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Page 25

by Lauren Dane

  “I don’t need taking care of! I’m an adult. What I need is Daniel to not be sent off on some other mission so fast after we arrive.”

  Daniel looked to Carina. “They could decide you’re lying to them and put you in lockup, or worse, send you back. Don’t take this lightly, Carina.”

  “Why would they do that? Daniel, I’m helping them.” Carina sat nearby, her gaze only leaving him occasionally. “They didn’t do that to Vincenz.”

  “They didn’t trust me for some time. Not all the way. It was Ellis and his support that helped me so much. Don’t give Daniel a hard time, Carina, this is his world. My world now. Hells, your world, but this is politics. You know it. Don’t let love cloud your brain. You’re smart; you’ll need those skills.” Vincenz looked at his sister, and Daniel realized right then just how much he’d wanted Vincenz to approve of him, not as a soldier, though he appreciated that, but as a match for his sister.

  “Politics makes for bad choices sometimes.” Daniel was going out of his mind imagining all the possible outcomes. Though he did trust Wilhelm and Roman, and he knew his position would protect her, it was impossible not to be concerned.

  Wilhelm had inferred there was something else brewing, and he’d need to hit the ground fast on it. If at all possible, he’d assign one of his teams to it and stay in Ravena with Carina.

  “If you thought that, you’d not be taking me straight to them.”

  “He doesn’t want you to be rational, sweetie. He’s a big, protective male, and he has to let go of control over the thing that means more to him than anything else. It makes men crazy to have to do that. They get far more panicky and absurd about this stuff than women do. It’s also his job. He protects us all: me, the rest of our teams, the Federation. A more protective, bossy and controlling man I’ve yet to meet.” Marame, clearly amused, winked at Carina, who laughed.

  “Oh. I hadn’t thought of that, but you’re so right.” Carina winked at him.

  Daniel sighed, trying not to be amused by this female banter and nearly failing. “If you two are finished mocking me and my worries?”

  She frowned a moment and then moved to him, pushing her way onto his lap, which he was sure made his tough leadership reputation laughable. But when she did this, he couldn’t remember why he’d care.

  A want of her, of all he could be with her, sprang up from deep inside him, taking hold with such powerful entirety he was momentarily shaken. He’d never really allowed himself to want like this; the ferocity of it was entirely new.

  He realized, as he buried his face in her hair, he’d wanted her before, but he’d not expected her to stay; he’d held back part of himself to prepare for the inevitable when she walked away. And now, with her there against him that way, there was no holding back.

  She tipped her head back and then quickly popped up to kiss his nose. Gods.

  “I love you,” she said as he breathed her in. This woman had laid him low, and he would never be able to refuse her anything. She got to him in a way no one else could.

  “I’ll do everything I can to escort you to Wilhelm’s offices where you’ll be interviewed. Don’t be afraid.”

  She cocked her head. “Daniel, I do so love how protective you are. It’s overwhelming and flattering, and you make me feel so feminine. If you trust Wilhelm Ellis and Vincenz trusts him, he’s trustworthy.”

  Sitting up, she moved to the space next to him. She reached out to smooth her thumb over the frown line between his eyes. “You can’t do everything for me. I lived in Ciro Fardelle’s court my entire life. I had to keep my face blank as people were executed so close to where I sat, blood spatter got all over my hem. I’m an adult who can handle herself quite well when she needs to.”

  “Here we go,” Julian called out from the deck where he guided the transport through the extensive portal docking process to Ravena.

  “I will be so glad to sleep in my own bed,” Marame said. “You’re all great and everything, but it’s like the second to last day of a trip back home to see your family at a holiday. You know?”

  The laughter of the group lightened the mood a bit, but the tug in his belly when they’d been allowed through reminded him he now had something important. And something important to lose.

  She didn’t want him to know it, he was worried enough, but Carina was scared. Scared they’d do exactly what he was concerned about. She’d be Universes away from a home closed to her anyway. Adrift with no one to go to.

