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The Relic: A Savvy Macavoy Story

Page 6

by Amy Shannon

  Savvy sat in the chair across from Gutenberg. She quickly eyed the entire room and took out her notebook from her bag. “I just have a few questions.”

  “Of course, you can ask me anything.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled, crossing her legs. Her eyes flicked to Mr. Gutenberg, who eyed her up and down, but not making any emotional distastes in his facial expression. Good. “I’ll be taking notes and recording this interview if you didn’t mind.”

  “No, that’s fine. I don’t know how I can help, but I’ll do my best,” he nodded as Savvy pulled her digital recorder out of her pocket.

  Savvy turned on the recorder and set it on the cluttered desk. She pulled her pen out of her bag, positioned her hand ready to write and focused on Mr. Gutenberg. “Sir, can you tell me how often you appraise work for Mr. Stein?”

  “Well, he usually brings me new pieces he acquires if he collects something from another country on one of his trips, but if he is looking to buy something, he may bring me along to meet with the seller or set up a meeting at his storefront.”

  “So, is this all the time?”

  “In the past seven years, yes. We’ve gotten to know each other as friends and trusted business associates. We met when he was asked by the museum here if he could donate a few of his pieces for display. He’s done that over the years. The acquisition manager, Julia Markowitz, found out about Adler’s collection through another museum and contacted him. After the first display, we met and became friends. He has such a grand collection.”

  “I’ve seen several of his pieces. They are unique, to say the least.”

  “Yes, some look at his collection as morbid, but when you listen to why he collects what he does, it shows the humanity side of the darkness that some see with him. Adler is definitely not a dark man.”

  Savvy wrote down some notes and focused on Gutenberg again. “Have you ever noticed someone wanting to buy or get close to his collection, especially his dead dictator collection?”

  “Not that I can think of right now. I have kept a list of sellers that he has bought from, but I can’t think of any wannabe buyers of his collection. However,” he leaned back and ran his index finger along his chin. “There were two men, fascinated by the display of Mussolini. He never put his Hitler or Stalin collectibles on display here, but Mussolini, he has or had a few pieces of the dictator or the dictator’s clothing, uh the fabric from the clothes Mussolini was wearing when he was killed,” Gutenberg stood up and walked behind his cluttered desk. He grabbed a black leather binder underneath a stack of folders. “Yes, here it is,” He thumbed through the binder’s contents. “Ralph Valducci and Joseph Bonaducci. They were both interested in buying pieces of his collection, but I don’t know if the sales ever went through. I know Adler and some pieces he’ll never sell and others, he’s picky at choosing the correct buyer. He has his own vetting process for that.”

  Savvy leaned back in the chair, after writing down the names. “Has there even been people who have shown disdain or outrage for his collection?”

  “Several. We have had protests outside when his work was being displayed. Our security officers may have the records and of course, the local 21st precinct. They have handled several of our calls when protests got out of hand. Stein was once accosted outside because of his collection.”

  “He never mentioned that, thank you.”

  “Ms. Macavoy, Adler has enemies and friends in this business. I can give you names, but I don’t think a buyer, or a seller would want to steal from him. This is a large business and it’s based on trust. Sometimes yes, we get a fraudulent claim or piece, or forgery. This could be the opposite of a business deal.”

  “You mean personal?”

  “I know that he has a complicated relationship with his son, Oscar, but Oscar wants nothing to do with the business. He’s a LPN at Angels Memorial.”

  “He’s mentioned Oscar and that’s how he met my brother, Friend.”

  “Ah, yes, I am familiar with Friend. I didn’t know he was your brother.”

  “I’m sorry, please don’t hold that against me.”

  “You understand?” his mouth smiled tightly.

  “I am familiar with my brother and his relationships. He is something else, but that’s all I can say.”

  “My words exactly,” he smiled. “I am glad that Adler came out. I think Oscar’s coming out ten years ago, led to Adler being truthful with himself. I don’t know if the theft had to do with that. As far as I knew, Adler only had a few relationships with men, but is currently unattached.”

