Book Read Free

Dear Aaron

Page 16

by Mariana Zapata

RubyMars: Hey.

  AHall80: You good?

  RubyMars: Yes. You?

  AHall80: Yeah

  AHall80: How’s the job hunt going?

  RubyMars: Fine. I got more commission work.

  AHall80: Ice-skating costumes?

  RubyMars: Yes and some dog clothes.

  RubyMars: Thank you for asking.

  AHall80: What’s wrong?

  RubyMars: Nothing.

  AHall80: Something’s wrong. What is it?

  RubyMars: Nothing.

  RubyMars: Everything is fine.

  AHall80: Ruby

  RubyMars: Aaron.

  AHall80: Ruby

  RubyMars: Aaron.

  RubyMars: I’m fine.

  AHall80: I can tell something is wrong.

  AHall80: You’re barely responding

  AHall80: And when you are it’s not like you

  RubyMars: ….

  AHall80: …

  AHall80: What is it?

  RubyMars: Nothing.

  AHall80: Would you tell me?

  RubyMars: I’m just trying not to say anything that’s going to piss you off.

  AHall80: Piss me off?

  RubyMars: Yes.

  AHall80: What are you talking about?

  RubyMars: You were being all weird on our last IMs and you didn’t write me back for almost two weeks. I e-mailed you twice and nothing. You were pissed off. I don’t have to see your face to know. You aren’t the only one who can tell when something is up.

  AHall80: I wasn’t pissed

  RubyMars: You’re going to insist you weren’t pissed at something?

  AHall80: ….

  RubyMars: Was it something with your ex?

  AHall80: No. Not at all.

  RubyMars: …

  RubyMars: Okay, fine.

  RubyMars: If something was bothering you that has nothing to do with me, that’s okay. You can talk to me about it if you want to, you know. But you were being weird and you know it.

  AHall80: I wasn’t being weird.

  RubyMars: Whatever you say.

  RubyMars: You only disappeared for two weeks for no reason. I watched the news. I know there wasn’t a reason for a blackout. I was worried something had happened to you.

  RubyMars: We’re friends. You don’t owe me anything. All I wanted was to not do whatever it was that I said or did last time.

  AHall80: You didn’t do anything, RC

  RubyMars: ….

  AHall80: Serious

  RubyMars: All right.

  RubyMars: I missed talking to you.

  RubyMars: That’s all.

  AHall80: I was busy

  RubyMars: Okay.

  AHall80: I missed talking to you too, all right?

  RubyMars: Okay.

  AHall80: …

  RubyMars: …

  AHall80: I’m leaving pretty soon from the looks of it, but I’ll make sure to try and let you know before we ship out so you don’t worry.

  RubyMars: Okay.

  AHall80: …

  RubyMars: Be safe.

  Ahall80: You too. Bye, Rubes.

  RubyMars: Bye.

  May 21, 2009

  AHall80: Hey

  RubyMars: Hi.

  AHall80: You still mad at me?

  RubyMars: I was never mad at you.

  AHall80: I was never mad at you either

  RubyMars: Okay.

  AHall80: Serious

  RubyMars: Are you sure?

  RubyMars: I know I’m always complaining about people being mean to me, but I can handle the truth.

  AHall80: Yes I’m sure

  RubyMars: Okay then.

  AHall80: For real?

  RubyMars: What?

  AHall80: That’s all you need and you’re like “okay”?

  RubyMars: ….

  RubyMars: Yeah. Why wouldn’t I? You’re not lying to me, are you?

  RubyMars: I already asked you a bunch of times if anything was wrong, you had your chance.

  AHall80: No

  RubyMars: Okay.

  RubyMars: That’s what I figured. If you were upset about me doing something, I’d hope you would tell me. If there’s something you want to talk about, you can tell me anything too.

  AHall80: Yeah

  AHall80: I know

  RubyMars: Then we’re good.

  RubyMars: I didn’t mean to flip out on you last time. I’m sorry.

  AHall80: You didn’t flip out

  AHall80: Much

  RubyMars: :)

  RubyMars: We’re all right then?

