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Serving the Bad Boy: War Hawks MC

Page 30

by Carmen Faye

  She hadn’t said anything, so he thought she was okay with what he said until she went forward and slammed back into him, sinking his cock and his thumb deep into her body. Fuck if that wasn’t one of the hottest things someone had done to me, he thought. This woman pressed all his hot buttons—and he liked it.

  He slapped her ass once and the water on the surface made the sound like it was quite a wallop, but she froze and then shuddered. That’s my girl, he thought.

  “More like that,” she said—and who was he not to oblige her.

  Matt was trying to keep it pretty coordinated; he’d thrust once, and when she was full of his cock, he’d give her a tap and slid in with his thumb until the rhythm had her gasping and pushing back against the wall. He liked his cock slammed hard, and the music of her moans got him close. Matt grabbed onto her hair and pulled her back toward him, so he could get her closer, but when he did, her pussy gripped him with quick contractions, and she convulsed as she reached her climax.

  When he saw she was on her way down, it only took a stroke or two more for him to finish himself off. The sounds of their huffing and puffing was the only thing that could be heard over the music of the water hitting the porcelain.

  They both washed off quickly and without a word. He couldn’t speak for her, but thinking of not seeing her again was beginning be a problem. One he couldn’t afford. When they were dried off and she was looking for clothes to wear out, he took a gander at the in-room menu.

  “Would you take a look at this?” he said, looking at the overly large menu. “They have a full Hawaiian feast in here.”

  She didn’t even look over at him. “You are just trying to keep me in because you’ve figured out that I get tired easily, but it’s not going to work. I am getting better, and pushing myself is a great way to grow.”

  “Actually, I’m tired, and I want to stay in. Have a good meal; maybe kick your ass in a game of cards.” He pulled out the cards he had with him at all times. His father was a Black Jack dealer, and cards had always been his life. From a gambler to a dealer, his father had made his peace with cards and gave his son a fresh deck every time he saw him. This time it was from a club in his home town. It was a ritual they’d settled into. His father wasn’t the “I love you” type—but then again—neither was he.

  She walked over and looked at the menu over his shoulder. “Do they really have a feast in there?”

  He pulled her down onto his lap and opened it up in front of him. “Would I lie to you?”


  Emmy had no idea what she’d been doing that would earn her this kind of karma. Things were happening to her that she would have never believed were possible if she weren’t living it herself.

  The time she was to spend in Hawaii in her first ever trip alone wasn’t lonely at all. She was with a man whom she was so proud to be with. It wasn’t about the looks, well it was not just about the looks. Matt was a man to be reckoned with, and he didn’t have to say a word. He was polite to people and held doors, but he also rocked her sexual world and made her feel like the sex she’d had before was all child’s play.

  She’d had sex with a stranger, wore a bikini, and waded in the surf, which was more than she thought she’d have been able to do. She had learned a few swimming moves and had so much fun she was trying to figure out when she could return. It was that thought… that one little thought that made her sad. It wasn’t Hawaii that was so much fun; it was being here with Matt. The man had been with her day and night, but their time was coming to an end.

  Since she’d done everything else on her list with Matt, she wanted to do the last two things by herself… although they would probably be to Matt’s benefit.

  The stores near the hotel were quaint and colorful, but she’d been looking for a little black dress and some high-heeled shoes. It had been fun looking at all the pretty clothes, and she’d tried on and bought lots of things. She’d found her black dress and her moderately high heels, but she wanted to go into this last store. However, this last store was one she shouldn’t have entered.

  Marcus was waiting by the back wall, and she didn’t see him until she was close to him.

  “Looks like your pretty boy left you. It was only a matter of time.” The man had so much hate in him that it was hard to look at him.

  “Can I help you with something, Marcus, or do you always slink about in women’s boutiques?” She continued to look through the clothing racks, but really her mind was on the door. She just wanted to leave but didn’t want him to think he scared her. She was done being afraid of anyone.

  “I just saw you walking along and thought I’d say hello.” His beady little eyes made her think of a snake or a weasel. She had no idea why he was so into her. It wasn’t like she’d spent any time with him or that their last encounter was anything more than something that she should have reported to the police.

  “Really? Because you could have done that without all the stalking and creepiness.” She looked at him, just to see what he was doing, but she still hated the way he looked at her.

  “Then, I wouldn’t have had as much fun. You didn’t go out the other night when I said I’d meet you guys out. It looks like you two have been spending all of your time together. This is the first time I’ve seen you out alone.” He stood there and let that sink in, and she was just happy that he had stopped moving around.

  She had been rustling through the clothes when what he’d just said hit the right nerve. “It sounds like you’ve been stalking us. Is that what you’ve been doing?”

