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Childhood Sweethearts PT 2

Page 8

by Jacob Spears

  “Glad you like it,” Smooth said, opening a bag of Doritos and setting them in front of China.

  “Thanks, baby.”

  “No problem,” Smooth replied.

  He opened the barbeque beef sandwich and the Fritos. Taking a big bite of the sandwich, Smooth wasn’t too sure what to expect. It turned out that it was pretty good.

  “We call those sandwiches 18 wheelers. Not sure why, but that’s what everyone calls them.”

  “It’s good. So how you doing? They treating you okay?”

  “I’m good. And, yes, they are treating me good. Signed up for G.E.D. classes so I can try to get an education . . . and to get GaGa off my back.”

  “GaGa’s right, though. You need to make the best of your time and education is important. What else you do here?”

  “I play volleyball. I’m getting pretty good at it, too.”


  “Yes, volleyball. I love it. It’s fun and it’s a good workout. What have you been doing?”

  “Trying to get that money. My crew keeps growing. Having turf wars with Puerto Ricans. I also bought an apartment building that has six apartments.”

  “What you gonna do with an apartment building?”

  “I’m gonna rent four of them out, and I’m gonna hold two in case something comes up.”

  “Well, look . . . my girl gets out in about three weeks. She has no friends, no family, and nowhere to go. I told her that she would stay with you in the guest bedroom. Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, sure. Just let me know when to expect her.”

  “Well, you’ll need to come pick her up.

  “Okay, just let me know when.”

  “And listen, I’ve eaten her pussy, and she’s eaten mine. I want us three to have a threesome. So if you’re interested, you can fuck her. It would make me happy if you two stayed with each other until I got out.”

  “Let’s see how things turn out.”

  Chapter 10

  After visiting China, Smooth took off for New York. Crossing the Florida-Georgia line, his phone rang.


  “Hey Smooth, it’s me, Ronny.”

  “Waz up, Ronny?”

  “I found out where some of those Spanish dudes be hanging out.”

  “Oh yeah? Where?”

  “A spot over in Little Haiti.”

  “Alright. We will handle it as soon as I get back into town on Monday. Other than that, what’s good?”

  “Mac called and wants two more of those things.”

  “Once again, we will handle that once I get back into town.”

  “Well, see you on Monday then.”

  As soon as he hung up, the phone rang once more.


  “Waz up, nigga?”

  “Hey Banga.”

  “What’s good, Smooth?”

  “Nothing. Just finished visiting China. Now I’m on my way to New York.”

  “Damn, wish I could have come with you. You know . . . to help drive.”

  “I’m good. If I get tired, I’ll pull over. I’m not gonna risk it. When China ran this up, she used to always call me to stay awake.”

  “Well, bro, if you need to talk, just hit me up.”

  “I will.”

  “Nigga, I don’t know what you did to Meka, but she can’t stop talking about you.”

  “All I did was talk to her.”

  “Must have been some hell of a talk,” Banga laughed.

  “So, what’s up? They give you a court date? What’s the lawyer saying?”

  “Lawyer says he can probably get me a deal for 60 days. If he does, I’ll take it, just to get it all over with and get back to Miami.”

  “Guess I can understand that. How’s business doing?”

  “This shit is going like hot cakes. The way it’s going, I’m gonna need to re-up real soon.”

  “I will stop by on my way back from New York to drop off a few more.”

  “Good! While you are here, I want you to meet a few people that just got out of jail and need work. I met them both while I was in, and they both seem to be straight soldiers. And I know you need some people like these two on the team.”

  “I’ll probably be there around dinner time on Monday.”

  “I’ll make sure they’re here.”

  “Well, let me get off here. I’ll holla later.”

  “Later,” Banga replied, hanging up.

  After a while, Smooth’s thoughts turned to China. He loved her to death, but he was scared he was gonna lose her. She and her roommate were lovers and China had feelings for her. Smooth had slept with several women, but no one could compare to China. And Smooth refused to love another woman. Now China wanted her lover to live with them and she wanted Smooth to sleep with her.