  AHall80: Yeah

  AHall80: I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. I didn’t mean to put anything on you. Sorry for scaring you. I hadn’t thought about it.

  RubyMars: I get it. I’m sure you do. It’s okay.

  RubyMars: How’s everything?

  AHall80: Good. Ready to get the hell out of here

  RubyMars: I bet.

  AHall80: Hey, what’s happened with your sister?

  RubyMars: Nothing at first, but her coach called my mom a few days ago and said that one of the younger skaters told her that they’d seen Jasmine at the rink busting her butt, trying to do some jumps before people started showing up. It’s too early to say victory, but I think it’s a good sign. Yesterday I heard her running on the treadmill in the garage.

  AHall80: Good, that’s great

  RubyMars: I think so. :)

  RubyMars: I’ll let you know what happens.

  RubyMars: I thought about e-mailing you, but I didn’t.

  AHall80: I noticed.

  RubyMars: Har har har

  RubyMars: I didn’t get any e-mails from you either, buster.

  AHall80: :]

  AHall80: You’re the only one I’m still messaging. I already said bye to my two other HaS matches, and my family and friends know I’ll let them know as soon as my flight is off.

  RubyMars: You’re making me feel special.

  RubyMars: If you’re trying to suck up to me for ignoring me for two weeks, it’s working.

  AHall80: None of them make me laugh like you do

  AHall80: I’m not trying to suck up. :]

  RubyMars: Sure you aren’t. :)

  RubyMars: Speaking of… I’ll tell you something funny that happened a couple of days ago.

  RubyMars: My allergies have been really bad lately, and I haven’t been taking any medication. I was at my older brother’s condo helping him paint and we had the windows open. I’d been holding in my pee because he was busy doing the bathroom. I sneezed so hard I peed myself. A lot. So much. There was no way for me to hide it. He laid down on the floor when I told him what happened, covering his face with his hands.

  AHall80: ….

  RubyMars: Funny, huh?

  AHall80: Yes

  AHall80: Yes

  RubyMars: :) Luckily he has a washer and a dryer in his condo. He promised not to tell anyone, and luckily he still hasn’t, so I’m holding out hope he doesn’t blurt it out one day while he’s drunk.

  AHall80: I wouldn’t do that to my sister.

  RubyMars: He would, lol.

  AHall80: You’re not worried I’ll tell somebody?

  RubyMars: No. You wouldn’t do that to me.

  RubyMars: How is your sister anyway?

  AHall80: She’s good from what I heard last e-mail. My brother said she’s back to acting like normal.

  RubyMars: I’m happy to hear that.

  AHall80: Me too

  AHall80: Have you gotten more work?

  RubyMars: Only a little, but one is a big job. One of the local theaters reached out to me two days ago about doing costumes for their play. Their usual costume designer quit unexpectedly and hasn’t finished them, and I said I could finish her work. I have three days before costume rehearsals, but I’ll trade sleep for money.

  AHall80: How’d they get your number?

  RubyMars: One of the actors is friends with my big sister. :)

  AHall80: Whatever works
/>   RubyMars: That’s what I said.

  RubyMars: Anywho, have you heard anything else about Scotland?

  AHall80: Nothing new yet

  AHall80: Ready to go

  AHall80: The new unit showed up already. I’ll be heading out any day now

  RubyMars: Air conditioning everywhere!

  AHall80: Plumbing

  RubyMars: Beer!

  AHall80: Pizza

  RubyMars: Clean clothes!

  AHall80: No sand

  RubyMars: No mice!

  AHall80: No mosquitoes

  RubyMars: Smaller chances of dehydration!

  AHall80: :]

  AHall80: You’re something else

  RubyMars: Something good?

  AHall80: Very good

  RubyMars: :)

  AHall80: My bad on the last few weeks.

  AHall80: I missed talking to you too

  RubyMars: Nobody told you you couldn’t talk to me.

  AHall80: Way to lay down the guilt trip

  RubyMars: It’s the truth, isn’t it? :)

  RubyMars: I’m just messing with you.

  AHall80: Nah, you got a point. It is the truth.

  AHall80: My bad

  RubyMars: I know, it’s fine. I forgive you.

  AHall80: You forgive everyone, don’t you?