  “Is that what you’re going to tell your little boyfriend?” Marcus sounded like a child, and she didn’t know what he was so worked up about. They didn’t even know each other.

  “First of all, he’s not my boyfriend, and second, he’s a hell of a lot bigger than you. He’s a Navy SEAL, so I’d suggest you not mess with him… or me.” This conversation was going too far. It wasn’t even about keeping face; it was more like she was in danger. This man wasn’t stable, and to stand here and argue with someone like that was almost as crazy as he was acting right now.

  “I thought he wasn’t your boyfriend.” Marcus walked closer to her, and she turned to face him.

  “Look, I don’t owe you any explanations. You are only some guy that I put in his place for putting his eyes and then his hands in places they didn’t belong.” She was walking away from him, but in small increments, because you weren’t supposed to let the animals know you were afraid of them. The way the store was situated, she may not be seen before he did something to her. She should have bought a knife or a small caliber gun. Here she was traveling alone, and the first stop, she found a predator and a criminal, or at least a man with criminal behaviors.

  “I know about women like you. I had you in my grasp, but then something shinier came about. Women like you are always trying to get an upgrade, but then so is he. It has taken longer than I thought, but he’ll let you go. I’ll be watching for a time when I need to pick up the pieces, then I’ll let you beg me for a chance.” He wasn’t moving quickly, so the anxiety that she was feeling must have been from the vibe that was being piped in from his own brand of craziness.

  “What kind of drugs are you on, seriously? It must be some good stuff. I wouldn’t come to you to pick up any pieces. If Matt and I aren’t together, there still won’t be a ‘you and me.’ There are lots of women on this island and a lot of them are by themselves. Why start with me? Move on to someone else.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do,” he said, looking a bit wild eyed.

  “Fine. Do what you want but stay away from me.” She backed away from the man because she didn’t want to give him her back.

  “I know you have some feelings for me.” The crazy man said, and she had to stop and find out where he’d gotten such a stupid idea.

  She didn’t even ask why because she knew he was dying to tell her.

  “You could have told him what happened and he would have been all over m
e. Those military types think they can bully anyone, but I don’t take shit from anyone.”

  “I didn’t tell him because I knew he’d kick your ass and that would mess up my trip. I’d already done enough damage to you, and you just weren’t worth my time.”

  She didn’t know what those words had done to the man who now stood in the middle of the women’s lingerie portion of the store, but he looked like he was going to explode. She didn’t want to be anywhere near him when that happened.


  Matt couldn’t believe his eyes when Emmy had come out of the bathroom. She was all dolled up in a little black dress and matching shoes and purse. He did have a few things planned for them, as it was their last night on the island. There were times that he wanted to pack her in his suitcase and take her with him, but he knew she was out here trying to find herself and prove that she could make it on her own. To tell her he was going to miss her was bullshit because he couldn’t do anything for her. He was in the middle of a tour of duty, and this had been his only break in such a long time he didn’t even want to share it with his family.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, as he walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. He liked his sex deep, hard, and fast, but with her, he’d learned that he could enjoy it a bit slower. It was even better if she was trying to go fast and he was slowing it down.

  “Thank you, sir. Where to?” she asked, as she stood in the middle of the floor, looking like something he would remember to stroke to on a lonely night when he was alone in the field.

  “Off for dancing. We never made it to the club, so I wanted to go on our last night here.” He was sorry that he put it that way because it was like he snuffed out the light in her eyes.

  “I’m ready.” She was trying to act happy, but since he’d gotten to know her better in the last few days, he knew when she was trying and when it was genuine.

  They were both silent, as they left the room, in the cab, and when they were seated at the fancy club. They were planning to eat in the restaurant portion and then dance the night away in the dance hall portion. They sat across from each other, and Matt was mad that they didn’t have the circle booths like the first place they had a drink had. It wasn’t like he wanted to finger her under the table like he’d done that time, but he didn’t want to just look at her…he wanted to touch her.

  “Where are you off to next?” She looked everywhere but at his face, and he realized how much he enjoyed her gaze on him. He decided that he wouldn’t talk unless she was looking at him. It was their last night, but he didn’t want to be sad about it.

  “I’m going to Guam and then to point unknown.” He reached for her hand and held it in his.

  “Where are you going after this?” he asked.

  “Is there a way for me to contact you?” she asked, with just the faintest amount of concern covering her face.

  “Can I get you started with anything?” The waiter came along at just the right time because he didn’t know how to answer that question. Is there way to contact me? Of course there is. However, he didn’t want to be contacted. He knew that she’d put most of the things in her life off for this thing or that, and he didn’t want her to have to wait for him. His life was hard, and this job was tough. He got through each day knowing that if something happened to him, he wasn’t letting anyone down. He didn’t have a girlfriend, a wife, or any children who depended on him. When his father had stepped away from the family before he got his life together, it had hurt him that his father didn’t do better for him and his mother. Until he was free to do what he chose, then he would be faithful to his job and his country.

