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Rogue: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 1

Page 2

by B. A. Stretke

  He studied the windows on the second floor. The window to the left belonged to Leo’s apartment. His lights were on and Derek could sense his mate moving about inside and could feel his confusion. Their bond was minuscule at best, but Derek had a knack for scents and tracking which he used to its fullest extent when focusing on his newly discovered mate. To feel someone this deep and personal was quite unusual.

  Closing his phone and slipping it into his pocket, he decided to leave it there for now. Later, he would do a deep dive and discover all the little human’s secrets. With one last backward glance, he turned and continued on to complete his original business. Walking away was not an easy task. Several times he found himself being urged back to the old storefront.

  Henrik was still at the hotel, so Derek opted to meet him there. The top floor of the Indigo Hotel was strictly for Pack members and Pack business. No one was allowed on this floor who wasn’t Pack. The rest of the Hotel ran like any other business establishment with the added feature of being owned and operated by a wolf pack.

  Henrik’s business office was on this penthouse floor and he often worked there late into the night and morning completely dedicated to the betterment of his people. Henrik was a strong, exacting, and gifted Alpha and a supportive brother. Not too many families would have maintained such a close connection to someone like Derek. His dark personality and the way he tended to distance himself would have caused too much suspicion and paranoia to keep him around. Pack families were distrustful by nature and that wasn’t a bad thing.

  Thankfully, Henrik always worked with a person’s strengths and used them to his advantage. Derek’s strengths were both intense and specific but also useful for an Alpha of a growing Pack. Henrik was a genius when it came to politics and people handling.

  Derek wished he was more like him but lacked that characteristic that made him capable of being a team player. Derek most likely would have become a lone wolf if Henrik hadn’t become Alpha of his own pack because he listened and, as much as he hated to say it, acquiesced only to Henrik. His parents could never control him, but Henrik always could even at an early age, Henrik was his leader.

  Zayn, Henrik’s good friend, and Beta often tried to pull Derek into social situations when they were growing up together but gave up after their teens when it became obvious that it was a losing proposition. Derek despised group functions that required talking aimlessly or agreeably. He hadn’t the patience for idle discourse or extended periods of pleasantness.

  Henrik had once described Derek’s seeming distance and chill as simply him narrowing, from an early age, his field of concern. Derek knew that characterization to be true since all he cared about was his brother and the Pack, not any specific member, just the Pack as a whole. As the pack fixer, Derek worked alone and, in the shadows, making life smoother and more prosperous for his brother and the Pack. He considered it the ideal position for someone like himself. Henrik saw Derek’s strength and made it work for the Pack. The man was brilliant.

  Derek entered through the side door and stepped into the secure elevator that went only to the Penthouse level. Henrik was alone in his office when Derek arrived. Two of the Pack Enforcers, Seamus and Javier, were covering the floor and they acknowledged Derek but did not speak. He knocked once on Henrik’s door although it was open.

  “Come in Derek.” Henrik looked up and smiled at his brother. “How did it go?” Derek walked in and sat in the chair opposite Henrik’s desk.

  “McCrory will sign off tomorrow during the meeting. He understands now the importance of revitalizing that vacant acreage and who better to do it than the Vaughn Corporation.” Derek reported casually as if it had been an ordinary business meeting and hadn’t involved threats and coercion. He didn’t go into detail, Henrik didn’t require details, he just wanted to know the job was done.

  “Well done, as usual,” Henrik stated and Derek nodded always pleased that his work was appreciated. Henrik got up and walked over to pour himself a drink and he poured one for Derek as well. He handed it to him and sat back down behind his desk. Derek took a sip and stared at the remaining liquid for a moment before deciding to share his good news with Henrik.

  He captured his brother’s gaze before he spoke. “I found my mate tonight.” He said and paused briefly to take in the shock and concern that flashed across Henrik’s face. Henrik set his glass down and leaned forward resting his arms on his desk.

  “Are you sure?” That question was expected, and Derek simply nodded. “How do you feel about it?” Was his second question.

  “Surprised that Fate chose to give someone like me such a gift,” Derek responded honestly. “He’s human so I’ll need to take it slow and control my wolf.” He added thoughtfully.

  Henrik continued to watch him with a curious look. “So, you’re going to pursue this, pursue him?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” Derek knew what Henrik was getting at but decided to let his brother spell it out. Henrik didn’t respond immediately, obviously taking the time to choose his words so as to not offend.

  “You’re a man who has always preferred to keep his own company and withdrawing when situations or moments become too emotionally charged or complicated. With that said, there is nothing in this world more emotionally charged and complicated as finding your mate and claiming them.” Henrik sat back in his chair and continued to regard his brother closely. Derek understood his brother’s concern and hesitance in congratulating him but was growing tired of the scrutiny.

  “I won’t delve into the touchy-feely aspect of what’s going on inside me right now but let me say this one thing. There is no power on earth that will stop me in my pursuit of Leo Russo. It’s a new experience for me and my wolf. This sensation of needing and wanting so desperately is quite overwhelming. I can’t say that I enjoy it but I’m not going to fight it. This is as it should be, Leo Russo belongs to me.” Derek finished his drink and set the glass aside and waited for more questions but instead, Henrik stood, rounded his desk and pulled Derek into a firm hug.

