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Mad Hatter Vampire Prince: A Dark Paranormal Vampire Romance

Page 2

by Kia Carrington-Russell

  I removed my hand from her throat, no longer able to sustain the proximity. As soon as I touched and began stroking her scarred skin, I wanted to fuck her and claim her as mine. An oddity but tastefully interesting.

  “I’ll permit this to happen on two conditions,” I said and walked back to the throne with deliberate slowness. I had my back to her. If she was stupid enough to attack me, she could do so now. I raised my finger to Galador who was about to oppose the matter.

  “What are your conditions?” She asked. I smiled. She took the bait.

  “One, you will be my personal bodyguard as of tomorrow until I trust you are equipped enough for such exhibitions.”

  “You don’t seem to need a bodyguard, your majesty,” she gritted out the last part. Oh my, now we were full of formalities.

  “Call me Kyran, that’s what my friends call me.” I looked up at the chandeliers and considered that. “Well, if I had friends. If you refuse, then I will outright deny your request.”

  She gritted her teeth and took a loud exhale. After a quick calculation she released her hand from the sword. “And your second condition?”

  I charmed a smile and took a place in my seat once again. “I will join you on any exhibition I so desire. Only when it is at night of course.”

  “Your majesty,” Galador exclaimed. “That is madness. Why–”

  “No Galador, it sounds fun. I only go on exhibitions when brother wants me to kill villages of people at a time. There’s been less requests lately and I’m bored.” I offered him puppy dog eyes. Galador was taken aback. No one could ever change my mind once I had decided on something. And this was something fun and delicious. Delicious she would be. “Well what do you say little mouse?”

  “That I feel like I am making a deal with the devil,” she admitted. I snaked a smile. She wasn’t an idiot and it excited me how weary yet confident she was within my presence.

  “Does the devil look this good?” I asked raking my hand down my body.

  “The devil doesn’t talk so much,” she said with a steely tone. I laughed again. Oh, my how fun her quip tongue would be. I could imagine how fun and great it would be at other things. My cock throbbed again. Fuck me, if she didn’t leave the room soon, I would pounce on her before she reached the door.

  “Then it’s a deal Miss Pierce. I’ll see you tomorrow. Dismissed,” I waved her off, becoming uncomfortable with how much I wanted to dive into her and make her my own. I held onto the armchairs to restrain myself from chasing after her to do exactly that. I licked over my fangs as she turned and walked out the doors. The taste of my own blood downed my throat as I watched her ass shift back and forth in her leather pants. This day didn’t turn out so bad after all. I just found a very interesting mouse who might be able to play a very fun game with me.

  Tea Party

  “This is ridiculous,” Sasha said, sitting opposite to me. The male human beside me was giggling as I sprayed his wrist into my cup. He was cute and would make a rather nice snack later in the day for separate matters. I swirled the warm blood in my china cup.

  “Oh, I’m sorry did you want one?” I asked offering her my glass. I stirred in a few herbs that I delighted in. She refused my offer. By how boldly she denied me it was evident she had never seen a fancy fucking tea before. “I accommodated twelve different types of herbal teas especially for you, you simply have to choose one.”

  I pointed to the table between us that had an assortment of biscuits and such to keep my human well fed. We sat in the botanic garden that was fluttering with butterflies and birds. I was certain there were even exotic animals such as tigers in here. It had been so many years since I had personal guests and used this space that I wasn’t sure what lived in here anymore.

  “I still don’t understand why you had me taken from my position and guarding the wall to have a tea party with you,” she seethed, and oh how she was angry.

  “Sasha you seem like an angry person,” I began as point of conversation. I set my blue china cup down and uncrossed my legs. “Maybe I can teach you to loosen up. I’m certain that eventually you will be so daring as to give me a smile.”

  She stared at me in disbelief. “Many of my men and women have died protecting your walls… so you can have tea parties. Forgive me that I don’t see light-hearted humor in this meeting.”

