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Her Home Run Desires

Page 95

by Payne, Jenna

  It was beautiful, and looking at it all, she couldn’t believe Trent had done this for her. No one ever had before.

  “It’s beautiful,” she breathed, staring wide-eyed and perhaps feeling rather emotional.

  “Yes, it is,” he replied and Alison looked up to see him staring at her.

  “That was cheesy,” she chuckled, shaking her head and making him laugh.

  Trent led her to the table where he held out her chair for her, making sure she was seated comfortably before taking his own seat opposite her.

  He reached into a basket which lay on the floor beside him, pulling out containers and placing them on the table.

  “Lasagna?” she asked, raising a brow at him.

  “I make the best lasagna,” he assured, dishing enough for her on her plate before taking some for himself.

  Afterward, he pulled out a bottle of red wine that looked too expensive for Alison to afford. He poured them both a favorable amount before finally settling down.

  “This is great, Trent. Really. Thank you for putting so much effort into everything,” she said as she picked up her fork, ready to taste the lasagna that she could admit looked rather delicious.

  Trent shrugged as though it wasn’t a big deal but to Alison, it was, more than he could know.

  “I wanted to prove to you that I would try like I promised. I know this wasn’t exactly what you meant but it’s a start,” he said, looking up at her before running a hand through his hair nervously.

  “It’s a start,” she replied, smiling at him softly and relishing in the almost childish grin he returned.

  She was glad she decided to give him a chance and she hoped she wouldn’t come to regret it.


  It seemed that things in Alison’s life couldn’t always go smoothly like she hoped.

  Seeing Trent the past few weeks had been the best time of her life. Trent hadn’t shown any signs of going against his promise and she was more than pleased.

  Her dad, despite her and her mom’s initial concern, didn’t seem completely bothered with her dating Trent. He wasn’t completely alright with it but he didn’t often protest much to her relief.

  Alison attended the team’s practice often, enjoying being able to see Trent train and even get to know the team a little better.

  As someone who was a huge fan of the sport and the team, she was more than excited to get to know them and Trent seemed happy to show her off.

  Her relationship with her dad wasn’t the worst it had been. They had reached the point where they could even have a few conversations without it being tense.

  She was glad she’d decided to come back, perhaps even considering making the move permanent. With everything around her going so right, she didn’t see why she’d have to go back if she didn’t want to.

  Alison sat at her laptop, the TV turned on in the background as she tried to get some work done. She glanced up every now and then to take notice of the news, but otherwise stayed focused as she tried to finish before Trent arrived to pick her up.

  Trent offered to cook dinner for her at his house and although she’d been there before, she was still looking forward to it. Trent was an exceptional cook and she loved being in his company. He was funny, although perhaps a little childish, but Alison quite enjoyed that quality about him.

  He made her feel like it was okay to be who she was, but there always seemed to be a small part of her that wondered what Trent would do if he found out.

  He promised to be more open-minded and accepting but she wondered if he would even look at her the same way after he knew.

  She was a female in every possible way but she hadn’t always been and there was a part of her that knew Trent may not be okay with that.

  When Alison heard the word “transgender” on TV, she looked up instinctively and felt her stomach drop at the headline.

  Transgender woman killed last night.

  She felt a pang in her chest as she read the headline over and over, feeling the blood drain from her face.

  It wasn’t far from her parent’s house and the thought that she could be next flashed through her mind.

  Her throat felt tight with fear and she hoped that no one knew. There were those women in the shop but otherwise she hadn’t encountered anyone who knew that physically she’d once been a male.

  Before Alison could succumb to her thoughts too deeply, the doorbell rang.

  She knew it was Trent but for the first time, she wanted to be alone.

  She felt terrified of what could happen to her and once again wondered what Trent would do if he knew.

  The drive to Trent’s place was quiet and it was obvious he knew something was wrong.

  “Are you alright?” he finally asked, placing a reassuring hand on Alison’s knee.

  She looked up at him in surprise, so lost in her own thoughts she almost forgot for a second he was there.

  “I’m alright,” she said, smiling despite the way her heart seemed to beat faster as she remembered the news headline.


  “Alison, please tell me what’s wrong. Is it something I did?” Trent asked, biting his lip as he regarded her.

  Alison looked up from her meal and realized she’d been ignoring Trent. She knew he was saying something about the upcoming season and she felt terrible for not paying attention.

  “I’m sorry, Trent. I guess I’m just feeling a little out of it today,” she sighed, placing her fork down as she rubbed at her face in frustration.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked as he placed a hand over hers, staring at her in concern.

  As she looked into his gray eyes, she felt a sense of calm despite how part of her fears were attached to him. He made her afraid of losing him while collectively making her feel like she was free. It was a confusing thought and she didn’t quite understand it, but it was there nonetheless.

  “Thank you, Trent,” she said, swallowing the lump in her throat as she squeezed Trent’s hand.

  “For what?” he asked, seeming confused.

