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Childhood Sweethearts PT 2

Page 10

by Jacob Spears

  “Can’t stay cooped up. Gotta get out and enjoy life.”

  “Yeah, yeah!”

  Walking over to the coffee pot, she poured herself a cup and asked, ‘You want a cup?”

  “No, but some water would be nice.”

  She grabbed a glass, filled it up with water, and handed it to him.


  “No problem.”

  “Not today, but probably in two or three days, I’m gonna need you to cook up two or three more keys.”

  “Hey, as long as you’re paying, I don’t mind. Trying to save up enough to retire early,” she laughed.

  “Me, too. I don’t want to live like this forever. I want to settle down, go legit, and live a good life.”

  “Me, too. I figure after I save up some and find a good man; maybe I’ll have a few kids and enjoy the American dream.”

  “Sounds like a fairy tale to me.”

  “I just want to be happy.”

  “I can understand that, but just don’t getting your hopes up!”

  “I won’t! Believe me.”

  “Well, I hate to be rude, but I gotta go.”

  “I’ll stop back by in a few days.”

  “Okay, I’ll see ya then.”

  Chapter 11

  China sat at the table watching the news, worried to death about Smooth. Once again, the news lady repeats herself:

  “I’m here live where there was a mass shooting last night that seems to be gang-related. Eyewitnesses said two vehicles, a blue minivan, and a red pick-up truck, pulled up outside this restaurant and several black males popped out and started shooting. So far, there are 16 dead and nine injured, three of whom are in critical condition and might not make it. If you have any information about this shooting, the police ask that you please call them immediately.”

  “China,” she heard her name and turned to see a girl by the phone calling out her name. “China, it’s your turn for the phone.”

  China got up, went to the phone, and dialed Smooth’s number. After getting no answer, she called Roxy.


  “This is a collect call from China, an inmate at Lowell Correctional Institution. To accept the call, press zero.”

  Roxy pressed zero.

  “This call may be monitored and/or recorded. Thanks for using Securus.”

  “God, I hate that automated shit,” Roxy said.

  “Yeah, me, too!”

  “So, have you heard from Smooth lately?”

  “Yeah, he ate dinner at my restaurant last night.”

  “I just called him and got no answer.”

  “Do you want me to give him a message?”

  “Just tell him that I love him and let him know that I mailed him a letter this morning.”

  “I’ll let him know as soon as I talk to him.”

  “So, how’s the restaurant business?”

  “Busy! Very busy! I got tables booked a month ahead of time. It’s totally crazy. I never expected it to take off like this. It’s a dream come true, thanks to you and Smooth.”

  After a few more minutes, the automated voice announced, “You have one minute remaining.”

  “Well, I’m glad you called. I love you and will see you next weekend. But call me again in a few days,” Roxy said.

  “I will and I love you too. Bye.”

  “NEXT ON THE PHONE,” China yelled, as she headed to her room to finish reading Silk White’s Married to Da Streets.

  * * *

  Pulling up to Ronny’s, Smooth saw a 15’ blacked-out Dodge Charger and a candy apple- red ’95 Chevy Caprice sitting out front, which meant that Sue Rabbit and Prince Guru were already there. Parking in the street, Smooth looked around and saw nobody outside or sitting in cars. Nothing appeared strange, so he popped open the trunk, grabbed the bag with the cooked-up coke, and headed to Ronny’s door, where he knocked twice. It was opened almost immediately by Ronny

  “Come on in and join the party,” Ronny said.

  Once inside, Smooth saw Guru and Sue standing at the table with several handguns on it.

  “What’s this, a war council?” Smooth joked.

  “Nah, but I brought some toys you’d probably like to have,” Sue said. “As a matter of fact, this one’s for you,” Sue continued, handing Smooth a pistol.

  “What is it?” Smooth asked.

  “It’s an FN Five Seven pistol. It carries 20 5.7 x 28mm armor-piercing rounds. Guaranteed to stop anything short of a tank,” Sue said.

