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The Other Brother_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

Page 24

by Natalie Knight

  There are gushes and squeals and, like a flock of birds, the whole party moves on just as quickly as it appeared. They all leave—except one. She’s wearing a fake tiara and veil, and I guess she must be the bride-to-be.

  She takes my hand and looks directly into my eyes.

  “Hey,” she says softly, “we’re nearly done here. Want to come with me and give me a present for my wedding tomorrow? I promise you that a gift for me will be a gift for you, too.”

  I must look a little surprised, because she leans forward to reveal superbly proportioned breasts. She parts her lips, ready for a kiss.

  I back away gently. She’s a sweetheart, and there’s no need to be clever about this. Of course, I’m flattered.

  “Sorry, sweetheart,” I say. “That’s one fine invitation, but no can do. You see, I’m already married.”

  “Oh,” she says and backs away, but keeps hold of my hand.

  “Are you sure? How about right now then? They won’t mind,” she says, flicking her eyes to the party disappearing off to a bar. “And what your wife doesn’t know won’t hurt her. And I, for one, won’t be telling.” She gives me a look that says whatever happens now will be wild.

  I smile but shake my head.

  “Sorry, but it’s a no,” I say. “It matters to me. My darling wife is a beautiful woman. She’s mine, and I’m hers, and there’s nothing more to say on the subject.”

  I look at my hand, and she surrenders it.

  “Well, mister,” she says, “your wife is one lucky woman, and I sure hope she knows it.”

  I let a half smile flicker across my face. The fiancé cocks her head to one side in a question.

  I chuckle sadly. “I’m not so sure about that.”

  A look of realization comes over her face. She smiles and says, “So long.”

  As soon as the words are out of her mouth, arms surround me, and I feel the soft press of a body behind me.

  “She does know it! She really does,” I hear Becky say.

  My heart leaps. Could it be…?

  I spin around and take her in my arms.

  “I know how lucky I am,” she says, “I’m sorry. Oh, god, I’m so, so sorry, Liam. I love you.” She squeezes me tighter.

  I cut her off and kiss her with all the pent-up passion I feel for her. She returns the kiss for a moment, but then pushes free.

  “Sorry,” she says, “I need to breathe… I had to run to catch up with you…and—and I met Dan on the way…just near the pool.”

  “Wow, really?” I exclaim.

  “Oh, it was okay. He was so gracious. He said he understood and forgave me for everything that happened the other night.”

  “That was mighty big of him,” I say with raised eyebrows. “So it’s all squared away now?”

  “Sure,” she smiled as her breath comes back to her. “I was just as gracious in return. I pushed him into the pool.”

  “But…” I frown. “The shark is still in the pool, Becky.”

  She smiles and shrugs. “Becky full of grace, pool full of shark.”

  “Where did Sammi even get the shark from?” I ask, bewildered. “I mean, isn’t it dangerous? Isn’t it hungry? What does it eat?”

  “Too many questions,” she says and covers my lips with her own.

  The kiss is slow and lingering, something I’ve always wanted to give her.

  It’s like the world has stopped. There is nothing before it, nothing after it, and nothing about it.

  There is just this kiss, this woman, and this moment.

  Chapter 42



  I just stare at my husband, soaking up every tiny detail about him.

  God. He’s so fucking gorgeous, I can’t get enough of him.

  He stares at me with the same intensity. I wonder what he’s thinking.

  “Love you,” I mouth and lift my hands to undo the buttons of his navy dress pants.

  “Mmm. Darling. I love you, too.”

  We’ve spent the last two days together, and I couldn’t be happier that we’ve spent them as husband and wife.

  It feels kind of like making up for lost time, since I spent most of my first day married to him trying to remember why the hell I married him in the first place.

  “What about that wedding?” His voice is soft, melodic, caressing me as if it were a feather running over my naked skin.

  I shiver a little in anticipation. Images of the bride, the guests, and the dancing skate through my mind. I sigh.

