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Childhood Sweethearts PT 2

Page 9

by Jacob Spears

  “Hmmmm . . . don’t know how much more of this I can take before I cum,” Smooth exclaimed.

  Instead of answering, she sped up, riding him faster. Smooth closed his eyes as he tried his best to hold back. Smooth noticed a chance in her breathing. It was coming in gasps and he swore her pussy tightened. She moaned loudly and screamed out in ecstasy as she came. Feeling her pussy spasm sent him over the edge. He exploded and came deep in her womb.

  “Thanks! I really needed that,” Smooth said.

  “I did, too. So we’re even.”

  Getting dressed, Amanda asked him not to put on his shirt yet. She then went over to the closet and dug around for a minute before returning.

  “Here, I want you to wear these at all times.”

  “A bulletproof vest? Where did you get it?”

  “I bought it online for my ex, but didn’t get a chance to give it to him before he was gunned down.”


  “Just make sure you always wear it, okay?”

  “Don’t worry. I will wear it.”

  “You better!”

  * * *

  Pulling up to the duplex on 33rd Street, Smooth saw cars everywhere. Both driveways and the yards were packed. He parked in the street and walked up the side that Ronny lived on. Before he could knock, the door was opened by Ronny.

  “About time you showed up.”

  “Hey, I got lost, okay?” Smooth laughed.

  “Everyone else is here.”

  Inside, Smooth saw eight people: Neko, Bobby, Sue, Guru, Ronny, and three others.

  “Alright, everybody listen up!”

  After everybody stopped talking, Ronny continued.

  “We got an older Aerostar minivan and an older Chevy pick-up. The plan is to have two or three of you all lay in the bed of the truck; and once we get there, you all pop up and unload on the. At the same time, we will have three in the van, two in back, and one in the passenger side. Once we pull up, you roll the side door open and unload on them. Real simple. In and out in no time. We will all meet back here. Any questions? None? Alright, good. Now, Sue, what have you got for us?”

  In response, Sue grabbed two long duffle bags off the floor and put them on the table. Opening the first one, he pulled out two AKs with 30-round clips. He handed one to Ronny and one to Bobby. He then reached back into the bag and pulled out a Tech 9mm and an Uzi. After everyone got their guns except for Smooth, Sue reached in the bag and grabbed a wicked gun.

  “What the hell is this?” Smooth asked.

  “This, my friend, is a Colt 556 assault rifle.”

  “What does it matter as long as it shoots?” Neko said.

  “Are you sure all these work?” Ronny asked.

  “I’ve tested each gun personally and fired them all. Believe me, they all work.”

  “Alright, let’s head out then.”

  They all headed out to the van and truck.

  Smooth went to the truck and climbed in the back with Sue and Bobby.

  “Well, it’s rock ‘n’ roll time, boys!” one of the new dudes said.

  “Listen, when we get there, I’m gonna bang on the back windows. As soon as you hear me bang, pop up and let them have it.”

  Smooth, Sue, and Bobby all lay down in the bed of the truck and tried to get as comfortable as possible for the ride over to little Haiti.

  “You ready for this?” Smooth asked Bobby.

  “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  After what seemed like an eternity, they felt the truck slowing, and then they heard the driver bang on the window. Smooth sat up quickly and took a quick look. There was a little restaurant with indoor-outdoor seating. Everything looked full. Without hesitation, he pulled out his gun and opened fire. Tat! Tat! Tat! Tat! Tat! Tat! At the same time, he saw Bobby opening it up. Bang! Bang! Bang! He heard what sounded like a war zone. BOOM! Tat! Tat! Chop! Chop! Bang! Bang!

  Bodies were everywhere. People were tripping on the others, trying to escape. Smooth aimed at the ones trying to escape. Finally, his gun ran dry. He was empty with no spare clips. Smooth banged on the window and told the driver to go. Smooth, Bobby, and Sue all lay back down for the drive back.

  “We really got those damn Mexicans,” Bobby said.

