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Mommy’s Top Drawer

Page 24

by Tina Moore

  "Fucking a cop, low bitch, real low," Rory said. I looked around, hoping that she didn't have anyone with her.

  "I can't help who I fall in love with Rory," I said softly. Clearly pissed off, Rory started shaking her head and looking around moving from one foot to another.

  "Na see I don't believe that. You had a choice; you chose them over us. I had even defended you bitch, told them they were talking wack but I seen you too, holding hands, kissing," Rory said as if she was talking about the most disgusting thing on the planet. I stood there, looking at her weighing up my options. I could run, but I had a sneaky feeling she could catch me despite her size. I knew I couldn't fight her, and I knew that no one was going to help me if she threw a punch.

  "Rory, I'm sorry it's upset you but," I started to say, getting cut off by her shaking her hand in my face.

  "She's got a cock you know, didn't know you was into that, fucking a freak she's not even a real woman," Rory said making the biggest mistake she could have. I burned with rage and swung at her, surprising her and myself as I slammed into her face making her stumble. She looked at me before spitting a mouthful of blood out onto the sidewalk.

  "Oh, you asked for this bitch," she said, swinging back and slugging me in the guts. I doubled over stepping back, trying to escape her.

  "Learnt a couple of things while I was away," Rory said, punching me again, this time coming down on my back.

  "First thing is you either ride or die and guess what baby girl, you just tapped out," Rory said, pulling my hair back and punching me in my eye socket. I fell to the ground just as she stamped on my leg and getting up; I tried to run from her. I got about ten paces until she had me with my arm locked behind my back and pushing me into an alley. I knew what was going to come next and thought of Vicki, trying to get wet to make it hurt less.

  "I'm going to enjoy this," Rory said, reaching up my skirt and pulling my panties down. I screamed before she had done anything only resulting in getting turned around and punched in my stomach, but it was too late.

  "You're fucked bitch, you couldn't have me then, you couldn't even have me now," I said as I spat a mouthful of blood at her hearing Vicki's unmistakable footsteps racing down the alley.

  "Oi, come here," Vicki yelled in her angry cop voice as she chased Rory and slammed her to the ground, pinning her head down as she cuffed her wrists behind her.

  "Ava, can you hear me," Constable fuckface gently said, shining a torch in my face.

  "Yeah," I replied softly.

  "I'll put her in the back, you stay with Ava," I heard Vicki say as I passed out in Constable fuckface's arms.

  When I woke up again, I was in the hospital. I knew it was hospital by that distinctive hospital smell. A nurse was looking at something on the monitor when I made a soft sound that I was happy she heard.

  "Welcome back," she said before leaving the room again.

  "Baby girl," Vicki said, rushing in obviously the nurse had told her I was awake. Vicki stroked my hair and kissed my forehead, making me smile and cough.

  "Shh it's OK sweetie, you don't have to talk. Mommy's here," Vicki said. I tried to touch my eye, but there was something covering it.

  "You'll have to have that on for a little while baby girl, you're eye socket is a little broken. The woman who did this to you, you knew her?" Vicki said. I nodded and heard a person clear their throat behind Vicki.

  "You know I have to ask the questions Victoria," Constable fuckface said making Vicki roll her eyes.

  "But I hate you," I said softly making Vicki laugh.

  "Yes well, I'd hate me too if I was you wild cat," she said, making me laugh.

  "Tell me what happened. Why are you always getting into trouble?" She added as I got up, helped by Vicki.

  "I knew her from way back. She got done for stealing a car and got out recently. I went to see her," I said, looking at Vicki.

  "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just kinda didn't want to bring you into that world, it's shit," I said apologetically. Vicki just laughed.

  "Baby, I'm in this world every day," she said frowning when I shook my head.

  "Na is different when you come from it, Victoria," I said enjoying calling her by her real name. She raised an eyebrow at me, making it very clear that would the only tease I would be getting away with.

  "And then what happened, you met up with her and then what?" The other cop pressed.

