Book Read Free

Dear Aaron

Page 18

by Mariana Zapata

  RubyMars: What I really want to know is, how does someone leave somewhere without their underwear on? Is that a thing? That really happens?

  AHall80: …

  AHall80: RC, the joy you bring to my life… I can never pay you back.

  RubyMars: I’m being serious!

  AHall80: I know you are :]

  AHall80: I’ve never had girls’ panties lying around my place.

  AHall80: …I did find some at Max’s place a few times. That is a good question though. If I couldn’t find my boxers, I’d look for them.

  RubyMars: That’s what I’m saying. Underwear isn’t cheap.

  AHall80: Lol

  AHall80: What’d you do? Leave?

  RubyMars: No. When he came back from the kitchen, I showed them to him.

  AHall80: You didn’t

  RubyMars: I did. I wasn’t a jerk about it, I just said “I think someone you know is missing something.” He started apologizing. He basically turned purple, stuttered for a minute straight and said they were probably his ex-girlfriend’s, blah, blah, blah.

  RubyMars: “Probably his ex-girlfriend’s.” Am I that naïve?

  AHall80: You’re sweet

  AHall80: But a little. Not that naïve though.

  RubyMars: That’s what I thought.

  AHall80: And then?

  RubyMars: Then it was awkward, but we ate dinner, watched the movie, and I went back to my house. He’s texted me a few times saying he’s sorry and things like that, but I’m not going out with him again.

  AHall80: Didn’t like him enough to forgive him?

  RubyMars: More like it’s nasty he hasn’t vacuumed his cushions since he broke up with his ex. I’m a slob. I can’t date another slob.

  AHall80: …

  RubyMars: :)

  RubyMars: Anyway, enough about me. What about you? Any dates since you got back?

  AHall80: Nah. I got other things to spend my money on right now than buying some overpriced drinks at a bar to pick somebody up.

  RubyMars: Remember that time you told me it was a bad idea to pick up women at a bar?

  AHall80: Har har

  RubyMars: Har har, lol

  Ahall80: I only got one girl I’m interested in right now.

  RubyMars: Oh?

  Ahall80: Lady Liberty

  RubyMars: And you think I’m cheesy.

  Ahall80: I’ve never said you were cheesy

  RubyMars: ….

  Ahall80: All right maybe once, but it was your joke that was cheesy. Not you.

  RubyMars: Yeah yeah.

  RubyMars: Are you getting any sleep?

  AHall80: Not much, my times are screwed up.

  RubyMars: Melatonin, ever heard of it?

  AHall80: It’s only 7 p.m., it’s too early for sassy time.

  RubyMars: :)

  RubyMars: It’s never too early for sassy time.

  RubyMars: I’m really glad you made it back okay.

  AHall80: Me too, Rubes.

  AHall80: I’ll msg you soon.

  10:03 p.m. (the next day)

  AHall80: Made it to Shreveport

  RubyMars: Finally.

  AHall80: What are you doing?

  RubyMars: Watching some movie with my little sister.

  RubyMars: What are you doing? I thought you’d be hanging out with your friends.

  AHall80: They’re playing Need for Speed next to me.

  AHall80: We went out to eat right after they picked me up.

  AHall80: What movie are you watching?

  RubyMars: Do they live together?

  RubyMars: Killer Klowns from Outer Space

  AHall80: Max and Des? No. Des is staying here tonight though. He’s already drank half a bottle of vodka.

  AHall80: What the hell is that?

  RubyMars: How much have you drank?

  RubyMars: It’s a movie… about killer clowns from outer space, lol.

  AHall80: Two beers and 1/8 of the vodka.

  AHall80: I’m good.

  AHall80: I guess it’s late enough for the sassy to come out?

  AHall80: Is the movie like what I’m thinking it’s like?

  RubyMars: I bet you’re good, lol.

  RubyMars: The sass is out.

  RubyMars: Are you asking if the movie is so over the top it’s hilarious with some really interesting costumes? Yes.

  AHall80: Lol

  RubyMars: Have fun with Max and Des. :)

  2:14 a.m.

  AHall80: Ruby

  AHall80: U there?

  RubyMars: Hey

  AHall80: What do you look like?

