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This Beautiful Thing (Young Love Series)

Page 9

by Amanda Heath

  I’m almost convinced she is an angel. The way she smiles gosh I melt inside. She could get whatever she wanted out of me with that smile. She almost floats the way she walks. It’s almost as if her dainty feet don’t touch the ground. Her outsides are downright sexy but her insides are so good. She’s not mean or cruel about anything which is a needed change from Claire whose mouth always has something awful to say. She really loves everyone in her family who might drive her crazy but if they call she comes running. Claire treats her parents like slaves and is downright sadistic towards her little sister. God I hate that bitch.

  I can’t bring myself to have sex with Teagan though. No matter how much she wants to or how damn badly I want to. Not only is she my best friends little sister, she’s the only girl I have ever really cared about. She makes me want things that I have never wanted before. A white picket fence, 2.5 children and a dog. I know it’s only been a month but I feel like I have known her forever. I don’t want to ruin that with sex. God I sound like a damn chick. I don’t know what it is but I want her to be complete ready. Hell I want to be completely ready. I’ve never taken someone’s virginity before. It’s a huge step not only for me but for her as well. I guess I want her to be absolutely sure that she wants me to take it. She seems to get extremely mad if I tell her no we aren’t going to do it yet.

  I can remember last week after the game she came back to my house so we could hang out. We of course started fooling around and before I knew it I had gotten her naked.

  “We have to stop Teagan.” I had said.

  “Why?” she had looked really disappointed but I just couldn’t go through with it.

  “Because you aren’t ready for it yet.” Yeah wrong thing to say because she blew up.

  “Excuse me? How the hell would you know if I’m ready or not?” she sneered into my face.

  “I know because you haven’t known me long enough for you to want to give me your virginity.” I blushed like an innocent school girl. The word virginity makes me uncomfortable.

  “I can give my virginity to anybody I want. Don’t get me all hot and bothered and not go through with it. That’s just cruel.” She seemed to visible cool off and added, “Look I’m not saying I’m in love or I want to marry you are anything but I really like you. I feel like I have gotten to know you really well and I know you wouldn’t take this kind of thing for granted. I like that about you. You make me feel so special and even if we break up in a week I wouldn’t regret giving it to you.” She smiled her angels smile and I wanted to go through with it but I just couldn’t.

  “Look Teagan, I don’t want you to think that I don’t want to do this with you. Hell if you even walk into the room I get a hard on.” I paused and smiled as she laughed. “But I’m just not ready to take our relationship to that level. That’s a big responsibility for me to take on Teagan. I keep feeling like I might mess it all up or something.”

  “I’m sorry I screamed at you. I guess I didn’t think about it from your point of view. I’m might have been being self-centered and thinking it was all about me.” She smiled sheepishly.

  “Just a little bit?” I asked with a smirk.

  “Okay a lot. I’m not used to being in a relationship and I might make mistakes but I want you to know that in the end I will always respect your wishes about things. If you’re not ready then you not ready. I’ll stop pushing you so much.” She said as crawled into my lap to nozzle my face.

  “I know baby. I kind of feel like a total girl with all this waiting crap.” I told her as I ran my fingers through her soft as silk hair.

  “Yeah you totally sound like one. But I like it. I kind of feel like you aren’t like this with anybody else.”

  “Like what?”

  “Real. I don’t think you are this real with anybody else. You just open up so well to me. I don’t have to try and drag it out of you like I do my stupid brothers. I think that’s what I like most about you.”

  I think that’s when I realize that she had my heart in the palms of her hands. She could make or break me. Being a person who has hand control over my emotions and my path in life this is a scary thing. I don’t think I could survive it if she left me. I just hope she doesn’t ever figure this out. After that we went to sleep to wake up to a bright and beautiful Sunday.

  Sundays have become my favorite day of the week. I go and pick her up from the dorms and bring her back to the house. We always end up lying on the couch wrapped around each other while I watch football and she reads. It makes me feel so right. Everything in my life that sucks doesn’t seem to matter when I’m holding her. We could lay there for hours not saying a thing and it doesn’t get uncomfortable or boring. Just the sound of her flipping pages and me flipping between games. I could get used to it for the rest of my life.

