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The Relic: A Savvy Macavoy Story

Page 7

by Amy Shannon

  Leonard opened his eyes. “I was just thinking of you,” he smiled.

  “I thought you were thinking of the bar exam,” he smiled.

  “That was before,” his eyes darted to Savvy and back to Adler. “I’m sorry. I do need to take it. It’s in three days,” he groaned.

  “You’ll be able to do it and after you get better, I’ll help you study,” he smiled, kissing Leonard’s forehead.

  Savvy sat on Leonard’s bed. “I’m sorry. I just worry about you.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll be in pain, but I must do this. Please, I hope you understand.”

  “I do,” she smiled. “And when you get out, you’re going to stay at my place, so we can take care of you. We’ll start the construction soon and get you moved in upstairs, too. You won’t need to do anything but study, take your test and rest.”

  “At least I’m not like you,” he grinned.

  “Why? Oh, honey, I am sorry. I was right. It is my fault.”

  “Nah, just meant that you’re lefthanded. Not me,” he grinned.

  “You’re way too loopy for this conversation,” she smiled. “You and Adler visit. I want to talk to Strick alone,” She took Strick’s hand and led him out of the room. She gazed his eyes, tears streaming down her face. “It is my fault.”

  He wiped her tears with his fingertips. “No, it’s not. It’s Ryan’s. All the way. Tim showed up and is telling Harry. He’s taking care of Ryan. You and me and well, Adler, are going to take care of Leonard,” He pulled her close and hugged her tightly.

  She leaned her head against his shoulder, lightly sniffing his gentle cologne, when she heard heels click-clacking down the hall toward them. “What in the world?”

  Balloons and flowers were in the hands of four of Angelica’s man-servants as they followed her down the hall toward Savvy and Strick. “Savvy, how is Mr. Davis?”

  “How did you know?” Savvy put her arm around Strick as he turned toward Angelica and her man-servants.

  “Joseph was on the block today, making sure each building was sound. I know you wanted to start construction right away. He has some contacts with developers that we’re going to offer to you. He noticed the commotion and talked with that officer, you know, the one married to your father.”

  “Oh, well, he’s a Lieutenant,” Savvy smiled. “You didn’t need to do this.”

  “Yes, Mr. Davis is a nice man and your friend,” she smiled. “Men, in there.”

  They walked into the room and placed the flowers and balloons on the table near the window and then left the room.

  Angelica kissed Savvy’s cheek. “I’ll see you soon. Call me when he’s better and when you want to start construction, call Joseph,” She waved as she turned, heading down the hall, her man-servants following in step behind her.

  Savvy and Strick walked into the room. “She is a whirlwind, but I love her,” Savvy smiled.

  “And you’re not?” Leonard smiled as the doctor walked into the room, followed by two orderlies. “It’s time?”

  “It’s time, Mr. Davis. You’ll be in surgery for about three hours, then recovery for two hours. We’ll be putting you in a room on the tenth floor, room 1040.”

  “Is it a private room?” Mr. Stein asked. “I’d like to make it a private room.”

  “Oh, Mr. Stein, I didn’t see you there,” Dr. Fowler nodded.

  “Leonard is my friend,” he nodded.

  “His expenses and room were already covered by Mrs. Margolis. She insisted and since she sits on the board here, we don’t usually argue.”

  “Well, all right,” Savvy said. “Oh, we’ll have to move these flowers and balloons upstairs.”

  “Someone will take care of that,” Dr. Fowler said. “You all can wait upstairs in the waiting room, or in the cafeteria and I’ll have you paged when he’s out,” He left the room and then the two orderlies wheeled Leonard’s gurney out of the room.

  The three of them looked at each other. “I better talk to Oscar and then I’ll go to the waiting room,” Adler explained.

  “We’ll be there,” Savvy said, taking Strick’s hand.


  Savvy stood up as Strick walked into the waiting room, carrying two cups of coffee. He sat next to her, handing her a cup. “Any word?”

  “No,” she sighed.

  “Mr. Stein isn’t here?”