  Alison didn’t know what to say, so instead she shrugged, offering Trent a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

  “How about I clean these up while you choose a movie,” he asked gesturing to the dishes, still looking at her with worry.

  Nodding, Alison got up and made her way to the couch. She opened Netflix and began browsing, not really paying much attention to what she was doing with everything on her mind.

  “Did you pick something?” Trent asked, making her jump when he sat down on the couch beside her, not having heard him approach.

  “Um, Toy Story?” she said, looking up and realizing that she’d selected that movie without realizing it.

  Trent chuckled softly before leaning forward and capturing her mouth in a soft kiss reassuringly.

  “If you really want to watch that we can,” he whispered softly, pressing his forehead against hers.

  Instead of responding, Alison pressed her lips to Trent’s again, this time, more forcefully and heated.

  Trent responded immediately, his hand reaching to grip her waist making her lean in closer. His mouth moved together with hers perfectly, the two seeming to know exactly what the other wanted. His mouth dominated hers the way she liked it, the movement becoming somewhat sloppy the more frantic they became.

  “Do you want to go to the bedroom?” Trent breathed, his face inches from hers as he regarded her carefully.

  Alison nodded, trying to even her breathing as he grabbed her hand and led her to his room.

  With all the lights still off, Trent carefully pushed her onto the bed and leaned over her, immediately going back to kissing her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, feeling the weight of him pressed against her reassuringly.

  Trent pulled away from her carefully to look into her eyes, the two breathing heavily.

  “Hold on a second,” he whispered, before detaching himself from her, get
ting up to turn on the lights and retrieve a condom from the drawer.

  With the lights on, Alison could see evidence of Trent’s arousal through his jeans, making her feel hot all over.

  Without a word, Trent leaned back down, this time instead kissing her, sucking ever so slightly on her neck making her moan breathily.

  He brushed her hair to the side, gently running his fingers through it as he continued his pleasurable assault on her neck.

  Ever so slowly he began to move down until he was at her collar bone. With his other hand, he slid his hand under her shirt, making her shiver at the contact.

  When Trent pulled away again it was to help Alison lift her shirt off. She sat up, helping him remove the fabric that made her feel too hot. Her skin already felt slightly sticky, sweat beginning to form.

  Trent laid her back down, his arms wrapped around her lower back as he did. Carefully and with practiced fingers, he moved so that he was able to unclasp her bra, removing the lacy material from her. Giving her a once-over that made her cheeks flush slightly, he leaned back down to kiss her.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  Trent leaned down, resuming where he’d been kissing her collar bone and moving down slightly faster, this time, placing wet kisses as he did. He traveled down the valley of her breasts, cupping them with his hands and making her moan softly. When Trent reached the waist of her pants, he looked up at her as he placed a kiss just below her navel.

  Alison reached down to pull her fingers through Trent’s hair, feeling the soft strands between her fingers.

  Alison swallowed, trying to calm her breathing as Trent hooked his fingers in the waistband of her jeans and tantalizingly slowly, pulled them down, not removing his gaze from hers.

  Lifting her waist up, Alison helped him slip off her pants completely so that she was only clad in her underwear, the lacy fabric contrasting against her pale skin.

  Trent leaned up, gripping the bottom of his shirt before pulling it off. Alison couldn’t keep her eyes off his strong build and muscles that flexed with every movement.

  A sheen of sweat coated his abs as Alison followed them, eyeing the hair that trailed from his navel and disappeared down his pants which he was now pulling off hurriedly.

  “Let me,” Alison whispered, sitting up so that she was in line with his crotch, looking up at him through hooded eyes as she slowly pulled his jeans down.

  She watched him swallow, the steady bob of his Adam’s apple as he eyed her.

  Tearing her gaze away from the metallic luster of his eyes that was almost consumed with the black of his pupils, she hooked her fingers onto his black briefs that left little to the imagination.

  In one tug, she pulled them down, looking up at Trent as he sucked in a breath at the friction.

  His member sprung up, semi-hard as she wrapped a hand around him. He was well endowed and she knew she wouldn’t be able to take him all in, but the sight of him spiked her arousal further.

  Carefully, Alison took him into her mouth, sucking slowly at the tip before moving further down, her hand clasped at the base where she wouldn’t be able to reach.

  “Look at me,” Trent said, his hoarse voice making Alison shiver.

  She looked up to see Trent staring at her, his lip bitten and slightly swollen, his hair messed and his face flushed. She began bobbing her head in a steady motion, sucking him as her hand moved up and down repeatedly from the base.

  Upon hearing his breathy moans, she began to move faster, watching the way his muscles tightened, feeling him getting harder and bigger yet in her mouth.

  Removing her hand, she moved it instead to cup his balls gently, fondling them lightly as he moaned louder yet.

  She pushed herself further, relaxing her throat so that she could take more in.

  To her surprise, she was able to reach the base, feeling him hit the back of her throat as her nose touched his neatly trimmed pubic hair.

  She held it there, trying to keep it as long as she could before he pulled off suddenly, panting as he looked at her through glossy eyes.

