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When Dawn Breaks

Page 24

by Melissa Toppen

  Four Months Later…

  “What do you mean you got married?” I look over to where Ant is sitting on the floor playing cars with Jackson, his surprised gaze meeting mine. “You can’t be serious? You’ve been planning your wedding for months.”

  I cover the phone, speaking directly to Ant, “Tess and Sebastian got married.”

  “They did what?” He seems just as shocked as me.

  “I know.” I can hear the smile in Tess’ voice as she pulls my focus back to her. “But we decided we didn’t want to wait.”

  “And what about the wedding, you know the one you’ve already put all the deposits down for? And the dress? Oh my God, we spent days searching for the perfect dress and you won’t even get to wear it.”

  “We can get most of our money back, and the dress is just a dress. At the end of the day, none of that matters. It was so worth it. You should’ve seen it. Sebastian had the dock decorated with red rose petals and ribbon. It was so beautiful with the frozen lake behind us.”

  “Sounds like a dream,” I admit, able to picture it so clearly having been out to the lake that backs up to Sebastian’s parents’ house several times.

  It’s the spot Sebastian and Tess spent the night they met talking. A very special place for them, and even I have to admit, probably the most appropriate place for them to exchange their vows.

  “It was. It is.” She sighs, so insanely happy it’s practically dripping from her voice.

  “So glad I didn’t buy my dress yet,” I say, considering Courtney and I were supposed to be co-maid of honors at their wedding in just a couple months.

  “I would’ve paid you back if you had.”

  “Shut up. You wouldn’t have had to do that. Though I am pretty bummed you got married without me. You were my only shot of being a maid of honor in a wedding.”

  “There’s still Courtney,” she chimes in.

  “Yeah, doubtful. I’m lucky she’s even talking to me.”

  “I thought you guys were doing better?” she questions.

  “We are. I just meant I don’t know how apt she’d be to make me a maid of honor after everything. Why are we even talking about this anyway? Courtney is even less likely to get married than I am,” I say, considering we haven’t even met this mystery guy she’s been seeing the last couple of months.

  “I don’t know about Courtney, but I think Ant will be putting a ring on your finger sooner rather than later,” she says and just the thought has excited butterflies swimming in my stomach.

  I never thought I’d want to marry someone, let alone be actually excited about the idea. I look up to see Ant watching me, a small smirk on his handsome face like he knows what I’m thinking.

  I stick my tongue out at him playfully, earning me a wide smile before Jack pulls his attention back down to the track they’re building. Ant got it for Jackson for Christmas a few days ago, and he’s has been obsessed with it ever since. I think he and Ant have built at least twenty different tracks with the pieces since he got it.

  “Whatever,” I finally manage to respond. “So have you broken the news to Courtney yet? You know she’s going to be devastated,” I laugh.

  “No. I figured I’d start with you.”

  “Get the easier one out of the way first.”

  “Exactly,” she chuckles.

  “I’m really happy for you, Tess,” I finally say what I should’ve said when she told me she got married yesterday.

  “Thank you, Bree. I’m just…God, I never pictured this life for myself. Okay, that’s not true, I totally pictured it. I just don’t think I actually thought it would happen.”

  “You’re lucky. You got the fairytale.”

  “You’re pretty lucky yourself. Some might say you got the fairytale,” she says, and I once again look at Ant playing with Jackson.

  “Yeah, you might be right there,” I agree.

  “Well, I guess I should let you go. I have another phone call to make, and I have a feeling I might need a stiff drink at the end of it,” Tess laughs.

  “Good luck.” I shake my head on a smile when Ant’s gaze once again finds mine.

  “Thanks, Bree. I’m gonna need it. Love you. And tell Jack and Ant we said Happy New Year and we love them.”

  “I will. And, Tess,” I stop her before she can hang up. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” she says, a smile evident in her voice before she ends the call.

  I smile to myself, finding out my best friend finally married the man of her dreams is the cherry on top of what has probably been the best year of my life. It’s rare to find a love like Tess and Sebastian’s, and I couldn’t be happier that those two finally got their heads out of their asses and realized they were meant to be—something the rest of us have known for years.

  “What are you smiling about?” I look over to see Ant watching me, a smile on his face.

  “I’m just really happy is all.” I shrug, my gaze following him as he stands, whispers something to Jack and then turns, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

  “What if I said I was about to make you even happier?” he asks, nudging my shoulder with his.

  “I’d say I don’t think that’s possible,” I quip, unable to wipe the wide grin off my face.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure.” He gestures toward Jackson who reenters the room holding a manila envelope in his hand.

  I have no idea what it is, but my heart still picks up speed. I can feel my pulse pounding against my neck, and my throat suddenly feels so dry I can’t seem to even swallow.

  “Bree.” Ant swivels around to sit on the coffee table in front of me just as Jack reaches us. “We have two very important things to ask you.” He smiles, turning to Jack who hands him the envelope. “Thanks, buddy. Now go back and wait for my signal.” He rustles Jackson’s hair who instantly turns and leaves the room.

  “What is this?” I ask, eyeing him curiously.

  “You’ll have to open it and see.” Ant smiles, watching me closely as I open the flap of the envelope and pull out a stack of papers—State of California Certificate of Adoption—printed in bold letters on top of the form.

  My stomach bottoms out as I stare down at the form in my hands, not sure what to say or what this even means.

  “I don’t understand,” I finally say, looking up to meet Ant’s gaze.

  “I want to adopt Jackson. I want us to be a real family.”

