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The Keys to Jericho

Page 70

by Ren Alexander

  As my phone rings, I dig it out of my pocket and complain, “You two can stop now.” Seeing that it’s Dash, I answer, “What the hell do you want?” Hadley gasps and Kat giggles, at which I again roll my eyes at both.

  “Come pick me up.”

  “Why couldn’t you just text me that?”

  “I wanted to hear your sexy voice.”

  Hanging up on him, I say, “Dash is ready, so if you two are, let’s go.”

  After they gather their purses and start to compare shoes, I impatiently usher them to my car; although they continue chattering about applying makeup or mixing cement. Could be either one.

  Kat opts for the backseat with my sister, which probably is better so I don’t accidentally give us away by touching her in some way. The downside of that is sitting next to Dash.

  Pulling up to his apartment, he’s actually waiting for me on his porch, and bounds down the stairs when I pull in next to his car. Eager to see Hadley, no doubt.

  Approaching the car, he already gives me a questioning look as to why Kat is in the backseat. Climbing in, before he can say something, I subtly glance at the backseat and shake my head. He looks at me with more unasked questions, but thankfully, he catches my drift that we’d like to keep it quiet, and doesn’t bring up my romantic status with Kat.

  Instead, he turns and says, “Hey, there, Hadley. No Finn?”

  “No, not tonight. Just me.”

  As I back out of the space, I notice his crooked, amoral smile. When it comes to my sister, I believe he wouldn’t be able to control himself. He’s had a crush on her for years, and it makes me wonder if Finn weren’t in the picture, if Dash would put himself into the same position as Blair and I had, since I highly doubt he’d want me to know if he were fucking my sister. On the other hand, I’m not sure what Hadley would do. I don’t think she was ever interested in Dash that much to carry on anything with him. Clandestine or not.

  Seeing that he still doesn’t have his seatbelt on and he’s twisted around, talking to Hadley, I swing my arm, backhanding his. “Turn around and buckle up, Calder.”

  He twists back around and puts on his seatbelt, but he doesn’t stop talking to my sister. Hell, Kat could’ve sat up here giving me a blow job and I doubt if Dash and Hadley would’ve noticed.

  This time, I take the route that I want to take to the club, since Dash is too busy yammering with my sister, who surprisingly has a lot to say to him in return. I occasionally glance over my shoulder at Kat, who gives me her own inquisitive look regarding the other two. I think I need to have another talk with Calder about my rule regarding him keeping his hands and dick off Hadley. I think Finn would concur.

  What my sister said about Finn not wanting to be seen in public still floors me, even though he told me it’s because he wants to maintain his privacy. Understandable, but I hope he’s not doing it for any other reason, like hiding pussy on the side. Keeping a relationship secret reminds me of what Kat and I did, but they’ve been together two years and have done this?

  Shit. It’s odd that the things I thought were differences between my sister and me, and then with Finn and me, weren’t really differences at all.

  Fuck. I need a drink. Why in the hell did I volunteer to drive?

  I ask Calder, “We’re not doing the karaoke shit again, are we?” Dash keeps talking to my sister and I grit my teeth. “Dash.” When he keeps yapping, I shout, “Calder! Are you going to answer my fucking question?”

  He finally swings his head to me. “What?”

  “Jared, don’t be rude,” Hadley scolds.

  Kat answers my question. “No. Pete will be on the second floor tonight, so he gave us a table there.”

  I say, “Oh. I thought Dash was arranging it.”

  Kat says, “Nope. I told him I would. My brother still owes me some favors.”

  I mutter, “Yeah, a few.”

  Turning into the lot and parking the car, I assume that Duquesne isn’t here yet. Late as usual.

  Exiting the car, Dash offers his arm to Hadley and she takes it, giggling, and they walk ahead of us, still carrying on their inane conversation about nothing. Even so, I’ve never heard my sister eagerly talk so much in my life.

  Kat walks with me, but we still keep a distance. However, since the other two aren’t looking, and I don’t see Rio or his truck, I grab Kat’s hand and lean down, snaring her lips.

  Pulling away, she hurriedly wipes the lipstick from my mouth. I whisper, “We won’t be hiding us anymore after tonight.”

  She smiles. “I know. Are you worried?”

  I shake my head. “Are you?”