  “Not yet,” she sighed. “Probably dealing with his son or something.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course,” she sipped her coffee.

  “What do you think of Mr. Stein and Leonard?”

  “I just want Leonard happy. I thought he was happy with Ryan, but I was always worried that Ryan would hurt him. Especially since Leonard was hurt by all of my brothers.”

  “Did you think that because Ryan was on the streets?”

  “No,” she sighed. “That wasn’t even in my thinking. It’s something I observed, and I wasn’t sure what exactly I was seeing or how it would play out.”

  “You have great instincts, so what was it that you saw?”

  “Whenever we were any place with the two of them, he barely looked at Leonard. He was always eyeing the exits. Now, I do that, when I’m in an unfamiliar place, I guess it’s me as a PI or whatever. Need to know where to go and how to get out of a place. Now, you and me, when we’re together, we focus on each other, you look at me, touch my hand, listen to me, whatever, but with the two of them, it didn’t fit. I know for Leonard it was more than sex, but I don’t think that’s the case with Ryan and then he lucked out when my brothers gave him that money.”

  “So, do you see something good with him and Mr. Stein?”

  “From the moment they met,” she smiled. “I thought Mr. Stein was just being kind at first, but then, when we went to his place, even when he talked to you or me, he was always looking for Leonard. His eyes showed an interest when Leonard spoke. I didn’t know if they would get close, but I knew they’d become friends and that’s what couples must do. That’s what they have to be. Friends.”

  “I agree,” Strick kissed her cheek and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

  Mr. Stein slowly walked into the room, followed by Tim and Harry. “How is Leonard?” Mr. Stein asked.

  “He’s still in surgery,” Savvy and Strick stood up. “Dad?”

  Mr. Stein turned around. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you there. Harry, right?” he extended his hand.

  “Yes, and this is my husband, Tim,” he touched Tim’s shoulder.

  “Nice to meet you both,” Mr. Stein nodded and then sat down. “You don’t mind that I’m here, right?”

  “Stay as long as you want,” Savvy put her hand on his shoulder. “Dad, Friend isn’t coming, is he?”

  “No, I put him in charge of the bar while we’re here.”

  “And Ryan isn’t getting bail,” Tim said.

  “Good. Scared the crap out of me,” Savvy said. “I was so afraid he’d hurt Leonard and he did. Now, Leonard…” she sighed. “But I’m so proud of him. He didn’t flinch. He stood up to Ryan. He’s so much stronger than I was.”

  Harry hugged his daughter. “Sunshine, he’ll be fine. Right?”

  “I hope so, Dad,” she sighed. “When he gets out of here, he’s going to stay in my room until his apartment is done.”

  The four of them sat down. “Apartment?” Harry asked.

  “We’re expanding the building and he’s getting the apartment on the other side of mine, ours,” Strick explained. “He did the designs, just need to get it started.”

  “I’ll take care of that,” Harry said. “I’m sure Ms. Margolis wanted to help.”

  “Oh, definitely, she said to call her husband, but I’m sure she’s making the arrangements. She was already here with flowers and balloons,” Savvy smiled.

  “It will be done and if I need to call in some favors to help, then I will. Leonard deserves this,” Harry said. “Nothing but the best for him, for all of you.”

  “All he
was worried about was taking the bar in three days. If he can’t do it this week, he must wait another year,” she turned around as she heard footsteps behind her. “I thought you were watching the bar.”

  “I called John in,” Friend said, digging his hands deep into his pocket. His eyes looked at Mr. Stein and he nodded slightly. “How is he?”

  Savvy stormed over to her brother. “You don’t really have the right to know. You set all of this in motion,” she jammed her finger into his chest.

  “I didn’t tell that dirtbag to take the money, but I knew he would. Now, Leonard can come back to me,” Friend crossed his arms. “I knew that guy was dangerous. A homeless guy cannot be tamed.”

  Strick stood up, but Savvy turned around. “I’m sure my brother didn’t mean to insult you,” she glared at her brother. “Did you?”