  Not sure what do, Smooth’s mind drifted off onto business. Things had really picked up. Stone now wanted 10 keys; the dude, Mac, wanted two, and he had other customers wanting product. Plus, they were breaking down some for crack and selling that. Altogether, he had about 15 people working the streets for him. Things seemed to be going good. Now, if he could just get rid of the Spanish crew that kept popping up.

  * * *

  Pulling up to the security gates outside of El Jefe’s house, Smooth waited for a guard to appear. After a few minutes, he finally came out. He wasn’t the same guard as last time, but this one was just as big, and he was carrying an MP5 machine gun.

  “Can I help you?’

  “My name’s Smooth and I’m here to see Jefe.”

  “Is he expecting you?”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Let me check real fast,” he said, as he headed back into the guard shack.

  The guard returned a moment later to open the gate and he waved him through. Smooth followed the long twisting driveway all the way up to the house. It always shocked Smooth at how nice and how big Jefe’s house was. It was bigger than his entire apartment building.

  Pulling up, he was met by two more guards. After getting the money out of his car, Smooth followed them into the library. Setting the money down, Smooth started to look at the books while he waited. Five minutes later, a guard came back in.

  “Follow me, please,”

  Grabbing the money, he followed the guard outside to the pool, where Jefe was sitting at a table, reading a newspaper.

  “Have a seat, my friend,” Jefe said, while still reading the paper.

  Taking a seat, Smooth took a look around and saw two beautiful women in bikinis by the pool.

  “All these school shootings. What is wrong with all these people? Nowhere is safe these days. Denny’s, movie theaters, hospitals, schools . . . nowhere is safe!”

  “I know, it’s like the whole world’s going crazy,” Smooth said.

  “Well, my friend, what can I do for you?”

  “I need the regular 30 plus 10 more. Is that okay?”


  “Raul!” Jefe yelled.

  A minute later, a man showed up and Jefe spoke to him in rapid Spanish. Raul took the money from Smooth and headed back inside.

  “You look tired, my friend.”

  “I am. I drove straight here. Figured I’ll get a motel room and rest before I head back to Miami.”

  “Just be very careful, my friend.”

  “I will be. By the way, China says hello.”

  Just then, Raul returned and said something in Spanish to Jefe.

  “Okay, everything is ready, my friend. Until next time . . . take care.”

  * * *

  “Yellow?” Banga answered.

  “Hey, I’m just getting into Stuart. Where do you want to meet?”

  “You remember the apartment we went to last time?”

  “Yeah, off of 5th Street?”

  “Meet me there. Got some people who wanna meet ya.”

  “Be there soon.”

  A few minutes later, Smooth pulled up to the apartment. He saw Banga, Ham, Meka, and two other guys standing bes
ide a 2015 Dodge Charger, which had been entirely blacked out like a Midnight Edition, and a candy apple red ‘95 Bubble Chevy Caprice sitting on 28s. Parking beside the blacked-out Charger, Smooth put the car in park, hit the trunk release, and got out of the car. Banga came over with a book bag and handed it to Smooth. After dumping the money into another bag, Smooth put two kilos in Banga’s bag and handed it back to him. He then closed the trunk

  “All good?” Banga asked.

  “Yeah. So who you got cooking that up for ya?”

  “My cousin, Ham. You in a hurry?”


  “Good. Come meet my two dawgs.”

  Walking over to the group, he noticed Meka looking him up and down. He did the same to her; and just like last time, he thought she was very pretty but just too dark. But right then, he’d take her. Something about her was totally sexy today.

  “Breaking his thoughts, he heard Banga tell the two dudes, “This is Smooth. Smooth . . . this is Sue Rabbit and Prince Guru.”

  “Nice to meet you all.”

  “I’ve told them about your little problem with the Spanish people, and they’re both ready to help with that and with everything else,” Banga informed him.

  “Well, as long as you’re willing, I could use a few more good men on my team.”

