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Page 25

by Marguerite Labbe

  I stopped in the doorway and stared, lost at the damage within, incredibly saddened by what I saw. The photos he’d taken of me were gone, ash staining the wall where they had been. The old books he had saved were nothing more than cracked leather bindings with charred bits of clinging paper. And if the fire hadn’t gotten to them the water that flooded through afterward finished them off.

  My chest ached and I began going through the small room, looking for something I could bring back to him. I knew he’d collected all of his favorite things in here. He’d never said a word about their destruction and the silence told me it had hurt him deeply. Determined, I continued to toss wreckage aside with little luck. Maybe he’d already brought out what could be saved.

  Finally, discouraged, I stood up. I was filthy. Soot and grime covered my hands, smeared on my shirt and jeans. I scrubbed my hands on my knees and scowled at the room in disgust. I was wasting my time.

  What I needed to do was go get those damn journals and go back. I started to turn away when a gleam caught my eye. I scanned the room carefully, searching for it again. There it was, caught behind what was left of the bookcase and the wall. As I tugged on the bookcase it disintegrated in my hands, burying the gleam under burned boards and whatever had been left on them.

  I dug through the mess, ignoring the splinters that stabbed into my palms. I cursed and continued to paw frantically when my fingers found a round metal object. I pulled it out, cocking my head. It was heavy, an almost complete circle of worked silver, the main part like braided rope, the ends forming into a fantastical animal with a beak and tongue. I had no idea what it was, but it was Kristair’s and it was all in one piece and that’s all I cared about.

  I found a clean spot on my shirt and wiped it off as best I could, then hid it in the inner pocket of my coat. I would polish it and give it to Kristair.

  Grinning, I left the room with a bounce in my step and headed down to his library. Kristair had said the damage wasn’t too bad there and he’d worked hard picking it up when I’d been asleep. I bet Kayla had worked on it during the day too.

  As I stepped into my lover’s sanctuary, my mouth dropped open. Holy crap. This room was amazing. I should’ve taken the time to come here before. Kristair was so proud of his library. It was often in his thoughts.

  If the Syndicate wanted a part of Kristair’s legacy then this was where they needed to be looking. Books and weird objects lay behind thick glass in locked cases. The shelves had mostly been returned to their original positions with gaps for the ones damaged beyond repair. More books were arranged on those shelves. I could picture the loving care on Kristair’s face as he decided where to place them.

  The dusty scent of old paper lay heavy in the air and underneath it I could smell Kristair. I smiled, thinking of him spending hours in here, puttering away with his books. Again, guilt struck me. I wished I had taken the time to have him show me. I squared my jaw; well, we still had some time, dammit.

  I stopped staring at all the neat things and searched for the locked cabinet he’d described. It was toward the back, separated from the rest of his collection. Inside, it contained all of the vampiric mumbo-jumbo he’d gathered over the centuries.

  I unlocked it with the little key he gave me and stared in awe at the contents. It was crazy. At the start of the school year I had believed vampires were myths, just another boogeyman mama banished from the closet or who’d made strange sounds from under the bed.

  It was all true. What other stories were true too? Kristair would know.

  I glanced down at my hands. I couldn’t touch his books with my dirty hands. I’d get them all smudgy. Finding running water required too many flights of stairs. After a moment of thought, I took off my coat and stripped out of my T-shirt, turning it inside out. I used the cleaner side to take down the journals on the top shelf. There were four of them, slim and bound in leather and wood. I wrapped them up in my T-shirt and put my coat back on. That would have to do.

  Quickly, I scanned the room to make sure I hadn’t disturbed anything else before locking the cabinet again. I started to reach out to Kristair again to let him know I had the journals, but he was deep in conversation with Kayla so I left him alone. I’d be back with him soon.

  My cell phone rang as I was heading out. I shifted the books under one arm and frowned at Tony’s name on the screen. Oh damn, I probably shoulda called them after I ran out like that.

  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “Hey, what’s going on? Steve and I were worried,” Tony said, his normally cheerful voice sounding a little off.