  Strick stood by her side and put his arm around her. “Oh, I’m sure he did,” Strick said. “Friend, you need to leave. Only people who truly care about Leonard need to be here.”

  “Then what’s he doing here? You’re not doing investigating while you’re waiting for Leonard, are you, Sunshine?”

  Savvy sighed. “Friend, you’re not welcome here.”

  Mr. Stein stood up. “Friend, you should follow your sister’s advice,” he leaned on his cane.

  “Oh, I see,” he sighed. “He’ll get tired of you, old man, just like I did,” Friend stormed out of the room.

  Savvy hugged Strick. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not you,” Strick kissed her forehead. “It’s him,” He looked toward Mr. Stein. “Don’t think about what he said.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried and I’m the one who ended it with him. He was too obsessive over Leonard. Leonard is a wonderful man, but not to be obsessed over, just to be loved and cherished,” He slowly sat down.

  Savvy and Strick sat down next to Harry and Tim. “What is taking so long?” Savvy muttered.

  “They’re making sure they fix him up good,” Tim said.

  “I hope so,” she sighed. “I just want him well.”

  “We all do,” Strick said. “We all do.”


  The doctor walked into the waiting room, removing his surgical mask. Everyone stood up as Savvy walked over to the man. “How is he?”

  “He’s going to be all right. He will have limited use of his left arm for quite a while and he’ll need physical therapy. He can’t move that arm for at least six weeks. He’s in recovery and will be in his room in about two hours. You’re welcome to come back and see him at that time,” he sighed.

  Savvy nodded. “Thank you, Doctor. Oh, how long will he need to stay in the hospital?”

  “At least overnight, but maybe longer. Unless he has someone who can take care of him while he recovers. He mentioned needing to be well for the bar exam?”

  “Yes, it’s in three days.”

  “Well, we’ll see how he is in the morning. I’d rather release him than have him sign himself out.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him. We all will,” she turned toward her family.

  “He’s one lucky man,” the doctor smiled, turning to leave the room.

  Savvy sighed a long, heavy breath of relief. “I’m not going anywhere until I see him for myself,” she sighed. “Strick, the office got locked up, right?”

  Strick looked at Tim. “He said he’d lock it up.”

  “It is. Don’t worry, it’s fine. I secured it before I left,” Tim kissed her cheek. “I need to get back to the precinct.”

  “And I need to deal with your brother and see what shape he left my bar in,” Harry hugged his daughter. “I’ll make some calls about the apartment. You wanted the Agency expanded, too, right?”

  “I have all the designs at the Agency,” Strick said. “Leonard was working on his design for the apartment and the Agency. I can bring them to you.”

  “Thanks,” Harry and Tim left the room.

  Savvy took Strick’s hands. “I can’t leave yet.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he smiled. “I’ll take care of everything and I’ll bring back food for you and Leonard. I’ll see you soon,” He kissed her mouth softly and then left the room.

  Savvy sat down next to Mr. Stein. “I am still working on your case.”

  “Don’t worry. Leonard comes first. I would like to see him later. Do you think that would be all right?”

  “Yes, of course,” she patted his hand. “I think he’d like that, very much.”

  “I’ll be back,” Mr. Stein stood up, leaning on his cane. He looked toward the door. “What are you doing here?”

  “Father, I just wanted to see if you were still here.”

  Savvy leaned forward to catch a glimpse of the man who was in the shadow of the doorway.

  Mr. Stein looked at Savvy. “That is my son, Oscar. Please excuse me. I must deal with him.”

  Savvy nodded as Mr. Stein headed slowly out of the room.

  “Oscar, we should go to lunch now.”

  “Why did you keep this man a secret from me? I shared Friend with you,” Oscar raised his raspy voice.

  “Not a secret, just my business. You didn’t share Friend, he left you, because he gets bored easily. We need to talk about your habits. Your spending habits,” Savvy could hear the voices getting more distant as they lingered down the hall.

  Savvy opened her bag and wrote down Oscar’s name, along with the notation, BC. Background check.