  Standing tall, his hand at the small of her back, she waited just inside the transport doors for Roman Lyons to enter.

  Instead of a man, what launched itself inside was a woman, a small one with dark hair just like her brother’s. “Daniel! You went to enemy territory! Without telling me?”

  Daniel frowned for one long moment and then relaxed with a smile. He bent, hugging his sister and kissing each cheek. As he drew back, he placed his palm over her belly, just a brief moment. Carina’s heart melted a bit more, knowing he probably hadn’t even noticed he’d greeted the baby in his sister’s belly, too.

  Daniel glanced up to the man who stood just on the other side of Abbie, the man who looked at Daniel’s sister with so much love Carina almost felt as if she’d stumbled into their bedroom at an intimate moment. “I told you it would be wise to keep that information in a folder where certain people couldn’t see it.”

  “I’m afraid this one is my fault.”

  Carina looked up, and then up some more until she met the handsome and imposing face of the man who’d spoken.

  He bowed low, surprising her with his innate grace. “Ms. Fardelle, please accept my welcome to Federation Territory and to Ravena. I’m Comandante Wilhelm Ellis, and it’s my great pleasure to meet you.”

  She blushed as he kissed her knuckles.

  “All right then, shouldn’t we be going? I don’t like being out there so exposed.” Daniel stepped up.

  Abbie’s gaze sharpened on her brother for a moment and turned back to Carina, speculation in her gaze. “I’m Abigail Haws Lyons. Officially, I’m here as your representative. That means I’ll keep them on the right side of the law and of your needs as much as I can. Do you accept my representation?”

  Daniel reached out briefly and slid a hand across her shoulders.

  “Yes, thank you.” Carina didn’t know what she should do but hoped it was enough.

  Abbie lost the formal manner then and gave her a genuine smile. “Now that that’s out of the way, I’m Abbie, Daniel’s sister. You’ll be staying with us for as long as you want or need.”

  Carina blinked, grateful and pleased his sister seemed to like her, but also still unhappy that it meant Daniel wouldn’t be with her.

  “I’d like to be wherever Daniel is. I appreciate your offer, I do, but I want to be where he is.” Right up front with it. She wanted to let them all know what the situation was between her and Daniel, so there’d be none of that Rank nonsense.

  The area got suddenly very quiet for a moment.

  Daniel began to speak again until the other man stood forward. “I’m afraid Daniel has some off ’Verse work to do shortly. I’m Roman Lyons. We are grateful to you for this service and offer you sanctuary.”

  “Thank you.” She did appreciate it, and it would have been rude not to reply, but now she had other things to say. “Why can’t someone else do that job? He can’t be the only one with the skills to do it. I need him here. He risked his life and saved mine on multiple occasions. It seems silly to send him off when he’s the man who made my being here possible.”

  “Sir, this area is exposed. We really should be moving out.” Daniel spoke softly to Ellis, who nodded agitatedly.

  “Let’s move this conversation to a more secure location,” Ellis called out before turning to Roman. “Sir, we agreed this would be a very short turnaround, if you’ll recall, after I voiced my sincere and strident objection to your and your wife’s presence. There are several prime targets in this transport.”

bsp; Roman eyed Carina carefully, and Daniel groaned.

  “I ask him that question all the time, you know.” Abbie squeezed Carina’s hand conspiratorially.

  “Moving out now,” Daniel said tightly.

  “My guard is outside as well,” Ellis called out.

  Daniel did some finger talking with the others, and they took their places around Abbie, Roman and Carina. The mood became more solemn as they opened the doors and began the walk down a set of steps to another platform.

  She wanted to see the outside! All this time she’d had this idea of Ravena, mainly via other people’s memories and viewpoints, and she wanted to see if it could possibly match those tales.

  Daniel wanted to be next to Carina, but he knew Marame was far more than capable. He kept a watch, trying to pinpoint anything out of place in the crowd below as thousands of people milled around, arriving and departing. Freight moved along a ramp just below the travelers. Vendors sold their wares, children played in the drop-off for departures so their parents were able to manage any cargo to be loaded.