  “Yeah, we got ‘em,” Sue replied.

  Before they knew it, they were back at the duplex.

  “You all get out so I can go dump this truck,” the driver said.

  After they got out and watched the truck disappear, they saw the minivan pull up. Ronny, Guru, and Neko got out and the minivan pulled off.

  Once back inside, Ronny said, “We did it!”

  They all started slapping each other’s back and acting as if they just won a football game.

  “Alright, what should we do with the guns?” Smooth asked.

  “Just keep them in case you need them again. I can easily get more, no problem,” Sue said.

  “Okay, I got to get going,” Guru said. “When do you want us back over here?”

  “Be here about 1:00 p.m. and we will have some work,” Smooth said.

  “Like what?”

  “Remember, Mac wanted two of those.”

  “Oh yeah. I got it in the car. You wanna go over there now?”

  “We can.”

  “Well, let’s go.”

  “Alright, everybody out. We got to go handle some business.”

  Everyone piled out the doors. Smooth and Ronny got into his Audi A4 and cranked up the music. Some hard rock for the bass. Disturbed’s The Light was blasting out the speakers.

  As they reached Club Rage, they noticed the line was all the way around the building. Luckily for them, they didn’t have to wait in line. On the way over, Ronny called Mac to let him know they were on their way. Mac instructed them to use the private entrance. Parking in the back, Smooth took a look around. Seeing no threat, he popped open the trunk. Walking to the back of the car, Smooth opened the trunk and pulled out a bag with the two keys in it. He then closed the trunk and headed to the back door. Once they were at the back door, Ronny used his cell phone to let Mac knew they were there.

  A few minutes later, the back door opened. As it opened, Smooth saw two bouncers, both were about 6’5” and weighed at least 300 pounds. They both had bulging muscles. Definitely not the type you’d want to pick a fight with.

  Once inside, they were led upstairs to the same office as last time. One of the bouncers knocked on the door and then opened it for Ronny and Smooth to enter. After they entered, the bouncer closed the door, leaving just Mac, Smooth, and Ronny inside the room. Mac was sitting behind a desk; but as they entered, Mac stood up and walked around the desk to shake their hands.

  “A please seeing you two. Can I get you gentlemen anything to drink?”

  “Rum would be nice,” Smooth said.

  He was getting to really enjoy rum and the way it made it feel.

  “I’ll take some Fireball, if you have it,” Ronny asked.

  Mac went over to a built-in bar and poured the drinks. Then he brought them back over to the guys.

  “Are you two planning on staying and having a good time, or are you leaving after our business is completed?”

  “I’ll be staying to get my party on,” Ronny answered.

  “I’ll also be staying,” Smooth agreed.

  “Good. I will have you both sit in the V.I.P. section. Anything you need, just ask.”

  “Okay,” Smooth said.

  “Now to business. You have the two keys?”

  “Yep! Here you go,” Smooth replied, handing the bag to Mac.

  “Well, here is your money,” Mac said, giving him a bag in return.

  “Listen, I know I’ve been getting only two keys, but I want to start getting five. Is that a possibility?”

  “Yeah, we can handle that. Just call us when you are ready to re-up,” Smooth said.

  “Alright, then you two gentlemen have fun.”

  Leaving the office, Smooth told the bouncer, “I need to take th
is to the car, and I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll hold the door open for you,” the bouncer replied.

  “I’ll be in V.I.P. waiting on you.”

  Smooth ran out to the car, put the bag in the trunk, and returned to the club and went straight to the V.I.P. section.

  As soon as he stepped into the V.I.P. section, a server asked him if he’d like a drink.

  “Rum and Coke.”

  “Is that all?”

  “Nah, better yet, just give me a bottle of rum.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Ronny hadn’t even been in the club for five minutes and he already had a girl sitting on his lap. Looking around, Smooth saw hot bitches everywhere. One little redbone in a while dress caught his attention.

  When the server returned with this bottle of rum, he said, “See that girl in the white dress?”