  RubyMars: Like a girl…?

  AHall80: I think u shud come visit

  RubyMars: Are you drunk?

  AHall80: No

  AHall80: Maybe

  AHall80: A litl

  RubyMars: Okay

  AHall80: Youll come visit?

  RubyMars: No, I mean, okay you’re drunk, lol.

  AHall80: U wont come visit?

  RubyMars: Ask me tomorrow when you aren’t plastered.

  AHall80: Ur not saying no

  RubyMars: I’m not saying yes either. :)

  AHall80: Think about it

  RubyMars: Okay

  AHall80: Ur like my little sister

  RubyMars: Okay

  AHall80: I’m wearing the socks you sent me

  RubyMars: You are?

  AHall80: Yeah

  AHall80: I’m gonna go to sleep

  RubyMars: Good idea :)

  RubyMars: Night night. Sleep on your stomach.

  AHall80: K nite

  12:16 p.m.

  AHall80: I am so damn sorry about last night

  RubyMars: What are you talking about?

  AHall80: The messages I sent

  RubyMars: What messages?

  AHall80: The drunk ones

  RubyMars: What drunk ones?

  AHall80: ….

  AHall80: You responded to them

  RubyMars: I KNOW

  RubyMars: LOL

  RubyMars: Just wanted to mess with you.

  AHall80: …

  AHall80: I drank too much

  RubyMars: I could tell :)

  AHall80: Sorry

  RubyMars: You don’t have anything to be sorry about. You aren’t the first person to text me drunk.

  RubyMars: You know who else texted me drunk last night?

  AHall80: Who?

  RubyMars: That guy I went on a date with. Panties-in-the-couch guy.

  RubyMars: He was all “sory bout the othe nite. Ur just rly pretty.”

  AHall80: What’d you tell him?

  RubyMars: I didn’t respond, lol.

  AHall80: Who else drunk texts you?

  RubyMars: Everyone. My brothers, my sister, my friends. They know I’m awake so they do it.

  RubyMars: What are you doing today?

  AHall80: Nothing. They’re all hungover.

  RubyMars: And you’re not?

  AHall80: Nah

  RubyMars: Liar.

  AHall80: :]

  AHall80: Yeah, I’m lying. I got a headache.

  AHall80: I don’t think I’ll ever be able to smell vodka the same way again

  RubyMars: Lol

  RubyMars: I’m not going to say that’s what you get, but…

  AHall80: That’s what I get.

  AHall80: Har har

  AHall80: I read what I wrote you a minute ago, sorry for being weird.

  RubyMars: It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean anything by it.

  AHall80: Not that I don’t want to meet you

  RubyMars: I get it. People say stuff when they’re drunk.

  AHall80: Yeah they do

  AHall80: But I wouldn’t mind meeting you.

  RubyMars: …are you still drunk?

  AHall80: No

  AHall80: For real

  RubyMars: Maybe one day. :)

  RubyMars: When are you leaving for Scotland?

  AHall80: In a few days. On the 18th.
/>   RubyMars: I meant to e-mail you. You should look into getting waterproof shoes or boots for your trip. I watched this episode on one of the travel channels that they filmed there and they talked about how unpredictable the weather was. Rainy one minute, blue skies the next.

  AHall80: Huh

  AHall80: That’s not a bad idea.

  RubyMars: Maybe take a rain jacket too.

  AHall80: Yeah, good idea. I’ll see if I can buy some boots today to give me some time to break them in.

  RubyMars: Yeah, you don’t want to end up with blisters while you’re over there. :)

  AHall80: Yeah.

  AHall80: I’m going to head out. I’ll msg you later.

  9:22 p.m.

  AHall80: Hey

  RubyMars: Hey

  RubyMars: How was your day?

  AHall80: Fine

  AHall80: Just got back from a run to the store, glad to be done with that

  RubyMars: What store?

  AHall80: The big store

  RubyMars: “The big store.” That narrows it down.

  RubyMars: Why do I feel like there’s more to this story?

  AHall80: Heh

  AHall80: Nothing happened. It just made me realize how many things I don’t miss after a year away.

  RubyMars: What else haven’t you missed?

