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Rogue: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 1

Page 3

by B. A. Stretke

  Derek placed the palm of his hand at the base of Leo’s back and directed him to a booth on the far wall. His touch was so erotic even though he wasn’t really doing anything except pressing his hand against him. He wanted that hand everywhere on his body and the thought sent another jerk to his ever-hardening cock. Thank God his jeans were tight enough to keep things under control. Once they were seated Leo had to force himself to speak otherwise Derek might think there was something wrong with him if he didn’t soon say something.

  “Thank you for helping me last night.” He began and noticed his voice quivered a bit so tried to hide it with a cough. “I’m sorry for running away. I got spooked, I’m sorry.” Leo watched as Derek reached across the table and took Leo’s hand and held it loosely. His touch made everything feel right.

  “Considering the situation, running was probably your best option,” Derek said as he studied him closely. Leo would usually squirm under such intense scrutiny, but Derek’s gaze did not have that effect. Leo found himself enjoying the attention. Leo was about to comment when Mike spotted him and came immediately towards him. Leo stiffened readying himself for a reprimand for sitting in the main room fraternizing during his shift.

  Derek felt the change in his mate’s demeanor and glanced left to follow where he was looking. Mike was on his way over and Derek did not like the effect it was having on Leo. Mike might need to be taught a lesson in tolerance if he didn’t learn to back off real soon. Mike rushed the table and began a litany of offenses before locking eyes onto who Leo was seated with.

  “You cannot take your break on the floor, Leo, you know that. Go to the breakroom if you must but you were not cleared to go on break. This is highly irregular; we will have to . . .” His words fell off when he looked down at Derek who was probing him with a stare that could kill. Mike took an abrupt step back and started to mumble something akin to an apology, but he was talking too fast to understand his words.

  “Do we have a problem here Mike?” Derek adopted a tone that was both threatening and derisive. Mike’s head started to shake rapidly before any words came out.

  “No sir, no problem. I apologize for the interruption Mr. Vaughn.” He backed away and disappeared fast forgoing any further conversation. Derek returned his attention to Leo who was looking confused by the interaction.

  “You own the hotel?” He asked his voice softer than before almost a whisper. Derek couldn’t get a read on Leo’s opinion in the matter so just went with half the truth.

  “My brother Henrik owns the hotel.” He answered and Leo relaxed a little.

  “Do you work for him?” Leo asked.

  “I work for the corporation. I’m a troubleshooter.” Derek knew that didn’t completely cover his job duties, but it was close and easy to understand. Fixer can hold bad connotations and he didn’t want Leo to question getting involved with him. Leo nodded but didn’t look like he completely understood but that was okay. Leo had many things to learn in the next few days and the least important of those was Derek’s employment status.

  “Are you walking home again tonight?” That question seemed to catch him by surprise.

  “Yeah, I don’t live far.” Derek continued to hold Leo’s hand and gently rubbed the pad of his thumb back and forth across his knuckles soothing his little human.

  “I’ll walk you home.” He stated expecting no refusal.

  “No, you’ve done enough for me. I won’t take that alley again, ever. The main street is safe. I don’t want you to go out of your way for me.” Leo was emphatic but Derek wasn’t having it.

  “Those men may be waiting for you again tonight. I won’t take risks with your safety. I’ll meet you here at the public entrance at two.” It was not a request or a suggestion.

  Leo had no idea as to why Derek Vaughn was offering to walk him home or why he would worry about someone like him, a bartender at his brother’s hotel. He seemed to be interested and Leo was flattered, but what was the intent here? Should he be concerned? Should he back off and let the acquaintance fade? No, that was not going to happen.

  This was a chance with a man that was three levels above him socially and ten levels above him physically. Even if Derek was just looking to scratch an itch, who was he to deny him that satisfaction. Yes, he wanted this man in his bed as soon as possible.

  “Okay, thank you.” Leo relented with a shy smile. The bar was getting busy and he’d already been on break for over fifteen, so he pushed out of the booth and stood. Derek stood at the same time and walked him back to the bar keeping his hand once again on the small of Leo’s back.

