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The Other Brother_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

Page 25

by Natalie Knight

  Her hands support her weight on either side of my body. Those perfect tits of hers are bouncing up and down with each and every one of her movements.

  I reach for them and cup them. They fit my hand just right, a bit of flesh spilling out of my grip.

  Firmly, I squeeze them and let my fingers hover over her nipples. They’re so tight, I can feel them poke into my flesh.

  My index finger rubs across them.

  And suddenly, without warning, her teasing is over, and she straddles my pulsing, waiting fucking cock.

  Instantly, my brain takes a leave of absence, and explosions rip through me. At first, she rides me slowly and gently. Her ass cheeks slam into my thigh with each thrust. My fingers are busy with her tits.

  Her eyes are on mine. I see myself in them, and I see her.

  Flames lick at the tip of my dick, and a tingling sensation sweeps over me. I feel myself get lost in her gaze, the intensity of her thrusts and the orgasm building.

  She increases her tempo and rides me harder and faster. I respond and match her thrusts, meeting her with each downward movement.

  Time stands still, and all I notice is her eyes and the delicious sound of her naked ass hitting my skin.

  If I were to die right here right now, I’d die a happy fucking man.

  Her arms shake a little, and I can feel her muscles twitch. She must be getting close to unleashing her own orgasm.

  I want to stay with her and come at the same time. I want us to unite and celebrate.

  And so my hips move upwards faster and harder so I can pummel into her deeper and deeper. The walls of her fucking pussy are grabbing my cock, as if they want to fucking milk it dry of any last drop of cum.

  And then I feel her orgasm, just as I unleash my cum inside of her.

  Her eyes never leave mine as she rides her wave of pleasure. We come at the same time, and when she’s finished spasming, she collapses on top of me.

  My right hand caresses her spine, and my left plays with her hair. I love the feel of her soft face against my chest. I kiss her gently on the top of her head.

  “You’re fucking amazing,” I whisper. “I’m the luckiest man on the planet.”

  She giggles and lifts her head. “And I’m the luckiest woman in the universe.”

  I laugh. “You’re the luckiest woman in Vegas, at least.”

  I adjust my body so I can wrap my arms around her and feel all of her nakedness against me. The minute my cock feels the back of her ass, it starts to harden again.

  It seems my cock can’t get enough of her either.

  My lips kiss her on the neck and suck on her ear lobe. She presses into me, against my cock.

  “You want more?” I whisper into her ear, and she half-turns toward me.

  “I was about to ask you the same question.”

  I squeeze her tightly. “How about a little toast first?”

  She shrugs, and I untangle myself out of her embrace. I’m amazed at how empty I feel without her in my arms.

  It takes me just a minute or less to fill up our glasses.

  “Here’s to our marriage,” says Becky and lifts her glass.

  “To marriage and adventure,” I agree.

  We both take a sip, and when she puts her glass down, she wraps her legs around me so she’s sitting on me.

  Now her tits are right in front of my mouth, and I waste no time allowing my mouth to cup one of those delicacies tangling there for the taking.

  Chapter 44



  The way Liam sucks on my nipples sends shockwaves of pleasure through me. My legs are wrapped around his body, and I can feel his huge cock come to life under me. He’s ready and willing and able for more fucking action.

  I giggle. We’re like teenagers making love for the very first time.

  Part of me still can’t believe everything that’s happened over the last few days.

  Dan cheating on me. Throwing my million-dollar engagement ring in Dan’s face while he held his tiny little dick in his hand. Fucking Dan’s evil British step-brother all over Las Vegas.

  Marrying Liam.

  Fighting with Liam.

  Finding out the truth.

  That was all a real messy, twisted bad kind of blur. But now that I’ve put the pieces back together, the memories are getting clearer with every passing day.

  From making up with Liam, breaking up with Dan, all the way up to the wedding―that one’s a better blur.

  It’s the kind of blur you want to have. The kind where things are so fucking good, they wiz by at great speed.

  I’m still on a high, and I hope it will take ages for me to come down from it. And the best bit is, I’m on the high without very little alcohol in my system.

  After I made up with Liam and got rid of Dan, my appetite returned with a vengeance. I’ve eaten properly and kept away from too much alcohol.

  The dinner Liam had with me last night was oh-so-fucking-delicious I still drool every time I think about it. The man knows how to show his wife a good fucking time.

  Come to think of it, Liam seemed to know exactly what I need and like. He’s so fucking perfect.

  Finally ditching Dan was like losing two hundred pounds of grade-A jerk. At first I couldn’t place the new feeling in my body.

  I felt totally different, like something had happened to my shoulders and neck. Eventually, I realized it was the fact the stress had left me. I was feeling relaxed.

  For so long now, I’ve been trying so hard to be someone else, my whole body had grown tense. And when I finally stopped pretending―all that tension left me, gone.

  I should have realized early on that it was never going to work between me and Dan. If a person can’t accept you for who you are, then they can’t really love you.

  Sure, relationships are about give and take. But both have to give and take. With Dan, he had just demanded.