  “I wasn’t going to last if you continued like that,” he admitted rather sheepishly before pushing Alison back down on the bed.

  Quickly, he reached for her underwear and pulled it off in one go, throwing it off somewhere in the room.

  He pressed his body against hers, Alison feeling his hard member against her upper thigh.

  Carefully, he reached down and slowly rubbed his thumb against her clit, making her gasp at the sudden sensation.

  She lifted her hips urging him for more friction, making him smirk ever so slightly.

  With his thumb, he moved further down, spreading her arousal between her folds before moving back up to her clit and rubbing faster yet.

  Alison gasped and moaned, squirming beneath him as his body held her down.

  Suddenly, he inserted two fingers into her in one swift move, making her throw her head back at the sensation of being filled.

  His rough hands moved faster and faster. Alison gripping onto his arms groaned, feeling as though the sensation was almost too much when he reached the spot inside of her that made her moan his name the loudest she had yet.

  “That’s it. Come for me,” he breathed into her ear, slipping in a third finger and moving faster.

  “Oh, my- Trent!” Alison cried out, throwing her head back and closing her eyes as white hot pleasure rushed over her, blanking her mind as she bit her lip harshly.

  Trent continued until Alison had come down from the high, pulling out of her before reaching for the condom on the bedside.

  He lifted the foil up to his mouth and ripped it open, gazing down at Alison hungrily as she panted beneath him, her chest heaving as she regained her breath. Rather quickly, Trent grabbed the base of his member and with the other hand he rolled the condom on, biting his lip as he looked back at her.

  Trent leaned over her again, kissing her softly this time as his tongue slipped into her mouth. He gently massaged her tongue with his before sucking onto her bottom lip.

  Alison gasped into the kiss when she felt him begin to push into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer so that he pushed in faster, crying out when he was all the way in.

  Propping himself on his forearm, Trent began thrusting into her in an even motion, moving faster and faster as he did.

  Alison lifted her hips up to meet his every thrust, moaning beneath him as the sensation grew.

  She could tell Trent was close by the way his movements became more rushed as he shut his eyes tightly, biting at his lip as his blonde hair clung to his forehead with sweat.

  “Come on,” he whispered, reaching down with one hand to rub at her clit.

  Alison’s toes curled in pleasure, the overwhelming feeling creeping up on her as her legs began to shake.

  “Come on,” he said again, his voice like gravel.

  At the very sound, Alison reached her climax again, feeling herself shaking all over as she shut her eyes, her body tensing up instantly.

  At the feeling of her tightening around him, Trent came almost immediately, groaning lowly as he continued his thrusts as he rode out the sensation.

  The moment he was done, Trent pulled out and collapsed on the bed beside her, panting as he pulled her so that she was lying across his chest, his firm muscles coated in their sweat.

  With his thumb, Trent tilted Alison’s chin so that she was looking up at him. Gently, he leaned down to kiss her, the two quickly becoming breathless, even as they tried to regain their breath.

  At that moment, as Trent’s arms wrapped around her waist securely, Alison felt like everything would be okay.

  Every single worry she’d had before slipped from her mind as he placed a kiss on her forehead, brushing her hair from her face.

  There was only her and Trent right now and she was content in the little bubble they’d created for themselves.


  “Alison, you need to tel
l him.”

  Alison looked up from her laptop in surprise to see her dad standing in the doorway, frowning.

  “What?” She asked, looking at him in confusion as she shut her laptop.

  “Trent. You need to tell him,” he said, crossing his arms.

  Alison frowned, contemplating what he was saying. Ever since she and Trent slept together it had been a rather constant thought in her mind but she couldn’t help but think why she even had to tell him in the first place.

  Surely it didn’t matter who she’d been before, but only who she was now.

  “Dad, I don’t think I’m going to tell him,” she admitted truthfully, sighing to herself.

  “Alison, you have to,” he said, taking a seat opposite her.

  “It shouldn’t matter who I was before, only who I am now,” she stated, voicing her thoughts.

  Deep down, however, she knew if she wanted to continue an honest relationship with Trent she had to tell him.

  The way her dad looked at her confirmed he knew that she already had the answer.

  Nodding, Alison sighed, burying her face in her hands in defeat.

  “I’m sorry, Ali,” he said, making Alison look up in surprise at the nickname. “But if Trent is the man you think he is, who you were before shouldn’t matter.”

  Alison could feel her eyes burning with unshed tears as she regarded her dad, realizing that in the short amount of time she’d been here he’d been more accepting than she ever expected.

  It gave her hope that perhaps after some time, Trent may come to accept her too.

  She thought back to weeks ago when Trent had insulted the gay couple in the restaurant and she mentally winced at his reaction.

  She’d like to believe Trent had changed since then but the truth was that she didn’t know. She didn’t know what would happen and that scared her more than anything.

  “Thanks, dad,” she said, smiling up at him as he stood up to leave.

  Slowly, and perhaps a little awkwardly, he reached down to pat her shoulder before walking off.


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