  “I am so happy for you Derek.” After a couple of brotherly slaps on the back, Henrik took one step back but still held Derek by the upper arms. “I envy you, brother.” Henrik stopped as if remembering something. “Did you say his name was Leo Russo?” Derek nodded and watched as Henrik went back to his computer and after punching a few keys looked up at Derek with a smile.

  “He works here, he’s a bartender in the Lounge. He started two weeks ago.”

  “That should make it a little easier for me to introduce myself,” Derek commented thinking fondly about coming face to face with his mate in a situation not so dire as the one tonight.

  “You met him, but you haven’t been introduced?” Henrik drew his eyebrows together disbelieving and sat down to hear whatever story Derek had to tell.

  “I was on my way here after speaking with McCrory and as I entered the alley off Main, I noticed a fight. For some reason I didn’t understand at the time, I was drawn to defend the little human who was getting the shit kicked out of him by two jackal shifters.” Derek’s lip curved into a rueful smile.

  “Once I got close enough, I knew why I was compelled into that alley. I took care of the jackals. I didn’t kill them since they had no way of knowing the man was my mate.” He clarified. “But I will if they ever touch him again.” He added indifferently. “Leo ran away before introductions were made.” He finished rather bluntly not wanting to admit he lost control of his wolf and half shifted in front of the man.

  “I sense that there are parts of this story that you’re not sharing but that’s okay. I trust you to know what you’re doing and if you need help of any kind, I’m here.”



  Leo woke around ten and rolled over to tug the curtains closed blocking the morning sun. He planned to stay in bed another half hour. He was feeling the effects of the beating he’d received last night and getting up was not something he wanted to do right now. />
  He had to work at five this afternoon and hopefully he was in better shape by that time. His sleep had been fitful at best with nightmares of monsters and mayhem. His mind, now awake, went straight to thoughts of the dark stranger who saved him from a more serious beat down and maybe even saved his life.

  Those two guys who attacked him seemed to enjoy what they were doing to him. He knew he was in real trouble when he tried to give them his wallet and they didn’t want it. All they wanted was a pound of flesh and they were going to take it. There were no reasons stated for the attack. Their idea of a good time was apparently beating someone unconscious and they would have succeeded if it hadn’t been for the dark stranger.

  Eastport wasn’t that big of a town at sixty thousand, perhaps he would run into the man again and this time he wouldn’t let his fear and overactive imagination cause him to run away. Now that he was awake in the full light of day the fact that he ran away rather than thank him or try to help was embarrassing. He should have stayed until it was over rather than running away like a coward.

  It would probably be a good thing if he never saw the man again. What would he say, sorry I ran away and let you fight my battle? There was no way he wasn’t going to look weak in the man’s judgment and that bothered him for some reason, bothered him immensely.

  That man looked like someone who ate fear for breakfast. He wouldn’t ever run away from conflict, so his present opinion of Leo was probably as low as it could get. Thankfully he didn’t know Leo’s name and hadn’t followed him when he ran so perhaps fading into obscurity was still an option. That thought brought with it a flood of anxiety which Leo had no explanation for, so he decided it was time to get up and start his day.


  Derek and Henrik headed home together a little past three in the morning. The Pack resided in an exclusive gated community located just outside of town. It appeared like any other gated community to outsiders but consisted of only pack members and those closely affiliated with the pack.

  The security was intense and specialized but to the outside world, it looked to be covered by cameras and a couple of security people in golf carts, the usual and expected. The Community was built in a circular fashion. The homes were of varying sizes depending on the size of the family and the wealth and influence of the member.

  The Alpha, Beta, and lead Enforcers lived at the Alpha’s residence which was a large mansion that was central to the complex. Henrik had tried to convince Derek to live with him, but Derek liked his own space and, in his mind, having everyone at the mansion put a concentration of experts in one place. To better serve Henrik, Derek took a mid-sized craftsman style house nearer the front gates.

  He saw himself as the first line of defense after the guards at the gate. He didn’t explain this to Henrik who continued over the years to try and get him to move to the mansion. Deep within his stony heart, Derek appreciated his brother’s loving intent.

  Henrik pulled into Derek’s drive and parked. “I am really happy for you Derek. A mate is the blessing that all wolves dream about and now you have your dream. I look forward to meeting him.”

  “Yeah, me too.” Derek barked a short laugh and Henrik chuckled.

  “Good luck and turn on the charm, if you can find any.” Henrik quipped as Derek got out.

  “If he’s really my mate, he won’t require charm.” Derek shot back.

  “True, very true.”

  Derek headed inside and settled in for the night. Thoughts of his mate in that apartment over the furniture store dominated his mind and several times he had to stop himself from going over there. His instincts were telling him to just take him. Bring his mate home and work out the problems later.

  His wolf was a straight forward kind of beast who saw no gain in being modest or reserved. But his rational mind was telling him to handle this like a normal human being and get to know him first. His rational mind won out this time.