  The energy of the portal played along Daniel’s skin as they continued to move. He wondered what Carina would think of this place. This was the grandest the Federated Universes had to offer. Not just this portal city, but Ravena itself. Would she, too, love the scents of the spicy kabobs wafting up from the carts? They were so different, he thought, not for the first time.

  Alarm pricked the back of his neck, and he turned, looking through the sight of his weapon and saw it on the freight ramp, a male busting from a box, pointing a blast rocket in their direction.

  “Down!” he screamed. His personal comm registered the order, and Ellis’s guards began to fan out on the platform below.

  The blast hit as he threw himself over Roman, still shouting out orders to the soldiers to apprehend the shooter and his location. On his other side, Ellis crouched over Abbie. Weapons fire sounded as he pushed himself up to get a visual. Reports sounded in over his comm: the shooter was dead, the area secured.

  A medical team came up, and Daniel twisted, her name on his lips as he checked Roman over for injuries. Roman wasn’t interested, shoving Ellis aside to get to Abbie.

  “Carina!” he screamed out. Behind where they’d stood was total carnage. Vincenz pulled himself to stand with the help of a medic. His arm appeared to be broken, his clothes partially scorched.

  Julian pulled a soldier away from a pile of bodies. Daniel sprang over debris to get to them. Carina was there.

  He began to pray in his head. It could have been out loud, he didn’t know. She couldn’t be gone, not after all they’d experienced to get her here. His hands began to shake as he continued to give orders to his men.

  “Marame, fuck, fuck!” Julian said, shock in his voice. Daniel stepped through the rubble. Saw what happened to Marame. Grief struck him to his core.

  That’s when Daniel caught sight of that pale hair. Something pinned her in place, and he sprang forward to help. Relief rushed through him as she sat up slowly, appearing unhurt.

  “Marame?” Carina leaned forward as Daniel pulled her to him.

  “She’s gone,” he murmured.

  “She pushed me out of the way.” Tears rolled down Carina’s cheeks as he picked her up. “You yelled, and she turned and shoved me backward, toward the doorway. She saved me.”

  “We’ve got to get her out of here and to safety, Daniel,” Vincenz said, his arm in a temporary sling. “We don’t know if they have another ambush set up.”

  Daniel had known Marame for a very long time. His team, his life wouldn’t be the same without her.

  “Julian, stay here with her. Can you do that?” He knew Julian and Marame were as close as siblings. Julian would keep her body safe, would handle the removal and the contact with her family. It would help him process the pain.

  Julian looked up, relief on his face, and nodded. “Yes, sir, of course. I’ll report to you as soon as we’ve . . .” his voice sort of wandered off track for a moment. “As soon as we’ve taken care of her.”

  Feeling torn a thousand ways, Daniel headed down to the platform and out of the station where the military vehicles waited.

  Chapter 20

  “There were three separate attacks today at the same time,” Ellis spoke as he poured himself a drink and pushed a tumbler toward Daniel. “Here in Ravena. Elsewhere, forty-eight miners were killed in a bombing in Nondal. He’s escalating.”

  “In my fucking ’Verse. In my fucking control, and on my fucking watch. These animals could have killed my wife and child. They could have killed my men. This must be dealt with in such a way that they understand never to do it again.” Roman turned his gaze back to Ellis and drained his glass in one last swallow.

  “This is about the chip, Roman. We have to get that data from the chip. What we know is bad enough. The rest of the data is imperative.” Ellis began to pace.

  “Carina is resting right now. The doctor said it would be better for her health if you waited until tomorrow, and I’m telling you right now that you will have to get through me to harm her any more today.” Daniel said this through clenched teeth.

  Ellis cocked his head, studying him before he spoke again. “It’s bad business, Operative Haws, to develop attachments to cargo.”