  “How much?” Smooth asked.

  “It’s on the house this time,” Sue said.

  “Thanks! Ronny . . . here is more product,” Smooth said, handing Ronny the backpack.

  “Be right back,” Ronny answered, as he exited into the other room.

  A few minutes later, he returned and handed Smooth the same backpack.

  “Here’s the money. Everybody already got theirs?”

  “Good, good!”

  “So what’s the plan?” Guru asked Smooth.

  “What do ya mean?”

  “Well, do we continue to slump these fucking wetbacks, or do we start worrying about setting our boundaries?”

  “Let’s just wait and see what they decided to do,” Smooth answered.

  “Anything else while I’m here?” Smooth asked.

  “Nope. We good. We will call if we need ya’s.”

  “Alright, later,” Smooth said, as he headed back to his car.

  * * *

  The dashboard clock read 4:37 p.m. Smooth figured he might as well enjoy an early dinner. With that in mind, he headed towards Roxy’s. Just like last time, the place was almost packed.

  Before the waitress could tell him they were full, Smooth told her, “My name’s Smooth. I have a reserved table.”

  “Oh, yes, of course. Follow me,” she said, before turning and heading to his table. Once Smooth sat down, she handed him a menu.

  “What can I get you to drink?”

  “A Coke. No ice, please. And if you see Roxy, please let her know that I’m here.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Off she went to get his drink. Watching her walk away, Smooth noticed she had a mean walk. But in the face, she looked like a pit bull. Smooth was enjoying sleeping with all the girls, but he couldn’t wait for China to get out. Screwing all those women might be fun, but nothing and no one could come close to China. He couldn’t wait to visit her that weekend.

  “Here’s your drink, sir. Are you ready to order?” she inquired, breaking his train of thought.

  “Yes, I’ll have the boneless pork chops, mashed potatoes, and dinner rolls.”

  “Is that all?”

  “Well, go ahead and give me some macaroni and cheese, too.”

  “Alright, I’ll be back with your food in a little bit,” she said, walking away.

  Yep, definitely has a sexy walk. Might be fuckable from the back, but face to face is out of there, he thought.

  “Hey stranger!” Roxy said, sliding into the booth across from Smooth.

  “Hey Roxy! Full house again, huh?”

  “Yeah. It’s crazy, huh? Never imagined business would be so good. The food critics gave me five stars. How awesome is that?”

  “The food is definitely five starts. Everything I’ve had to eat here has been busting. Whoever you got cooking really knows what they’re doing.”

  “China called me last night. She said she tried to call you but you didn’t answer. She says she loves you and will call tonight. So make sure you answer.”


  “Are you going to visit her this weekend?”

  “Yeah, I’m gonna see her Saturday.”

  “I can’t go this week, but next week I’m gonna go see her.”

  “Just let me know and we will go together.”

  “Okay. Well, I hate to be rude, but I got to get back to work. Enjoy your food,” Roxy said.

  As she walked away, the waitress came over with his dinner and set it down in front of

  “Enjoy your meal. If you need something else, just let me know.”


  As she walked away, Smooth dug into his food. And like all the other meals he had eaten at Roxy’s, it was off the chain.

  While eating, his phone rang. Looking at the display, he didn’t recognize the number.

  “Hello?” he answered.

  “Yes, mon. Can I speak to Smooth?”

  “Hey Stone. It’s me.”

  “Hey mon. How ya doin’?”

  “I’m good, Stone. What ya need?”

  “Umm, I need like 10 of dos tings as soon as possible. Will dat be a problem?”

  “No, no problem. Meet me at the gas station at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow.”

  “Okay, mon. Tanks!”

  Smooth hung up and continued to eat his meal. After he finished, he set a $20 on the table, paid his bill, and headed to this car.

  * * *

  When he arrived back at his apartment building, he pushed the elevator button for Miranda’s floor, figuring he might as well visit her and pick up Zorro. Once he got off the elevator, he knocked on her door. As soon as he knocked, he heard Zorro barking with excitement. Miranda opened the door and Zorro began jumping up on Smooth, standing on his back legs with his front legs on Smooth’s chest.