  Savvy smiled, thinking of Leonard but not mentioning a word about it. “What about other family?”

  “He has three brothers, two of which are still living in Germany. His parents are gone. His brother Wilhelm, lives in Arizona. That’s all I know. Oscar lives uptown.”

  “I’m aware,” she smiled. “Mr. Gutenberg if there is anything else that you can think of, let me know,” She pulled one of her cards out of her bag. “Here’s my card. You can call me or stop by the Agency. Everything that is said here, is confidential, so no one else will see my notes except for those who work at the Agency. My partner and my office manager.”

  “Thank you,” he smiled. “Security is on the first floor. You met the lead security officer when you came in. He can give you information on the protestors.”

  “And Mrs. Markowitz?”

  “She is out of the country right now but is expected back next week sometime. I can have her call you when she gets back.”

  “I’d appreciate it,” Savvy stood up and extended her hand. “Thank you, Mr. Gutenberg.”

  He shook her hand. “You’re welcome and you and your Agency colleagues must come and view our exhibits soon. Call me and I’ll give you all a private showing.”

  “I’d like that, we’d like that,” she smiled. “Thank you,” She dropped her notebook and recorder in her bag, flinging it over her shoulder. She walked toward the door and exited to the corridor.

  As she got off the elevator at the lobby, she noticed that Jarrod stood up. “Ms. Macavoy,” he patted an envelope on his desk.

  She walked toward him. “Is that the protestors?”

  “Yes, Mr. Gutenberg asked me to give you a copy of the security footage. I’ve put the last two years on DVD. If you need more, let me know.”

  “That was quick,” she said.

  “We always make copies of that type of footage and put it on our server. Never know when we need it, or the police need it. You are, however, the first PI interested in it.”

  “I don’t know if it’s relevant or not,” she sighed. “Thank you for your help.”

  “If you need anything else security or information wise, let me know,” he smiled.

  “I will, thank you for this,” she placed the envelope in her bag and headed toward the exit.


  Savvy walked into the Agency and smiled at Leonard. “You OK?”

  He jumped up quickly. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “Day dreaming again?” she placed her bag on her desk.

  “Oh, no,” he sighed. “I was thinking of what you said before.”

  “What’s that?” she sat on the edge of her desk and faced him.

  “About expanding this space,” he smiled. “I’ve been doing some measurements and sketches.”

  “Don’t you have a bar exam to study for?”

  “I’ve been staring at law books, study guides and the website materials for forever. I think I’m just about ready, but before I take the test, I’ll need your help.”

  “Whatever you need. I just wanted to make sure that you’re happy.”

  “I will be, when I move upstairs.”


  “Like I said,” he sighed. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I had some ideas, but they were slightly different from yours and if you don’t agree…” he rattled the words quickly.

  “Hold on, don’t worry about my ideas, I didn’t put mu
ch thought into what any of us wanted, so that’s why I sent it to you and Strick. I see you’ve been thinking about it more than he has.”

  “He just likes his place. He has a place to sleep, eat, work and whatever else he does with you,” Leonard smirked.

  “He does plenty with me, uh, never mind. So, tell me your idea,” she smiled.

  “I looked around the upstairs apartment and I’d like to have it renovated and of course, open the door up so I can access the apartment from the back steps that lead up to your apartment. I’d like to do that first, so I can move in as soon as possible.”

  “You sure you want to live here, right?”

  “Definitely. I liked it when I stayed here, I liked being close to you and Strick. I’ve decided to not renew my lease, so I need to be out of my place within a month. If I can’t get the apartment done by then, I’ll stay at a hotel or something.”

  “Nope,” she grinned.

  “Nope? Which part?”

  “First, yes, you can start the apartment whenever you want. Do whatever you need to do. Second, you’re not going to stay in a hotel. You can stay in my room downstairs. Good, that’s settled. So, what’s your other idea?”

