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Her Home Run Desires

Page 96

by Payne, Jenna

  Despite the odd gesture, Alison smiled, grateful that her dad was trying.

  She didn’t know if they’d ever have the relationship they had before but it meant the world to her that he never stopped loving her.

  Alison was startled from her thoughts when her phone rang, the insistent ringtone making her sigh. She looked down at the caller ID and smiled, seeing Trent’s face and a picture she’d taken while he was practicing on the field.

  “Hey,” she answered, cheerful despite the conversation that seemed to be looming over her head, the inevitable discussion she knew was coming.

  “Hey. Can you meet me on the field?” he asked, his voice emotionless making Alison’s stomach drop.

  “Yeah sure. What’s going on?” she asked, trying to keep the fear from her voice.

  “I’ll see you there in twenty,” he said before hanging up.

  Alison dropped her phone, feeling the blood drain from her face as panic filled her.

  Trent knew. She didn’t know how but it was obvious that he did, and if the way he’d sounded on the phone was anything to go by, then it was clear he would hate her.

  Alison didn’t know what to do, the fear of losing Trent consuming her. She was terrified.

  With shaking hands, Alison shut her laptop and grabbed her purse from her room before making her way to the car.

  The entire drive there, every possible scenario continued to run through her head, making her feel more and more panicked.

  “Okay Alison, you can do this,” she whispered when she arrived, taking a deep breath to calm herself.

  Nodding to herself, she got out of the car and walked across the field, seeing Trent standing further away, his back to her.

  She looked up, seeing the darkening clouds blanketing the sky and shivered as a slight breeze blew past, whipping her hair around her face.

  “Trent?” she asked, stopping a few feet away from him.

  Alison grew more and more nervous when he didn’t respond, feeling as though she were waiting for a bomb to explode. She started to consider that maybe he didn’t hear her when he finally spoke.

  “I heard something interesting today,” he said, his voice monotone.

  Alison stared at his back, watching his muscles tense beneath his shirt.

  “Someone told me that Coach never had a daughter. Obviously, I was confused because, well, I’m dating his daughter.”

  Biting her lip to stop herself from saying something, she waited for Trent to finish, trying not to be discouraged by his impassive voice.

  “They told me he has a son, Adam.”

  “That’s not true,” Alison blurted out, not able to contain herself anymore.

  She watched the way Trent froze, as though not having expected her to speak.

  “He doesn’t have a son. He has a daughter. Me. Yes, physically I was born a male but mentally I never was. I never felt like I belonged in my own body. I felt disconnected from myself and I just felt so wrong. I tried to change it and ignore it but it didn’t work. I was miserable because I was lying to everyone, especially myself.

  So I changed. I got treatments and surgery, and now I finally have a body I feel like I belong in. I am a woman, Trent,” Alison said, her voice cracking at the end with the strain of not crying.

  Trent turned around slowly to look at her and his eyes were hard, making Alison look away.

  “You were born a male. You’re a guy.”

  “No, I’m not. We had sex, you know I’m a female. You know,” she practically begged, feeling her eyes flood with tears.

  “Don’t- don’t say that,” he said, taking a step away from her.

  “What? That we had sex?” she asked, feeling her chest ache with the way he looked repulsed.

  Without another word, Trent walked past her, keeping his distance.

  “Trent wait!” Alison cried out, feeling hot tears slide down her face easily.

  He froze, his back to her before shaking his head.

  “I don’t want to say anything to you that’ll hurt you and if I stay then that’s unavoidable,” he muttered, so softly she almost didn’t hear.

  “You already have,” she said, wiping away her tears fruitlessly.

  Without another word, Trent walked off, leaving Alison standing alone in the middle of the field as the sky grumbled, small droplets of water pattering down on the vacant field.

  Alison had never felt so defeated and so alone. It was clear to her now that no one would ever accept her, that no one would ever understand.


  Alison didn’t know how long she’d been mindlessly wandering the field, but the evening sky indicated that she’d been there long enough. She was freezing, drenched with rain that continued to pelt down.

  Sighing in relief when she reached her car, Alison fished for her keys in her pocket, her hands trembling slightly from the cold.

  She felt empty inside, the image of Trent's retreating figure seemed to be engraved in her head.

  Alison’s head snapped up in shock when she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She turned around to see two hooded figures walked towards her, one of them holding a metal rod.

  Transgender woman killed last night.

  The news headline from not too long ago flashed through her mind, her body seeming to freeze in terror as she eyed the two slowly approaching.

  Alison’s hand tightened on the car keys in her pocket, feeling the weight of them as she clicked the button, hearing the beep of her car unlocking behind her.

  Giving the hooded figures no time to react, she turned around, flinging the door open and shutting it behind her before locking them.

  The two men ran up to the car just as Alison dropped her keys with trembling fingers. She swore to herself as she searched for them on the floor of the car, the only light the occasional flash of lighting.

  Alison screamed when a loud bang sounded against her car, looking up to see the one man beating her car with the metal rod.

  She knew all they’d have to do was break the window, so it was clear they were trying to frighten her first.