  “Looks like somebody missed you.”

  “God, he’s getting big,” Smooth said.

  “Come on in,” Miranda said, as she turned and headed to her kitchen. Smooth followed with Zorro at his heels. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Some rum would be nice.”

  She reached into a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of rum. Filling up a glass to the top, she handed it to him.

  “So, how was your trip?”

  “It was good.”

  “Well, I rented three of your apartments while you were out of town.”

  “Thanks. I got a few friends staying in apartment five.”

  “Good, almost a full house.”

  Smooth looked Miranda up and down. She was wearing a skirt and spaghetti-strap blouse. She looked good. Smooth set his drink down, stood up, and stood next to her. Without another word, he leaned into her and kissed her. When he felt her start to kiss back, his hand grabbed her ass. He could never get over how fat her ass was. He turned her around and started kissing her neck while playing with her breasts. He felt her nipples getting hard as a rock. He bent her over, pulled her skirt up, and pulled her panties to the side. With that done, he undid his pants and pulled out his erection. He put his cock against her waiting pussy, shoving his whole cock into her in one smooth thrust. Hearing her gasp really turned him on. Smooth started thrusting in and out, listening to Miranda’s moans while she threw her ass back. In no time she came. After she came, she told him to stop.

  “But I haven’t cum yet,” he pleaded.

  “I know. I’ll be right back.”

  Less than a minute later, she returned with a bottle of KY jelly. After getting ready, she bent back over the table, reached behind her to grab Smooth’s cock, and guided it into her tight ass. Smooth slowly slid in and out enjoying the feel of her tight ass. Feeling himself about to cum, he sped up until he finally busted a nut inside her ass.

  After catching her breath, Miranda said, “Let me go wash up. I’ll be right back.”

  While she went to the bathroom, Smooth sat at the table, finished his drink, and petted Zorro. Five minutes later, Miranda returned to the kitchen. Without even asking, Miranda grabbed the bottle of rum and refilled his glass. She then poured herself one and sat down at the table alongside Smooth.

  “I got another apartment building you might like. It just came up for sale today. Would you be interested?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll take a look at it.”

  “It’s a little more expensive, but there are 10 apartments. It’s pretty nice.”

  “When can I come by and look at it?”

  “Come by about lunch time and we will do it then, because I’m busy all afternoon tomorrow.”

  “So about noon?”

  “Yeah, that sounds good. Maybe we can have lunch while you’re there.”

  “How about I bring lunch with me?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Well, I hate to go, but I got things I need to handle.”

  “No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Grabbing Zorro’s leash and attaching it to his collar, Smooth went outside to let Zorro handle his business. He then headed up to his apartment. As he was unlocking the door, his phone rang. He closed the door behind him, took Zorro’s leash off, and then answered the phone without checking the display.


  “This is a collect call from China, an inmate at Lowell Correctional Institution. To accept the call, press zero.”

  Smooth pressed zero.

  “This call may be monitored and/or recorded. Thank you for using Securus.”

  “Hey beautiful, Smooth said.

  “Well, hey handsome,” China replied.

  “Sorry I missed your call last night. I was busy and had my phone turned off. I ate at Roxy’s tonight and she gave me your message.”

  “So, are you coming up this week?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be there to see you on Saturday.”

  “Listen, they got this new thing where friends and family can place orders for us. A little care package thing. It’s Think you can order something for me?”

  “Sure. I’ll go see Roxy tomorrow, and we can both sit down and order you a care package.”

  “I’d really appreciate it.”

  “God, I can’t wait to see you and hug you.”

  “You have one minute left,” announced the automated voice.

  “Well, I love you and will call again tomorrow night.”

  “Alright. I love you. Bye.”

