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Control Me

Page 4

by Shanora Williams

  I pulled the scrap sheet of paper out of my purse and read the printed email that was sent to me from Montero himself.

  Top floor. 2 PM sharp. No later. Make sure you have Green’s files with you.

  I crushed the note in my hand and tossed it into the nearest trashcan. Little did he know the files had already been scanned and sent to my email, and the 2 PM thing? Well, look who was twenty minutes early.

  I reached the top floor in less than two minutes and started down the hallway. At the end was a desk, and behind it was a brunette with thin glasses over her cat-like eyes. Tilting her chin, she looked me over then lowered her head again as I neared the desk.

  “Excuse me,” I said.

  She lifted her head. “Look, if you’re another girl that claims she’s here to please Mr. Montero, I can’t help you. He said he was busy today, and I refuse to distract him with this silliness. If he doesn’t want to see you, he doesn’t want to see you. Simple.”

  My eyebrows stitched. “N-no,” I said, rather confused. “I’m here because I’m working with him and his team for the next few days…?”

  She jerked her head up quickly, her blue eyes expanding. “Oh, I am so sorry!” She jumped to her feet. “You must be Mya Sterling. I was expecting you to arrive a little later.”

  “It’s okay,” I said, hoping to ease her worry.

  “No… it’s not okay. That was rude of me to assume that you—” She stopped speaking abruptly, pressing her lips. “Allow me to start over. I’m Jane, Mr. Montero’s secretary.” She extended her arm, and I took her hand, giving it a quick shake.

  “Nice to meet you, Jane.”

  “Oh… Christ. What a terrible morning it’s been.” She pinched the bridge of her nose and rounded the desk. “I apologize. I’ll see if Mr. Montero is ready to see you. Have a seat while you wait.”

  I conceded with a nod, backing away and sitting in one of the leather accent chairs in the corner. As I waited, I couldn’t help but think about how this trip was going to go down… again. I was obsessing over the thought of being around Carlos. He was a strong man, extremely dominant. He knew what he wanted and when he wanted it; he proved that in Key West. I, on the other hand, could be very weak. I was already in a vulnerable state, and so far, with everything he’d done to make my trip as stress-free as possible, I knew it wasn’t going to be too hard for him to seduce me into a bedroom.

  I knew to play it cool, though. I couldn’t look weak or appear vulnerable. I’d learned a few techniques on how to control myself and my issues, and nothing was going to sway me, but I damn sure couldn’t drink around him. With liquor in my veins, I may as well just throw myself down on the bed.

  “Miss Sterling, he’s ready for you.” Jane’s voice sliced through my thoughts, and I lifted my chin, standing quickly. “Right down that hallway and to the right. No need to knock.” A smile stretched across her ruby lips.

  “Thank you.” I returned the smile then straightened my spine, starting down the hallway. A dense lump of nerves formed in my throat, and I swallowed, inhaling through my nostrils. When I reached his office, the door was already open. And even though Jane told me not to knock, I did so anyway. I wanted my presence to be known without my voice.

  Montero stopped scribbling with his ink pen and lifted his head, his hair hanging in his eyes. When he caught sight of me, his brown eyes showered down the length of my body. A small smile crept to his lips, one I could hardly make out, and I fidgeted on my heels, taking a small step forward. My word, he looked amazing—his perfect hair and perfectly tailored grey suit.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Montero,” I said as professionally as I could. Of course my voice came out faint and wavered. It was him… him!

  Dropping his pen, he brought his hand up and raked his hair back smoothly. “Good afternoon, Mya. Come in… shut the door behind you.” I stepped in quickly, turning only slightly to shut the heavy black door behind me. With vigilant steps, I neared his desk and pulled back one of the two chairs opposite of him. He watched me carefully as I lowered in my seat and folded my legs. “Do me a favor,” he said, leaning back in his chair.

  I blinked twice. “What’s that?”

  “Call me Carlos. It’s not like we don’t know each other already.”

  “Okay…” I breathed. “Carlos.”