  Alison almost cried in relief when she found her keys, fumbling with them as she inserted it into the ignition.

  Before she could turn the car on, the glass window beside her shattered, glass spraying across her lap and seat.

  Alison let out a loud shriek, reaching for the keys when she felt a hand grip her hair, pulling her head back forcefully making her whimper in pain.

  “Don’t you dare lay another hand on her,” a voice said, loud and clear through the sound of rain and thunder.

  Alison gulped, looking past the figures to see someone else standing further away in the parking lot.

  Her heart sped up, his voice one she would recognize anywhere.

  The grip in Alison’s hair disappeared, making her wince.

  Just as suddenly as they were there, they were gone, their retreating figures running through the darkened street.

  Alison was panting, her entire body trembling in terror as she stared around herself wide-eyed, not believing what had happened.

  “Shh, it’s okay. I’m here now,” she heard, looking through the window to see Trent eyeing her, concerned as he searched to see that she wasn’t injured.

  “I-I’m fine,” she stuttered, trying to convince herself more than anything.

  “You’re fine,” Trent repeated, his voice smooth and soothing.

  She was fine.


  “Here,” Trent said, sitting down beside her on the couch as he wrapped a blanket around her shivering frame.

  She leaned into his touch, her teeth chattering from shock and the cold, shutting her eyes in relief when his arms wrapped around her, caging her in safety.

  After the attack, Trent had driven Alison home in his car, leaving her beaten and damaged car in the parking lot for them to sort out tomorrow.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” Trent murmured, his lips pressed to her hair as he placed
a gentle kiss there. “I made a promise to you and I broke it. I’m sorry.”

  Alison didn’t know how to respond, still shaken up so she just leaned in closer to Trent, feeling herself beginning to calm down.

  “Do you- do you hate me?” she finally asked, opening her eyes to see Trent’s storm gray eyes boring into hers intently.

  “Of course not,” he said, shaking his head. “I should be the one asking you that.”

  Alison shook her head, knowing she could never hate Trent.

  “What if they come back for me?” she whispered, her mind flashing back to the loud shatter of the glass and the bang of metal on her car.

  “I think I know who they are. I’ll take care of it, I promise. You never have to worry about them again,” he assured, pulling Alison to him so that she was straddling his lap.

  She rested her head on his shoulder, sighing in content as he rubbed circles on her back.

  “It- it’s still a bit odd for me but I promise you I’m trying,” he said after a moment of silence.

  Alison didn’t know how to feel about that. On the one hand, she was glad that Trent was trying, but on the other she wished he didn’t have to try. She wished he accepted it and was okay with her completely.

  “Do you want me to go?” she whispered, lifting her head up to look at him.

  He shook his head, his face firm.

  “No. I want you to stay. I want you, Alison,” he said, his voice dropping to a whisper as he cupped Alison’s face in his large hands, bringing them closer together before placing a feather light kiss on her chapped lips.

  She sighed into the kiss, reveling in the feeling of him so close to her. She needed him, needed to feel him all over her to feel safe.

  “I need you,” she found herself breathing into the kiss.

  He opened his eyes, the gray in them softer than she’d ever seen before. He looked like he loved her and it made Alison’s heart pound in her chest.

  “Okay,” he said, nodding as he understood exactly what she meant.

  He didn’t look repulsed like he had earlier today, instead, he looked at her like she was the most beautiful person in the world as he kissed her again, more deeply and passionately.

  His mouth moved slowly and languidly against her own, as though trying to convey his own emotions in the kiss.

  She felt it, through every caress of his tongue against her own, the way he held her to him firmly yet gently. She felt that he cared for her and there was nothing that could make her feel safer.

  Beginning to feel warmer, Alison discarded the blanket, moving closer to Trent, raking her fingers through his hair.

  He moaned into the kiss as she tugged slightly, in return he ran his hand under her shirt, feeling the expanse of her skin with a light touch.

  Trent gripped Alison by the waist, lifting her up and laying her on the couch before moving to unbutton her pants, looking at her as he did.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered as he pulled her pants down in one go, throwing them to the side.

  Sitting up, his was quick to remove his own jeans so that he was clad in only his briefs and shirt.

  He moved down so that he was hovering over her, pressing a soft kiss to her lips before parting her mouth with his tongue.

  With firm arms wrapped around her waist, he brought her back up so that she was in the same position as before; straddling his lap as he sat up on the couch.

  He bit his lip as he looked up at her, brushing the hair from her face as he did.

  Lifting his hips up off the couch slightly, he moved his hand to pull down his briefs enough to free himself, sighing softly as he did.

  Alison moved down to kiss him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she began to grind down on him in tantalizing motions.

  Feeling him harden beneath her, she moaned at the friction, kissing him deeper as she felt his hands wandering down to her waist, tugging slightly at the band of her underwear.

  Alison lifted herself slightly off of Trent, not pulling her mouth away from his as he moved her underwear down enough so that she wasn’t covered.

  When she sat back down, they moaned. Alison, feeling him against her. resumed her slow movements against him.