  * * *

  Passing the gas station, Smooth slowed down and looked around. Stone was in his usual place, leaning against his car. Smooth continued circling the block to make sure nothing was out of place and that no one was watching or paying attention. After circling around the block once more, Smooth pulled up alongside Stone. Smooth looked around one more time and then popped the trunk. Getting out of the car, he went around to the back and met Stone.

  “Hey mon. Was starting to think you forgot.”

  “No, just had some other business. Sorry to make you wait.”

  “No problem, mon. Here’s your money, mon,” Stone said, handing Smooth a backpack.

  “Here’s your stuff,” Smooth replied, handing Stone a duffle bag.

  “Dis be some good shit, mon. It sells fast. Know what I mean, mon?”

  “Yeah, it’s good ‘cause it’s pure coke.”

  “Well, I’ll see you again in a few weeks, mon.”

  “Alright, drive careful.”

  After getting back in his car and pulling away, he headed to Roxy’s. On his way, he replayed his “lunch” with Miranda over in his head. He showed up with a large pizza. After eating and watching the video of the new apartment building, he decided to buy it. Then he and Miranda had wild sex on her office desk, knowing the receptionist heard the whole thing.

  * * *

  Pulling into Roxy’s, he grabbed his laptop and went inside. The same waitress from the day before was working, and she took him straight to his table.

  “Same as yesterday? Coke, no ice?” she asked.

  “Yes, please, and would you let Roxy know that I need to see her.”

  “Of course.”

  She headed off to the back. A second later, Roxy came out with his Coke.

  “Hey Smooth.”

  “Hey. I need you for a few minutes. Sit over here with me so you can see the screen.”

  “What are you looking at?” Roxy asked, as she slid in next to him.

  “They got this new thing where we can send China a care package. Thought you’d like to help me order one for her.”

  “You guessed right

  When the screen showed up, they started reading, “Hmm . . . Pop Tarts, peanut butter cookies, Doritos, Fritos . . . all kinds of stuff she’d like.”

  “How about this chili? And Tostitos?”

  “Yeah, she should like that. Let’s get her some pork rinds, too.”

  “What about cookies? Peanut butter chocolate cream, lemon cream, vanilla cream, or chocolate chip?”

  “Let’s order her three of each, just to be sure.”

  Twenty minutes later, they had finished up the order.

  “Well, now that that’s done, I need to get back to work.”

  “How’s GaGa doing?”

  “She’s doing well. She’s been doing a lot of overtime. She even came in here and helped a few times.”

  “Is she gonna visit China with us . . . not this week but next week?”

  “Don’t know, but I will ask her.”

  “Alright, I’ll let you get back to work.”

  Grabbing his laptop, he headed out to his car. After setting it in the back seat, he got in the car and headed to Ronny’s.

  * * *

  As he pulled up the duplex, he saw Ronny about to get inside the driver’s seat of a new Lexus RX350 F sport.

  “Whose car you steal?” Smooth joked, as he got out of the car.

  “Nobody’s, nigga! This my new ride,” Ronny answered, with pride in his voice.

  “It’s nice. How much you pay?”

  “I put down $5,000 and got to pay $350 a month.”

  “That’s not bad. So where you heading?”

  “Was going to check on a few of our spots. Wanna come along?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “Climb in. I’ll drive.”

  Once they were in the Lexus, Ronny pulled out of the driveway.

  “Bitch got a bad-ass sound system, too.” Ronny said, turning the radio on and turning it up, as Chris Brown’s Back to Sleep came on.

  After a few blocks, they pulled up to a liquor store where Sue Rabbit’s red Caprice was sitting. Leaning against the car were Sue, Prince Guru, and Eddie, one of the new guys. Sue Rabbit’s stereo was turned up playing Travis Scott’s Antidote. Getting out of the Lexus, Ronny, and Smooth gave Sue Rabbit, Prince Guru, and Eddie some dap. A few seconds later, a white Toyota Avalon pulled into the lot. Eddie went over to take care of the customer.

  “Well, how’s business going?” Smooth asked.


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