  Savvy sat in the chair, next to Leonard’s hospital bed, writing notes on a yellow legal pad. She hummed lightly as she wrote out her notes from her earlier meetings and notes about questions she needed to ask, but first, she needed to find out the answers to. She learned from her stint, a short year as a rookie NYPD police officer and with the training of the police academy, that cops ask questions they always know the answer to. She was even homeless for a short time before Harry helped her get on her feet. So, she went to school and eventually opened her PI business. She took everything that she ever learned, even from her childhood home on the commune and lived her life with that knowledge and tried to learn something new every day. Today, she learned about Leonard. She learned how strong he was. She always knew he was strong and smart and one of the best men she ever had the privilege of knowing, but today he showed her strength from deep within. She loved Leonard with all her heart and hoped that one day he’d find someone who loved him as much as Strick loved her and as she loved Strick.

  Leonard stirred slightly, releasing a long moan as he slowly opened his eyes. “Savvy?”

  She set her notebook on the tray and reached up and took his right hand. “I’m right here,” she smiled. “How are you feeling?” her eyes met his.

  “Like I’ve been shot.”

  “Well, good, because you were,” she sighed.

  “Not funny,” he muttered.

  “Seriously, you were shot. Ryan shot you. I’m so sorry.”

  “Why are you sorry? You didn’t shoot me, Ryan did. Wait, why did he shoot me?”

  “Because he’s a jerk,” she stood up and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “That’s all.”

  “But why are you sorry?”

  “If I didn’t grab the gun, he wouldn’t have shot you.”

  “If I wasn’t so wonderful and worth missing, maybe he wouldn’t have shot me.”

  “Many people love you and don’t want to shoot you,” She grinned.

  “Good, because this really hurts,” he sighed.

  “Press the button on that IV. The nurse said it’ll give you a dose of morphine.”

  “I’d rather have whiskey,” he muttered.

  “You will, when you get home and by home, I mean my home,” she smiled, sitting down.

  “Uh,” he eyed the balloons and flowers were on the tables and window ledge. “What’s all this?”

  “Well, earlier Angelica brought flowers and balloons, but then more started coming. The three dozen red roses in the red vases are from Mr. Stein.”

�Oh, but he’s not here?”

  “He was. Don’t you remember?”

  “Remember what?”

  “Being in the emergency department?”

  “Uh, no, not really.”

  “He was there, and he even waited with me, Strick, Harry and Tim until he knew you were out of surgery. He had to meet with his son, but he said he’d come back later today. Suddenly, a million flowers started showing up. But the roses are from him. Long stem. You must be something special to him.”

  “I don’t know,” Leonard said. “So, when can I go home?”

  “You just got out of surgery. Dr. Fowler said you needed to stay here at least overnight.”

  “I still need to study,” he wriggled in the bed. “Boy, that hurts. Can I at least have my head up? I hate lying like this.”

  “I know, you prefer your stomach,” she grinned.

  “Not funny,” he snickered. “Don’t make me laugh. Hurts.”

  Savvy pressed the button and slowly raised the head of his bed. “So, I’ll be here with you all night.”

  “No,” he said.

  “Why not?”

  “You can go home and spend the evening drinking whiskey with Strick. Then come back tomorrow, early and get me out of here. I must finish my studying. Please, Savvy. I don’t want to wait another year.”

  “All right,” she stood up and kissed his cheek. “I just didn’t want you to be alone. And yes, you are coming to my home.”

  “Good,” he said. “Oh, honey, I know I need to study, but I can’t really sit behind my desk at the Agency.”

  “Don’t worry. We need to hire a new assistant anyways, so Strick and I will work on that. Any calls can go to voicemail if we aren’t there. We do know how to answer phones.”

  “But who will get your coffee…” he smirked.

  “I love you, Leonard, but you do more than that for us… oh, wait, hey, I can get my own coffee,” she crossed her arms.

  “I’m sorry,” he smiled. “I know you can get by without me.”

  “Not true,” she smiled. “You’re irreplaceable, but we’ll figure something out, even though it will be hard. Honey, you sure you want me to leave? I don’t want you to be alone.”


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