  “It was gorgeous.” Thinking about it brings goosebumps to my skin. It was one of the best fucking weddings I’ve been to—except for, obviously, my own. Okay, so I’m not a fucking expert, but it was just…divine. And they both looked so happy with each other.

  His pants fall to the ground.

  “I still can’t believe Mysti May and Dahlia hit it off so quickly,” I say and get to work on his boxers.

  I’m in a hurry now. We nearly ripped each other’s clothes off at the reception and barely just made it into the glass elevator.

  Most of the other guests are still partying. But Liam and I have other, more pressing matters to attend to.

  Liam turns and presses the stop button in the glass elevator.

  “Let’s slow our upward journey down a tad.” He grins wickedly as he unzips my tight red dress. “We don’t want to come too early.”

  We both giggle like high school kids.

  When my dress hits the ground, I step out of it and press my back against the glass of the elevator.

  “I’m pleased Dahlia finally met a nice woman. Up until this wedding, she dated the most awful people.” Liam laughs. “So many mullets, darling. And they always forgot to treat Dahlia nicely.”

  His lips are now sucking on my neck, and his fingers are teasing my tits. I can feel my nipples push through the flimsy material of my bra. They’re so fucking hard, they might cut the lace.

  Oh, fuck, this feels good.

  My hands wrap around Liam’s back and then make their way to his ass. I massage and knead it like dough. His huge fucking cock is hard already, pressing into me, demanding entry.

  But I don’t want to fuck him in the lift. No, I want to make the most of this, and so I slide onto my knees until my mouth is level with the tip of his glistening cock.

  As I breathe on it, I see it shudder and bounce up and down a little. It seems to be begging me to wrap my lips around it.

  “All in good time.” I laugh and drape my fingers gently around his cock.

  Instantly, it thickens.

  I kiss the tip of it, licking the little droplets of pre-cum off it.

  “Fuck, love,” groans Liam, and his hands grab my head, trying to force me to take his massive member deep into my mouth.

  “Come on, sweetheart.” I glide one hand up and down while using the other to squeeze those magnificent balls of his. I play with them as if they’re juggling balls.

  “You’re a fucking vixen,” growls Liam and tries to force his way into my mouth.

  Laughter peels off my lips.

  “All good things come to those who wait,” I promise and move my hand off his dick. More droplets of pre-cum appear on the tip.

  I lick my lips and let my fingers caress this delicious looking cock of his.

  “I swear,” Liam’s saying through clenched teeth, “if you don’t fucking take it in your mouth soon, you’ll regret it.”

  He doesn’t frighten me. On the contrary, he’s spurring me to keep going. I’m obviously onto a winner.

  My tongue darts out and licks the top of his dick, as if licking a plate. He tastes fucking delicious.

  “Mmm,” I mumble and do it again.

  A quick upward glance, and I know Liam is being transported to another universe. Pleasure is written all over his fucking face.

  Now I take just the tip of it into my mouth and suck on it like I would an ice cream. My tongue wraps around his tip at the s
ame time.

  His huge fucking cock responds instantly and swells some more. Now I’m starting to feel a real hunger to suck on it hard and fast.

  Tilting my head back a little, I let him thrust deep down my throat. He doesn’t hold back, and he’s not gentle or considerate. It’s all about him.

  My hands grab his balls, squeezing as his hips thrust deep into me.

  “Fuck, Becky.” He’s almost shouting.

  His words are music to my ears. I accommodate him easily, which surprises me, given his length and his girth.

  I love feeling him inside my mouth. He’s so big I think he’s tickling my tonsils.

  It doesn’t take long for us to get into a rhythm. Liam’s thrusting, and I’m bobbing up and down on him.

  I can’t wait for him to come. I want to swallow every last drop of his huge load. This time will be special; it’ll be done with absolute one hundred and fifty percent knowledge of what I’m doing:

  I’m taking my husband in my mouth. I’m pleasuring Liam Black like there’s no tomorrow.