  “I’m down. Ain’t got nothing else to do and I need the money,” Guru said.

  Smooth looked him over. He was about 6’1” with long dreads.

  “Same here, man,” Sue chimed in. “Plus I’ve never been to Miami, so a change in scenery would be nice. How soon you want us to start?”

  “As soon as you can.”

  “Well, why don’t we just follow you back down there? Once we find a place to stay and unpack, we will get started.”

  “Well, I got an empty apartment you can stay at. Its three bedrooms. It’s furnished and it’s nice.”

  “Alright, when do we leave?” Guru asked.

  “Shit, let’s go right now!” Sue responded.

  “We will leave in about two hours. I wanna stretch my legs a bit.”

  “Wanna walk with me, Meka?”

  “Sure, where we going?”

  “Why don’t you choose where we go?”

  “If I get to pick, I’d say straight to my bedroom, so I can take you up on that offer.”

  “What offer?”

  “Remember, in the bar before you left, I said I wanted to ride you. Well, I want to.”

  “So, where do we go?”

  “Follow me,” she offered, grabbing him and leading him into the apartment and straight to her bedroom.

  Once inside, she closed the bedroom door. They started to kiss. Smooth ran his hands down her back and cupped her fat ass. Damn, this was gonna be fun, he thought. Breaking away from the kiss, Smooth took off her shirt and noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She had small breasts, but they were nice. She reached down and unbuttoned his pants. They fell down around his ankles before he could step out of them, and she pushed him onto the bed. She pulled off her pants and G-string.

  Climbing onto the bed, she leaned down and took his dick into her mouth. She sucked it while she was fingering herself. After his dick grew hard, she climbed on top of him and slowly lowered herself onto this hard dick. Leaning forward, she began to kiss him while riding him. Her pussy fit him like a glove.

  Within two minutes, she was bucking wildly, making all kinds of moaning noises before she climaxed, Once she came, she stopped. Not having cum yet himself, Smooth grabbed her and rolled over so he was on top. He started slowly sliding his cock almost all the way in and then out, and then slamming it back in. When he felt he was getting close, he stopped.

  “Get on your hands and knees.”

  She did as she was told.

  “Damn, you got a fat ass!”

  He slid his dick back in. Sliding in and out, he watched his cock stretch out her pussy. Faster and faster. As soon as he was about to cum, he pulled out and shot his load all over her ass.

  * * *

  “Hell of a way to stretch your legs,” Banga said.

  “You’re just jealous!”

  “Yeah, of you and my cousin.”

  “I know you Stuart boys . . . inbred!”

  “Fuck you, nigga!” Banga laughed.

  Looking at Sue and Guru, Smooth asked, “You two ready to go?”

  “Yep,” Guru replied.

  “Hell yeah. Can’t wait to get out of Martin County,” Sue said.

  “All right, Banga. I’ll see ya on the next trip.”

  “Y’all drive safe and be careful,” Banga said.

  Sue got in the Caprice and Guru got in the blacked-out Charger. Smooth led the way in his Audi A4. Before leaving Stuart, they stopped to fill up their tanks and get something to eat. Then they got on the highway.

  * * *

  Pulling up to the duplex on 33rd Street, Smooth looked around. Seeing nothing out of place, he got out of his car. After parking, Sue and Guru came over. They all headed up the steps on Ronny’s side and knocked on his door. Several seconds later, Ronny opened the door.

  “Hey, bro. Come on in,” Ronny said, stepping back so the three guys could enter.

  “How was your trip?”

  “Good. How’s things up here?”

  “Good, but we are low. Need to re-up.”

  “I’ll have it ready for tomorrow at lunch time.”

  “Anyhow! Ronny, this is Sue and Guru. Guys . . . this is my right-hand man, Ronny.”

  “What’s up?” Sue said.

  “How ya doing?” Guru asked.

  “Ronny, these two are gonna help with the Spanish problem and with sales.”

  “When we gonna hit these damn Mexicans?” Ronny asked.

