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Mommy’s Top Drawer

Page 16

by Tina Moore

  “Just pick two, baby,” Clare whispered in her ear and watched as Holly spent the next ten minutes figuring out which one to leave behind. Finally deciding a purple kitty with a white tail and a big soft duck with orange feet, Clare took them to the counter and paid.

  “Do you want to hold the bag baby girl?” Clare whispered as they walked back out onto the street. Holly nodded, and Clare knew she was in her little space.

  “Little space with very grown-up clothes, I need to get you home little one, you look like you’ve played dress ups for long enough,” Clare said, making Holly blush. On the way home Clare stopped into a store and bought herself a new fragrance and paid of heels she had been eyeing off for weeks.

  “They are pretty Mommy,” Holly said when the assistant had been dismissed. Clare looked in the mirror, and a life she had dreamed of was reflected. There she was, a successful partner of a top accounting firm, a beautiful baby girl by her side and more money than she knew what to do with.

  Clare held Holly’s hand all the way home, both delighted with their purchases as they planned a holiday to the Alps together.

  “Will you be Mommy’s little snow bunny baby girl?” Clare asked Holly who was already nodding. Clare made a mental note to make Holly some warmer onesies so she wouldn’t be cold as she turned the key and opened the door to her house.

  “Dinner, bath, and bed Mommy?” Holly asked, repeating the routine Clare had set her on as Clare took off her heels and unzipped her dress.

  “Take those off first baby girl,” Clare instructed, pointing to Holly’s black and gold bra and panties. Holly giggled and took them off before passing them to Clare who had her hand out expectantly.

  “Tonight we are going to do bathies first baby,” Clare said walking to the bathroom followed closely by Holly who had taken her stuffies out of the bag and was cuddling into them.

  “Not for in here, baby. Go put them on Mommy’s bed and come back; I’ll count to ten,” Clare said as Holly turned on the spot and walked very quickly to the bedroom. Clare heard her running to get back in time and enjoyed seeing the rise and fall of her chest as she pretended that she hadn’t been running in the house. Clare decided to let her feel the tension of her body gasping for air but being denied it and didn’t bother punishing her further for running in the house. Leaving Holly in the bath to play after she was clean, Clare went to put away her things that she had left at the doorway. Walking into the bedroom, she smiled when she saw that Holly had tucked her new toys in bed on her side.

  “Cheeky minx,” Clare said loud enough for Holly to hear who just giggled in response. She undressed and went back into the bathroom for a shower. Clare watched Holly play in the bath as she showered and enjoyed how the room quickly got steamy. Getting out Clare dried herself before pulling the plug on Holly’s bath, making her pout.

  “Don’t pull that face at Mommy, you know very well you’ve had enough time in there,” Clare said patting Holly down and making her giggle and squirm when she dried in between her legs. Clare took Holly to her room and put her in a thick diaper before fitting her into her snuggly fluffy legless onesie.

  “I don’t want this one Mommy,” Holly said, trying to pull it off. Clare looked at Holly who cheekily smiled back at her.

  “Baby, Mommy isn’t in the mood for naughty girls,” Clare said, taking Holly’s chin in her hand holding it firmly. Holly couldn’t help the wicked gleam of mischief escaping her eyes, and Clare held her gaze which just made Holly giggle more.

  “But Mommy I don’t wanna,” Holly said again.

  “Why are you fussy for Mommy? Do you want to be spanked? Is that it? Has Mommy not spanked you in a while and now you want to test me?” Clare asked, pulling Holly to her and turning her around to face the wall. Clare moved her hands over the front of Holly’s body, squeezing and pulling on her curves, making her wriggle but unable to escape.

  “Does the baby want Mommy’s attention sweetie?” Clare asked rubbing Holly over the front of her diaper making Holly moan and push back against Clare.

  “Not tonight sweetheart,” Clare whispered in her ear making Holly pout again and try to turn around. Clare spanked her and pushed her back against the wall.

  “Did Mommy say you could move baby?” Clare asked making sure not to hurt Holly too badly. She had thought about fucking her on the teddy again; she had learned that Holly could take much more when she was cuddling the teddy but decided against it. Instead, she went to her cupboard and took out a vibrator and gently put it into Holly’s mouth.