  “I had something I hadda take care of.” Now, I could’ve explained the situation to Steve, but I hadn’t gotten around to telling Tony the whole crazy story. It was bad enough Steve had freaked out.

  “It was kinda important. I’m sorry I rushed off like that.” Damn, it seemed like weeks ago when we’d been hanging out, giving Tony shit for disappearing like that, and it had only been a couple hours ago.

  “Well, are you done?”

  I paused on the stairwell, shifting the books to my other arm. I was really beginning to hate stairs. “Nope. It’s sorta an ongoing project. I don’t have time to explain it now. But I will, I promise.” I owed Tony an explanation. “Are you and Steve still discussing that chick?”

  “Nah. I think he’s a little fed up with both of us. He crashed a little bit ago.”

  I glanced at my watch: a quarter after one. Was it that late already? I must’ve spent more time in Kristair’s apartment than I thought. I should be exhausted. My sleep schedule was screwed all to hell, and I was busy day and night, but I was wide awake. Too much on my mind, I guess.

  “Yeah, I’m sure we’re a pain in his ass.” I finally made it out of the stairwell onto a floor with working elevators. “Hold on; I’ll call ya back. I’m getting ready to lose the signal.”

  “Okay. Don’t forget. I have something to ask you.”

  “No prob.” Lucky for me the elevator was still there from my trip up and opened right away. As I rode down, I stuffed the wrapped books into my coat. At least I wasn’t going to run into anybody tonight who would question what I was up to or my appearance.

  I headed for the main road, searching for a cab as I went. The buses had stopped and my legs were protesting the idea of a long hike. I dug out my phone and called Tony back. “Okay, what’s up?”

  I turned onto Forbes Avenue and trudged down the sidewalk, still scanning for a cab. I should be able to scrap the money together. Oh wait. I felt my pocket. I’d forgotten to give Kristair his wallet back. I didn’t like using his money, even though he wouldn’t give a shit. If I wasn’t so anxious to get back I wouldn’t even consider it.

  “Can I help with whatever it is you’re doing? First time I see you in days and you leave and I get gypped out of telling my story.”

  “Ain’t my fault you’ve been AWOL, bro. It’s late. You don’t want to be trekking around Pitt in the middle of the night.”

  “I don’t mind. I’m wide awake. ’Sides, what are friends for? Where are you? I’ll bring a six-pack with me.”

  I laughed. “Right now I’m hiking down Forbes hunting up a cab. Don’t worry about it. I’m not up to company tonight.”

  “Are you coming back to our place or hiding out wherever it is you’ve been lately?”

  “I’m staying out, but hey, Tony, I really do need to talk to you. It’s important.” Oh sweet, there was a cab. I stepped to the curb and hailed it before it passed.

  “Any time, Jake, any time. How about tomorrow evening? Where can I meet you?” His voice sounded a bit strained, the light tone forced.

  “Tomorrow’s fine. I’m not sure about later on, though. How ’bout after classes? I’m staying at the Omni. We could hang out for a bit and we can catch up. Hold on.” I got into the cab and gave the cabbie the address.

  “I’m back.” I relaxed now that I was on my way back to the hotel. Now, we could start getting to the bottom of this whole mess. The
strange object I’d taken from Kristair’s room poked me in the ribs as I stretched out in the backseat. I smiled. I couldn’t wait to give it to him.

  “The Omni? Holy crap. You’re kidding, right? Whad’ya do to get in there?”

  “It wasn’t what I did, it was who.” I laughed, enjoying Tony’s shock. “No, I’m kidding. I’ll explain it all tomorrow.”

  “Fine. You’d better, that’s all I have to say. What room are you in?”

  I gave him the number and we talked for a few minutes more before I promised him again I’d meet with him tomorrow. When he hung up, I stared, without much interest, at the buildings going by.

  I wanted to be with my lover. Somehow, it all made more sense when he was with me, or I was just better at ignoring things. He was a very good distraction.