  “No. Your sister already suspects something’s going on with us.”

  Stepping up onto the curb, I ask, “She does?”

  “She asked if we were dating and I said no. Then she asked why not. I said we were just friends. I hate lying like that.”

  “You’re not really lying. We’re not just dating anymore. She’ll find out as soon as Rio gets here.”

  “I know. It’s just that I’m currently lying to my mother about the fire. I hate all the lying.”

  “I do, too. You’re not the only one hiding things.”

  She ruefully smiles at me, and I glance ahead of us as Hadley and Dash stop at the door. Releasing Kat’s hand before they turn around, I shove both hands into my pockets to avoid grabbing hers again.

  My sister holds the door open for me and I give her a curious glance, but she just smiles and I mumble, “Thanks.” Upon entering, some bass-thumping song pounds in my ears. It’s crowded and not caring if Hadley sees us, I hook Kat’s arm to keep her with me, though, I’m almost positive Hadley is holding onto Dash anyway.

  Once we reach the second floor and we’re delivered to our reserved table, we take our seats in a booth that is curved like the one we sat in upstairs. I keep space between Kat and me, but when I look over at Dash, he’s practically having my sister sit in his lap. Fucking shit. He’s sober, too. I give him a warning glare, but he’s so oblivious to anything going on outside his bubble with Hadley. If Finn saw this shit, he’d break Dash’s neck. Finn Wilder is a geyser on the verge of going off. Hadley is as clueless about Finn as I was about Kat.

  As I watch Hadley and Dash, I wonder if I looked like that with Kat and didn’t notice. Maybe Dash really doesn’t notice the way he’s acting with her. I’ll gladly help him realize it, though.

  Kat nudges my leg with her hand. She leans over and says, “Calm down.”

  Not looking away from them, I ask, “What?”

  “You’re silently killing Dash 40 different ways.”

  I growl, “It’s 62.”

  “They’re just talking.”

  Turning to her, I say, “You don’t get it. He has a thing for her.”

  Kat brushes at her hair, glancing over at them and then says to me, “Really? I don’t see anything. He’s a friendly guy.”

  “Does he sit that close to you?”

  “I guess not, but he did strip some.”

  “Jesus Christ. I can only deal with one issue at a time.”

  She says, “No issue. It’s just Dash.”

  Rolling my eyes, I say, “Anyway, he’s going to need a rubber, he’s so close to her.”

  Kat laughs. “It’s not that bad.”

  I snap, “Does he stare at you like you’re his next conquest?”

  She shakes her head. “He’s not looking at her like that.” I shoot her an incredulous look and her eyes widen. “You think he wants to…?”

  “What the hell do you think?”

  “He wouldn’t put a move on her. She’s with Finn. Dash wouldn’t do that.”

  “I’m just telling you how he’s looking at her. My sister has been a sticking point between him and me since puberty. He always makes jokes about it, but I know he’d jump on her if she were single and he knew about it. Hadley is Dash’s holy grail.”

  “Wow. I didn’t know that.” Kat bites her lip before asking, “Would I be yours?”
  I doubtfully scowl at her. “You’re actually asking me that?”

  She smiles and then says, “They wouldn’t do anything with each other. Hadley’s in a committed relationship and she’s been cheated on in the past. She knows what that’s like. She wouldn’t turn around and do it to Finn.”

  “Jesus. I honestly don’t know what to think. How committed is Finn to her? Fuck. I wonder about that now. He said he is, but if he doesn’t want people to know they’re together, then what the hell is he doing with her?”

  “Finn loves her. Do you know how fucked up it is that our situation is similar?”

  I frown and roll my eyes. “Maybe similar on the surface, but ours is inherently different. We kept it quiet because we thought that’s what the other wanted. I mean, I am a private person, but I didn’t want to hide it. I thought you did. Whereas Finn—opposite of private. He’s not a huge celebrity, but shit, he’s big enough in Richmond and beyond. He claims he likes to keep his private life private, but even so, he doesn’t acknowledge having my sister as his girl? Me? I’m a nobody and a painfully private person, but I’d go on TV to announce our news.”

  She shoulders me. “I want to kiss you right now.”

  I look around and grumble, “Where in the fuck is Duquesne? Let’s get this over with.” Looking to see if Hadley’s watching, I lean closer to Kat and say, “I want your lips all over me.”