  AHall80: Traffic

  AHall80: People with problems that aren’t really problems

  RubyMars: :)

  RubyMars: I wanted to ask but didn’t want to ask, are you handling being back fine so far?

  AHall80: Yeah

  AHall80: Mostly

  AHall80: My first two tours, not really, but I’ve gotten better. When we get back, we have to go through reintegration and they take it seriously. We have to take a class on identifying signs of depression and PTSD. I’m lucky and haven’t had either happen yet. Worst thing for me is big crowds. I can’t handle them anymore. Loud noises don’t do me any good either.

  RubyMars: Who really likes being squished in with a ton of people willingly anyway?

  AHall80: :]

  RubyMars: Are you doing anything tomorrow?

  AHall80: My brother was asking if I wanted to go to NOLA with him for a couple days.

  AHall80: It isn’t mardi gras, so I should be good to not step in any shit.

  RubyMars: You think you’re so funny, don’t you?

  AHall80: Are you laughing?

  RubyMars: No

  AHall80: Liar.

  RubyMars: BYE

  June 16th

  2:21 p.m.

  AHall80: Hey

  RubyMars: Hey you

  AHall80: Sorry I went MIA

  RubyMars: It’s okay. I assumed you were busy.

  AHall80: I went to Max’s parents’ lake house. Didn’t realize there was no service until I got there.

  RubyMars: I thought you were going to go to New Orleans and not step in crap with your brother?

  AHall80: I like my brother, but two days with him? Nah.

  RubyMars: Did you have fun at the lake house at least?

  AHall80: It was nice, quiet and there was AC. It was good.

  RubyMars: It’s the little things in life. :)

  AHall80: Now I’m rushing to get my stuff together for my trip.

  RubyMars: Did you end up buying boots?

  AHall80: I did, so did Des. Max didn’t. Don’t know about everyone else.

  RubyMars: ….

  AHall80: I know. When he starts complaining, I get to say I told you so.

  RubyMars: Lol. Yeah you do.

  RubyMars: Hopefully the weather is great the entire time you’re there, but… :)

  AHall80: If I don’t talk to you before I leave in two days, I’ll e-mail you when I can.

  RubyMars: Okay. Have fun!

  RubyMars: Enjoy your vacation for the both of us.

  AHall80: I will. :]

  AHall80: Bye, RC.

  12:33 a.m.

  AHall80: Hey

  RubyMars: Hey.

  RubyMars: What are you doing awake?

  AHall80: I’m pissed

  RubyMars: Want to talk about it?

  AHall80: There’s nothing to talk about.

  AHall80: I’m sorry

  AHall80: You didn’t do anything.

  AHall80: Max’s sister broke her arm and her friend broke her leg.

  RubyMars: Max’s sister’s friend…

  AHall80: They were both going to Scotland with us as a graduation present.

  RubyMars: When did it happen? We just talked like 6 hours ago.

  AHall80: An hour after I messaged you.

  RubyMars: Oh crap. Are they all right?

  AHall80: They’re alive and fine besides the broken elbow and leg…

  RubyMars: What happened?

  AHall80: Someone T-boned them in a car wreck.

  RubyMars: That’s terrible.

  RubyMars: Wait

  RubyMars: Does that mean they can’t go?

  AHall80: Yeah

  AHall80: That’s why I’m so….

  AHall80: The friend can’t walk, and they said Max’s sister might need surgery. If she doesn’t go, Max won’t either.

  AHall80: I know it’s selfish to be so mad about some girl breaking her leg and Max’s little sister, who I’ve known forever, getting hurt on accident, but I’m not happy.

  RubyMars: Maybe it’s a little selfish but you’re entitled to feel that way. You deserve your vacation.

  RubyMars: I’m sorry, Aaron. That really sucks.

  RubyMars: Your other friends are still going with you, right? Either way, plenty of people travel alone. I have a friend my age who’s always going places by herself and she’s five foot four, maybe one forty, not a big, strapping soldier like you.

  AHall80: :]

  AHall80: I’ll msg you later. I got a pounding headache.

  RubyMars: Okay. Hope you feel better. Sorry about everything.

  1:45 a.m.