  When Jaden found out Marcus and I didn’t have any plans for thanksgiving week he invited us down to his parents’ house. I almost said no but I couldn’t miss the chance to send all the time I can with Teagan. Oh and she doesn’t know that we are coming which should be a real treat.

  I guess Jaden doesn’t want to get stuck there with nothing to do. Apparently Grace is coming so I think it’s more of he wants back up if Caden starts anything. I doubt he will though since it’s his parents’ home. I’m kind of excited I have no idea what real family gatherings are like since my parents were never around for any of ours. I just hope I can keep my hands off of Teagan.

  Marcus is more than excited. I think he gets bored when he is off of school and it’s just us around. Or maybe he is just as excited about interacting with a real family. I know he wants that more than anything. I wish I could give that to him but I can’t and it hurts me more and more every day. A kid his age needs his father around. Talk about being a parent before you’re ready. Sometimes I feel like he is my kid. I taught him everything he knows. Football, soccer, baseball, riding a bike, and even how to talk to girls. I kissed his boo boos and put band aids on anything that bled. I helped him get back to sleep after a bad dream or made him food when he was hungry. Every day I wish my parents would see what they are doing to him, what they are doing to me. It isn’t fair to either of us to be put through this kind of misery. I see people like Claire that take their families for granted when they don’t realize what they would be missing.

  Whatever I’m not going to let it get me down this week I’m going to enjoy my time with Teagan and her family and let my brother experience what true families are like.

  Chapter 14


  I seriously can’t believe that Declan and his brother are at my parents’ house for thanksgiving break. Not only did he not tell me neither did my brother. This totally pisses me off. Declan will definitely be getting an ear full later on.

  “Oh my god! Isn’t that Declan Sage?” My sister Jessica says from my left where we are sitting on the plush white sofas in the living room.

  “Yes as I live and breathe that is Declan Sage.” I pull my hands up to my face to block out the train wreck that just walked into my house.

  “Okay yeah I would risk the wrath of my brother for a chance at him. Damn Teagan he is super-hot. Look at those muscles! You must look like a freaking twelve year old next to him!” Jessica exclaims.

  “What are you two talking about? I’m so lost.” Marie asks us from my right on the couch.

  “Shit. Look what you have done Jessica. If she knows everyone will know in five freaking minutes.” I glare in her direction but she is still eyeing over the boys that walked into my parents’ house.

  “Marie if you don’t keep your mouth shut about this I will tell Max about that one guy in college you slept with.” Jessica tells her without taking her eyes off the front door.

  Maries mouth drops open and I suppress a laugh. “How the hell did you know about that? Oh my god I didn’t tell anyone about that!” she exclaims.

  “The guy happened to brag at a party Forest was at. So as you can imagine Forest beat his ass and told him to stay th
e hell away from you and never speak of it again.” Jessica replies.

  “So that’s why he never called me again. I was really pissed about that you know. I’m glad y’all felt the need to keep it to yourselves.” She huffs. “I won’t tell if you don’t tell. I never mentioned it to Max. I feel bad about that so don’t give me that look Teag. It was a stupid mistake I made and if I could take it back I would.”

  “Good. Now shut up because here they come.” She finishes right before Sarah arrives with the boys in tow.

  “Marie, Jessica I want you to meet Declan and Marcus Sage. I’m sure you’ve heard of Declan since Jaden talks about him all the time. Marcus is his little brother. Their parents were unable to be with them for the holidays so I had Jaden invite them to stay with us. Teagan dear I think you already know Declan? What about Marcus?”

  “No ma’am I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Marcus.” I tell her as I stand up to shake his hand. This is a total lie. I hope Declan told him to act like he didn’t know me. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  He throws me a cocky grin. “It’s nice to meet you too. And you too ladies. “He winks at me and nods at my sisters.