  He found out through Leo’s employee file that he worked the evening shift and started at five. The manager of the lounge, Mike Leighton, was a wolf shifter and a member of the Pack but Derek had never trusted Mike. Henrik believed he was doing a good job managing the lounge, the restaurant, and the coffee shop and he probably was but Derek didn’t like him. It wasn’t his work, but rather a weakness in his character that put Derek off.

  But Derek found that there were many in the Pack that put him off, so he didn’t bring his concerns to Henrik. If he found out more than just the fact Mike was having an affair with the Omega wolf Toby that worked in the kitchen then he might be inclined to follow up in his own way.

  Mike had been living with a woman for years, but his infidelity wasn’t Derek’s business. No, Derek’s issue was that Mike wore a mask of a dutiful friend and dedicated supporter that didn’t always fit. His gut told him that Mike should not be trusted.

  He shook off the thoughts and lay down to try and rest, but Leo Russo was not to be denied and the vision of his handsome face with its delicate features remained fixed in his mind. Tomorrow he promised himself as he gradually fell into a light sleep.


  Leo arrived early as usual but this time he wasn’t asked to start his shift early which was a relief. He was able to sit for a few minutes and prepare himself for the evening ahead. His bruised face was pretty easy to cover with a light foundation cream he’d picked up from the drug store near his apartment. With any luck, no one would notice because he was not in the mood to answer a constant string of uncomfortable questions from customers and co-workers.

  He was grabbing his apron and getting ready to go out and give Sam some relief when Toby walked into the breakroom. His expression was surprised and then a forced smile which Leo had no idea how to read. “I thought you had the night off.” He said.

  “No, who told you that?” Leo responded and watched as Toby shrugged nervously and then left the breakroom. “That was odd.” He mumbled but Toby could be an odd one so dismissed it and headed out to the bar.


  Derek walked into the bar from the street entrance rather than coming through the hotel proper. It had been agony waiting all day for five o’clock to arrive. Too bad Henrik hadn’t any jobs for him which would have taken his mind off things temporarily but at least he’d had plenty of time to research his mate.

  After a quick scan of the room, he took a seat in one of the booths across and to the left of the bar it gave him a good vantage point to see his mate when he arrived but unless the man was looking, he wouldn’t see Derek. The moment Leo entered the room and moved behind the bar, Derek felt his senses coming alive and sparking awareness of his mate.

  He was just as handsome as he remembered if not more so. The bruises on his face were covered but Derek could see them, and it made him want to find those jackals and return the favor repeatedly. Regretting having let them go he wished he’d killed them as they’d deserved for daring to touch what was his. Leo’s presence seemed to have conferred on him a generous heart. He would have to be careful of that in the future. In his world, soft hearts got people killed or disregarded, and Derek would not abide either.

  The bar began to fill with people arriving for happy hour and the benefits it offered. Half-priced appetizers and bargain beverages drew them in. Derek watched his mate handle the crowd effortlessly with a friendly smile and a demeanor that spoke of an easy compassionate nature. The information he found described Leo as a good student and good employee, conscientious, hardworking and honest, all good qualities.

  His work history consisted of hotel work from front desk to bartender to food services. What surprised him in his research was that Leo had worked for his family. His family owned several chain hotels in the suburbs of Chicago. He left his last position of front desk manager three weeks ago with a good reference.

  There’s a story there and Derek would discover what it was. He had a hunch that the departure was not on mutually good terms. Conscientious, hardworking and honest, you don’t let people l
ike that go especially when they’re family.

  At a quarter past six, he finished his beer and moved towards the bar. It was time to meet Leo and get this mating started.


  Leo felt odd from the moment he stepped behind the bar, it was as if revitalizing energy surrounded him. The tingle of sensation prickled along his skin with every breeze that passed him by. Something was in the air tonight and whatever it was, it was exciting him.

  He passed drinks down the bar and it was then that he understood why he was feeling the way he was. Standing there looking just as drop dead out of this world gorgeous as he had last night was the dark stranger. Only here in the bright lights of the bar, he was even more impressive than Leo recalled. Leo stood still watching him as he approached unable and unwilling to look away from those chilly blue eyes that held him fast.

  “Hello, Leo.” He said with a voice that vibrated down Leo’s spine and caused his cock to twitch in the confines of his tight jeans. This man had power. Leo could not make his mouth work so stunned by the fact that he was there, and he knew his name. What did it mean?

  The man reached out his hand towards Leo as he came flush with the edge of the bar. Leo took the offered hand without looking away from the enthralling gaze. He felt trapped but not afraid or awkward, this trap was thrilling and charged the air with excitement.

  “Derek.” He stated his name with a smile that barely turned the corners of his lips but seemed so warm and inviting. “Pleased to meet you.” He said, but Leo just stared like a stupid fool as he held the man’s hand. Derek, his name was Derek, Leo repeated in his mind. “Come and sit with me for a few minutes.” He requested gently and Leo could not say no.

  He released the warm, strong hand and without taking his eyes off Derek spoke to Sam who was a few feet away. “I’m taking my break; I’ll be back in a few.” He didn’t bother to listen for a response, just removed his apron and stepped out from behind the bar.


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