  “You sure?” he smiled at her nodding her head. “Well, all right. I think for the expansion downstairs, that we should each have our own office, but also have space out here, you know so if we’re just researching or whatever, we can all still be in the same place, working together, but if we have an office, we can all have privacy with our clients. You know, there are some that wish they could speak privately without the rest of us listening.”

  “That’s true, desks in the office, work tables out here. I was thinking conference room, just off the mini lab.”

  “And you get some new equipment for that.”

  “So, Mr. lawyer, do you want your own assistant?”

  “No, just an office assistant that will work for all three of us.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” she smiled.

  Leonard stood up quickly when the door opened, and the bell dinged. His smiled quickly turned when he saw Ryan standing in the open doorway. His heavy Army-green jacket weighed down his hand, holding the small black revolver.

  Savvy turned quickly when she noticed the fear in Leonard’s eyes. “Ryan, what are you doing?”

  “You and Strick, you ruined us. You ruined me!”

  Savvy slowly put her hands up. “How did I do that?”

  “You took Strick from me and then your brothers took Leonard from me,” his eyes shifted to Leonard. “I want you back.”

  Leonard crossed his arms and slowly walked around to the front of his desk. He rested against the edge of the desk, his eyes shifting to Savvy and then to Ryan. “Since when?”

  “Uh, you know I loved, uh, love you, right?” Ryan asked.

  “Yeah, that’s why you’re pointing a gun at me and my best friend.”

  “Oh, well, I just want you to listen to me,” he grunted. “Goddammit, Len.”

  Leonard shook his head. “Don’t use that language in here. You want me to listen, you need to respect me and my friend. This is my place of work,” He stood up straight and Savvy stepped toward Leonard, standing right next to him.

  “If I were you, I’d close the door,” Savvy said.

  “Oh, please, it’s not…” he stepped forward and the door closed behind him, just grazing his body, the bell dinged again.

  Savvy stepped forward instantly and grabbed the barrel of the gun, “Duck,” she yelled as Ryan pulled the trigger on the gun. Savvy instantly swooped her legs behind his, knocking him to the floor. She pointed the gun at Ryan, who put his hands up. She glared down at the man, while calling to Leonard. “Call 9-1-1.”

  “Uh, Savvy,” he moaned, gripping his arm tightly.

  Savvy placed her foot on Ryan’s chest, still holding the gun and turned her head toward Leonard. “You’re hit? Oh, Fowl!”

  Ryan looked at Leonard and then Savvy, he pushed her foot, knocking her to the ground. He stood up quickly and ran for the door, smashing right into Strick’s body as Strick held the phone to his ear, “Send someone right away,” He glared into Ryan’s eyes. “Going somewhere?” Strick grabbed his arm, swung him around, making him kneel on the ground. “Savvy, is he all right?”

  Savvy rushed over to Leonard. She took off her scarf and wrapped it around his arm. “I’m taking you the hospital right now.”

  “It kills,” Leonard grunted.


  “Just go. I called the local precinct. I just need some tape.”

  “In the drawer,” Leonard said.

  Savvy grabbed the gray duct tape out of the drawer and tossed it to Strick. “Meet us at Angels,” she said, putting her arm around Leonard. She led him out the front door toward her car that she had parked on the street.

  Strick duct taped Ryan’s hands behind his back and pulled him to his feet. “Get in the chair,” he pushed the man into the chair in front of Savvy’s desk and aimed his side arm against him. “I told you to stay away from them, didn’t I?”

  “Oh, fu-”

  “Don’t even finish that sentence. We don’t allow vulgar language in here.”

  “Oh, what are you going to do about it?”

  Flashing red and blue lights appeared through the window as the sirens wailed from the police car. Tim, dressed in his blue lieutenant’s police uniform, walked into the Agency, followed by three officers. “What’s going on here? I heard the address on the radio.”