  "She was keen on me, said it was me who got her through her time, but I said I wasn't in that world anymore. I saw her again today, she started talking shit and then," I said, stopping to look at Vicki. I was pretty sure people would know at her work, but I still wasn't sure, and I didn't want to out her if no one knew.

  "She started saying some shit about you, and that's when I punched her," I said.

  "What did she say?" The other cop said making me look nervously at Vicki who just smiled lovingly.

  "It's OK baby girl," she said, bending down and kissing me.

  "She said you were a freak and not a real woman, so I slugged her," I said, my little voice coming out and resulting in Vicki bending down cuddle me.

  "You're a cute little girl for defending Mommy baby girl," Vicki whispered in my ear, making me feel proud.

  "You sure took a beating for that baby," she said louder standing back up and going over to Constable fuckface who was busy jotting down my story.

  "Charge her for attempted rape Jane," Vicki said.

  "Jane?" I said questioningly. Jane nodded her head before she bopped me on the nose with her notepad.

  "But what's it to you?" She said, making me laugh.

  "I may call you constable, only constable," I replied, repeating what she had made me say countless times before. Vicki smiled, almost enjoying watching me be controlled by someone else and sat on the bed when Jane had gone.

  "Really to go home little baby?" She asked. I nodded my head and let her help me up.

  "Cops are such control freaks," I said making Vicki laugh.

  "Um, yeah, that's kinda the point," she added, wrapping an arm around me and helping me walk out of the hospital.

  "Mommy!" I said 4 months later as Vicki placed the big painting I had just finished on the wall. I had moved into her house a couple of months ago and had happily gotten used to my new suburb in the nice part of town. It hadn't been as hard as I had thought it would be hanging out in Vicki's world and I had enjoyed starting to meet her friends, and she had even started to meet mine from the furniture store. I had been given the promotion I put in for which meant I could move to a store closer to our home and had bought a drone to take photos over the waterfall Vicki and I seemed to spend most of our spare time at.

  "Looks good doesn't it baby girl," Vicki said. I sat in front of it and was happy with how I had designed it. The pinks and gold leaf had been constructed to represent a heart that had been broken and put back together; the broken pieces merging to create an even bigger heart than the original was.

  "Snackies baby girl?" Vicki said, picking me up and covering me in kisses as she bought me into the kitchen and took out the pizza we had made together. She had two, I finally understood her food and gym schedule, and she had let me use cookie cutters to cut mine into different shapes.

  "This is nice Mommy," I said using the tongs to put my dino pizzas on one side of my plate and the teddy pizzas on the other side. I held my plate in two hands and beamed up at her deeply impressed with myself.

  "I love you baby girl," Vicki said, beaming back down at me.

  Kira's Little Princess

  An MDLG and ABDL lesbian story of a backpacker hostel event manager and how she convinced her baby girl to stay

  By Tina Moore

  Chapter 1

  "Thank you for flying with us, enjoy your trip and if you are coming home welcome home," the pilot said over the speaker. I was happy to be landing; it had been a terrible flight. I had thought that getting the window seat would be great, and it had been until I needed to use the bathroom in t
he middle of the night. I had to carefully climb over the two people sitting next to me to get to the aisle; I was happy I hadn't stepped on them. I had tried to get some sleep, but the plane had flown through turbulence most of the way and the smell of the plane food had made me feel sick. I looked out the window and was surprised how big the airport was, I hadn't traveled very much and had just assumed everywhere expect my home town as well, less than. But the size of the terminals here rivaled any at home, and I followed the signs sleepily until I reached the one I was looking for.

  "Hi, I'm Sasha, do you guys go to Waker’s Beach hostel?" I asked a tanned blonde. The woman was more excited than I was ready for and almost blew me away with her enthusiasm.