  She giggles. “Not here in public.”

  “Then let’s just blow this place after the announcement so you can blow me.”

  Kat whispers, “I’ll wear the bright red lipstick again.”

  “Goddamn it. Don’t say that,” I complain, shifting and trying to think of anything but that to kill my looming hard-on.

  Kat laughs. “Sorry.” Yeah, right.

  “You just earned yourself a demerit.”

  She blandly says, “Darn.”

  I laugh, but needing a distraction, I peer over at Hadley and Dash, who are still carrying on some kind of riveting discussion. Hadley doesn’t give off the fuck-me vibes that Dash does, but if she gets some drinks into her, that may change. And if Dash doesn’t back off, he’ll find out that The Nutcracker isn’t just mind-numbing dancing shit.

  “Hi, guys!” a familiar voice grates. Looking up, Liberty waves at us, pulling Rio by the hand to the seat across the table from Kat and me.

  “It’s about time, Duquesne,” I gripe.

  He smiles. “Sorry. We had dinner and then got stuck in traffic.”

  Liberty gives me a quick glance with a slight smile, but doesn’t make it noticeable. I’m actually impressed she’s kept her mouth shut. Rio knows about my confession to Kat because of Calder’s big mouth, but I would’ve told him anyway, since he already knew I was in love with her. Fuck me. Besides Kat and me, who didn’t know?

  The waitress comes to our table for our drink orders. Looking at me, Kat touches her cheek with her left hand, and shoots a look toward her ring finger. I nod and she leans in, saying next to my ear, “I’m going to talk to my brother. I’ll be back.”

  Catching my eye, Rio quickly glances at Dash and Hadley, and then to me, making a face that clearly says, “What the fuck is going on over there?”

  I purse my lips as my teeth grind, and I shake my head. Looking at Hadley, I see that she’s not all over Dash, but she’s not exactly discouraging him. She’s just being friendly, as Hadley usually is. However, Dash is friendly too, but his friendliness leaves no breathing room between them. It’s royally pissing me off that he’s being so blatant with my sister, especially when her boyfriend isn’t here, but her brother is.

  Kat returns to the table, smiling, and looking to her finger, I see why. Her ring is on, which seems to illuminate her, inside and out. I can’t help but smile, too.

  Taking her seat next to me, but still careful not to be too close yet, she folds her hands together, perching them on her lap. So far, nobody notices, except for Liberty. Catching her attention, I sharply look at her, narrowing my eyes, warning her not to say anything first. She bites her smiling lip and pretends to check her phone, which again, her restraint surprises me.

  Our drinks are brought to the table, and Hadley reaches for her pink-colored drink at the same time Kat reaches for her cream-looking, orange drink. Suddenly, Hadley squeals, “Kat! Where in the hell did that ring come from? I didn’t notice that before!”

  Dash sits up. “What ring?”

  Kat smiles as she sets down her drink on the table. As soon as she does, my sister grabs her hand to look closer. “Is it real?”

  Kat says, “Uh…”

  I shout, “It’d fucking better be!”

  Hadley looks up at me with a mix of surprise, confusion, and horror.

  Peering over Hadley, Dash shrieks, “Blessed fuck! Is that what I think it is?”

  Rio cranes his neck, as Liberty giggles with tears flooding her eyes. When Rio sees what Hadley is gawking at, he immediately looks to me, mirroring my sister’s reaction.

  When Kat and I don’t respond, Rio asks, “Jared…?”

  Kat looks up at me, and I take the plunge, kissing her in front of everyone, willingly, for the first time.

  Hadley shouts, “Oh, my God!”

  Dash yells, “There’s no fucking way! Engaged? How’d I not know?”

  Rio doesn’t say anything, which isn’t out of the norm for him. However, when Kat and I end our kiss, a hand goes to my arm, yanking on me. I get up as Rio says, “How in the …? What…? I can’t even…”

  Kat shows him her ring and he shakes his head, still in shock. He asks, “Are you serious? This isn’t a joke?”

  Watching his reaction, I answer, “I’m dead serious. I asked Kat to marry me, and she said yes.”

  He dubiously laughs. “You? The same Jared Beckett, who doesn’t believe in love, melts smiles with a dirty look, and never has a girlfriend, is getting married?”