  They ordered, and he kept the conversation going, talking about the fun things they’d done on the trip. It was working, and he had her laughing about learning how to swim and splashing around on the beach.

  “I’m glad you saw my list. I don’t think I’d have gotten half of that done by myself.” She had eaten the last bit of cheesecake, and he was ready to shake her around on the dance floor.

  “It’s one of the services I provide.”

  She laughed like he’d said the funniest things ever.

  “What?” he questioned.

  “You always say that when I compliment you about something. Like you don’t want to accept that you’re just a nice guy and take the thank you just as it is being offered.”

  “Then, you’re welcome.” He got up and moved to the back of her chair. “Are you ready to party, Ms. Roth?”

  “I am ready to party, Mr. Perrier.” She got up and spun in front of him and that lifted her skirt and showed a bit more of her leg.

  The dance area was outside near the beach, and it was a beautiful night.

  “Nice to see you guys here.” Marcus stepped out of the shadows, and Emmy actually squealed.

  “Hey, Marcus. What are you doing lurking here in the shadows? The dance bar is over there.” Matt had been trying to be civil to this guy, but for whatever reason, he seemed to freak Emmy out—and that wasn’t cool. It didn’t matter that she wouldn’t tell him why; it only mattered that there was a reason.

  “I was just watching out for Emmy. When we went shopping for her dress together, I didn’t get to see that one on her, so I wanted to make sure I got a chance to see it. I like the way you look when you twirl in in. You look lovely.”

  “Marcus, I’ve been trying to give you a break. I know you have the hots for Emmy, and I’ve got no problem with that. She’s a beautiful woman, who’s smart and curvy, so I get it. I want to keep her myself, but I don’t like the way you’re going about this. Emmy isn’t interested in you, and you need to leave her alone.” Matt didn’t want to scare Emmy with the moves he made when he was protecting his country, but it didn’t look like this man was going to back down.

  “Emmy tell him we went shopping together.” Marcus looked around Matt to see Emmy, and that made Matt almost snap.

  “You were waiting for me in the last store like an ambush, but we didn’t go shopping together. You just wanted me to know that when Matt moved on, you’d be there so you could pick up the pieces. That’s the conversation I remember.” Emmy was speaking her mind, and Matt hoped that she could see the strength she had. It was clear to anyone who happened to be hearing this.

  “Well…,” Marcus began.

  “I don’t want a play by play or any excuses, just keep your mind and your eyes off of Emmy.”

  The noise Matt heard in the semi-darkness was familiar to him, and he wondered why the man would bring a knife to a fight. It was probably planned, and it was unfortunate, but Emmy was going to have to witness this drama.

  “Emmy, go wait for me over by the dance floor,” he directed her to the furthest place that he could still see her.

  “No, I’m not. This bastard could be luring you with something. I’ll stay right here.”

  He really didn’t think she was going to go away, but it was worth the try.

  “Now for you, Marcus, I’ll tell you that I’m willing to let you go if you agree to put your knife away and leave us alone.”

  “I got the big SEAL at my mercy because of some bitch, huh? Well, I’ve been watching you assholes since you got here and I want to have some fun with her now. She didn’t tell you she was trying to jack me off on the beach in front of everyone. I almost had her tits in my mouth before I came to my senses. They were the color of bubble gum. I’m right aren’t I?”

  What the fuck had happened out on the beach that day? I knew she was pissed off, but the way this guy is talking, he damn near raped her.

  “Give her to me and I’ll let you go.” Marcus walked closer to them, and he could feel Emmy trembling. Matt just needed the guy to get a little closer, but he was afraid that he’d hurt Emmy. He moved so he could turn her and push her to the side a bit.

  “He’s lying. I didn’t do any of those things.” She tried to grab onto Matt, and he was trying to make sure Marcus didn’t touch Emmy. This was a cluster fuck waiting to happen. />
  “You didn’t grab and stroke my cock on the beach?” Marcus sounded agitated, and he lunged at Emmy.

  Matt grabbed Marcus’s hand with the knife in it and swung him around using the man’s own speed against him. The man was down on the ground and subdued before he knew what hit him.

  “Emmy tell the management they need to get security or the police because we have been assaulted on their property.”

  Emmy ran off and left the two men together. Matt was having a hard time keeping this professional.

  “I know that you have some mental difficulties, but you need to keep Emmy’s name and the filthy things you’re saying about her out of your mouth. I won’t be able to vouch for your safety if I hear another word about my woman.”


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