  Without further discussion, Derek nodded and then turned towards the doors. Leo watched him walk out the public entrance and disappear around the corner. He hated to see him leave, what a weird longing he was feeling for someone he literally just met.

  “Wow, that guy is worth getting yelled at.” Sam leaned over Leo’s shoulder and referenced Mike’s interference as they both watched Derek turn the corner and disappear from view.

  “Yeah, he is.” Leo agreed.

  All night Leo could think of nothing but Derek and the fact that he was going to see him after work. Suddenly the thought hit him that perhaps he wasn’t being sincere, perhaps he wouldn’t show. It was two in the morning, who wants to walk a guy home at two in the morning? He didn’t have to offer, and Leo gave him an out and still, he insisted. Leo hoped he showed up, but what if he didn’t and why was that possibility causing him so much grief?

  “Leo.” It was Mike calling him and pointing to the break room. Leo had managed to stay busy and avoid the guy for most of his shift, but there was no way to avoid a direct order. He nodded to a sympathetic Sam and headed to the back.

  Mike was there waiting with his arms crossed over his chest and staring at him like he was in for it. It was Derek Vaughn for fuck sake, it’s not as if he could have refused him if he’d wanted to. Not that he wanted to, but still, it wasn’t his fault so why was Mike making a big deal out of this?

  “What’s your relationship with Derek Vaughn?” He barked and took an abrupt step towards where Leo stood a few feet away. It reminded Leo of the bluff charges that his stepfather used to try on him. They never worked.

  “That’s personal.” Leo wasn’t about to share his life with Mike. He wasn’t going to tell him about getting the shit kicked out of him on the way home and being rescued by Derek. That was Leo’s own business and so was the budding desire he was harboring for the man who saved him.

  “You will tell me everything,” Mike demanded and rushed towards him stopping a few inches in front of him. Another bluff charge. Leo was not impressed and held his ground.

  “You’re not my mother or my priest and I’m not telling you jack shit.” Leo shot back and he saw the anger flash in Mike’s eyes, but he didn’t respond. Mike stepped back and stormed out of the breakroom leaving Leo standing there wondering what the hell just happened.

  The remainder of the evening went quickly with a steady flow of patrons and Sam having to call off early. It was something about his Uncle. Leo hadn’t heard it all, but it had sounded like trouble. Mike had let Sam go without question so maybe Mike was getting back to himself again.

  Being on his own, he was too busy to notice Mike glaring at him and too busy to be bothered by it. He thought Mike might try to hold him up and give him extra duties before leaving but he let him clock out at two without incident. It also might have to do with the fact that Derek didn’t wait for him outside. He came in and stood at the bar until Leo was ready to leave. Mike stayed out of the way.

  “Ready?” Derek asked as he held Leo’s jacket for him to put on.

  “Yes, thank you.” Leo was charmed with Derek’s attentiveness. Derek slipped his arm around Leo’s waist and directed him out of the bar. Leo could feel eyes boring into his back as they walked away. Mike had a problem with Derek, that was clear, and Leo hoped it didn’t continue to make work-life unpleasant for him.

  “Everything okay?” Der
ek asked as they made their way down Main. “You seem preoccupied.”

  “Oh, everything’s fine. I was just thinking about those guys who jumped me last night.” It was a lie but a small one because he was thinking about them along with Mike’s strange behavior, but he wouldn’t share that with Derek. He wasn’t that big of a troublemaker.

  Derek sensed the lie as soon as it left his mate’s lips. There was more on Leo’s mind than the two jackals from last night. “Do you like your job at the bar?” He would start there and work his way towards Mike. It was his opinion that Mike was at the heart of this, but he couldn’t just outright ask.

  Leo wasn’t the type to make life difficult for others, but he also struck Derek as someone who would not be walked on. This mate discovery business was quite thought-provoking. His life up to now was filled with studying threats and bad actors. Now he got to study a beautiful young man who he planned to spend the rest of his life with and he found it both challenging and provocative. It was a delightful change from the usual and delightful was not a word he used often.