  “It’s good to see you again Teagan.” Declan smiles at me and I fight one of my own. “It’s good to meet you ladies. Jaden talks about y’all all the time.”

  “Oh lord I cringe to think of the things he can say about all of us!” Marie says grinning from ear to ear like the cat that ate the cream. Shit that is never good.

  “Don’t worry whatever he has said is probably not true anyway. And I have some stories about my baby brother that will make you run for the hills.” Jessica throws in before Marie gets any ideas.

  “Don’t worry ladies everything I have heard was very good. He could never talk badly about any of you.” Declan politely smiles. It’s still amazes me how charming he is.

  “Okay well let’s get you boys settled into your rooms for the week. It’s very lucky I just so happen to have three bedrooms to spare.” Sarah says directing the boys to the stairs. “That reminds me what time will Grace be getting here Teagan?”

  “She should be here in an hour. She had a few things to finish up before she could make it.” I tell her. I don’t know what has gotten into Grace. I practically had to beg her to come down for the week. She wouldn’t tell me but I think it has something to do with Caden. I don’t think she is as over him as she thinks she is. This should be a very interesting week.

  “Okay so now that mom is out of the room, what the hell is going on between Jaden and Caden? I haven’t seen them at each other’s throats since they were little.” Jessica questions after taking her eyes off of my boyfriends behind.

  “Apparently Jaden has had a thing for Grace since the beginning of the year but he didn’t make a move until after Caden had shown interest in her. They met at the cafeteria about a month and a half ago and hit it off. But he never called her like he said he would. Grace has been through a lot and she doesn’t want drama in her life. So if the twins aren’t careful then they will miss their chance with her.”

  “Wow so you’re telling me the boys are into the same girl? That’s never happened before. They don’t even have the same type.” Jessica says.

  Marie looks intrigued but I think that’s only because she likes to gossip. “This is very interesting indeed. Too bad we have to go to our own homes; we will miss out on all the good stuff Jess.”

  “Yeah but luckily we have a sweet little sister who will fill us in on all of it.” Jess gives me a shit eating grin as she gets up off the couch.

  “You will won’t you Teag? This is better than my shows on TV!” Marie states as she gets up off the couch as well.

  “I’ll tell you nothing. Nothing interesting is going to happen. We are at our parents’ house for God sakes.” I huff.

  They both look down at me from their standing positions making me feel smaller than I am. “Right.” They both say together. Sarah was coming back down the stairs without the Sage’s. “Mom we are going to head out now. We will be here bright and early on Thursday to help with the cooking.” Jessica tells her. The three of them hug and Jessica and Marie are out the door.

  “Now Teagan, I don’t have to worry about bed hopping do I?” Sarah asks me.

  I know my face just took on the look of a deer in headlights. “Umm no. I have no idea what you’re getting at.” I hope she doesn’t catch my lie. I was totally thinking about bed hopping when I saw Declan walk through the door.

  “Well if you think I didn’t notice the way you and Declan were looking at each other then you’re pretty dumb. I am a mother of six kids. I know when one of you is up to something.” She looks pointedly at me and I inwardly cringe.

  “Shhhh don’t let Jaden hear you. He’d kill Declan and I’d rather that not happen this week.” I pause taking a deep breath. “So yeah we have been dating for the past month but neither one of us has the heart to tell Jaden. I don’t know it feels kind of like a betrayal.”

  “Honey it’s not a betrayal if you have feelings for someone. The heart wants what the heart wants. If he doesn’t understand that then he’s not a very good brother. I mean he’s dating your best friend, what kind of logic would it be to get mad at you if you do the same?”

  “I guess I didn’t ever think of it that way. I’ll talk to Declan about it later. Oh and don’t tell daddy. He’ll have Declan kicked out of this house so fast.”

  “Oh I know dear. My lips are sealed.” She winks as me before heading out to the kitchen.


