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Serving the Bad Boy: War Hawks MC

Page 29

by Carmen Faye

  He wrapped her up in his arms. “I can’t tell you much about my job, but I know people, and we’ve clicked since we first met. What I can guarantee is there is more to that story than what you’re telling me.” He tried to look down into her face, but she looked away from him. There was no frigging way she was going to tell him that part of her life story. One of the reasons why she liked being with him so much was that he didn’t treat her like a fragile little flower. He grabbed her and squeezed her and fucked her like she was a woman without a disability, without a defect that had been fixed.

  “Maybe another time,” she said so that he could stop looking at her expectantly and she could move on with her vacation.

  “Hey Matt,” said the man she knew now as Marcus, but was better known to her as the guy whose bat and balls she had in a vice grip, as he ran up to them. She wondered if that bastard took her chair and umbrella.

  “Yes?” Matt let Emmy go a bit and went back to holding her hand, which was unfortunate because that made her have to stay here with them.

  “What are we doing tonight?” The man was just abrasive, and Emmy wondered whether he even realized it.

  “Excuse me?” Matt looked a bit confused at the man and this conversation.

  “I thought that since you are both alone and so am I, we could all find something to do this evening.” The man must have sensed the change in the atmosphere—even at these high altitudes. Matt let go of Emmy’s hand and placed her a little behind him. “I meant like the club or dinner when we get back. I’d hoped to meet someone here in paradise. That was the misunderstanding this morning. Right?”

  “So this is the guy who made you upset this morning?” Matt looked at Emmy, and she just shrugged.

  “You didn’t tell him about it, sweetheart?” Marcus said, like he’d found a chink in her armor.

  “Don’t push it, Marcus. It doesn’t put you in the best light.”

  The man backed down, and both she and Marcus looked at Matt.

  “Let me talk it over with Emmy and get back to you. What room are you in?”

  “The room number is nine seventeen. I hope to hear from you guys; you seem like a lot of fun.” Marcus looked at them both, and she wondered if the man was mentally stable, because only a fool would try to tangle with her after the time they’d just had.

  Emmy watched the man move away and wondered why she didn’t just tell Matt what was going on. It was obvious Marcus was trying to make Matt think she was loose, but little did he know she’d slept with Matt already. His cock block wasn’t going to work.

  Matt turned to her, but the guides picked that moment to call them all back. “It’s going to be just before dusk when we get back, so we need to get going.”

  She reached out her hand to him, and he took it without saying a word, but she could tell he was in his puzzle mode. “Before you ask. I don’t want to go anywhere with that man—and I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “There was no way in the world he was going to go out with us, but you know I’ve been curious to find out what set you off this morning. You were pissed.” He watched her as he spoke—and must have been learning more and more about her—because he just led the way down the mountain without waiting for an answer.

  Emmy could see Marcus just outside her peripheral vision. She didn’t want to talk about it to Matt for a few reasons. For one, she didn’t want the hassle. Matt was a born protector and would feel like he had to defend her honor or some stupid thing like that, and she didn’t want him to get hurt. The other reason was the man wasn’t worth the time and effort in her opinion. When you see trash, you just step over it and keep it moving, she thought. She’d admit that he was an as-bold-as-brass type guy since he had the nerve to come over because he assumed, albeit correctly, that she’d not told Matt. He just didn’t know the reason why.

  Emmy was exhausted when she got to the bottom of the mountain but not for the reason Matt would think. She had no problem saying she was tired, but she’d just not give him the real reason why.

  “Do you still want to go out to eat? I don’t mind eating in the room and maybe we can watch a movie.”

  “Watch a movie? We are in the land of paradise; there will be no sitting in the room and relaxing. There is a whole world of things to see here, but I may need to lay down for an hour or so.” She walked up to her room, and he opened up her door for her. There was nothing she wanted to do more than to get in the bed and sleep, but she needed a shower like the world’s dirtiest man and she wasn’t going to mess up her pretty sheets with her muck. Maybe just a few minutes of rest and she could get up, get showered, and be ready to go out on the town like a normal person.


  Matt was being pulled into the web of Emmy. She was a paradox so full of contradictions. She was sweet and giving, but when you got to a topic she didn’t want to discuss, she reminded him of himself sealing up tighter than submarine. He knew there was more to the story than she wanted to tell. She was unusually tired today, and he’d worn her out yesterday. Not that he didn’t think he wore her ass out with one of the best fucks he’d ever had, but she’d fallen asleep like they’d run a marathon.

  He let her into her room, and she was so exhausted that she didn’t question him getting her into the room and leaving with the key. Matt had taken a shower and picked out his clothes, but he decided he’d lay down with Emmy. He’d not had the desire or inclination to do that with any woman in recent years, but he wasn’t going to question it. Matt wanted to just lay in the bed and do nothing but… rest? Usually that wasn’t the case, but it was this evening.