  “I am. I can’t let her get away again. You know that.”

  Nodding, he says, “I’m happy you finally took our fucking advice.” Rio grins and jerking my shoulder as a new, bass-thumping song starts, he shouts, “Congratulations, you cagey son of a bitch!”

  I laugh and Rio roughs up my hair before hauling me to him, squeezing the breath out of me. He loudly repeats, “You’re getting married!”

  “I am!”

  Letting go of me, he asks, “Is Kat moving to Philadelphia?”

  I bite my lip before saying, “Uh, no. I’m moving to Virginia.”

  Rio steps back, dubiously regarding me. “Wait a minute. You’re following the woman you love to another state, giving up a job for her, even?”

  I smile, but glance down, eating my own words I had said to him. “Um, yeah. I am.”

  “Huh. Sounds like someone else you know, maybe?”

  Nodding, I sigh, looking up at him. “Yeah, Duquesne. I get it.”

  He shouts, “Finally, you jackass!” I roll my eyes, but laugh. “I guess we’ll be neighbors?”

  “Fuck, yeah!”

  Laughing, he mirrors, “Fuck, yeah! God! I’m so happy for you, Jare!”

  “Thanks. It’s what I want with her.”

  Rio smiles. “When I first saw how you looked at her, I knew it was.”


  He nods and laughs. “You’re just so fucking pigheaded, Beckett.”

  Grinning, I shove his shoulder. “Bite me, Doc Pussy.”

  Dash hooks his arm around my neck. “Jericho! Are you fucking kidding me? You and Kat are getting hitched? For real?”

  “For real.”

  “I’m super shocked! How’d I not know? What changed your mind?”

  “You know why I changed my mind.”

  “You two love birds! I’m so damn happy for you guys! This is miraculous! When did this go down? You told Kat you’re in love with her, but then jumped to marriage?” He laughs. “What the hell? This just blew my fucking mind!”

  I incredulously laugh. “Jesus! Slow down!” Looking at his exci
ted expression, I can’t help but laugh again, shaking my head. “I proposed at the park, while you were there.”

  “Huh? You’re shitting me? That can’t be… You did it when I… How?”

  Smirking at him, I shrug. “I’m that good.”

  Dash claps his hands together. “Okay. The big question: Who’s your best man? Me, the suave, charming, good-looking blond, or Rio, the pussy whiz?”

  Rio heaves Dash sideways. “Shut up, Douche.”

  As Dash brushes his hair back into place with his fingers, I look from him to Duquesne, who only smiles, while Dash is practically prancing around like that damned fluff ball of a dog. I roll my eyes and Dash asks, “Do you even know who it is?”

  Laughing, I say, “Not yet, so consider tonight to be your audition. You’ll both want to make it good.”

  Dash whines, “Are you serious? Just pick me!”

  “That’s not how it’s going to work. I need a star player as my best man. I’ll make my decision tonight and let you know tomorrow.”

  Pouting, Dash mutters, “Congrats, Diet Dr. Pussy.”

  “I said I haven’t decided yet, Calder.” Lie. Still, this could be entertaining.

  He grabs Kat, hugging her. I want to push him off after learning that he stripped his clothes in front of Kat, but then again, it’s Dash. Harmless when it comes to Kat. He’s helped us more than I care to admit to him. He wouldn’t try anything with her. I do trust him.

  On the other hand, he’s not so harmless when it comes to Hadley. He turns into a whole different Dash Calder, and I’m wary to trust him with her.

  Dash says to Kat, “You’ll be Kat Beckett. Does that mean I have to stop calling you Merrick?”

  She laughs. “No. You can still call me that.”

  “I couldn’t call you Beckett. That’d be weird.”

  I say to Dash, “Like you don’t deal with weird on a daily basis.”

  “I know! I don’t need any more!”

  A hand goes to my arm and I look away from Dash to the object of his damned desire. Hadley’s stunned gape is the last thing I see before she gives me a hug. Against my chest, she says, “I’m blown away. Congratulations.”


  She abruptly lets go of me, turning to her drink. Liberty slips in and gives me an enthusiastic hug, almost making me roll my eyes or puke from her perfume. She says some things, but I’m busy watching my sister down her drink in nearly four gulps.


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