  “You’re forgiven.” I shrugged my shoulders accepting her insincere apology. “So obviously no boyfriend then?” I asked, crossing my legs. Not that I cared if she did. It would make no difference to me. If looks could kill, I’d be dead. I let a coy smile out. How I delighted in that hatred. I picked up my tea, taking a mouthful of the coppery herbs. I was praying on the beating vein in her neck. I could be consuming the very creature sitting before me instead of entertaining her in this sophisticated stage that I never used. “Tell me Sasha, how do you see me?”

  She responded without hesitation. “I think that you’ve gone crazy during the hundreds of years that you’ve lived. You lack in ambition and act as your brothers lap dog. I’m surprised very few have attempted to take your life and genuinely believe that your arrogance will be your undoing.”

  I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “No, no, I meant my looks. Are you attracted to me?” She looked at me dumbfounded and I charmed her another smile. “Play with me.”

  She looked away with a sigh that sounded imprisoned for eternity. I took a loud sip to draw her attention back to me. Tick tock. Tick tock. The mouse will come around the clock. She turned again and straightened her shoulders. Much to my shock she flashed her pearly whites with a smile that I thought I would never see.

  “Well,” she purred. “You look to be a man in his late twenties. You have pale, smooth, and beautiful skin. Well built in frame, muscular, six foot six in height. You have nice trimmed black hair with a little bit of shadow instead of a full-grown beard. You have a strong muscular jaw and pointed nose with bold dark eyebrows that so beautifully frame those piercing blue eyes that seem to look into my soul every time our eyes meet. You hold a daring confidence that lets any woman in the room know that you are no good for her.” I prompted her to continue. This was the conversation I had been waiting for in the last twenty-four hours. She provided pause and I took that in with a smile. She was attracted to me. “Such a beautiful man, such an intoxicating vampire. And yet,” the charming smile she held vanished. “I find myself utterly repulsed.”

  I slowly put my tea down not letting my gaze drop from hers. “Are you certain repulsive is the word you meant to use?”

  “Undeniably.” She said dryly.

  “You know I could have you dead for saying such a thing to me.”

  “And if you were going to, you would have done so by now,” she added finally taking interest in the selections of tea. “I’m not scared of death, therefor, I’m not scared of you.”

  “There are worse things than death,” I added, taking interest in her selection of teas. This entire setting was too much even for me. The herbs were disgusting, and my cup of blood was already going cold.

  “The only thing that is worse than death is defying it,” she said looking up at me.

  “You mean becoming a vampire. Tell me, why does the daughter of Captain to our Wall Guard hate the monsters that she is protecting so much?” This was nice. Entertaining the novelty of pretending to care how a human mind functioned.

  “Unlike some, I’ve come to terms with the monsters we live amongst and work for. What I can’t justify is that we are trapped within these walls.” I could relate to that. I hated when the walls first went up and my discovery of the world was left to bleed. I could leave at any time but found small pits of entertainment amongst this establishment until I grew too bored of it. Beyond the walls were the same. We were limited and I had already travelled all there was to see.

  “We provide you safety from other Kingdoms that might not treat you so well. Humans wouldn’t survive on their own for a week out there.” There were rebel vampires who didn’t b
elong to any one Kingdom. They would seek them out within days if they ventured on their own outside.

  “And yet we’re the ones guarding your walls and protecting you,” she said sitting forward to lean over the table. I replicated her movement, so we were nose to nose.

  “And it’s our reputation that keeps majority of them away in the first place. Do you really think you’d be safe without the monsters that slept within the wall? No one would dare challenge us. And if they do, I can kill them singlehandedly. Not your party of humans who think so highly of themselves.”

  “That’s rich coming from you,” she seethed.

  “Your majesty,” one of the servants cleared his throat to draw my attention. I snarled irritated that he had interrupted. This conversation was just becoming heated. Sasha reclined back into her chair. “They are ready.”