  Sleep didn’t come to Matt easily, so last night when he’d been there and left afterwards, it had been half to give her a taste of the one-night stand she’d claimed she wanted. Yet, on the other hand, he hadn’t wanted to keep her up with his tossing, turning, and sometimes shouting in his sleep. No one needed to put up with that, especially on vacation.

  Laying still in the darkness was something he was used to doing on missions, so doing it while holding a soft sexy female in his arms was no trial. He could tell she was awake by the change in her breathing, and her heart fluttered like a little bird in her chest.

  “Emmy, it’s me, Matt.” He felt her relax and after a few seconds she stretched like a large cat. Turning to the light switch, he turned it on and watched her squint in the bright light.

  “You took a nap with me?” she asked like she was dazed.

  “Yes. I did. Just one of the many services I offer.” He kissed her, and she kissed him with the same wild abandon as she did the first time she kissed him, but then she hopped up out of bed.

  “I didn’t mean to go to sleep. I only wanted to close my eyes for a few seconds. Now I have to shower, and you’re probably starving.” She paced the floor like it was a crime against nature that he’d not eaten in a few hours.

  “It’s not that big of a deal.” He tried to console her, but she was too busy making a big deal out of it to listen to him. “How about we take a shower together, then we can get something to eat. There are some late dinner theaters and clubs we can hit. It’s not a problem. We’re on vacation and have nothing but time.”

  She visually seemed to calm down, and she moved over to her bag and busied herself with something. It looked like she was taking a pill of some sort, but he knew the body mechanics of someone trying to hide something, and she definitely didn’t want him to know what she was taking. That’s peculiar, he thought.

  “I’m prepared to see your toned, firm, sexy, fit body in my shower. Do I get to wash you off?” She looked excited about the prospect of running her hands over his body, and he thought about the few times they’d been intimate. They’d either been rushed, or they’d been too frantic to slow down and savor it. Not that he was that type of man, but he aimed to please, especially this woman who seemed to make him want to make exceptions for her.

  “Then off we go,” he said, as he led her to the bathroom. It was a bit small for
the both of them, but he didn’t mind getting close to her.

  He’d taken off her boots, socks, shorts and shirt when he’d gotten her more comfortable for her nap. It would have probably been easier to say what he’d left on, which was her bra and panties. He liked that she was spending most of her time just watching him take off his clothes. There hadn’t been a time that he was ashamed to take off his clothes, but the way she looked at him when he was undressed made him appreciate his body even more.

  She turned on the water and quickly took off the two items of clothing he’d left on her person and then waited for him to get in. The shower was surprisingly larger than what he’d expected. She must have had a different layout because his shower wasn’t this big.

  “Come on over.” She motioned to him with her hands all soaped up and ready. He walked the few steps over and stood under the water to get himself all wet for her.

  “Is this a specialty of yours?” he asked her, as she rubbed her hands from his neck to his torso. It was very relaxing, and the small warm cocoon made for a very intimate atmosphere.

  “It hasn’t been, but for you, I could get used to it. All I’m missing is the grapes to feed you.” She had soaped up all the skin on his arms, back, and chest before she moved lower. Watching the look on her face as she soaped him up was making his cock stand up higher and higher, like it was demanding attention.

  “We could always call room service,” he replied.

  “No. I think you’ll have to do without the refreshments.” She moved down to his cock with her soapy hands, and all he could do was watch her give it the cleaning of a lifetime. She went hand over hand, then swiveled from the base to the tip and then off and then stroked him hard while she fondled his balls.

  “Are you supposed to be cleaning me up or jacking me off?” It wasn’t that he wasn’t enjoying himself immensely, but not being in control of the situation made him uneasy.

  “I was making you dirty so I could clean you all up again. Come for me—and I’ll show you.” She looked so playful and happy, he decided to let go of his ridged stance to always be in charge and let her have fun.

  The warm water, her soapy hands, and the slick glide she kept sneaking past his taint was going to make this one extraordinary hand job. He fucked up into her grasp, as she made her hands tighter so he could thrust through them. She was good at moderating the tension in her hands and watching him for what felt good.

  “You are such a dirty fuck. Look at your thick, hard cock going faster and faster. You want to come on me don’t you?”

  Her words stirred him up, especially for an amateur, or maybe that was some of the rationale for what was working. He liked to talk dirty. It made him more excited while he fucked a woman, but he’d never really listened to someone do it to him. What he got in return was mostly groans and moans with a sigh or squeal thrown in for good measure, but the words coming out of Emmy’s sexy, pink mouth were really getting to him.

  “Yes,” he answered, and her excitement would have been a lot funnier if he wasn’t about to pop his load all over her. “Move closer.”