  “Yeah, I see her.”

  “Will you ask her if she’d like to join me in V.I.P.?”

  “Sure,” the server replied while walking away.

  Smooth watched the server make her way through the crowd to the girl in the white dress. Once she reached her, she leaned up close to give her the message. Then she leaned away and pointed toward Smooth. When the girl looked up at him, he waved at her. She smiled and gave a little wave back. Then she started to make her way over to the V.I.P. section. Smooth watched her the whole time.

  When she arrived, Smooth asked, “Would you like a drink?”

  “Sure, double Crown,” Smooth told the server, who headed to get the drink.

  “V.I.P., huh? Are you like famous or something?”

  “No, but the owner is a friend, so he be looking out for me.”

  “That’s cool! This is my first time in this club . . . and my first time ever in V.I.P.”

  About that time, the server returned with her drink.

  “Well, let’s toast to a night of first,” Smooth said, holding the bottle of rum out to toast. She clinked glasses with his.

  “To a night of first,” she said.

  “So what’s your name, shorty?”

  “Just call me Missy.”

  “Well, just call me Missy, I’m Smooth, and it is very nice to meet you.”

  “Same here. Oh, come on, let’s dance!” she suggested, as she set her glass down on the table. “This is one of my favorite songs,” she said, as Selena Gomez’s Same Old Love came out pounding through the speakers.

  Smooth set down his bottle of rum, grabbed her, and started to dance. Shorty knew how to bump and grind. Just dancing with her was making him hard. She had to have felt his erection though his Giorgio Armani slacks.

  Sure enough, she turned around to face him and leaned in.

  “Did I do that?” she asked, as she grabbed his dick through his pants.

  “Hell, yeah, you did that,” he announced.

  “Well, let’s go sit down and take a break,” she said, leading him over to the couch.

  Once he sat down, she bent over him and undid his pants, reached in, and pulled out his erection. Then she pulled up her dress and straddled him. She slowly lowered herself onto him. He felt her tight walls gripping his cock, as she went up and down slowly.

  “Do you like this?”

  “Yeah” was all he could say.

  “I’ve never done it in public before; but remember, tonight’s a night of firsts!” she said.

  Smooth kept looking around, worried someone was watching. But this pussy felt so good, he didn’t care who was watching, as long as no one tried to stop them. She was looking him in the eye as she rode him up and down. Feeling his balls tighten and knowing he was fixing to cum, he lifted up trying to meet her thrust for thrust. Suddenly, he climaxed and his whole body went rigid, as he came inside her. But she didn’t stop. She picked up her pace. She put her face in the nape of his neck. He heard her moan and begin to breathe heavy, until he finally felt her cum. Unable to speak yet, she just sat there. After a few moments, she stood up, grabbed her drink, and sat down beside him.

  “Oh my God! I can’t believe we just did that!” she said.

  “Well, believe it!” he laughed.

  “God, you must think I’m some kind of whore.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “No, but that’s what you’re probably thinking, but I promise I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve always wanted to try it, but never had the chance.”

  “Well, did you enjoy it?’

  “It was like totally fantastic!”

  “Fantastic, huh?”


  “Well, Missy, what do you do for a living?”

  “I’m a nurse for hospice.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “Sometimes, but it can be emotionally taxing.”

  “What ya mean?” Smooth asked.

  “Do you know what hospice is?”

  “Not really.”

  “Well, it’s where a nurse takes care of a patient during his or her last days. So basically, all of my patients die; and it can be very depressing, especially if you grow fond of them.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think I could do that. You’re stronger than I am.”

  “It takes a lot out of you, especially when you have been taking care of a patient who has no family or friends. They get so lonely. If I have a patient who doesn’t have anyone left, I try to spend a lot of time with them. Those are the ones who really get to me.”

  “That must suck! Why do you keep doing it?”

  “Well, somebody’s got to do it, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess so. But I could never do it.”

  “So what do you do for a living, mister?”