  Trent pulled away, the two panting as he looked up at her as though confirming that this was what she wanted.

  Slowly, she lifted herself up off his lap, her hand gripping onto the base of Trent’s now hard member.

  He bit his lip as she slid back down on him, her gasping at the intrusion and the way he filled her up completely.

  She closed her eyes, relishing in the feeling as she began to move up and down slowly. Trent’s grip on her waist tightened as he threw his head back, panting.

  Alison moaned breathily, her hands moving to grip at Trent’s hair as she buried her face into the crook of his neck, moving faster yet.

  She moaned into Trent’s neck, feeling so completely overwhelmed in the best possible way.

  “I’m close,” he whispered, his hips thrusting up to meet her.

  “Me too,” she gasped.

  With a loud groan, Alison threw her head back as she reached her climax, her body tensing.

  Seconds later Trent’s pants were accompanied by the feeling of him releasing himself inside of her, making her moan again at the feeling alone.

  When the two had settled down, Alison rested her head again his shoulder, panting as she tried to catch her breath.

  They didn’t say anything for a while and Alison worried that Trent had returned to feeling the way he’d felt before; repulsed by her.

  “I love you,” Trent whispered instead, making Alison freeze in his hold.

  She lifted her head up slowly and disbelievingly to look into his gray eyes, seeing the sincerity and slight vulnerability there.

  “I’ve- I’ve never loved anyone before, at least not this way,” he admitted and Alison smiled at him softly, running a hand along his jaw, feeling the stubble beneath her fingers.

  “I love you too,” she whispered.

  For the first time in her life, she wasn’t worried. She wasn’t worried about the people who attacked her. She wasn’t worried about not feeling accepted. She wasn’t worried about her family or any other aspects of her life.

  She wasn’t even worried that maybe they were saying the words too soon. The only thing she cared about was that she loved Trent and that Trent loved her.

  The way he smiled up at her, a small upward tilt of the lips that brought light to his eyes, she didn't doubt the way he felt about her.


  Bonus Story 28 of 40

  Lion’s Pride

  “Bye Miss N! See you next year! I’ll be taller again!” Nora chuckled as she hugged little Bo Reynolds. She’d miss him over the summer vacation. He was the funniest second grader she’d ever had and that was mostly because he didn’t even know he was being funny.

  After she saw all her kids out she went about cleaning up her classroom for the summer, taking down decorations and leaving the room pretty much bare. Even though she definitely needed the break of summer, she always felt sad at the end of the year to see them go.

  “School’s out already?” his voice rumbled through her, comforting, enticing, and exciting her all at once. Nora turned around and smiled at Safir, who was leaning against the wall just inside the classroom’s back door. He was a tall, sturdy man, with not one ounce of fat on him, and was as sharp and protective as a guy could get. But he wasn’t just any ‘guy.’ He was a lion shifter, the local pride’s leader and he was all Nora’s.

  “I think it is actually… but maybe I just lost my kids again,” she joked, causing him to chuckle. He walked over to her. He was wearing his characteristic blue jeans and flannel shirt, rolled up at the sleeves. His curly blonde hair was always shoulder length and framed his GQ-worthy face beautifully. Nora often couldn’t believe she lucked out with such a perfect guy.

  “You’re the worst teacher ever,” he said and instead of embracing
him when he reached her, Nora punched him in the arm. Of course it was like hitting a rock and he didn’t even flinch. Laughing, he pulled her in for a kiss and encircled her waist with his arms. “So I was thinking that this summer we can spend more time together. As in…you have no excuses to be with me night and day. No ‘grading spelling tests’ and ‘picking up Suzan Lancaster from home because her mother’s car broke down.’” Safir was being sarcastic only because Nora did have a tendency to run away from him a little and make excuses to put some distance between them. They’d only been together for a few months and she had trouble believing Safir was real, that he really wanted her and her alone.

  “Alright, alright. I give, so what do you have planned for us this summer, pray tell?” she asked. He smirked and pushed a lock of her mahogany-colored hair behind her ear.

  “So much romantic stuff that you’ll have no choice but to marry me come August.” He gave her a charming grin and pressed another kiss to her lips.

  “Romantic ‘stuff?’” she giggled.

  “Yup, absolutely. You like watching hockey right?” she rolled her eyes as he laughed, a fond smile on her face.

  “So are you staying to help me pack up the classroom or what?” she asked him, stepping out of his embrace to fetch a nearby box.

  “No I’m just here to look pretty and watch you do all the work. You know…sit back, watch you bend over and…put stuff away,” he said slowly in some trying-to-be-sexy voice. Nora couldn’t help but laugh.

  “You’re such an idiot,” she said, still laughing. He simply flashed her a toothy grin and walked over to the pile of boxes, grabbing one for himself.

  “Of course I’m here to help you baby, then we can go grab some lunch,” he kissed her on the temple before they got to work. They pulled down decorations, emptied out desks, and pushed them out into the hallway. Of course Safir was the main one doing the heavy lifting and Nora was the one to sit back and watch. It was dusk by the time they were done and Nora felt as though she could use a bath and a glass of wine.


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