  “Yes, it’s a good job and I like the customers and my co-workers. I’ve tended bar before in less agreeable places.” Leo stated and Derek picked it apart analyzing every word. He never said he liked his boss and compared the job to having worked at less agreeable places. So, Mike might very well become problematic. Derek vowed to keep an eye on the situation. No one would deride or displease his mate, ever.

  “What brought you to Eastport? Do you have family here?” Derek continued to pull out information.

  “I wanted to get out of Chicago for a while and Eastport was small but not too small and there were jobs available.” Derek recognized that Leo was beginning to choose his words carefully so backed off for now.

  “It’s a good town, for the most part.” Derek continued with basic small talk and casually took Leo’s hand. The night was fresh and clean smelling or perhaps that was just his mate he was scenting. Leo was, in every way, someone very special of that fact Derek was absolutely certain.

  The conversation was relaxed and easy between them the rest of the way to Leo’s apartment. They stopped at the door that led to the apartments on the upper floor and silence ensued for a few seconds.

  “This is where I live. Not much but it’s clean and comfortable.” Leo wanted to invite Derek up, but would he think it presumptuous. If he said no thanks would it be awkward, so Leo fidgeted for a few more seconds before approaching the offer couched in a thank you.

  “Thank you for seeing me home, would you like to come up for coffee or a drink or something before heading back?” There that didn’t sound too eager, did it? He was quickly rewarded for his bravery.

  “I would like some water if it’s not too much trouble,” Derek responded and moved to press himself to Leo’s back as Leo opened the door and stepped inside.

  Leo led him up the steep, creaking staircase to a narrow door on the right. Once again, he felt Derek’s tall body pressed seductively against him as he fished the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. The anticipation was overwhelming, and it took him a few tries to get the key to work. When he did, Derek quickly pushed him inside and shut the door behind them pinning Leo’s back to the closed door with his body. It surprised him but was not unexpected.

  The feel of Derek’s warm and firm physique as it pressed him to the door was doing crazy things to Leo’s own body. Thrilling sensations of need and want were sparking along his nerves making him lean into the man who held him so securely and so easily.

  Derek cupped the sides of Leo’s face and tilted it up as he descended and captured Leo’s lips in a kiss that rocked the ages for Leo. The touch of his lips was electrifying. Leo found himself gripping Derek’s sides while opening fully to his searching and demanding embrace. Derek tasted wild and heady an erotic combination that went straight to Leo’s cock and hardened it painfully in his jeans.

  Leo moaned softly and pressed himself against Derek’s thigh seeking some sort of relief. It was wanton and crazy, but he couldn’t stop himself. Derek continued to kiss him hard and thorough while gripping him in a viselike embrace. Leo reciprocated making it as clear as possible that he wanted this and more and hoped that Derek didn’t end it with just this amazing kiss.

  Derek hadn’t meant to come on so strong but once he had Leo alone and clearly eager, he couldn’t stop from taking a taste. The kiss grew ever anxious as he sought more and pushed for Leo’s submission. His wolf was a player at this moment coming forward to experience the scents and sounds of their gorgeous mate.

  Leo was riding him seeking relief and his arousal was thick in the air around them. If he took this any further there would be no coming back. Derek recognized he did not have the control to stop if Leo agreed to give himself over. Now was the time to decide to take what was being offered and claim his mate or wait for further clarity and understanding before binding them together.

  Leo boldly slid his hand from Derek’s waist to graze his palm across Derek’s hardened cock that was straining against the fabric of his pants demanding release. The sensation was staggering sending shock waves of need and desire reverberating through Derek’s system shaking him to his core and sealing their fate. Derek was claiming his mate tonight.


  Henrik sat at his desk in his office located on the first floor of the Mansion. This was the office he cherished the most, the office of Alpha of the Bay Harbor Wolf Pack. The CEO and corporation leadership were cheap decoration for the true mantle he held as Alpha Wolf. This Pack, its growth and prosperity, was his life and his focus.