  A satisfied smile swept across his face. But in just the amount of time it took for that smile to appear, his face hardened, and he sat forward, folding his fingers on his desk. “You have the files for this project with Green, I assume.”

  “I do.” I started to reach for my purse, but he held up a hand.

  “Just need to know you have them. When you leave here, send them to Jane. She’ll forward them to me.”

  “Okay,” I murmured. God, he was so intimidating. Why? Why was he so daunting now? Perhaps it was because, in Key West, he was just a man I wanted to have a kinky night with, but here he was… he was someone much bigger. Someone that, in a way, controlled my future.

  “Is there anything you need me to do today, Carlos?” I asked. “Maybe get to know the place… meet your team?”

  He sat back in his plush leather chair, tilting his head only slightly and placing a folded finger over his lips. The room hushed, and the awkwardness really bothered me, so much so that I adjusted myself and shifted in my seat beneath his penetrating glare. “You really think I flew you out here to work?” he asked simply yet so sarcastically it was like a slap in the face.

  I narrowed my brows, finally meeting his eyes. “I hope so. I’m taking unpaid time from my real job for this.” My tone was strong. Good. Strong with him was good.

  “If it’s money you’re worried about, that will be no problem. Whatever Green doesn’t give you for this trip I’ll be happy to supply for you… plus more.”

  “You’re kidding.” I scoffed. No way in hell did I come all the way to San Francisco to be toyed with. This wasn’t a vacation. I needed to work. I needed to be learning with Claire. Yes, we were just assistants, but we were involved with every single plan that Green was involved in, and not only that, we were able to attend seminars and workshops for free. All we cared about was the business aspect of architecture. Where there was architecture, there was money. We wanted to become executives—the ones people came to for meetings and plans. I didn’t get a degree in this field for nothing.

  “I can assure you there are no jokes being made.” His voice was firm. “I told you what I wanted from you in Chicago, Mya. And I plan on getting it one way or another. Of course, things would go a lot smoother if you’d just give it to me willingly. Don’t put up such a fight.”

  “I won’t,” I said, shaking my head swiftly. “I won’t. This is outrageous and a complete waste of time.”

  “A waste?” He cocked a brow. “Why is it a waste?”

  I leaned forward, matching his gaze. “What do you think will come out of this anyway? In four days, I’ll be back in Chicago, and you’ll be here.”

  “Oh, I’m sure we’ll run into each other again. And I can always extend your stay. Remember, Mya,” he said with a small gleam in his eyes, “You’re mine until I’m ready to send you back to Green. If I want to keep you for a week, I can do so. Green and I already worked that out.”

  Oh, fuck that! “So you think I’m just some toy then? You think you can trade business with Green, for me? I’m not a prostitute.”

  “Green is all about business. And I’m sure his company is worth more than one assistant. He was more than willing to trade you for a sweet recommendation from me. You witnessed that yourself.” He revealed a devious smile. “And of course you aren’t a prostitute. I wouldn’t be interested in you if you were.”

  “You… ass,” I whispered, voice mildly heated.

  He pushed out of his chair and stood tall, chuckling. Was he seriously finding this humorous? I couldn’t believe he even had the nerve. What made him think I couldn’t sue him for this, or worse, call in a harassment? “Mya, Mya, Mya,” Carlos said,
rounding his desk and taking the few steps it took to get behind me. Grabbing hold of the arms of my chair, he leaned over my shoulder, and his lips brushed my ear. I closed my eyes, willing myself to fight against the impending sensation … because it was coming. Although he was a pompous ass, he was undeniably sexy, and I was undeniably attracted to him—had been ever since I laid eyes on him. But this was work, so I thought.

  “Let’s not play this game,” he murmured into my ear. His breath was warm and caused the center of my legs to clench. He was so close. His manly scent tickled my nose, and his lips on my ear made my skin buzz with pure delight, but I remained still and kept my eyes sealed, maintaining control.

  “This won’t work, Carlos,” I breathed. My voice was heavy and thick. My lips felt like they’d been filled with lead, most likely the result of lying to myself. I wanted it to happen again, but on the other hand, I didn’t. I didn’t because I knew it would lead to other things. And because I was really looking forward to working with his team. I felt important.