  “I’m on my way back, love,” I whispered.

  “That’s good.” His presence came into my mind and curled up. Most of the upset I sensed earlier was gone and his mood was thoughtful. It was strange how we could cuddle without actually touching, but that’s what it seemed like we were doing. “I miss you.”

  “It won’t take me long. I found a cab.” I blocked the thought of his present from him. He might know I was hiding something, but I wanted it to be a surprise. “Is Kayla still there?”

  “Of course. I get the impression I’m not going to be allowed to have any time to myself in the coming weeks.”

  “Damn right you’re not. I found Nerissa’s journals.” I refused to call her his mistress. Maybe it was childish, but see if I cared. “You’ll have to show me all your neat stuff in your library sometime.”

  “I will, some night soon,” he replied softly. “I will. So are you going to tell me what’s got you simmering? You’re excited about something.”

  I knew he’d notice it. Damn him for being so perceptive. I wasn’t nearly as good as he was at blocking things. “No. You’re just going to have to wait.”

  “You are asking me to be patient?” he teased.

  “Why not? You do it to me all the time.” I smiled and pressed a mental kiss to his lips. “I want to see your face, so you’re just gonna have to wait.”

  Chapter 31

  I GLANCED up as Jacob came in, and stared at him. “What happened to you?” He was filthy, dirt and grime staining his clothes, hands, even his face. He had to have been in my office and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why.

  He shrugged out of his coat and my eyebrow lifted when I saw he was shirtless. “My, my, my,” Kayla said, with an appreciative little smirk. “Are you sure you don’t want to share him, Kris?”

  Jacob grinned back and paused to drop a kiss down on my lips, cutting off my aghast protest to my daughter. The things the child got into her head. I wrapped my hand around the nape of his neck and tugged him back for another kiss.

  He straightened, handing me the journals wrapped up in his shirt, and I shuddered at the condition of his hands. The soot clung to his fingers, black underneath his nails. At least he had the foresight to not touch the books with those hands. I tugged the T-shirt away and checked to make sure they were undamaged.

  “Well, you know, my days are free,” Jacob teased with a glance toward Kayla.

  My eyes flew up to clash with his. “Jacob—” I started before he kissed me again, silencing my protest. Kayla giggled in the background. “Go bathe, brat,” I growled in his mind, swatting him on the ass at the same time.

  “Yes, sir,” he replied, and though there was a smile on his lips, his eyes were worried and tired.

  “At least you can shut him up,” she said to Jacob.

  “Don’t I wish.” Jacob picked up his coat again and headed toward the back. “You don’t have to hear his mental commentary.”

  I shook my head warningly at Kayla as he disappeared into the master suite. “Don’t even say it.”

  She gave me an innocent look, her eyes dancing. “Say what?”

  “Letting you two meet was a mistake,” I grumbled under my breath and handed the journals to her.

  “So you keep saying.” Kayla caressed the cover and her gaze became distant. “I take it you want me to look through these again?”

  “If it would make you feel better. I don’t think you’ll find anything, but you’re more familiar with them than I. Besides, they belong to you, not me. I’ve kept them long enough,” I said, watching the conflicting emotions on her face.

  “It won’t hurt.” She leaned down to give me a quick kiss on my cheek. “I’m going now. It’s late and I’m sure you and lover boy want to be alone.”

  “Kayla….” I rolled my eyes as she chuckled again. She was as incorrigible as Jacob was. “Make sure the front man hails a cab for you. And call me when you get to your dorm.”

  “Yes, Father,” she said with exaggerated patience. “Has it occurred to you that I’m all grown up?”

  “Try me in another decade or so.”

  She laughed. “You’re impossible.” I watched her go, experiencing a pang as renewed melancholy swept over me. I forced it aside. I could brood later; right now I had other things on my mind.

  “So are you going to tell me what you were doing poking around?” I was very curious. It must have something to do with his excitement I sensed earlier. I made my way back to the bedroom, hearing the shower running.