  I look down at the papers for a long moment and then back to Ant, not sure how to tell him that without Blake’s consent, there’s nothing I can do. And there’s no way I can open that can of worms and risk Blake trying to take Jackson from me.

  “I…” I start, but Ant cuts in.

  “Before you say anything, I’ve already taken care of everything. If you look through the paperwork, Blake has already signed the rights over and the results of his paternity test are on file and confirmed. If you will let me, I’d like to be Jackson’s father. The father he deserves.”

  “How?” it’s the only word I can manage to say.

  “When I went to Rockfield last month,” he says, referring to the trip he took to visit his mom over the weekend, which even at the time I thought was a little odd; especially since he hadn’t invited me or Jackson.

  “You found him?” I swallow down the hard knot in my throat.

  “I did. And even though I could tell he wanted to fight me on it, in the end, he saw things my way. Hell, I even convinced him to go to the lab to give a DNA sample while I was there.”

  “How did you manage all this?”

  “Let’s just say I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be.”

  “But I still don’t understand. How did you orchestrate this whole thing? How did you complete the paternity test without me even knowing?”

  “I did a swab on Jack when he was sleeping a couple weeks ago, sent it to the same lab that did Blake’s test. The results were a match, the documentation is in there. We have everything we need to make it
official. All I need is for you to say yes, and I can get my lawyer to start processing the paperwork.”

  “You did all this so that you could adopt Jackson?” I ask, my mind still not fully able to process what all this means.

  “He is my son, Bree. It’s about time we make it official. Tell me you want that too.”

  “Of course, I do.” I swipe at a stray tear that manages to escape my eye. “I just don’t know what to say. I can’t believe you did all this.”

  “Hold that thought for a moment. I’m not done yet.” He turns, calling for Jackson who comes running back into the room seconds later, a small white gift box in his hands.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, looking from Jackson to Ant who takes the box from Jack and pulls off the lid, revealing a black ring box with silver trim.

  My hand instantly goes to my mouth, and I swear I couldn’t say a single word if I wanted to. This can’t be real is all I can think. Things like this don’t happen to me. Nothing this good has ever happened to me. And yet it is happening, right before my very eyes and I’m certain I’ve never felt anything like the emotions running through me right now.

  “Bree Kingsley,” Ant starts, holding the ring box in his palm. “I have loved you for years, but had no idea what that love could turn into until the last few months. Together we have laughed, cried, and shared more love than I have ever experienced with another person. You are my rock. My comfort. My truth. My light in the dark. You are my home. You and Jack. This is where I belong. As his father.” He looks over at Jackson who smiles so wide it only makes my tears flow harder. “And as your husband.” With that, he opens the box, revealing a stunning round cut diamond sitting on top of a white gold band.

  “Bree Kingsley, will you make me the happiest man in the world for the second time tonight and agree to be my wife?”

  I look at the ring for a long moment, trying to figure out the words to express how insanely happy he’s just made me, but nothing seems to come. It’s impossible to put into words so I say the only thing I know to say.


  Ant’s smile is nearly splitting his face as he slips the ring on my finger and kisses my hand before looking to Jackson, who has been standing next to us the entire time watching the interaction.

  “You did good, buddy.” Ant gives him a high five and then Jackson proceeds to do a little fist pump in the air, causing us both to laugh.

  “We’re gonna be a family now,” Ant says to both of us as he turns his attention back to me.

  “We already are,” I say, wrapping one arm around Jack and one around Ant, pulling them both into my arms; knowing there’s no way this moment could be more perfect.

  It hasn’t been the easiest road and I’ve hit some major bumps along the way, but there isn’t one thing I would change about the journey that brought me here. I would relive it all over again if it meant I would end up right back here, in the arms of the man that I love, who loves me in a way I only dreamed someone would love me.

  It took years for me to finally quiet the demons that have haunted me since I was a child. And that’s what Anthony has done for me. He pulled me from the shadows and gave me the strength to face the dawn as me, scars and all.

  And now that I have him, now that I have everything I’ve ever wanted, I don’t plan to take one single moment of it for granted.

  I’ve always known what it means to be broken and now, thanks to Ant, I also know what it means to be healed.

  Thank you for taking the time to read When Dawn Breaks.

  I knew upon completing Where the Night Ends that I would have to give Bree her own story. She was one of those characters that got into my head and simply would not go away until she was heard. Some of her story was impossible to write, other parts made me smile so big my face hurt. I love every single one of these characters and I hope you do as well.

  First I have to thank my husband and children. You are my life, my family, and my home. I love all of you so incredibly much. Thank you for showing me every day what true love looks like.

  To Angel, Anita, and Roxane- the best beta readers I could ever ask for. THANK YOU! You are always there when I need you- always willing to give your time and resources to support my work and words will never be able to describe what that means to me.

  To the Mavens- I am so blessed to have such an incredible group of people in my corner! Thank you for everything you do.

  To Marisa at Cover Me Darling- Thank you for making the perfect cover for When Dawn Breaks. Your work is absolutely stunning and I am so thrilled to have worked with you on this project.

  To my editor and all around bad ass Silla- thank you for always understanding my vision and doing everything in your power to make my work the best it can be. I love your face.

  To my girls- you know who you are. Thank you for the laughs, for being there to pick me up when I fall down, and for going on this crazy journey right beside me. I love you.

  To my readers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I don’t know what else I can say but thank you. This is for all of you. This is for every single person who has stood behind me, supported me, and given me the opportunity to live out my dreams every single day. None of this is possible without you.

  All my love,





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