  “Allow me to make things easier on you—a proposition, more like.” He pulled away, only to grab my hand and effortlessly pick me up out of my seat. Reeling my body into his, he turned me so my back was facing his desk. Then, he gently sat me down on the edge as he took the seat I was in only seconds ago. My heart raced in my chest as I looked down at him, watching as he lifted my legs to place my feet on his thighs. I had no choice but to plant my palms on his desk and lean back to keep my balance when both feet were in the position he desired.

  His eyes zoned in on the lacy light-pink panties beneath my skirt, and I cursed myself. Damn, today was the wrong day to wear a skirt. Hell, any day around him was the wrong day to wear one.

  With my chest rising and sinking, Carlos bent forward, pushed my skirt up until it bundled around my hips, and then tucked his thumbs beneath the straps of my panties. He did all this with swift movements. He was a pro, no doubt—but of course that’d already been established on the night we first met.

  I knew it was necessary for me to object to this, but as he licked his lips, the words that were formulating in my mind were trapped in the heart of my throat. I remembered how hungrily he devoured me, how unexpected yet amazing it felt to have his face buried between my legs. It was a feeling I couldn’t describe, but it was perfectly erotic in every way.

  With his eyes trained on mine, he brought my panties towards his nose and inhaled my scent. “So sweet,” he murmured, lowering the lacy garment to my ankles. My core tightened as he ran a hand up my thigh. “Now that I have your attention, I’ll tell you what will happen. And you will comply. Understand?”

  In the heat of the moment, I responded without hesitation. “Yes.”

  “Good girl,” he grumbled before kissing the insides of my thighs. His lips were soft yet demanding. Each kiss seared my skin, leaving a trail of fire as he backed away. “During these four days, you will stay at the hotel I’ve reserved for you. I will come by for lunch, and I will fuck you. I’ll leave for work again, but I will be back for dinner. We’ll most likely eat together, and then I will fuck you again.” He clutched my hips in his hands, bringing his mouth closer to my throbbing nub. A whimper sounded in my throat as he ran his tongue from my upper thigh and down, stopping just before he reached my pulsing heat. “I will have my way with you, like I did in Key West. I will own every single inch of you until I’m tired of you, no matter how long it takes. Do I make myself clear?”

  So many thoughts ran through my head, becoming lost in the labyrinth of Carlos Montero. For one, he had no right to try and own me. To know that, even if I did submit, he would eventually tire of me was terrifying. Things like this never turned out the way they should. Two, even though those thoughts were running across my mind, what I wanted most was his mouth sealed on me. Sucking. Lapping. Licking. I wanted this man to make me come for days. His proposition was meant in the most asshole-ish of ways—for his needs—but it made sense. He didn’t get enough of me before, and he was treating this encounter as a chance to get me out of his system.

  For some reason, I was okay with that because, in that very moment, I wanted the same thing. I wanted Carlos Montero out of my system and out of my life. I knew if I went along with this, he’d leave me alone for good and I’d never have to see his face again.

  Right now wasn’t the time to be hooked on someone. It was the time to become someone. So with a small nod, I breathed the word, “Yes,” and his lips curled at the corners, proving that I’d pleased him with my answer.

  “Good girl,” he whispered. “Now, before you run off to the hotel to get ready for dinner, I’m going to leave you with something to think about until we see each other again.” He looked at me beneath his lengthy eyelashes, his lips thin. “I’m going to eat you, Mya, so fucking good that you’ll have no choice but to be ready for me when I get to that hotel room.” With his intense, orgasmic words lingering in the air, he picked up my hips and sunk his sweet mouth into my wet and eager pussy.