  “I’m not telling you.” There was the excitement again, built almost to a fever pitch. What had he been up to? I started to open the bathroom door when he popped his head out, eyeing me suspiciously. “What are ya doing back here?” He made a shooing motion. “Go bug Kayla. I’ll be right out.”

  I opened my mouth to tell him she was gone. He must have been really distracted to not have picked that up from my mind. I shrugged and returned to the living room. If I left him alone maybe he’d tell me what he was up to sooner rather than later.

  Twenty minutes passed before he emerged, clad only in a pair of jeans, his skin still damp and rosy. My eyes moved over him, taking in how desirable he appeared in those old worn jeans that hugged him just right, his feet bare. Seeing him only half-dressed in this manner was incredibly arousing. “Why don’t you come over here?” I beckoned him with my finger and patted the couch next to me.

  He glanced over, his eyes darkening, and then looked around the room. “Where’d she go?”

  “I sent her home. It’s late. Besides, I want to spend some time alone with you.” I cast him a mischievous glance. “Seems like you got dressed for nothing.”

  “I thought we were going to look over the journals,” Jacob said, sounding disappointed. I quirked another smile as he came toward me, scanning the couch and the side tables. “Where are they?”

  I grabbed his hand and tugged him onto my lap. “They’re with her.” I put my finger against his lips to halt his immediate protest. “You don’t read Latin and I despise the language. She’s the best person to do the job.”

  He grumbled under his breath and nipped my finger. “What’s the next step?” he asked when I removed my hand from his mouth.

  I smiled and kissed his shoulder, and then my lips feathered across his collarbone. “I’m sure we can think of something. In fact, several suggestions come to mind and they all require you to take off those jeans.” My hand slipped down to his waistband and popped the top button open.

  Jacob slapped my hand. “Stop that.” He rebuttoned his jeans. “I can’t concentrate when you do that,” he admonished. “We’re supposed to be finding some way to help you. We can play later.”

  “Words I never thought to hear falling from your lips.” I ran my fingers over his stomach, feeling it tighten. I brought my mouth to his neck, my tongue tracing over the vein, knowing it would get to him. “I am concentrating on the problem at hand. It’s your clothing.”

  “There’s a first time for everything,” Jacob retorted, slapping my hands again as they fumbled at his waist. His heartbeat picked up and I smiled against his throat. “Behave yourself.”

  “No.” I wrap
ped my arms around his waist, twisting on the couch and carrying him down until he was lying underneath me. I smiled into his stunned blue eyes and opened the restraints in my mind so he could sense my desire as fully as if it were his own. He groaned as his cock throbbed to life, pressing against my thigh.

  “That’s cheating!” Jacob said, sounding breathless and outraged at once. It was a heady combination.

  “Probably.” I nipped at his lips. “You can chastise me for it later.” I kissed him, my tongue slipping between his lips to tease his, sighing as he caught and sucked on it in return. “Besides, you still haven’t told me what you’ve been up to and I need something to distract me.”

  “Ooooh!” Jacob’s exclamation was muffled against my mouth and he pushed me off of him. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.”

  I was half-tempted to haul him back and continue what I was doing, but he was so excited I let him go. Tonight I wanted him to be happy and relaxed. The bad was going to overtake us soon enough and these stolen hours would be a buffer for us both. I watched his ass as he headed back toward the bedroom, thinking about bending him over the arm of the couch when he came back. From the laughing glance he threw me over his shoulder I knew he’d heard the thought.

  Jacob pushed me out of his mind as he disappeared into our room. Whatever he was up to, he certainly wanted it to be a surprise. Rising from the couch, I slipped out of my clothes, neatly folding them on the table. After a moment, Jacob returned, carrying something he’d wrapped up in another one of his T-shirts.

  His lips twitched in amusement as he saw me lounging naked on the couch. He straddled my thighs to join me, laying the bundle on my stomach. It had a solid weight to it and I couldn’t get a hint of what it was from his mind. He’d learned to shield well. “You are determined to have your way, aren’t you?” He batted my hands away as I reached for the object.


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