  “Suck it, little girl, Mommy is going to stick it inside of you, and it’ll hurt if it’s not wet,” Clare said as Holly cautiously licked the toy. Clare watched as Holly licked and kissed it to the top and back down again and smiled as she saw Holly try to deep throat it.

  “Good girl baby,” Clare said as Holly forced it down her own throat. Clare had steered away from throat fucking her baby but was impressed to see Holly try it another time as tears ran down her cheeks.

  “Don’t hurt yourself, little girl, Mommy doesn’t want that pretty little throat to be sore,” Clare said, making Holly smile and go back to licking it. Taking it out of Holly’s reach, Clare reached in between Holly’s thighs and unclipping the onesie and rubbed over her diaper.

  “Do you where this is going to go?” Clare asked Holly who was biting her bottom lip nervously. Clare raised an eyebrow and slapped Holly’s bottom, making her jump.

  “Yes, Mommy, in my pussy,” she replied quietly, blushing, and looking down.

  “Good girl, are you going to let Mommy put it in?” Clare asked rubbing Holly’s diaper covered pussy.

  “Yes, Mommy,” Holly replied, trying to suppress a smile. Clare could see the excitement in her eyes.

  “Mommy’s naughty girl,” Clare whispered as she pushed Holly onto her back. Holly spread her legs for Clare as she pulled her diaper to the side.

  “Take it, baby,” Clare said as she felt Holly tighten her pussy around the thick vibrator. Holly took a breath and relaxed as Clare pushed it in until it reached her hilt.

  “There, my naughty little girl is going to cum in her diaper over and over again baby, and only if you’re good will Mommy take it out before bed,” Clare said turning it on and watching as Holly let out a frustrated moan.

  “Mommy likes it when you’re forced to cum baby girl,” Clare said clipping up the clips on Holly’s onesie, dressing her again.

  “Be a good girl for me, or I’ll make you have it in for work tomorrow,” Clare whispered as she played with Holly’s nipples. She moved Holly up onto her and reached under her arms to play. Holly just moaned as she rolled her head back and came again. She had lost count and felt her body become exhausted by the orgasms Clare was forcing on her.

  “Now that Mommy is your boss at home and work, I can punish you everywhere, can’t I?” Clare said reaching down and pressing on Holly’s diaper, making the vibrator buzz hard inside of her.

  “Yes Mommy,” Holly breathlessly replied, wondering how much she could keep taking. Clare wrapped her arms around her and held her tight as she was forced to orgasm again and ran her fingers through her hair.

  “Good girl. Mommy doesn’t like having to punish you sweetie, but you can’t be cheeky with me,” Clare said, but Holly didn’t hear as she bucked her hips and ground down on her diaper as another orgasm built inside of her.

  Chapter 6

  “Mommy, I’m wet,” Holly said quietly leaving Clare a voice message. Clare had taken to making Holly wear pull-ups at work, mostly to make sure she wouldn’t become too sassy but also because she liked being able to keep her in her little space all the time.

  Clare listened to the voice message just as a meeting began and smiled to herself, knowing Holly would have to stay like that until the meeting was over.

  “Come to my office baby,” Clare replied to a waiting Holly an hour later. It took Holly no time at all to knock on Clare’s office door, and Clare very formally invited Holly inside, lockin
g the door behind her.

  “Is Mommy’s pretty baby all dirty,” Clare asked as she put Holly up on her desk and lifted her dress over her pull up. Holly just nodded and began to suck her thumb as Clare changed her. She had often wondered what would happen if one of them forgot to lock the door, not being able to decide if she would like to be found out or not. Clare stopped when Holly had a fresh pull up on and admired her baby girl. Red heels on her black desk, her pretty pink love heart pull up showing, and her borderline slutty black business dress pulled tight across her breasts. Holly knew Clare liked what she saw and was grateful; the last thing she wanted was for Clare to stop being hers.

  “Do you want me to rub it, Mommy?” Holly asked, wanting to please Clare. Clare smiled at her sweet girl's request and shook her head before helping Holly down and adjusting her dress over her pull up.