  "We sure do! I'm Kira, I'm the events co-coordinator at the hostel and today, the taxi, how long are you going to stay with us, we have some great things planned this week," Kira said ticking my name off the clipboard and writing something down. I looked at her with tired eyes. I smiled at Kira and went to find a spot to sit while I waited for the other people to be ticked off Kira's clipboard list. Watching Kira, I wondered how long she had been at the hostel to be given the job. I liked how friendly she was. Her big smile and brown eyes had been so welcoming and warm; it made me feel less alone. I had initially planned the trip with my best friend Georgia, but she had bailed last minute. We had even made it the airport before Georgia had started having a panic attack just as we were going through customs. She had to be escorted out; it was pretty embarrassing. I had already gone through and was waiting for her on the other side when I heard them say they would have to take her away. Georgia had yelled that I could still go, and if it hadn't been for Georgia's repeat offending with this type of stuff, maybe I wouldn't be here at all. It wasn't the first time Georgia had let me down like this and I had felt so fed up with her on and off again way of being, I had decided to go on without her.

  "Alright everyone, on the bus," Kira called, breaking me out of the sleep I hadn't realized I was in. Laughing, Kira came up to me.

  "It's OK sleepy head; once we get to the hostel you can sleep all day, I know the flight is rough!" Kira said, taking one of my bags and walking with me to the bus. Kira started talking to me about how she had planned to take everyone dune tobogganing and to watch the turtles hatch on the beach over next week, but I hardly heard a word.

  When I was finally on the shuttle bus, I put in my earphones and listened to the songs Georgia and I had put into a playlist and wondered how she was. No, fuck her, I thought, being angry that Georgia had let me down once again. The bus seemed to drive for forever, and Kira would stand up and talk on the microphone when we were passing something important or exciting. I liked her voice; it was full of excitement and playfulness. I imaged that Kira would be the first person on the dance floor at a party twirling and giggling as she let the music take over her. Going through the city, I looked out the window on the other side to see people walking down the street wearing fancy business suits and dresses and smiled to myself thinking about the life I had left behind.

  I had worked for a photography company, and while I never wore such high-end fashion, I took the pictures of the types of people who did. I would go into their homes, take their photo with their picture-perfect families and purebred dogs. Trying to capture something other than the fake happiness, they were all trying so desperately to portray. Once or twice, I had ended up fucking the maid or the au pair in the main bedroom or outside on the balcony. I had wondered why I could never refuse them but knew deep in my heart; it was because I just wanted the thrill. My job was easy, almost too easy, and I liked the idea of getting fired and having to find something else to do with my time.

  The bus came to a screeching halt, pushing me forward and then back against my seat, making me wondered if the driver had done that on purpose or not.

  "Alright everyone, welcome to your new home!" Kira said, opening the door as people started to leave the bus. For the first time, I noticed that I was slightly older than most of the people who had been on the bus, watching them as they dismounted. At only 25, I hadn't felt very old, but listening to the conversations of the kids, on the bus, I felt like I had my life together way more than they did. I saw the typical 18-year-olds excitedly drinking cheap wine as they walked past me, offering me some.

  "No, I'm good," I just replied. It's 10 in the morning, you bloody moron; I thought as I looked behind me to realize I was the last on the bus.

  "Come on sleepy head," Kira said kindly doing one last sweep of the bus. She waited for me to get up and follow her out of the bus.

  "Hey you forgot this," Kira said, holding up a photo of a girl that had fallen out of my pocket. Kira looked at me, questioningly.

  "Girlfriend?" She asked, her sparkling eyes making me look down, feeling stupid for what I was about to say.

  "You'll think I'm dumb. She's my ex, this trip, was to get over her," I said, getting embarrassed. Kira thought for a minute before grabbing the photo from my hands.

  "Well, you won't get over her by having her around. I'll hold onto it, and if you're still hooked by the time you leave, I'll give it back to you," Kira said. Usually, I would have grabbed the photo back, but I liked how sweet Kira was and could tell she wasn't trying to be mean, so I just nodded and looked to the floor as I got off the bus.