  “Well, why not hit them tonight?” Smooth suggested.

  “How we gonna do it?” Ronny inquired.

  “We take two stolen cars with three or four men in each. Drive up, pop out, and fire up the whole place. Then get out of there. Real simple,” Smooth said.

  “Alright, what kind of guns?” Ronny asked.

  “Well, I have a few AKs and assault rifles in my trunk,” Sue said.

  “What . . . you just carry that stuff around?” Guru asked.

  “Hell yeah. Never know when you’re gonna need to go to war. Always be prepared!”

  “How many blocks we holding down?” Smooth asked.

  “About 20.”

  “That’s good, but after tonight, I want at least 10 more. My goal is to hold down the whole east side.”

  “We are on our way, slowly but surely.”

  “Alright, let’s get together tonight at about 8:00 p.m.”

  “We meet up here. I’ll have the cars and the men ready,” Ronny said.

  “I’ll have the guns,” Sue said.

  “Okay, let me show you boys where the apartments are and then I need to leave and handle some business.

  Once at the apartments, Smooth showed them the locks and the way to use them. He set it up so every time someone approached the door, a picture would be taken and sent to all three phones. This was just in case one of them wasn’t answering.

  “You all like it?” Smooth asked.

  “Hell yeah!” Guru answered.

  “Compared to where we just came from, this is a palace,” Sue said.

  “And the beds are a lot softer,” Smooth said, with a laugh.

  “Alright, you two get settled in. Remember, 8:00 p.m. tonight.”

  Heading out the door, Smooth pulled out his phone and dialed up Amanda.

  “Hello?” she answered on the second ring.

  “Hey, it’s Smooth. I need your help again.”

  “You know where I live, so come on by and bring about four boxes of baking soda.”

  * * *

  Pulling up to Amanda’s apartment complex, Smooth put the car in park. Looking around, he saw nothing strange, and he didn’t see anyone else around. He popped the trunk, grabbed the bag with the baking soda from the back sea
t, and walked around and opened the trunk. Unzipping one of the duffle bags, he pulled out two kilos and put them in the bag, along with the baking soda. He then grabbed the bag and slammed the trunk.

  Once at Amanda’s door, he knocked three times and waited. A few moments later, the door opened and Amanda let him in. Smooth went straight to the kitchen after shutting and locking the front door. Amanda followed. Upon entering the kitchen, she walked up to Smooth, put her arms around his neck, and kissed him.

  A few seconds later, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, why?”

  “You just seem really tense.”

  “Got a bit of a headache and having problems with another crew over turf.”

  “Come on, follow me,” she said, as she took off for another room.

  Wearing tight shorts, which really showed off her beautiful ass, and a belly shirt, he couldn’t help but follow her. Opening the door on the left, she left it opened for him to follow. Inside was not what he expected. There was a full-size bed with a canopy, pink walls, and stuffed animals everywhere. Definitely a girl’s room.

  “Alright, mister, strip naked and lay on the bed.”

  He slowly took off his clothes as he watched her strip out of her clothes. After stripping, he lay down on his back.

  “Nope, turn over. On your stomach.”

  Once he flipped over, she straddled him. Smooth then felt some type of liquid pour over his back. Then she slowly rubbed the lotion all over his back. Once that was done, she started to massage him gently. Feeling her hands all over his body was turning him on. He could feel himself getting hard as a rock.

  “You know, this is really turning me on.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah, really!”

  “Would you like me to fix that for you?”

  “I’d love you to.”

  “Turn over,” she said, getting off his back.

  He flipped over onto his back. His hard dick was sticking straight up. She straddled him again and slowly slid her tight pussy down over his hard cock.

  “Ahhh . . . this is so good. Do you like it like this?” she asked, as she slowly rode his dick.

  “Hell, yeah! Feels amazing!”

  She slowly rode up and down. He looked down and watched his massive cock disappear into her hot, tight pussy. Then he looked up and watched her breasts bounce up and down in rhythm to her riding his cock.


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