  “No sweetie, if I let you start, I might never let you stop,” Clare said as she kissed Holly and held her close. Holly melted into the kiss and was relaxed in Clare’s arms before a knock came on the door. Breaking the embrace and beginning to blush, Holly forced herself quickly back into her adult space and cleared her throat.

  “Thank you for passing on that feedback, I’ll be making those improvements in my next close,” Holly said, making Clare almost laugh as she walked to the door. Opening it, to see one of the interns almost shaking in fear of Clare who eyed them in a way Holly never wanted directed at her.

  “For you, Ms Jones,” the intern said almost bowing as he passed her a note and hurried away.

  “Why are they so scared of you, Mommy,” Holly teased, whispering Mommy and smiling cheekily.

  “Because they knew just how mean Mommy can be,” Clare replied quietly before going back inside and shutting the door behind her. Clare opened the note. It was a playful message from one of the other partners. You can take your baby girl on that trip next week, just had it cleared, Clare read sitting back in her chair and smiling up at the ceiling. Not only could she make the intern's life a living hell, but she had real dirt on one of the other partners who had become very accommodating to her desires and requests. She had discovered that he had been stealing from the company for years to pay for his secret stash of illegal’s he had set up out of town. His career and political aspirations would be ruined, not to mention his legitimate family publicly shamed if word of his harem were to be made public knowledge. Clare had known for years, but knowledge is power, and she had kept this little gem until she could cash it in, and that was now.

  Clare arrived home before Holly, she had gone out with some friends to a bar and would be back later that night. She had tried to get Clare to go with her, but those women pissed her off at work, she wasn’t about to spend her free time with them as well. Opening a bottle of wine, Clare poured herself a glass and went out to the courtyard, admiring the blooming flowers she had planted as she sipped her wine.

  She was still relaxing outside when she heard Holly come in. It was earlier than Holly had said she’d be home and Clare smiled when she saw what Holly was holding.

  “Mind if I join?” Holly slightly slurred and Clare pushed a garden seat out for her to sit in. Holly placed the cupcakes she had bought on the table and gazed lovingly at Clare who just laughed.

  “If I had known you’d be so cute drunk, I’d have had you drinking vodka instead of milk from the bottle,” Clare teased as she bit into the cake before indicating to Holly she could have hers.

  “I am going to need you to take the next week off work Holly,” Clare began to say, using Holly’s name it get her attention. It worked, and Holly flicked her head around to see why she was being called by her name and not baby.

  “I’m taking you on a trip. You won’t have much work to do on it; you’re purely there for my benefit,” Clare explained, making Holly excited.

  “Where are we going? Will we catch a flight? Will there be Champaign?” Holly questioned, her eyes growing wide, happy to be getting treats. Clare just looked at her until she settled back down again and continued to eat her cupcake, slightly put out that her questions weren’t answered straight away.

  “We are going to Sydney, Australia so yes, of course, we are flying. Mommy is going business class, but you are going economy,” Clare began to say, enjoying her white lie of Holly having to go economy and watching her face try not to give away she was extremely disappointed with the plan. Satisfied that Holly didn’t complain, Clare continued.

  “I’m joking as if I’d make you do that, of course, you’re coming with me on business class, how else will I make sure you're a good girl and not being a brat to the hostesses?” Clare said as Holly sat back up, feeling at peace with the world again.

  “Mommy has to work during the day, but after work, we can play, and you can show me the places you visited in the day time. We are staying a day longer because I want to see some things and you can go shopping with my card as well,” Clare said, making Holly jump up and dance around the courtyard.

  “I love you, Mommy,” Holly said happily.

  “You love Mommy’s money you little brat,” Clare replied, making Holly stop and look at her puzzlingly.

  “I love that too, but Mommy, don’t you know I love you?” Holly said in her serious little voice. Clare shook her head, and it almost brought Holly to tears.

  “Haven’t I showed you how much I love you, Mommy?” Holly said, coming over to her and sitting on Clare’s lap. Clare bounced her off and pointed to the floor. Holly looked on the concrete floor and knew it would be cold, it had been dark for hours now, and she shivered as she sat feeling the coldness in her bones instantly.