  And I fucking love it.

  He’s increasing his speed. His hips push towards me; he’s trying to get deeper and deeper.

  As my fingers play with his balls, I can feel his orgasm building deep down, and I know he’s going to explode into me any second.

  His muscles contract, and he lets out a long, low growl.

  “Beeeeckyyyyy,” he grunts, and then his load shoots into me, down my throat―and I swallow every fucking last drop.

  When he pulls out of me, I smile at him.

  “How was that, my husband?”

  He squats on the ground next to me and kisses me.

  “That was fucking perfect, my beautiful wife,” he mutters and he pushes me onto the floor of the glass elevator.

  It’s a strange fucking feeling, seeing out the sides of a lift. I wonder if anyone’s watching us, but I doubt it. Most people are too fucking self-absorbed to look at anything going around them.

  And if they are…well, I hope they’re ready for a show.

  Liam’s fingers have found my super saturated pussy. He’s pushing against my clit as his lips slowly travel along my body, stopping here and there for a little sightseeing.

  I’m so fucking horny and ready, I fear I might come before he does much more.

  “Now, my love,” he whispers as his mouth is near my opening. “Get ready to be wooed.”

  I giggle.

  As if he needs to woo me.

  His tongue tickles my clit, and I feel tiny shivers ripple through me, as if a stone’s been thrown into a still lake.

  Liam’s nose is just above my clit and pressing into my wet fucking pussy. I try and push my hip upwards to meet his tongue, willing it to enter my kingdom. His hands push me down.

  “All in good time, wife,” he mumbles, and I’m obviously about to receive a dose of my own fucking medicine.

  It doesn’t take long for his tongue to increase in speed and intensity. And then without warning, he delves into my pussy.


  Fireworks go off in my head, and I fear I might go crazy with desire and pleasure. Liam knows my body well. When he’s right in me, he pushes hard against my G-spot and I wonder if I can stand absolutely any more pleasure. I doubt it.

  Things are spinning around me, and my body feels jelly like. Liam continues to push in and out of me with his silver tongue, and with each inward thrust, I feel myself closer and closer to falling over the edge.

  My insides are melting as Liam’s working on my fucking pussy to get me to come. I can feel his breath on my clit, and I scoot my ass upward to meet him with each inward thrust.

  We’re in perfect harmony. Deep within me, behind my belly button, a flame burns brightly and spreads through me.

  Frantically, I try and grab something to hold onto. As I’m gripped by my own orgasm, I fear I might drown in a wave of pleasure.

  “Oh, god, Liaaaaam,” I cry, feeling the walls of my fucking pussy spasm and grab onto his tongue as it continues to dart in and out of me.

  When my body stops shuddering from pleasure, Liam gently picks me up.

  “Don’t you think we should put our clothes back on?” I mumble and nuzzle into his chest.

  “It’s not far from the lift to the honeymoon suite,” he replies. “And I assume you want to continue where we’re leaving off in our room?”

  Do I ever?

  “But what―” I start, but he seals my lips with a kiss.

  Oh, well. Nothing matters right now but being with Liam. I mean, we just fucked in a glass elevator, what’s a naked sprint from the lift to our room?

  Besides, it’s our hallway, anyway.

  “Trust me,” Liam mutters into my hair, “we’ll be fine.”

  And that’s exactly what I do.

  I trust him.

  I always will.

  Chapter 43



  With Becky in my arms, I cross into our room. No one sees us as we move stark naked from the lift to the bridal suite.

  “It’s not the threshold of our home…” I smile at her and kiss her on the tip of her nose. “But, hey, it’s where we’ll spend the night. So close enough.”

  Becky giggles. I love the way her laughter sounds like the ringing of tiny bells.

  Inside the bridal suite, I put her on the white leather lounge and grab the bottle of champagne staff have put on ice for me.

  I fill our glasses and hand her one. “Here’s to us, my gorgeous wife.”

  “To us,” she agrees, and our glasses clink as they touch.

