. I guess that’s what she does to me. I can’t even control my own body parts anymore.

  “Umm did you, you know in your pants again?” she asks timidly.

  “Yes beautiful I did. Seems I can’t control myself around you.” I answer brushing my fingers through her wild hair.

  “I’m sorry I don’t know what got into me. You bring out the hormones in me or something.” She takes my hand and places a kiss on the palm looking lost in thought.”

  “What’s going on in their beautiful?” I ask placing a kiss on her forehead.

  “I have no idea how we are going to get past Jaden without looking like we just fooled around in the bathroom.” She blushes.

  “Well I think we can do something about me, but you all flushed and your hair is wilder then before. I like it but I don’t think your brother will.” I tell her sheepishly.

  “Ugh he is going to kill us.” She says into the mirror where she starts trying to tame her curls with her fingers. I guess she realized she wasn’t wearing a shirt because her cheeks go crimson as she looks down at her breasts. I chuckle as I pick up her discarded clothes. I turn her to face me as I redress her in her bra and shirt.

  “I never thought putting clo
thes back on a girl would be so hot.” And I’m totally serious. Looks like little Dec wants to come out and play again.

  “Hmm let me try it.” She states as she grabs my shirt. After the last button she continues “Yeah not so hot for me. But you do look good in this shirt.” She gives me a wink as she turns back to the mirror.

  I turn on the faucet and cup my hands under the water and splash as much as I can on my crotch. Teagan busts out laughing. It’s really sexy. All low pitched and throaty. “What’s so funny baby?”

  “I would never have thought of that! Great idea!” she smiles from ear to ear. Okay we really need to get out of this bathroom. I can’t take much more of her without throwing her back up on the counter and going all the way.

  “Thanks. We should get out of here before you brother figures out we aren’t playing air hockey.”

  As I unlock the door and open it I hear Jaden’s voice out in the hall. “Where the hell could they have gone?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe something happened?” I hear Graces reply. Shit.

  “Don’t worry about it I have an idea. Just follow my lead.” Teagan whispers behind me.

  She walks out of the bathroom holding the door open. I guess I should follow.

  “Hey guys what’s up?” Teagan asks calmly.

  “What the fuck where y’all doing in the bathroom?” Jaden questions with a hateful glare thrown my way.

  “I knocked over a coke on Declan’s lap. So I took him in the bathroom to get the stain out.” She tells him while putting her hands on her hips. “Is there a problem with that? Should I let him walk around all night with a big coke stain on his crotch?” she taps her foot throwing him an icy look that would freeze anybody. She had this power that just radiates from her tiny body. She just takes up the whole room with it and makes you want to stand and bathe in it.

  “I didn’t mean to imply that y’all where doing anything but it looked weird y’all walking out of the bathroom together.” He looks pointedly at me.

  “Sorry she insisted. It wouldn’t have bothered me a bit but hey she can be pushy when she wants to be.” I tell him smirking at Teagan.

  “I’m not pushy. I just like to get my way is all.” She grins back at me winking.

  “Gross quit flirting. I really don’t want to have to kill Declan.” Jaden pipes in.

  “Yeah let’s go bowl! That’s why we can here for isn’t it?” Grace states as she walks over to Jaden grabbing his hand and walking with him down the hall back out to the lanes.

  When they are out of site I grab my tiny vixen by the waist and bend over to brush my lips against hers in a sweet kiss. I trail kisses to her ear where I whisper “You are amazing.”

  She shivers as she replies “I try. What was that for?”

  “I figure since Jaden and I rode together I will have to keep my hands off of you for the rest of the night. So that was your goodnight kiss.” I smile and push her out towards the lanes.

  We end up playing two games and the girls won both times pissing Jaden off but he was a great sport about it. It was hard to watch Teagan all night without being able to touch her or kiss her. I could smell her sweet essence on my fingers all night and it almost killed me. By the time we dropped the girls off at the dorms I needed a cold shower.

  Chapter 13


  It’s been almost a month since our night out at the bowling alley and let me tell you it was an eventful month. Grace and Jaden decided that they wanted to date each other with official titles and all. Very cute. They act like grade school kids holding hands and blushing all the time. They both seem happy so I’m happy for them.

  Caden has been acting like a total dick head the whole time. Well to Jaden and me anyways. He acts like the perfect gentleman when we are around Grace and I love him for that. She doesn’t need the drama. I talked to him about respecting her wishes and I seemed to get through to him. I guess he doesn’t take rejection well at all. It’s almost sad because I haven’t seen either of them take to a girl like this. Oh well Caden will have to get over it.

  The boys also got off my back about dating. I still don’t believe that Jaden won’t kill Declan if he found out we have been dating for the past month. So we have been hiding it still from my family. Grace doesn’t like keeping it from Jaden but she wants life drama free so she has kept her mouth shut. It’s really nice to go out and not expect them to show up and ruin my fun.