  “I own a few rental properties.”

  “Must be nice,” she laughed.

  “Yeah, it’s nice to be able to sleep in. No 9-to-5 shit.”

  “Hey, I’m hungry. That good dick of yours got me an appetite. Let’s go get some food.”

  “Let me tell my dawg I’m leaving and then we can go.”

  Looking around, Smooth finally spotted Ronny. He walked up to him.

  “Bro, I’m fixing to get out of here. You need a ride?”

  “Nah, have fun and be careful.”

  * * *

  Being so late, there were very few restaurants from which to choose. Finally, the picked Denny’s.

  “Thank God for Denny’s,” she joked.

  “Yeah, right. Always open and their food’s pretty good.”

  “Especially their biscuits and gravy.”

  Once inside, they got a table in the back. A waitress appeared and asked, “What would you like to drink?”

  “Sprite,” Missy replied.

  “Coke, no ice please.”

  “Be right back.”

  She returned with their drinks.

  “Are you ready to order or do you need more time?”

  “I’ll take four biscuits and two things of gravy.”

  “Give me the chicken sampler, please.”

  “Alright, is that all?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Smooth answered.

  After the waitress left, Missy said, “I don’t understand it.”

  “Understand what?”

  “They sell biscuits and they sell gravy, but they don’t sell biscuits and gravy together. You got to buy them separately and then pour the gravy on the biscuits yourself. It honestly makes no sense.

  “You’re right, it makes no sense. They probably do it just to drive people like you crazy.”

  “You might be right,” she laughed.

  Missy had a nice laugh, and Smooth enjoyed listening to it.

  “I still can’t believe we had sex inside a night club with all those people around. But I think knowing all those people were around us made the sex even better.”

  “It was pretty good,” Smooth laughed.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  “Just had an image of us doing it right here on the table.”

  “Sounds like fun. Want t
o try it?”

  Before Smooth could reply, she said, “Just joking, but maybe we can try it in the bathroom.”

  “Yeah right.”

  “Serious. I’m not joking. I’m going to the bathroom. Give me two minutes and then follow me, alright?” she asked.


  She got up and walked toward the bathroom.

  Damn, she got a sexy walk, Smooth thought.

  After two minutes, Smooth stood up, looked around to make sure no one was looking, and then headed to the bathroom.

  Fuck! I can’t believe I’m doing this! Smooth thought.

  After one last look around, he opened the door to the women’s bathroom and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Looking back at the door, he saw no lock, so anyone could walk in at any time. But he didn’t care. He just wanted more of that good pussy. When he walked up to her, she got on her knees, unzipped his pants, reached into his boxers, and pulled out his dick. She put it in her mouth and went to town until he was hard. Once he had an erection, she stood up, turned around, lifted up her dress, and bent over the sink. Smooth stepped up and slowly slid his hard cock into her hot, wet pussy. Her walls gripped him like a glove. He couldn’t handle much more of her tight pussy, so he reached around and played with her clit while he fucked her. It took coordination but he managed.

  Within three minutes, she started to breathe heavily and her knees started to buckle as she came. Smooth kept going until he came a minute later. As he pulled out and zipped his pants back up, someone opened the door.

  An older lady stepped inside.

  “Oh my, I’m sorry,” she replied, as she went to turn around.

  “Don’t be sorry. We were just leaving,” Smooth said.

  Smooth and Missy both walked past the old lady and they burst out laughing.

  Heading back to their table, they finished their meal, paid the bill, and headed back to her house.

  * * *

  The next morning, Smooth headed over to Amanda’s. After knocking twice on the door, she opened the door. She stood there in a bath towel looking really tired.

  “Sorry to wake you up. Do I need to come back later?”

  “Nah, come on in. I just started a pot of coffee. Once I get a few cups in me, I’ll be fine.”

  “Stay up late partying?” Smooth asked.

  “Nope. I stayed up late bagging all this just for you. I haven’t been out to party in months.”


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