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Control Me

Page 3

by Shanora Williams

  Green looked my way, wiping the sweat away from his meaty neck with his hand towel. “You’re talking about Sterling?” he asked.

  “Sterling… Yes,” Carlos replied, as if fascinated by my last name.

  “Oh… uh… Sterling, how long has it been? About six months now?” Green questioned.

  “Nine, Mr. Green,” I responded.

  “Nine,” he said to Carlos, as if he’d said that the first time.

  “She seems very knowledgeable. Smart as well. And determined.” Carlos leaned back in his chair and folded his fingers on the table.

  “That, she is. I only hire the best,” Green said with way too much confidence.

  “I tell you what,” Carlos said, looking me over briefly and then meeting Green’s eyes. “You send her over to Montero to help with this project I have my team working on, and I’ll be more than happy to do whatever you need me to do to get things in gear for your architecture plans. Everything seems to be in order. Your team obviously knows what they’re doing. I’m sure having Miss Sterling aid my team for a few days won’t be a problem, will it? Plus, this project is also benefiting you. We will run this by your team as well to make sure it’s top-notch. It would only be wise to have someone you know working with us to update you and make sure things are running smoothly before it’s put into your hands and becomes your responsibility.”

  Oh. My. God.

  I couldn’t believe him. Was he really pulling this stunt? What made him think I even wanted to work with him? And yes, I loved architecture, but I wasn’t the best at it yet. I’d just graduated only eleven and a half months ago. I was at Green & Arc to learn, not be dragged off to Montero’s company to do shit I hadn’t mastered yet. I was an assistant now but I knew sooner or later I’d advance to a better position.

  Green’s face lit up, and he sat forward, a full smile on his face. “That’s no problem at all, Mr. Montero. You have yourself a deal. Sterling will be ready whenever you need her.” He pointed his gaze on me and asked through clamped teeth, “Isn’t that right, Sterling?”

  I had the urge to object—hell, the objection was right on the tip of my tongue— but Claire nudged me in the ribs, and I finally nodded, biting back on my acidity. “Yes, Mr. Green. Working with Mr. Montero and his team is no problem whatsoever. In fact, it would be a delight.”

  “Great.” Carlos pushed out of his seat. The other two men stood with him. “I’ll have a flight ready for her in two days. All the information she’ll need will be sent to your secretary for your records and then forwarded to her.” He started towards Mr. Green who pushed out of his chair as well and held out his chubby fingers. “It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Green.”

  “Likewise, Mr. Montero.”

  Carlos turned and started towards the door. Just as he pulled it open, he glanced over his shoulder at me and winked. Sneaky bastard. This was his way of getting me into bed with him again? I still couldn’t believe it.

  Carlos and the two men drifted down the hallway, and Green turned in my and Claire’s direction, but his eyes landed on me. “That’s one of the greatest businessmen I’ve ever met walking out of this building, Sterling. Having him as a partner will put Green & Arc all over the map. Everyone will want to work with us after he’s given a recommendation. Do not screw this up for me,” he said, pointing a finger my way. “Make sure these files get to my office before noon.”

  I nodded, and he turned to walk out of the conference room.

  The rest of Green’s team left, and I finally exhaled, flopping back down in my chair. Claire took the seat beside me, smiling way too eagerly. “I guess this isn’t just a one night thing anymore, huh?”

  “Yes it is,” I said defensively.

  She stood to her feet, laughing as she walked towards the table and gathered the papers and folders. “That man is going to get you again, one way or another, Mya. Why not just give in? Have a little fun? It’ll do you some good to get your mind off Terry and onto someone else.”

  “No. All that’ll do is make things harder for me. You know that. I don’t need anyone else on my mind.” My words were obviously pointless because Claire laughed again and muttered, “Whatever” under her breath.

  Sadly, I knew just as well as she did that this one-night thing had transitioned into something else. Something bigger. I didn’t want bigger. I wanted simple, but Carlos wasn’t simple.