  RubyMars: For the most part. Holding grudges takes too much energy and time.

  RubyMars: I don’t want to live my life pissed off, you know?

  AHall80: I know.

  AHall80: Huh

  RubyMars: We’re still the platonic version of Ruron.

  RubyMars: If you want.

  AHall80: …yeah

  AHall80: I gotta go, but I’ll write you before I head out. I’ve got this feeling it’s any day now.

  RubyMars: Okay. Be safe. If I don’t hear from you before you leave, have a good flight and make sure you take a book with you to read when you aren’t snoring away.

  AHall80: Har har

  AHall80: I missed talking to you.

  AHall80: Bye, Ruby Cube

  RubyMars: Bye, stalker

  May 25, 2009

  AHall80: Tell me something

  RubyMars: I fell down the stairs today. I was wearing socks and my heel just slipped on the edge. It’s a miracle I didn’t break my arm.

  RubyMars: My butt was like a stack of dominos on each step going down.

  AHall80: Ruby

  RubyMars: It wasn’t my most graceful moment. No one was home, so there’s that.

  AHall80: No video?

  RubyMars: No video. Sorry for bursting your dreams.

  AHall80: That’s on my list of things I’d like to see after a pizza with double pepperoni.

  RubyMars: I’m so honored busting my butt is on your list after pizza, lol.

  AHall80: :]

  AHall80: Before mac and cheese too

  RubyMars: Lol

  RubyMars: You never tell me if embarrassing, dumb stuff happens to you.

  AHall80: Because it doesn’t

  RubyMars: Liar.

  AHall80: Heh

  AHall80: I put my underwear on inside out once.

  RubyMars: Once.

  RubyMars: Get out.

  AHall80: :]

  RubyMars: Want a new joke? It’s been a while.

  AHall80: Sure

  RubyMars: What has four wheels and flies?

  RubyMars: A garbage truck.

  AHall80: They’re so bad they’re good.

  RubyMars: I know!

  AHall80: :]

  RubyMars: I bought my plane ticket to go see my dad.

  AHall80: Yeah? When?

  RubyMars: July 8th, I’m going for a week.

  AHall80: Nice

  AHall80: I gotta go. I just wanted to get on real quick and say hi.

  RubyMars: Sure. :)

  RubyMars: Be safe.

  AHall80: Bye.

  RubyMars: Bye.

  May 27, 2009

  AHall80: I’m leaving really soon.

  RubyMars: Really?

  AHall80: Really for real.

  RubyMars: !!!!!

  AHall80: :]

  RubyMars: Okay. Have a safe flight.

  AHall80: It’s going to suck, but it’ll be worth it.

  RubyMars: Is Ax travelling back with you guys?

  AHall80: Yeah, my CO… commanding officer… is taking her home.

  RubyMars: I’m so happy.

  RubyMars: Really, have a safe flight, and just in case I don’t talk to you again, I really enjoyed getting to know you. Give Aries a big hug from me and enjoy your trip to Scotland and Florida. If you ever decide to open a Facebook account, post pictures on it some day, and if I send you a request, accept it. Or don’t. :)

  AHall80: I’ll e-mail you soon.

  RubyMars: Good luck :) Have a safe flight.

  AHall80: Thanks, Rubes.

  AHall80: Hold up a sec

  AHall80: I hope you know you’re the best person I’ve ever been paired with. This tour would’ve been a whole lot shittier without you.

  AHall80: I’m sorry for what happened at the beginning...

  RubyMars: Don’t worry about it. It’s in the past and I understand.

  AHall80: Still feel like shit about it.

  RubyMars: You made up for it already. Don’t think twice about it. I get it.

  RubyMars: We worked it out.

  RubyMars: For whatever it matters, I’m glad you ended up writing me back in the end. These last few months would’ve sucked without you too. Thanks for being there for me with everything.

  RubyMars: You really did become my favorite friend.

  RubyMars: I’ll always remember you.

  AHall80: Don’t think twice about it.

  RubyMars: I won’t.

  AHall80: I will write you when I get back to base in Kentucky. I’m not going to fall off the face of the planet.