  "You'll be alright. Good girl for listening to me," Kira said as she passed me my bags from under the bus. I held my breath, making Kira laugh as I registered the words Kira had just said. Giving me a mischievous smile, Kira tapped the side of the bus, and it drove off in a plume of smoke. Waiting for the dust to settle, I turned and looked at the hostel.

  "Come on, princess, let's get you settled in. You'll love the room I'm going to put you in," Kira said, linking her arm in mine and walking me through the hostel. I smiled to myself and felt the sun on my face. Maybe this isn't going to be as bad as I thought it would be, I thought to myself.

  Chapter 2

  I was given my room key and shown which bunk was mine before I unpacked a few things, had a shower and crashed in my bed. I had the bottom bunk and liked that I had a window behind my bed. I was also happy that I had been given a room where no other backpackers were in and thought that it was strange they would have so much space in the hostel that I could have my room.

  When I woke, it was night time and raining. Great, cold, just what I was trying to avoid, I thought as I pulled a jumper over my singlet and slid on my flip flops. Opening the door, I was happy to see Kira's familiar face.

  "Hey princess, I was just coming to look for you, how are you feeling after your nap?" Kira said, handing me a wrist band and laughing when I didn't put it on.

  "Here," she said, taking my wrist in her hands and sticking the wrist band down.

  "You are just the sweetest. Come on, there's a movie night tonight, and it might be good for you to meet someone else. Do you like popcorn? It's backpacker style, homemade using 55cent popcorn kernels, but it tastes just as good," Kira said, taking my hand and walking me to the common room. I liked how soft her touch was, she made me smile, and I needed that right now. The heartbreak I was running away from feeling like a black dog at my back. My ex and I had broken up because she was just so depressive and harmful for my general wellbeing, and I hated having to leave her when I felt like she needed me. But I had learned that I wasn't in charge of how she felt, she was, and if she weren't going to do the things that would help her, nothing I could do would help her either.

  Walking into the common room, I took a deep breath, smelling the buttery homemade popcorn and was handed a beer by an angry looking girl with piercings up her ears.

  "Here, I'm Danni," the girl said, opening the beer for me.

  "Hey, I'm Sasha," I replied, drinking happily, tasting a type of beer I had never had before. It felt nice to be here. Danni walked past me, giving Kira a knowing look, and I laughed, thinking that Kira must be the fuckgirl or something around here. I couldn't blame her; she had the perfect hunting ground for i
t. I grabbed a bowl of popcorn and sat down next to some German's who just smiled at me, and I nodded my head at them as they passed me a blanket as we all settled in and watched the movie. It was some stupid chick flick that I would never pay to watch, but it felt nice throwing popcorn at the TV when the two main characters kissed and laughing along with people I had never met before. I was aware that Kira had been watching me as she walked in and out of the common room. After the movie, I got into a game of hostel monopoly as I drank with Danni. I liked that Kira had continued to steal looks, I didn't mind in fact it excited me.

  "Are you teaching her all my tricks?" Kira said coming and sitting behind me. She had her legs on either side of me and wrapped her arms around my waist as she cuddled me, and I was taken by surprise with how touchy-feely she was. She must have felt my body tense up because she turned me around slightly so I could look at her when she spoke.

  "I'm super handsy, if you hate it, just say so OK?" Kira explained. Making Danni smirk and roll her eyes.

  "She does this with everyone, don't worry. If someone comes up to you and slaps your ass randomly, it'll be Kira," Danni said making Kira gasp in playful shock.

  "But you're just so cute; I hope you don't mind," Kira quickly added, making me relax and lean into her as she held me. It felt nice to have someone showing me affection again, even if she did do it to everyone. Danni and I played the game well into the night, only getting up to get drinks and packets of chocolates from the vending machine. I bit my lip at one stage, excited when Kira patted her lap and pulled me down as I continued to play. It was just after midnight when the common room was closed, and Kira walked me back to my room.

  "Goodnight princess," Kira said, wrapping her arms around me. I held her firmly, almost desperately not wanting to let her go.


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