  Declan has been wonderful. He texts me every morning and night with sweet little “Good morning Beautiful” or “Goodnight Baby” yeah it might sound cheesy but I like it. Every time we went on a date he had a flower for me. A rose, a tulip, a daisy, and a sunflower. I’ve got them hanging from the ceiling in the dorm room so I can keep them forever.

  He always takes me somewhere new. Putt-putt golfing, a walk through the park, a fancy restaurant, and this past Friday we went to the movies where he let me pick out a chick flick. Though it’s not all sunshine and roses. We argue a lot. It never gets violent or anything like that. Mostly I get ticked off by something he says and throw a fit or I say something he doesn’t like and says so and I get ticked off and throw a fit. I really need to learn to control my temper better. Though the making up is kind of worth it.

  For example, I won fair and square during putt-putt golf and Declan started huffing and puffing acting like a sore loser and of course I called him out on it. He didn’t like that much as you can guess.

  “You are wrong Teagan. I’m not sore about anything. I rock at putt-putt golf you must have cheated.” He said from the driver’s side of his truck.

  I almost get whip lash as my head turns in his direction. “Excuse me? Did you just accuse me of cheating?” I placed my hands on the center console and lifted myself up to his eye level. “I don’t cheat Declan Sage, at anything. You best learn that real quick or you won’t have a tongue after I cut it out.”

  Yeah maybe threatening to cut out his tongue was a little much but hell I was pissed. I’m the product of cheating and you can’t just accuse me of it and expect me to be fine.

  He looks down into my eyes and smirks. “Did you just threaten to cut out my tongue? You and what army?” he laughs but his eyes say a different story. He was pissed I threatened him.

  “Yeah I did and I don’t need an army. When I set my mind to something I stick with it. If I really wanted to cut out your tongue I would.”

  “Calm down Teagan. No need to get your panties in a wad it’s okay if you cheated. All you had to do was let me let you win.”

  That was it I went from angry to irate. “I didn’t fucking cheat you idiot. If you knew anything about me you would find that I never cheat at anything since I’m the aftermath of a man cheating on his wife!” I screamed into his face.

  His pace drained of color after that. “Teagan I’m sorry I didn’t think about it that way.” He reaches for my hand but I slap it away.

  “Yeah that’s the problem with men in my life. They don’t think about my feelings. They just do and say whatever they want to me and think they should get away with it. You aren’t any different.” I paused catching my breath before I had a panic attack. “They don’t get away with it Declan and neither will you. Y’all will learn that you can’t walk all over me.”

  After that I threw open the truck door and started walking home on my own. I was really mad at him and didn’t want to be in the same space as him at that point. But he wouldn’t have it.

  “Teagan if you think I’m going to let you walk all the way home you’ve got to be really stupid.” Came his voice behind me.

  “I’m not stupid. You are.” I sneered over my shoulder.

  “Do you feel better?” he asked with a chuckle in his voice.

  I turned to face him feeling my anger wash away from me. “Yes I feel much better.” I smiled at him and added, “But you’re still stupid.”

  He out right laughed from deep in his gut. “Okay Beautiful, I’m still stupid. Now get in the truck.”

  After getting into the truck it didn’t take him long before he had me in his lap taking my mouth in a hard kiss. It was the kind of kiss that leaves you breathless and wanting more. The kind that has your skin on fire and the need to crawl into the person that you’re kissing. Sometimes I feel as if I’m being consumed when we kiss like that. It’s almost scary the chemistry between us. I feel it in the air when I’m around him. It draws me to him like I might die if I don’t touch him, taste him.

  Before you think that it’s all physical, we also spend a lot of time talking about anything and everything. I feel like I’ve known him my entire life. You wouldn’t think that the socially awkward girl and the hot football star would have that much in common but we do. I can tell him anything and he doesn’t judge me. He even thinks it sexy when I get mad and throw a fit. Something about my face flushing and the way I stand up for myself.

  I’ve never met anyone like him. How much he loves his little brother is enough for a girl to fall in love. I don’t know if I would turn down a full ride to a big name university to stay with my baby brother. But Marcus is more important to him then football or anything else for that matter. He is definitely not one sided. Wait…did I say love?


  This past month has been one of the best of my life. Teagan is not what I expected at all. She is the fresh air I have needed in my life for a long time. I was kind of worried after the way she jumped to conclusion over seeing me and Claire fighting but she hasn’t done that since. In fact if something is bothering her she lets me know. Oh she still might be mad about it but that’s cool with me since when she’s pissed off it’s the hottest thing I have ever seen.

  Her face gets all flushed and her hands always land on her hips drawing me into curves she doesn’t think she has. My dick gets hard every time I see it. Maybe it’s the fact she doesn’t hold anything back from me when she’s mad. She lets it all out in her throaty low seductive voice. I love it when her eyes spark almost making them glow. All I want to do when she gets that way is crush her to my body and rub up against her.


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