  I squealed but instantly brought a hand up to cup my mouth. He reached up to remove my hand, and after suckling my clit for a split second, he said, “Make noise. Scream. I don’t care who hears you.” He left no time for me to prepare. His hot tongue slid between my folds, and he grunted, bringing my sex closer and closer to his face. He buried himself between my legs. His groaning turned into the same humming I’d felt before, only the vibration of it felt ten times better this time around. I could feel everything; my senses heightened by a sobriety that wasn’t there before. And in this case, being sober felt amazing. His tongue lapped and sucked, dwelling on my clit and massaging it in slow, torturous circles. I moaned, clutching his shoulders, and he groaned in response, thrusting two fingers into my opening. Flashing back to our previous encounter, I recalled his pleasure when I touched him. So, I threaded my fingers through his hair, intensifying his indulgence. His humming stopped as I tossed my head back and my body bucked forward.

  “Oh… yes, Carlos,” I moaned. “Yes. There. Right there.” My body tensed, and he growled, flattening his tongue and applying just the right amount of pressure. “Oh,” I groaned, thrusting forward, grinding on his tongue and those thick fingers. It was coming. And in only a few seconds, it arrived.

  I cried his name as I locked my fingers in his perfect hair and forced his face further into my heat. My body jolted and shook violently then slowly began to die down, my breathing thick and heavy.

  Carlos released me and sat up. I lowered my head, removing my feet from his thighs and dropping them on the floor. It was then that I realized the spikes of my heels had most likely been digging into his thighs. Had he enjoyed that?

  As he pushed out of his chair and stood before me, I found the answer to that question in his pants. The imprint of his arousal beneath the fabric was just as thick and massive as I’d remembered. I swallowed hard, pulling myself together and standing to my feet.

  “I can’t believe this,” I said, nearly breathless.

  “Oh, believe it.” He tilted my chin and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear.

  “There are people around… I was so… loud.” God, I felt idiotic and truly embarrassed. I had to leave this room soon. People had to see me. His secretary had to see me. What would she think? What kind of expression would she be wearing on her face when she saw me walking away from his office with little to no composure?

  “Don’t worry. Jane… she’ll understand,” he assured me. “Isaac is downstairs waiting. He’ll drive you to the hotel.” He flipped his wrist to check his watch. “I should be there in the next three hours or so. Be ready.”

  Oh, but little did he know I already was. See, this was only the start. Yeah, I’d be completely embarrassed as I walked out of his office and past his secretary who’d most likely fight her biggest smile, but I wanted more. And I hated that I did. I wanted to remember the feeling of him inside me. I wanted to experience that without being intoxicated.

  This whole arrangement with him was prep
osterous and so beneath me, but it was tempting. And I was here. And he’d already given me a taste of what I’d missed back in Key West. I wanted to be greedy. I wanted to be promiscuous. I didn’t know much about him, and he didn’t know much about me. Essentially, we were strangers, and that was good. No connections needed to be made. No ties. Nothing.

  Just sex.

  I liked the idea of that. Just sex with Carlos Montero for the next four days. Being pampered by him until it was time to go back to Green & Arc. But the main thing I loved about this proposition of his was the fact that I could repeatedly have sex with this man and feel nothing. Nothing but lust and sexual attraction. I didn’t have to feel anything that reminded me of Terry. With Terry, it was real, passionate, and deep. With Carlos, I knew it’d be hot, intense, and just as much pain as there was pleasure.

  After being escorted to the elevator by Carlos (Jane looked but simply smiled as if she didn’t hear a thing), he brought the back of my hand to his lips and kissed it, causing my skin to blaze. “I’ll see you shortly, Mya.”

  I nodded, slowly retracting my hand and backing into the corner of the cart. “Shortly, Carlos.”

  He backed away and stared at me with his hands in his pockets until the elevator doors slid shut. As soon as the elevator began to descend, I pulled my lips in to fight my grin. I couldn’t believe myself. I thought I was here to work, but in turn, I was only here to please him? I’d done it before, and I could do it again. Easiest job ever.

  I should’ve been pissed that he’d manipulated me into this arrangement, or the least a bit angry about the fact that I had become just as weak and vulnerable with him as I’d mentioned before, but I wasn’t. The disappointment I felt in myself quickly evaporated when I realized I needed this.

  I needed to feel alive again. I needed to feel free. I needed to open up. I needed to stop being a tight-ass for a change and have a little fun.


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