  Well, that put a smile on my face. “Well little mouse, show me what you can do. I’ve acquired five interior guards, all of which are vampire of course. They are average at best; I want to see how efficient my human bodyguard is.”

  “You want me to show you how I fight?” she asked almost insulted.

  “Is five too much? I can make it less?” Humans were naturally weaker in every aspect opposed to a vampire. They had all the odds against them which is why I was so curious as to whether this little mouse had the right to speak so confidently. It didn’t take long for her to take my bait and prepare to showcase why she was so bold. Servants pushed back the table and chairs so I could comfortably watch from a distance with my cup and pinkie poised.

  I thought that the guards would take her less seriously, but it was the opposite. They seemed determined to kick her ass. They were told well in advance that none of them were to bite or kill her. If any of them stepped out of my instruction, I would kill all five. They were allowed to rough her up, sure why not.

  “Sasha, Darling, if it gets all a little too much just wave your white flag, okay?” I antagonized. She ignored me as she collected the two swords from her back. She had other weapons that decorated her muscular frame. She swung them around having a feel for their weight and how they glided.

  “Oh wait!” I said as they circled her and halted at my command. I held a gong and for theatrical suspense waited before I hit it. Couldn’t miss an opportunity for flare. As soon as I hit it the vampires pounced. My heart would’ve beat frantically in anticipation if it hadn’t stopped doing so long ago. I was exhilarated to see her fight.

  She swung her sword at the first one, forcing them to step back. They didn’t, instead, they glided their hands down the blade to grab it and fling it away. She let it go to avoid being pulled along with it. With unexpected speed, she jabbed her second sword into the woman’s stomach and sliced it along. I laughed as the vampire’s guts fell onto the floor. Her weapons were sharp and perfected to fight against vampires. A perfectly thinned silver blade, that if used correctly could easily kill our kind. The vampire shrieked and collected her guts from the floor.

  Sasha skidded through the blood avoiding the advancing two that had already pounced towards her. She was fast. I furrowed my eyebrows. Too fast for a human to be able to match their pace and track their movement. Was she predicting their movement, is that how she was gliding through them so effortlessly?

  The second vampire hammered down a sword over her; she protected herself with the might of one arm, her leather producing a small blade on the side of her extended arm. She was strong, too strong for a human to be able to match a vampire single handily. “Hmmm,” I hummed to myself. Looks like my caged bird just became a lot more interesting.

  With her other hand she sliced at its ankles in a swift movement, dropping it to the ground. She flicked its sword away and slit its throat open as it dropped to its knees. Blood splattered across her face. She flicked her piggy tail over her shoulders and there it was; what was once her brown eyes now entirely black, frenzied in a killing spree. Now that I wasn’t expecting. For all that control and steely tongue of hers, it seemed that this little mouse was a killing machine and far from an ordinary human.

  With rage and inhuman strength, she grabbed a dagger from her thigh and harpooned it towards one of the vampire’s chest. It narrowly missed and pinned it to one of the nearby trees. Very not human strength. Had it been any closer to the heart she would’ve killed that vampire and I wasn’t entirely certain she missed on purpose.

  One of the vampires jumped on her back and held her in a choke hold, had it been under other circumstances they would’ve already bitten into her neck. But under my command the woman was not permitted to do so. The last standing man lurched towards her while she was pinned.

  Sasha flicked the woman over her shoulder, crashing her on top of the man. She pulled a thin chain of silver out from her back sleeve and wrapped it around the woman’s throat. She cleanly and precisely sliced it through the woman’s neck beheading her.

  The woman’s head rolled onto the ground and her corpse slumped and began rotting. The other vampires paused momentarily. “You killed her!” The man behind her decaying body said. He flicked its dead weight off and charged Sasha. She wasn’t coherent. She was on edge like an animal instinctually fighting to survive.