  I do believe that I got one of the older girl’s room. There’s pink everywhere. It’s not an eye sore anything. The walls are painted a pale pink with off white trim. There’s an off white dresser over in the corner with a mirror attached to the top and picture frames all over the surface. The bed at least is a full size with a pink flower covered comforter. The head and foot boards are painted the same off white. The carpet is plush and white with pink rugs lying here and there. Definitely not my thing, but ill endure it just to get to spend the week close to Teagan.

  The look on her face was priceless. She really had no idea I was coming. I feel bad I didn’t warn her but she would have tried to talk me out of it.

  There’s a knock on the door and I have a feeling it’s her. That was quick. I’m heading that way but it opens before I make it. And there she is. All five feet of her and she is spitting mad. “What the fuck Declan? You couldn’t tell your own girlfriend that you were going to be staying at her parents’ house for a whole week? That seems like something we should share with each other!” her face is a lovely pink from her anger. Her hands are on her slim hips and her emerald eyes are glaring holes into me. Hot steamy holes.

  “If you had known you would have tried to talk me out of it Beautiful. You may not realize this but my brother needs to learn that other families aren’t like ours. I don’t want him to think it is normal to treat his like we were when he gets married.” I finish and just like that she’s over her anger. I love the way it doesn’t take a whole lot to make her happy again.

  “Okay yeah I didn’t think of it that way. I’m sorry that I yelled at you like that. I just don’t know how we are going to keep this away from my brothers and my dad.” Her brow furrows in concentration.

  “What about your step-mom and sisters?” I ask confused she didn’t add them to the list.

  “Oh yeah they knew not long after you walked into the door. Well Jessica already knew because I tell her everything. She and I were talking about it and Marie over heard and you can’t hide anything from Sarah.” She finishes chewing on her lip.

  “You know I wouldn’t care if Jaden found out or not you know. You’re the one who has this issue with telling him. He knows me and knows I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt you.” I grab her upper arms to pull her into me. It feels so good to have her body flush with mine.

  “Well this week isn’t the time to do it. If daddy found out he would throw you out so fast
. He doesn’t play around when it comes to his daughters. Cody, that’s Jessica’s husband, he got caught sneaking out of her window once and it was not pretty. He’s still afraid of dad. Jessica can hardly get him to come over here if dads home.” She looks up at me with worried eyes.

  “It’s cool baby we won’t get caught or tell anyone else okay?” I hold back a laugh. “Besides Jaden told me about that once. He said that it’s your step-mom who caught him not your dad, said she beat him black and blue.” Now I do chuckle at the look of shock on her face.

  “Geez Jessica said it was dad. I just never thought Sarah would do something like that but I wouldn’t put it past her. She has to deal with the six of us and the kids down at the shelter on a daily basis. She’s a tough cookie.” She smiles and shakes her head. “Well then I guess if you stay out of my room then we should be fine.”

  “Yeah but will you stay out of mine?” I ask with a raised brow. I swear to you she is just as horny as me. What’s even hotter is that she’s not afraid to admit it.

  “Hmm I don’t know. You look all hot and stuff in this pink room. It just makes me all hot and bothered. I mean you even have ruffles on your bed that is so sexy.” She laughs with that sexy throaty sound and my dick twitches. Yeah this week I will be taking quite a few cold showers.

  “Yeah I thought it might get you turned on. You have some weird fetishes there.” We both laugh hard. I never used to laugh like this with anybody. I guess she brings the goof ball out of me.

  I pick her up and let her slide her legs around my waist as I nuzzle my nose into her sweet smelling neck. Her arms go around my neck and before I know what has happened my ear lobe is in between her teeth. Fuck that feels good. I let out a groan and move my hands to grab her butt and squeeze.

  “Baby don’t do that. Jesus.” My voice sounds all breathless and I can’t seem to care.

  “Mmm” is the only response I get before she is bringing her lush lips up to mine. She opens quickly for me and our tongues dance making me wish I had her in a house where no one else was home. I can’t help myself as I back up to the bed and fall backwards with her landing softy a top me. The kiss never ends and before long I feel like I’m being devoured by her. She tastes so good with her spicy sweetness. I could do this all day long but she has other plans.


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