  He with his best friend Zayn and brother Derek set out over a hundred years ago to form a community that was strong and well-protected, that provided for the membership and was run in accordance with true wolf doctrine. Their previous pack had been modernized and humanized to the point that pack members were estranged from one another and lives were cut adrift as they became members in name only. There was no community, no support, no power.

  Henrik modeled the Bay Harbor Pack after the packs of old. Members lived together on pack lands and were governed, protected and provided for by their leadership. Everyone benefited from Pack owned businesses and enterprises, not just the leadership. It was a model that proved to be increasingly vital and productive as Henrik reviewed stacks of membership requests that came in from across the country.

  New members were screened with intense scrutiny by his brother Derek and so far, few had been accepted. Derek had a knack for separating the desperate and hopeful from the calculating and opportunistic. The few that were accepted tended to be families looking to better their circumstances and provide for their young. His brother, for as hard and cold as he claimed to be, had a soft spot for children and struggling parents.

  He looked up from his laptop when Zayn knocked once and then entered. “We have reports that Kent Wisner has been missing for several days. A check indicated that his house was the one that burned to the ground three days ago. He lived alone in one of the small bungalows out on the edge of the cliffs.” Zayn appeared unconcerned with the information he was reporting as he took a seat opposite the desk and leaned back.

  “Didn’t one of Kent’s associates also disappear?” Henrik asked and raised an eyebrow at the implications. Zayn nodded.

  “Jonah Palmer was working for Kent in a personal capacity.” Zayn began and rolled his eyes. “Kent according to Javier, who has been investigating both incidents, hired Jonah to kill Derek.”

  “What!” Henrik erupted.

  “Yep, they thought if they took Derek out, they could destroy you. The only thing they saw standing between them and a total takeover of this pack was Derek.” Zayn snorted and rolled his eyes again. “Doesn’t say much for the rest of us now does it.”

  Henrik laughed and sat back in his seat. “It’s not a condemnation, Zayn. In their twisted perception they probably believed they could convince you guys to betray me. Whereas even a twisted perception wouldn’t ha
ve been enough for them to believe they could turn someone like Derek. Don’t take it personally.” Henrik continued to express amusement at the situation.

  “It appears that Derek has taken care of the problem.” Zayn finish.

  “God, I love my brother,” Henrik stated with true admiration.

  “Don’t we all.” Zayn agreed.


  Leo shocked himself at the level of forward he’d suddenly become. Kissing was one thing but fondling someone’s cock was another. Try as he might, he could not stop touching this sexy man. The kissing never stopped, and Derek didn’t try to move away so it obviously wasn’t unwelcome.

  “Let’s move this to the bed,” Derek whispered softly against Leo’s lips. It sounded like a wonderful idea and Leo nodded his head rapidly. “Good.” He said so seductively that Leo felt himself come just a little at the tone of Derek’s voice.

  The moan that escaped him was full of want and expectation and elicited another ‘good,’ from Derek. If he didn’t get him to the bed soon, Leo was going to lose it just listening to the sensual sound of his voice and feeling the rousing force of his touch.

  Derek swung him effortlessly up into his arms and carried him the short distance to the bed located in the center of Leo’s living space. He sat him down carefully on the edge and knelt before him. Without ever taking his eyes from Leo’s, Derek removed Leo’s shoes, socks and then with a light push laid him back onto the bed and in the most sensuous manner ever removed Leo’s jeans. His hands touched every inch of Leo’s body below the waist as his clothing slowly disappeared.

  Unable to wait, Leo jerked his t-shirt over his head and tossed it to his left. All that remained were his briefs. Leo was naked except for the thin covering of his briefs. Derek leaned forward and tucked his face alongside Leo’s hard cock sniffing, biting and rubbing against Leo’s most sensitive parts while his hands massaged Leo’s thighs and groin. It was setting Leo completely on fire.


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