  I don’t ever recall Dan giving on anything. But hey, it doesn’t matter anymore, does it? Dan’s gone for good.

  I won’t be seeing him again, ever. Instead, I’m here with my fucking amazing husband.

  Liam has not once asked me to be something different, and I know I wouldn’t change a thing about him.

  His lips pull away from my right tit, and I hear a little pop. They wrap around my other breast and his hand replaces his mouth. I wiggle from side to side on his lap and enjoy the feel of his groping cock.

  My hands are wrapped around his neck, and I arch my back. Fuck, this feels so fucking perfect.

  And the day was fucking perfect, too. Mysti May had looked soooo gorgeous at her wedding. I still can’t believe how things snowballed for her.

  First, Percy’s private detective sugar daddy finds out that Mysti May’s husband is a Columbian drug lord. Then she was able to get her marriage annulled with Percy’s sugar daddy super lawyer.

  And all that because she fell in love at first sound with Dahlia over my cell phone and wanted to marry her.

  Of course, it meant the wedding I had organized and Dan had paid for was put to good use. Dahlia and Mysti May made it perfect.

  “Can you believe marrying someone you only just met and don’t really know?” I ask Liam who pulls away from my breasts to look at me.

  “No.” He shakes his head. “No, I can’t imagine that at all.”

  Then we both burst out laughing.

  “Come on, you know what I mean.” Playfully, I slap him on the shoulder. “I did know you before I married you. I fell in love with you when…” I try to pinpoint the exact moment.

  “I fell in love with you from the moment I first saw you,” Liam interrupts me and kisses my shoulders. “You were a warrior goddess, wielding your fire poker and preparing to rain justice down on a man who’d just had three feet of dildo up his ass.”

  “I loved you then, too,” I murmur and thank my lucky stars for sending Liam to rescue me from doom a
nd gloom and a boring life with Dan. “You stopped me from committing murder. Plus, you were pretty fucking hot.”

  Liam keeps kissing me, and I’m swept away onto another planet. He pushes me onto the couch and then rolls me onto my stomach.

  I get onto my hands and knees and push my ass back up at him. I can feel the tip of his cock poke against my ass, his fingers sliding in and out of my wet pussy.

  My pelvis rocks back to meet him. I want his fucking cock inside of me again. I can’t get enough of it.

  He lets the tip of it tease me. It enters me a tiny bit, only to come out again. No matter how much I push back against him, he eludes me.

  “Pleaseee,” I screech once he’s in me again―only to pull back before I can grab a hold of him.

  And then his hands grab my hips, and he thrusts deep into me. I hear his balls smack against my skin.

  I arch back and up a little, rearing like a wild horse. The stallion beneath me is trying to tame his mare.

  Liam’s my stallion. He’s pummeling into me hard and fast. I try and match his rhythm.

  It seems to me as if I’ve been thrown off a cliff and landed on a cloud, and now I’m drifting weightless through space. And time. And other stuff.

  Kind of like being blackout drunk, but with way more orgasms.

  I feel as if my insides are on fire and have melted at the same time. I lose all sense of space and time. All I’m aware of is Liam’s breathing and the sensation of his fucking cock ramming into me.

  I fear I may lose my mind from too much fucking pleasure, if that’s even possible. I dig my fingernails into the leather of the couch and cry out in pleasure.

  Just as I’m about to erupt in a fountain of pleasure, Liam pulls out of me.

  Instantly, I feel as if someone’s cut me into two. What the fuck?

  I try and work out what I’ve done wrong.

  His hands push me down and roll me over.

  Realization dawns. I spread my legs.

  Slowly, he enters me again, and this time he’s looking at me.

  “I love to watch you come,” he says, his voice barely a whisper.

  I smile, and my hands grab his hips to push me him into me.

  He glides into me and stays there.

  “You know, I read somewhere that the most intimate way to have sex is to enter a woman’s pussy and stay there, not do anything.”

  My eyes widen in disbelieve. “You’re fucking kidding, right?”

  He shakes his head.

  “No, I believe it is the utmost act of sexual love.”

  “Have you tried?” I’m not sure if he’s messing with or if he’s serious.

  Liam gins and shakes his head. “I’ve never loved a woman before you. It wouldn’t have felt right.”

  I ache for him to keep grinding his fucking huge cock into me.

  “Liam…” I say, biting my lip.

  “Yes, love?”

  “If you don’t fuck me so hard that my eyes go perma-crossed immediately, I’m gonna go get the fire poker.”

  He almost looks offended. “You don’t want to try it?”

  “Maybe another time.”

  Liam eyes the fireplace across the room warily before nodding. “Another time.”

  But then he continues to fuck me in slow motion.

  Instead of his cock going in and out of me at great speed, he takes his time coming in and pulling out.

  It drives me fucking insane.

  Each time he enters me, I try and push him down to me with greater speed.

  Eventually, he loses self-control and stops trying to hold back.

  His actions are hard and fast now, and I thrust toward him, meeting him, matching his every move.

  For a second time tonight, I feel myself come. The man is fucking amazing, making me come more than once in such a short amount of time.

  I definitely married the right brother.