  She did what he asked, bringing his cock that was thrusting through her fingers to her belly so each time he cleared her hands he met with soft wet skin. That in itself shouldn’t be that arousing, but the look on her face, the murmuring that he could barely hear anymore with the noise of the water crashing into the tiles and his heart beating so loud it was like on speaker and reverberating through his body, sent him over the edge and spiraling. He came so hard his ass cheeks were cramping from trying to bust through her two-handed fist she’d made for his enjoyment. Somewhere in there he closed his eyes and leaned back on the cool tiles, because when he opened his eyes all he saw was Emmy’s pink skin and large smile.

  “You liked that, huh?” he said, as a large smile grew on his face. Her excitement and personality made him feel like he was young—at least he felt like he did before he joined the Navy. Being a SEAL during war time changed him. There was no doubt about that. He’d grown harder and more cynical, and being with Emmy had really put that into perspective. It wasn’t like this was a good time to change it. With two more years left of his commitment, it wouldn’t do him any good to start getting soft on a super sexy woman with a few secrets in her box of tricks.

  She nodded her answer to go along with her smile, and he picked himself up off the wall to come toward her.

  “Now, it’s your turn,” he said, gathering up the soap she’d placed in the shower. She’d used the regular soap that came with the room for him, but the flowery smelling pink liquid in a clear plastic container was the one she wanted for herself. She offered him a pink net thing that she wanted him to use, but he wanted to use his hands.

  Right as he reached for her, he found himself looking at a faint scar that went down the middle of her chest. There was just something about the way the light was or something, but he ran his finger down the marking, and Emmy held her breath.

  “What’s this?” He almost hated to ask because she looked mortified, but he wondered if this was some of the reason that her family was so protective of her.

  “Nothing.” She snatched back the net scrubby and turned her back to him.

  “Hey,” he said, turning her back toward him, but she was all soaped up on her chest, and she seemed to be vigorously trying to hide what he’d seen. “It’s alright we don’t have to talk about it.”

  She looked like she was going to cry, and he hated that he’d broken whatever peaceful vibe they’d had going on before he touched her scar.

  “Most people don’t see it,” she whispered, “and I don’t like to talk about it.”

  He knew she was a stubborn soul because they were matched in that area. Matt wanted to know more, but it wasn’t going to be forthcoming, and since they were not going to be together that long anyway, there was no reason to fight for information he wouldn’t be needing. He looked at her and knew that in two more days they wouldn’t see each other again. It was a big world, and he was usually on the other side of it. His next stop was Guam, and the things he was set up to complete there were things he didn’t even want to think about. For now he just wanted to enjoy the peaceful decadence that he’d found when he’d thought he was just going on different walking tours and laying on the beach.

  Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her, but she shook her head, turned around, grabbed some conditioner, and smeared it on the tight hole of her ass.

  “I want to try something new,” she said.

  “Have you done this before?” This wasn’t something that should be done without some stretching and a bit of time. A smear of product and a wish wasn’t going to get his cock into such a tight spot without a bit of pain.

  She shook her head again. “But this is what I want.”

  Matt was torn. Being one of the leaders in his squad, he had to make decisions on a dime. Some of them were popular, and other decisions weren’t. Emmy seemed to be in a battle with herself, but he didn’t want to be used as the weapon of choice. He put his thumb on the tight sphincter and pushed in just a bit only to feel her clutching and unclutching her pussy. It seemed like she liked the sensation, but he still wasn’t willing to hurt her so she could see if she liked anal penetration or not.

  “Are you on birth control?” he asked, because he didn’t have a condom in the bathroom but remembered that they’d had sex without protection in the pool today as well. He was a man who never forgot to wrap his Johnson, so he was shocked at that slip.

  “Yes, but you don’t need to worry because that’s not where I wanted you.” She looked back at him.

  Her pink skin was all soapy and fragrant, and he hoped getting her off would calm her down a bit. So, he slid his hand over to her sudsy breasts, tweaking and pinching her nipples like he knew she’d enjoy, as he pushed into the tight spot she wanted him to conquer. Just knowing that she wanted him to be the first there made him hard enough to give it to her, but he didn’t think she was ready in mind or
spirit right now.

  When he slipped his hand down to her pussy, she was already starting to buck against it.

  “My fingers won’t get the pleasure this time. I want my cock buried in your pussy when you let loose.” He moved around so that he could insert his throbbing dick where he most wanted it to be, and she groaned, as he popped his thumb inside her ass. It was like a little mouth opening and closing on his thumb—and that pushed his control a bit.

  “Harder, Matt. Don’t try to take it easy on me now that you think something is wrong with me.”

  “I’m trying to make sure you have a great experience. Would I love to slam my cock into your ass and lose myself in the snug fit of your body? Maybe, but I want you to enjoy it, too. It sounds hot, and me knocking on your back door feels good, but you need a bit more work up. I’m happy to do it for you, but it won’t be right now. Let me get you started, and we can work on getting you ready for the main event.”


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