  “Show me how much you love me. I want you to make me dinner, run me a bath and be a big girl tonight. Mommy doesn’t want to have to do a thing baby,” Clare said, pointing her shoe at Holly who began to take it off.

  “Good, and the other one,” Clare said as Holly obediently followed her instructions. Clare took Holly back inside and pointed to the bathroom.

  “What did I just say?” Clare said as Holly remembered and quickly walked to the bathroom, making Clare smile when she heard the water being turned on. Clare walked into the kitchen and poured herself another wine before walking into the bathroom to see Holly standing proudly beside the bath she had just ran. She had turned on candles and put rose bath salts in the water, making the room smell divine.

  “Undress me, baby,” Clare said as she sipped wine while Holly slowly pulled off Clare’s work trousers and panties. She reached up and gently unbuttoned Clare’s blouse buttons, and the silk material slipped off her shoulders and landed on the floor behind her. Holly smiled, seeing Clare’s full breasts curve at the top of her bra and forced herself not to kiss her as she unclasped it. Meeting Clare’s sharp gaze, Holly giggled and tilted her head down, excited to be serving this powerful woman.

  “Pick that all up and put it in the wash. Then come back here with my pajamas baby,” Clare instructed as she sank into the steamy water. She let Holly wait at the door for her and made her watch as she enjoyed her bath, the hot water relaxing her muscles, the bath salts adding to the sensuality of it all.

  “You may come in now, Holly,” Clare said and pointed to her towel. Holly took it and passed it to Clare who shook her head and raised an eyebrow.

  “Dry me, baby,” Clare lovingly said as Holly realized what she wanted. Holly made sure not to spend too much time rubbing Clare’s breasts or ass and was sure not to rub her too hard against her pussy being very aware this was not the time to tease Clare.

  “Good girl,” Clare said as Holly handed her her pajamas and dressed her without having to be told. Holly wondered when she would be allowed to get clean after the work day, but her thoughts were cut short by Clare’s hand slapping her ass.

  “Not right now, obviously,” Clare said as though reading her mind.

  Holly went to the kitchen and began making dinner. Clare knew it would be nothing fancy, Holly was a terrible cook, but it was the intent behind her cooking that Cl
are wanted tonight. Holly had settled on an Italian shrimp dish and the house smelt alive with flavor by the time it was finished making Clare very impressed.

  “You’ve been holding out on me,” Clare said, wrapping her arms around Holly’s waist, not being able to resist pushing into her spank-able ass.

  “I just googled,” Holly replied, not wanting Clare to think she was only so clever because she wanted a reward. Clare settled at the kitchen table and made Holly watch as she ate, very aware Holly’s dinner was going cold. Usually, Clare would let Holly eat with her, but not tonight, tonight Clare wanted to make sure Holly knew who was in charge. Finishing her meal, Clare nodded to Holly, who began to eat, and Clare watched as she tried not to complain that her dinner was cold. Deciding she had had enough of that, Clare got up and took Holly’s plate away. Holly, who would have usually complained one way or another just sat there and excepted her fate, but was delighted when she saw Clare come back with a plate of hot dinner for her.

  “I’m not that mean baby girl,” Clare said kissing Holly’s forehead and accepting a hug from Holly who gave it almost involuntarily.

  “Thank you, Mommy,” Holly replied as she ate happily. After dinner, Holly tidied and washed up while Clare listened to music and flicked through social media. She looked at pictures of Australia and was surprised she had never been. Holly came to kneel in front of her making Clare particularly delighted, and she let Holly stay there as she ran her fingers through her hair lovingly.

  “I want you to make a list of all the things you want to see baby girl,” Clare said to Holly who got up and went to find her phone. Clare let Holly on the sofa, and they cuddled while they planned their trip.

  “Let’s go to see all the big things on a bus tour, so we don’t get lost. We can see the Opera house and the bridge; they have some amazing looking cafes. I wish we had places that looked like this,” Holly said excitedly showing Clare the photos she had found. Clare took note and began to write down all the ideas Holly had knowing that this would go late into the night.


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