  He was much more than he let off the previous weekend.

  He had power, and as soon as I ended up in the Montero building, his power was only going to increase. My job was on the line. My future. As much as I couldn’t stand Green, I loved my job. I loved what I did, and I loved having a connection. All of that wasn’t about to go down the drain because some man wanted to fuck me again. That was ridiculous.

  But when it came down to the wire, I knew what had to be done. I wasn’t going to let him get his way that easily.


  It was way too early for a heavy drink, but with an hour left on my dreaded flight, I knew I had to get something in my system before facing Carlos Montero again.

  I wrapped my fingers around the cool glass of the mimosa the flight attendant dropped off only seconds ago. I was surprised to find out I had a first class seat. I’d never flown first class before. I hardly got paid enough to fly coach. This was one thing I couldn’t complain about. No one was sitting right beside me, breathing down my neck. No one was asking me a million questions about what I was reading or eating. It was peaceful, and to top it off, the food and drinks were free.

  “Mr. Montero has already made plans to pay for whatever you’ve ordered,” the flight attendant said when I asked her how much the bill was. My eyes expanded, and to avoid any awkwardness, the flight attendant grabbed my empty tray and trotted towards the back.

  This guy was really trying to get in my panties. If he kept doing things like this—spoiling me at every turn—he was only going to confirm my suspicions. He was doing a damn good job trying to bag me. My only constant complaint was the fact that I had to be all the way in California by myself, working on a project I wasn’t sure I was going to be much help with. The most I was going to do was stand around and watch, maybe draw a few things here and there. Montero knew that, so why drag me four hours from home when he could’ve continued his attempts at winning me over in Chicago?

  This winning me over thing reminded me of Terry.

  Crap, Terry.

  I hated thinking about him. I hated his existence. I hated that I actually gave him a chance, and it wasn’t a brief one. That chance lasted four years and six months. I still couldn’t figure out why he did it. I’m sure I never will. Men are complicated. They never realize what they have until it’s too damn late.

  It’d taken me a few months, but I’d saved just enough for a flight to Spain. I’d grown impatient months back, so impatient that I did something I hardly ever did and ran to my mother for help. Although she gave me the rest of the money I knew my retail job wouldn’t give for the next three or four months, she did her best to talk me out of it.

  I refused.

  For one, Terry was there. And two, I hadn’t seen him in nearly five months, and I missed him terribly. I booked my flight immediately and packed what would fit in my suitcase.

  Although the flight was long, and had me bubbling over with anticipation, nothing could top my excitement. I was going to see Terry. Of course it was a surprise. I’d always joked about how I was going to come visit him sometime while he was there, and he’d laugh about it, saying he wished we had the money for it.

  Terry was a pretty successful geologist considering his age. His father was his boss and had finally given Terry the chance to prove himself. There was something discovered in Spain that needed immediate attention, and he was on it right away. Of course, the fact that he had to spend six or seven months away before coming back home for the rest of the year sucked, but I was happy for him. This was his dream—all he could ever talk about. And from w
hat he’d told me, he found some pretty cool discoveries. He wasn’t going to get paid until he was back home, but that didn’t matter.

  Terry was five years older than me, very wise, and extremely handsome. I met him when I was nineteen and fell completely head over heels for him the day we bumped into each other at a local gas station. From there, things just seemed to fall into place.

  Spain was remarkable. After finding a map and asking dozens of citizens where Terry’s hotel was located, I finally arrived. I swear I felt so much relief that day. An indescribable joy coursed through my veins. I couldn’t contain myself, so I hurried to the front counter and told the employees behind the desk why I was there. After they gave me a key with a load of smiles and encouragement, I was on my way up.

  I figured since it was the middle of the afternoon, Terry wouldn’t be in yet. I knew it’d be a great surprise for him to find me in his hotel room. In my own made-up little fantasy, he’d walk into the room, his eyes would stretch as he saw me lounging on his bed with only lingerie on, and we’d make love until our bodies couldn’t anymore.