  “He shot Leonard. Savvy’s taking him to Angels. He also assaulted her, while trying to get away. I don’t know what all happened. I was coming back from next door, we’re going to expand, but never mind about that. I saw Savvy’s car out front and thought it was strange, since she usually parks out back, unless she has to go back out right away, but then…”

  “Strick, take a breath,” Tim patted him on the shoulder.

  “Sorry, I noticed Ryan standing in the doorway, but I couldn’t see inside because of the sun glare on the windows. The shades should’ve been down, but they weren’t, anyway, he stepped in and the door closed, so I was about to go in, when I saw his gun and Savvy grabbed it. He got off a shot or something. She had him on the ground but got distracted when she noticed Leonard was hit, so I was about to rush in and he came running out. Slammed right into me. That’s all I got. Can I get to Angels now?”

  “Yeah, go on. I’ll lock up and get him out of here. I better call Harry.”

  “All right, but, uh, no brothers, please.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. Harry’s got a plan to keep the brothers away from Leonard for good.”

  “I wish that extended to this one,” he pointed to Ryan. “I’ll see you later,” He headed toward the red doors, closing them behind him.


  Strick parked the Agency’s van in the parking garage of Angels Memorial Hospital. He got out and clicked his alarm button on his key fob. He was about to head toward the elevators, when he noticed Adler getting out of an older model gold Oldsmobile. “Mr. Stein? You heard about Leonard?”

  “Leonard?” he asked. “He’s here? I was coming to see my son, Oscar. He works on the fourth floor, geriatrics. We were supposed to have lunch together.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” he slowed his pace to stay in step with Mr. Stein and his ornate cane.

  “Tell me, please. Leonard and I are, uh, close.”

  “I know. I should’ve called you, but I was distracted by police and him being shot.”

  “Who would shoot such a wonderful man?” he asked as they reached the elevator.

  “His former lover, Ryan. He held both Savvy and Leonard at gunpoint, but the gun discharged when Savvy overpowered him,” They stepped onto the elevator when the doors opened. “I bet they’re in the ER.”

  “I must see him,” he sighed. “Why didn’t he call me?”

  “Uh, maybe he was busy bleeding?” Strick shrugged.

  “Oh, right, why am I thinking of myself?
I’m so sorry for my lapse in judgment.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I bet Savvy would’ve called you but she’s too busy blaming herself and fussing over Leonard.”

  “He told me how close they are.”

  “The closest two best friends can possibly be. They brought me into their family and I’m all the better for them both.”

  The doors opened at the lobby and the two headed toward the corridor that led to the Emergency Department. Strick and Adler walked over to the reception desk. “We’re here to see Leonard Davis. I think my girlfriend is with him, Savvy Macavoy.”

  The woman smiled. “Oh, yes, we’re familiar with Ms. Macavoy,” she smiled. “She’s something special. They’re in room E-598. They’re only allowed two visitors and one family.”

  “Well, he’s my family and so is she,” Strick said. “I’m Deklin Strickland. This is our friend, Leonard’s partner, Adler Stein.”

  “You can go in, but when the doctor examines him, you’ll need to leave the room.”

  “Yes, ma’am, thank you,” Strick and Adler headed down the long, shiny tiled corridor to Leonard’s room.

  Savvy peered out into the hall as they approached. She hurried out of the room. “The doctors said…” she cried. “He’ll be OK, but the bullet shattered a bone in his left arm. He needs surgery to fix it. All he’s whining about is taking the bar this week,” She hugged Strick and then looked at Adler. “Mr. Stein.”

  “He was here when I ran into him. He didn’t know.”

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve called but this is my fault.”

  “Now, now, it’s not. I’m sure it was an accident.”

  “Can we see him?”

  “Yes, he’s hopped up on drugs and we’re waiting for final tests, but then they’re taking him to surgery.”

  Adler followed Strick and Savvy into the room. “Leonard,” he whispered as he took his right hand.


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