  AHall80: Promise

  RubyMars: If you say so, but don’t feel obligated if you don’t want to. You don’t owe me anything.

  AHall80: I owe you a lot more than you think.

  AHall80: Not just going to forget you, come on.

  AHall80: Hey, what happened with that guy you went on a date with? Your brother’s friend? Not the one I don’t like.

  RubyMars: Nothing. We went to the movies. Then he invited me over to his house another day for a barbecue. He’s been out of town for about two weeks now. He’s supposed to get back in a few days, but we’ve only texted.

  AHall80: I see

  RubyMars: :) I like him, but it isn’t love at first sight or anything.

  RubyMars: I know you need to go but have a good flight and enjoy your plumbing.

  RubyMars: One last thing

  AHall80: Okay

  RubyMars: Make sure to eat plenty of fiber so you can finally poop

  Ahall80: BYE RUBY

  RubyMars: Xoxo


  “You did what?”

  I hung my head in shame and—for one more freaking time—let the humiliation roll over my face, neck, chest, and my entire soul.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

  I was so stupid.

  “Squirt,” my sister cackled, her shoulders shaking as she sank deep into the cushioned seat of the booth the hostess of the diner had led us to fifteen minutes ago. The clinging and clacking of plates and silverware swallowed most of her laughs, but I’d heard her crack up enough over the course of my life to know exactly what it sounded like from memory. Except usually she laughed at Jonathan or Sebastian, not me.

  The problem was, there was laughing your butt off so much you made a spectacle of yourself, and then there was laughing so hard no sound came out of your mouth.

  And Anatalia, or Ana or Tali as we all called her, was exactly right smack in the middle of both. It was like her body couldn’t decide what it wanted to do. Laugh or not laugh.

  “You didn’t,” she basically gasped.

  I stared at her as I dragged the glass
of iced water toward me by the coaster. My face went red, red, red as I remembered for about the hundredth time the unforgiveable, unforgettable crap I’d typed as my last message to Aaron.



  Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

  For the rest of my life. For the rest of the universe’s existence. Forever.

  Tali’s eyes bulged and her face turned a shade of red that bordered on maroon. Her hands went up to her chest and the entire upper half of her body molded to the booth’s back cushion like she was attempting to melt into it. Like she was reliving what I’d done in her head and wanted to disappear. I knew that expression. I’d tried to do the same thing after I’d hit Enter on the keyboard. I’d wanted a black hole to suck me in and make me disappear.

  “Ruby,” she inhaled my name, wildly.

  Unfortunately, I hadn’t been able to pull a Back to the Future. My random black hole hadn’t appeared either. I’d shut the screen of my laptop as if that would magically make the letters disappear.

  But I knew the truth.

  And Aaron knew the truth.

  I’d sent him that xoxo.

  Closing the screen hadn’t done a single freaking thing.

  When I’d opened my laptop again, those letters had still been there on the screen, mocking me.

  “Why would you do that?” Tali busted out, her hands still going up to cup her nearly maroon cheeks. Her dark blue eyes, which were the only thing we had in common, were glassy like she wasn’t pulling enough oxygen into her brain from how hard she’d been, and still was, cracking up.

  She was going to make me relive it even more than I already had. Why was I surprised? “I didn’t do it on purpose. One second, we were messaging each other, joking around, then the next thing he types ‘bye,’ and before I realized what I was doing, I wrote that.” I thought about raising my hands directly in front of me where we could both see them, so I could shake them and shame them for what they’d done. They’d betrayed me. They’d gone rogue on me.

  After all we’d been through….

  My sister threw her head back and laughed, loud, finally, her entire body vibrating. Even while she was cracking up, she was one of the most beautiful people I’d ever seen. I didn’t miss her fingers wiping at the tears I was sure pooled at her eyes. I’d known that was going to be her exact reaction. I’d known it. I’d expected it. That was why it had taken me days to fess up. Because if it had been the other way around and she’d been the idiot who wrote a friend “xoxo,” I would have been the same way.

  “And he didn’t say anything afterward?” she somehow managed to ask even as she cracked up.

  I shook my head as I watched her pinched face, scowling. “I closed my computer screen and he’d logged off.”


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