  I was eager.


  I reached the fourth floor, dragging my suitcase on its wheels behind me. When I arrived at the appointed room, I took a deep breath and shut my eyes for a brief moment. I couldn’t believe I’d actually gone through with this. There was no backing out now, no matter how nervous I was about seeing him. It was strange that, after so long, it felt like I was meeting a stranger again—a stranger I loved.

  Stuffing the key in the lock, I swung the door open and rounded the corner. Rustling sounded a short distance away, and my heart sped up a notch as I called his name, assuming he was already here.

  “Terry,” I called again after no response. I started down the hallway and opened the bedroom door, but what I saw caused me to go into some kind of malfunctioning shock.

  There, on the bed, lay a gorgeous, naked Hispanic woman. Her black hair was straight and stopped just above her full, perky breasts. Her eyes were wide as she grabbed the sheets and pulled them above her. She was just as confused as I was.

  On the other side of the bed, tugging on his pants and fixing his belt, was none other than Terry. “Mya,” he breathed, rushing around the bed. “Babe, what are you doing here?”

  I wanted to back away as he neared me, but my body remained frozen. My heart sunk to my stomach. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t budge. But when he pressed a hand on my shoulder, I finally made a move by scowling and taking a large step back.

  “Terry, who is this woman?” the girl asked. “Do you know her?”

  Terry glanced over his shoulder then met my eyes with a defeated face. “Baby, listen.”

  “Baby?” the girl snapped. She tossed the sheets aside and grabbed her bra and panties. “What the hell is going on?” Her accent was thick. She was beautiful, and I hated her for it.

  “Mya, listen, she’s just a friend…”

  “Just a friend?” The girl marched around him and shoved him aside with excessive force. Meeting my eyes with a hand on her hip, she said, “No, no. Terry is my fiancé…” she glanced at him. “…Was my fiancé anyway. Bastard.”


  Wow. But… he was my fiancé too.

  The girl gathered her clothes and rushed around me to get out of the bedroom, shouting outrageously in her native language. The door of the hotel slammed shut moments later, and flabbergasted, I started to back away, wanting to leave just as quickly as she did. Just as I was about to turn, Terry caught my elbow and twirled me around.

  “Mya, baby, please,” he begged. “It’s not like that with her, I swear.”

  I looked him over with the tightest grimace I could muster. “I can’t believe I wasted my hard-earned money just to surprise you,” I hissed, yanking my arm away.

  His eyes stretched. “Baby, I know it seems—”

  “Stop calling me baby!” I barked. I began to turn again, but he rushed around me, stopping me by my shoulders. “Terry, do not fucking touch me,” I seethed.

  He backed away a little, holding his hands in the air. “Just hear me out,” he murmured.

  “Were you even here for work?” I snapped.

  He hesitated, which was all the answer I needed. Five months. He’d spent five months away from home with another woman. Five long, stressful months. Unbelievable.

  Shoving him aside, I stormed past and yanked the front door open. He called after me, and I don’t know what it was about his voice, but it pissed me off. It filled me with so much rage that I actually turned back before the door could shut, rushed in his direction, and smashed my fist into his face. Yeah, it hurt my hand like a bitch, but I didn’t show any signs of weakness. And I was glad I actually made him stumble back and land on his ass because that’s where he needed to be. Below me.

  I didn’t deserve what he’d done to me.

  On my way back to the states, my tears never stopped falling. I’d called mom before I hopped on the plane and told her everything, and she insisted that I come back to her house for comfort, but I politely declined. I couldn’t be like this in front of my mother. She was a strong woman, and she cared for me, but she would’ve rubbed it in my face. And Dad… well Dad never answered his phone and I was sure he wouldn’t have cared.

  So I went home to Terry and I’s one-bedroom apartment, changed the sheets, and buried myself beneath my blankets. But I could still smell him. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and how wonderful I felt going there to see him… but then having that joy ruined because of something so… so…. Ugh. So heartbreaking.