  AHall80: I’m not really pissed

  RubyMars: Of course you’re not.

  RubyMars: And you’re still awake.

  AHall80: ….

  AHall80: Can’t sleep.

  AHall80: I’m disappointed. There’s worst shit in the world than not being able to go on vacation.

  AHall80: You’d figure I’d be used to things not working out.

  RubyMars: There’s nothing wrong with being disappointed. I’d be disappointed too.

  RubyMars: I’d probably cry.

  RubyMars: Okay, that last comment of yours makes me want to cry.

  RubyMars: You can still go on vacation though, even if Max doesn’t.

  AHall80: :]

  AHall80: Don’t cry. I’m feeling sorry for myself and not handling this like I should. It’s a sorry-ass excuse, but I’m tired.

  AHall80: What are you doing?

  RubyMars: Watching TV

  RubyMars: Eating donuts.

  RubyMars: It’s been a long day.

  AHall80: You too?

  AHall80: Bad day?

  RubyMars: No. Not really. I went to my brother’s place to pick up my mom’s carpet cleaner earlier for her and his best friend was there.

  AHall80: The asshole you were hung up on?

  RubyMars: That one. I hadn’t seen him in a while, and I guess you must have planted some bugs in my head because I saw him and just got pissed off.

  AHall80: At him or yourself?

  RubyMars: Both. Mostly him. It’s your fault. All I can think now is that he was the older one and he should’ve let me off the hook instead of letting me… forget it. It’s over. It’s stupid to be mad about it.

  AHall80: No it’s not.

  RubyMars: :)

  AHall80: It isn’t. He was a dick. You have a reason to be mad at him for leading you on. How much older is he?

  RubyMars: 6 years

  RubyMars: He’s the same age as you I guess.

  AHall80: Maybe, but I grew up by the time I was 22

  AHall80: For the most partr />
  AHall80: Did you say anything to him?

  RubyMars: Only hi. I was too busy going back and forth between calling myself an idiot and calling him an idiot in my head, and trying to count all the things about him I don’t like.

  AHall80: He’s got a lazy eye or something?

  RubyMars: Lol, no. His clothes are too tight. There’s that.

  AHall80: You don’t want to date anybody who wears clothes tighter than yours.

  RubyMars: I know!

  RubyMars: His hair is too long too. :) And he has crappy taste in movies.

  AHall80: :]

  RubyMars: I got out of there as quick as I could. My brother texted me while I was driving home asking what had been my deal. I told him I was fine, but I’m still a little mad just thinking about it all.

  RubyMars: Now I’m really ready to move on with my life. I’ve wasted enough time being dumb over people who don’t deserve my time.

  AHall80: That’s what I said.

  RubyMars: …you also told me to go to church to find a boyfriend, lol.

  AHall80: I don’t get what your deal with that is. It could work.

  RubyMars: In your dreams.

  RubyMars: Then there was you telling me to volunteer at a shelter.

  AHall80: Heh

  AHall80: Good thing you ignored me

  RubyMars: You made me feel better, thank you.

  AHall80: I owe you, stalker girl.

  RubyMars: I’m keeping tabs, don’t worry.

  RubyMars: We can be here for each other.

  AHall80: :]

  AHall80: Gotta go. Msg you soon.

  12:02 p.m.

  AHall80: You there?

  RubyMars: Yeah, hey.

  RubyMars: I just woke up a little while ago.

  RubyMars: So…

  AHall80: ?

  RubyMars: Did you hear anything else about Max or his sister?

  AHall80: No.

  RubyMars: No you didn’t hear anything about either of them or no he isn’t going?

  AHall80: No I haven’t heard anything about her or from him.

  RubyMars: :( I’m sorry

  AHall80: Not your fault

  RubyMars: I told you, you can go by yourself if Des and the other guy flake. Scottish people are supposed to be really friendly. I’m sure Max wouldn’t want you to not go because he can’t.

  AHall80: That’s what I heard.

  AHall80: You’d be surprised. He’s petty.

  RubyMars: Go anyway.

  RubyMars: Have you gone to see your dad?

  RubyMars: Why don’t you ask your brother or your sister to go? I’m not sure if that’s possible since it’s so last minute….


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