  So technically she wasn’t allowed to kill anyone, and it was an issue. But personally, I found it rather entertaining and liked the ending. Either way my little pet just caused me some serious issues. “Okay that’s enough, Sasha Darling,” I said clapping my hands together. I had seen enough. There was mystery behind the girl who wasn’t entirely human. She held a lack of restraint like a wild dog. No wonder her father hadn’t brought her to meet my brother sooner. I had never noticed her amongst the city before but how was such a creature living amongst us. My curiosity piqued, if not human, then what was she? I had never come across such an oddity.

  She went to jump on the female vampire that was still attempting to collect her guts from the floor. With lightning speed, I grabbed Sasha by the throat and hung her in the air. She kicked and tried to thrash at me a few times, but my arm was extended far enough for her to do any real damage. She snarled at me, and I was immediately aroused. Watching the swirl of her darkness so evidently was like watching a painting develop. I knew she would be a masterpiece. Those blank black eyes that couldn’t focus on anything at all was like gazing at the stars that held millions of possibilities of a world outside our own.

  “Sasha,” I growled huskily, entirely turned on by the situation. None of the other vampires stepped forward. She was my pet and no one was to interrupt how I treated my mouse. This was now a monster talking to a monster as I tried to call her back to her cage. “Unless you are trying to seduce me and want me buried inside of you, you need to control your shit.” I clicked in front of her face. I didn’t know if her eyes were following the movement because there were no pupils tracing my steps. But her thrashing slowly ceased. Just like a wild animal. I continued to click until I saw the brown come back to her eyes and her pupils returned. She took a gasp and I realized that she couldn’t breathe while I held up her by the throat. I dropped her onto the ground and turned my back on her. She was no threat to me.

  I turned to face the others who were pacing back and forth wanting to attack her again. When they walked in here they wanted to kick her ass. Perhaps her abnormality was general knowledge amongst the soldiers. There was communication between both human and vampire guards. Had they known who or what she was already? “This match is done,” I said wiping away a smudge of blood that was on my suit. I had dressed up just for this occasion.

  “But she killed one of our own!” One of them exclaimed. “There are rules against that!” I peered down on him. My presence alone cloaking and choking any further words he might say.

  “I make the rules,” I growled. “And no one is to touch what is mine. Understand?” I continued to look down on them so the distance grew wider between our superiority. No one was to defy me. “Clean this up,” I hissed at the carcass that was melting and decomposing of r
otten flesh.

  “And where do you think you’re going?” I demanded of Sasha as she packed up few of her things and went to leave the room.

  “I have to go,” she said hurriedly.

  “But that’s boring,” I said stepping in front of her and blocking her path from the door.

  “I showed you what you wanted to see,” she seethed. Despite her steely demeanor her body reeked of fear. I took a step back baffled by the human emotion. Gross. So sensitive.

  “But I have so many questions,” I chimed trying to lighten the mood.

  “I need to go,” is all she said and she pushed past me.

  “If you don’t stay here under my protection, they will come after you for killing one of their own,” I said behind her. She continued to walk away. I had no doubt she was already aware of that. Despite my warnings and threats they would come for her. A part of her probably hoped they did. With my entertainment gone for the day I decided for the first time ever to hit the library and records room to see what information I could muster on this far from human woman. The librarian had a near heart attack at me imposing on his sacred space. The fact that it was me of all people entering caused him concern. I had never stepped into this place. I wanted to see if I could find any records or description of this little mouse’s past. Something was certainly amiss.

  Hickory Dickory Hunt

  Despite threatening the librarian numerous times and flicking his ridiculous top hat off, he still couldn’t find any further records on my little Sasha Pierce. The only significant thing on record was her father’s hierarchy amongst the humans and guard over the wall. There was only mention of Sasha and her mother. There was a birth certificate, now twenty-eight and mention of her current respected ranking on the wall. That was it. The same for her mother. I wasn’t at all surprised though, humans were rarely archived in our library. They didn’t hold any great significance and didn’t live very long, comparatively to our vampire lives. They died within what felt like a snap of the fingers. The only few humans that would receive more than dot points on their archives were the human rulers and cities that we overrun and overruled.


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