  As I feel myself about to be swept away on a giant wave of pleasure, I see myself in Liam’s eyes.

  With each thrust, his massive cock grows a little, and the walls of my pussy grab onto it. He, too, is coming and I feel his huge load erupt in me, fountain-like.

  My body tenses and then my muscles spasm as my orgasm starts behind my belly button and rips through me.

  With a smile on his lips, Liam kisses me and leaves his cock inside of me.

  “I love you,” I whisper and then return his kiss.

  “I love you, too.”

  As we lie side by side on the leather lounge, I wonder what the future will hold. In the end, I decide it doesn’t matter.

  What matters is I have found my true self again and met and married a person who doesn’t need me to change. Whatever lies ahead will be full of adventure and, most importantly, it will be with Liam by my side.

  Sounds like the kind of adventure I’d like to remember. Sounds like the kind of adventure I will never forget.

  A sneak peek preview of…

  Mountain Man Baby Daddy

  A Billionaire + Virgin Bride Romance

  By Vivien Vale

  Copyright 2018 by Crimson Vixens

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only.

  Vivien Vale


  The crystal blue waters of the lake are ice cold, but my cock is hot and thick and rock fucking hard.

  My coat is laying back on the cooler I brought with me. So are my boots. My coveralls, my flannel, my jeans—every fucking piece of clothing that most men need to survive this kind of cold, I’ve left high and dry back on shore. Right down to my socks and my goddamn underwear.

  Shit like this takes time to learn. You have to train your body to endure the harsh conditions, the deadly chill and most of all, the pain.

  I prepared myself for this. Got my aim just right. I’ve been doing this for ten fucking years now, and I can’t remember the last time I missed.

  Diving into the freezing waters of an iced-over lake like this would kill most men. Even those hot shot billionaire bad boys in the city who think the whole fucking world ought to bow to their horny little pricks and hairless little balls.

  It won’t fucking kill me.

  At this point, I don’t think anything can.

  My body breaks the surface of the water with all the finesse of an Olympic diver. Like I said—practice. I dive down deeper than I need to, all the way to the lake’s bottom. When I get there, I open my eyes and take in the full scope of the lake life beneath the frozen surface.

  At this point, most people would be enraptured in awe if they weren’t fucking dead already. The beauty of it all still gets me sometimes, and I’ve marveled at this more times than I can count.

  Up above me, through the big Jack-sized hole I sawed into the ice, the last rays of an early winter sunset light up the water, illuminating my exit. All around, the lake life continues, business as usual, despite the blanket of ice shutting them off from the outside world.

  It’s breathtaking, sure.

  It’s also like reading a fucking menu.

  I select my prey with ease, swimming up and snatching a sizable bass with my rough, thick fingers. I rip it right out of its path.

  It struggles hard, but my grip is tighter. What a fucking beauty this is going to be. I can already feel my stomach grumbling in anticipation.

  My body is still so hot as I swim back up to the surface, the water practically boils where it meets my skin. I follow that light shining up overhead, though it’s dimmed a bit by now. Winter days turn to long winter nights pretty quick out here in the mountains.

  It’ll be dark soon, and I’ll be glad to be back in my hand-built cabin, dinner in my belly and not a fucking worry in the world for the rest of the night.

bsp; I hold the bass between my teeth as I hoist myself up back out onto the thick sheet of ice covering the surface of the lake, kicking my feet to raise my legs behind me. Fuckers as big as me and as heavy with muscle as I am are in danger of cracking even the thickest layers of ice if we don’t come up out of it properly.

  Not that there are many fuckers as big as me.

  When the cold air hits my body, the beads of water tangled in the thick, dark hair of my arms and chest turn to steam against my skin. I toss the fish off to the edge of the lake adding to the pile of what I already caught with my homemade fishing rod. It usually does the job, but some fish are just better caught with your own two hands.

  WHIP! WHIP! WHIP! My hair cuts the still air as I shake my head, getting out any extra wetness. I ring out my beard and towel off my skin with my flannel. Nothing like a brisk fucking day to put a little more hair on your chest—not that I need any.

  My bare feet sink down into the snow as I make my way over to my tree-stump seat. Part of me just isn’t fucking ready to call it a day and trudge home yet. Days like this, it’s easy to remember why I came out here in the first place.

  On the other hand, I have my days where I can’t help but be haunted by the memory of my fallen brothers. They trained for shit like this too, same as me—shit like this, and shit far fucking worse. And after all that training…it just blew up their goddamn faces. Literally.

  I relive those tortuous fucking moments every fucking day. The nightmares might not happen with every sleep anymore, but they still won’t leave me alone.

  I can still see their lifeless faces as clear as day. I did nothing to save them. Couldn’t have done anything, even if I’d tried.

  I just ran. We all fucking did. That’s all we could do to save our lives from certain death. It was instinct kicking in.

  Unfortunately, the only one still alive by the time my breath tore through my chest and my legs gave out was me.

  I lived. But the guilt still fucking kills me. Moving back home after my so-called “honorable discharge” was too much pain to bear. I saw their faces in the newspaper, on TV.


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