  “With all due respect, Comandante, fuck you.”

  That got Roman’s full attention as he set the glass on a low table, watching, but saying nothing.

  “She’s not cargo. She risked her godsdamned life to come here and help us. My operative lost her life to protect Carina’s. I won’t have her health compromised any more than it is just now. And that’s far more than I’d prefer as it is. Your precious information can wait until Carina has rested.”

  “I’m afraid I’d have to agree.” Abbie swept into the room.

  Roman sprang up, his hands tossed into the air with frustration. “Gods damn it! Abbie get your ass back into bed.”

  “You’re going to go gray with all that upset, Roman. Sit down. I’m all right.” She pushed her husband into his chair and then climbed up into his lap. Not that she was giving in. “I’m her advocate, and I’m going to tell you I will heartily disagree with any plans to deal with that chip today. I have official documentation from your own doctors advising that, and I will make your life at least a few levels of hell if you disturb her before tomorrow.” She yawned a bit, undercutting how scary she might have been otherwise, but all in that room knew she would do everything to upset any plans but the ones she endorsed just then.

  Daniel kept his face as blank as he could, but he winked her way when no one was looking.

  “You’re not all right. Someone might have easily killed you today. Or the babe.” Roman put a hand over her belly, and Daniel’s stalwart sister leaned into her husband, her eyes dropping closed a moment as a shadow of grief crossed her features.

  Daniel had had those might-have-been moments all day long, had relived them time and again. His sister could have died, his love could have died. Roman could have died. His friend had died.

  “Marame,” he said, standing. “I have to go make a comm, be sure her family has been informed and her interment is taken care of.”

  “It’s done. My aide made the call some time ago. Her family will be here soon to claim her remains. They’ll take care of her flat. Her mother insisted it was something she had to do, so I’ve ordered it sealed until they arrive.” Ellis poured another drink. “I take it very personal when my people are killed.”

  “Me, too. Julian will need some time away. My people will need a memorial of some sort. I assume she’ll receive a posthumous commendation for her service and valor.”

  “It’ll be done. In the meantime, you’ll need debriefing. I’ll do it myself, and then you can go to her. You won’t heed my advice on this and have already gone and fallen in love with her.” Ellis glanced at Abbie, affection clear on his face. “You Hawses and your total lack of respect for the rules of Rank.”

�re dumb rules, Wil, and you know it.” Abbie moved to stand, and Roman did, too, bringing her up with him.


  “I’m putting you back in bed.” Roman moved to the door, his arm holding Abbie to his body. Daniel liked seeing how protective he was, even if he disapproved of bringing her to the portal in the first place.

  Then again, telling Abbie something and expecting her to obey if she felt differently was a losing game. One Daniel had played his whole life.

  It was all his fault anyway for asking her to be Carina’s advocate. Of course she’d felt as if she’d had to go to the portal.

  “Don’t think I don’t know you’re all going to talk about me when you get me upstairs.”

  “You are always the topic of our conversation,” Daniel called out. “If you don’t do as Roman says, I’m comming Nyna and Mai. Your choice.”

  “You all gang up on me so.” She pouted as Roman guided her out of the room, closing the coded entry as he did.

  “I’m going to record this.” Wilhelm tapped a few keys on the comm. “Start at the beginning. We’ll get the scan when you bring Carina to the med center tomorrow for the extraction of that chip.”

  He relaxed, as Wilhelm had intended, and the questions began in earnest. He opened himself up and began to speak.

  Carina was awake when Daniel came into the huge suite of rooms they’d told her would be hers as long as she desired. She’d been sitting in a chair, pretending to read a book, and stood, going to him.

  Only when he held her, only when she was sure he was solid and real and alive, did she heave out a long breath.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, gently but firmly putting her back into the chair. “You should be sleeping.”

  “I’ve slept. I’ve cried. I’ve taken a pain draught, I’ve paced, looked out the windows over this lovely inner courtyard below and I’ve worried. I’m done sleeping for now.”


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