  The bubbles bounce across my tongue and down my throat.

  I kneel in front of her and massage her feet.

  “Now, my love.” I kiss her ankles and move upwards. She’s leaning back against the cushions and moaning softly.

  “Yes?” Her voice is low and velvety.

  It sends shivers of desire through my own fucking body. As much as I want to jump on her fucking bones, I restrain myself.

  What’s the fucking hurry? I remind myself. We’ve got the rest of the night ahead of us―not to mention the rest of our lives.

  “I was just thinking…” I glide along her body and come up next to her face. Here, I pick loose strands of hair out of her face and tuck them behind her ear.

  Her green eyes are following my every move. I could stare into those eyes all day long. They suck me in. They’re full of promise.

  “Remember what they say about thinking?” She’s wrinkling her nose a little as if she needs to sneeze.

  “What do they say, love?” My hand now travels along the curves of her body. Briefly, it rests on her waist before moving on to her ass. I cup her right ass cheek. It feels perfect in my hand.

  “You should leave the thinking to the horses―they’ve got the bigger head.”

  I laugh. “Can I confess something?”

  She shrugs. “You mean, now that we’re, like, married and everything?”

  Her words are like honey to my soul, ice cream melting on my heart. It feels so fucking good to hear her say it out loud.

  I’m getting all poetic, for a second or two. Will I come out with a sonnet or a lyric? I doubt it.

  I nearly laugh out loud at the thought.

  But there’s no doubt about it: life’s pretty fucking good with this girl by my side. Who’d have thought I’d end up married? And what’s more, married to such a gem as Becky?

  “I never pictured myself the marrying kind, but…” I pause and, almost by itself, feel my hand move from ass to her fucking wet pussy. “But now that I’m married to you…it feels fucking perfect.”

  Becky moans and wriggles her hips toward my hand resting on her pussy.

  “I guess that was the only way I was ever going to get married: meet someone in Vegas, have a whirlwind romance and a wedding.” I grin.

  “You know what?” Becky’s l
ips are hovering over mine.

  Her tits are dangling over my body deliciously, like ripe apples for the taking.

  “What, love?”

  “Too much fucking talking and not enough fucking.”

  I grin from ear to ear. I did marry the right woman. She’s fucking perfect.

  Her lips melt into mine.

  She tastes of sweetness, of adventure, and of fucking lust.

  It’s in her eyes, in her kiss, and in her pussy.

  My hand finds her clit and pushes against it. The pressure is sending spasms of pleasure through her.

  I sigh.

  Slowly, I play with her fucking clit, and in return, she bites my lip.

  Her body’s half-wrapped around mine, entangled in body and spirit―kindred spirits and lovers.

  Our kiss lasts forever.

  Her tongue explores my mouth as if she’s never been in it. I return the favor and revel in the sensation.

  How can one kiss mean so fucking much? I don’t want it to end; I want it to go on forever.

  Slowly, my finger leaves her clit and pushes inside her pussy. She’s so fucking wet and ready. I go as deep as I can and then curl my finger, finding her sweet spot.

  There’s no doubt about me hitting the right place with her body arching up to meet me. A muffled moan escapes her lips.

  Eventually, she pulls away from me, and I feel a sense of loss. I marvel at how quickly she’s got to me. I need her, all of her.

  With a smile and a glint in her eyes, she slides down my body and pushes me onto my back.

  For a second she stares at my quivering fucking cock as if evaluating it, working out how to get it into her tight fucking pussy. I nearly grab her and shove her on top of me, but I wait and watch, my anticipation building.

  I feel as if I’m on the edge of my seat, watching a super suspenseful thriller.

  After what seems like forever, she maneuvers those gorgeous hips of hers over my body and slides her wet pussy along my dick.

  My cock slips up and down her slit, trying desperately to enter her. But she’s quick. She doesn’t allow it access, not yet.

  She’s like a computer file that I have yet to crack. No matter—I know I’ll find the password soon enough.


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