  It made my heart ache.

  It made the tears run non-stop.

  It was painful.

  The pain, however, allowed me to focus on my future. It was only three months later when I decided to move in with Claire. We had just graduated and landed jobs as assistants for Mr. Green. I was surprised he hired the two of us, but we didn’t complain. Apparently he needed more than one assistant in case the other couldn’t be around. For instance, me flying out to California while Claire stuck around with Green.

  I considered this job a new start. I considered it a blessing, and of all the things I’d lost, I wasn’t losing this one, which was why Montero wasn’t going to win. I deserved this—abright future after struggling and working so hard in school. No one was taking that away from me.

  In a sense, I’d honestly only slept with Carlos because he was a full-blooded Latino with a full head of great curly hair and an even greater body. Sleeping with him felt like I was cheating on Terry in the exact same way—with a hot, Spanish piece of ass.

  A smirk crept to my lips as I thought of the immaturity of it. But I didn’t care. It was so worth it. A little bit of Terry was lost in the tangle of the bed sheets I shared with Carlos Montero. And actually, it felt incredible. In my own little head, I’d snatched out and stomped on Terry’s heart, just as he did mine. I wrecked him by sleeping with Montero. I wasn’t the same boring girl he met four years ago on that promiscuous night.

  I felt alive.

  I sighed.

  I was insane.


  I arrived at Montero & Co. Enterprises in a short fifteen minutes after leaving the airport. I assumed I was going to catch a cab, but once again, Mr. Montero had other plans. To my surprise, a driver, dressed in a crisp suit and holding a sign with my name on it, awaited me as I left baggage claim.

  After parking in front of the building, the driver hurried out of the front seat and shuffled his way around the car. He pulled open my door and allowed me out with a small smile. I forced my lips to stretch as I stepped out in my black stilettos. This was my first day, and I wanted to look somewhat decent. I felt a little like myself again, and Claire helped me pull my shit together in order to prepare for the insane four days ahead of me.

  The driver started towards the driver door, but I called after him quickly. “Hey!”

  He looked over his shoulder. “Yes, Miss Sterling?”

>   “What about my bags? Do you know the name of the hotel I’m staying in?” I asked, averting my gaze to the trunk.

  “Oh, no,” he chuckled. “I was told by Mr. Montero himself to take your bags to a designated hotel—one he chose.”

  What? “Um… that’s completely unnecessary. I already have a hotel booked,” I said, making my way to the trunk.

  “He told me you’d say that, and he wanted me to inform you that your reservation was cancelled. He said, and these were his exact words, ‘I’ll be taking care of her’.” The driver gave a faint smile.

  The nerve. I didn’t want to put up a fight with the guy. He seemed perfectly harmless, and I knew he was just doing his job. With a sigh, I backed away and nodded. The driver pressed his lips and then made his way to the driver’s side, hopped into the seat, and pulled off.

  Turning to face the building, I lifted a flat hand above my eyebrows and blinked as the reflection from the silver windows flashed down on me. It was a tall building, built in the heart of San Francisco. It was kind of intimidating in its stature, surrounded by small clothing boutiques, bakeries, coffee shops, and shorter buildings, but it’s what brought the whole “Montero” thing to life. The company’s name was plastered boldly on the front of the building in a fierce, edgy, and modern metallic branding.

  Lowering my hand, I straightened my back and faced the double glass doors. This was it. I was about to enter the dungeon, his lair. As soon as I walked into that building, I would be under Carlos’s power.

  As much as I wanted to fight the thought, deep down it made me liquefy. Under his power. Under his control. I couldn’t keep wondering how the next four days would go; I had to figure it out for myself. So with my big girl panties on, I marched towards the door and pulled it open. A refreshing breeze of air hit my face as I entered and took a quick look around. The first floor wasn’t too busy. There were people in the sitting areas, most likely here to attend meetings or just taking a break from work.


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