Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon Dark Lord (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 4) Page 2

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Agreed.” Valeria’s head bounced up and down. “Or if you won’t fill us in on any of the juicy details, at least tell us why he follows you around twenty-four-seven.”

  I shrugged, my cheeks heating up. Now with most of my memories restored, I remembered how hard it had been keeping the secret of who I was to my faery friends. “He’s just looking out for me,” I mumbled.

  “I guess we’ll never know the truth,” said Flix with a dramatic eye-roll.

  “Trust me, there’s not much to tell.”

  “Whatever…” Valeria lifted to her tiptoes and pranced around in a circle twirling the yoga mat between her slender fingers. “Well, don’t look now because he’s coming this way.”

  I rolled my mat and glanced up to meet those intense silver eyes that followed me everywhere.

  “Good workout?”

  “Yup. Demon urges all locked up tight.”

  “Wonderful.” His fingers closed around my upper arm, and he tugged me forward. “Let’s get back to our cell then.”

  A chorus of ooohs rang out from my friends as Talon towed me behind him. I spun around and tossed the annoying pixies the middle finger salute over my shoulder, and they burst into laughter. Their giggles followed us all the way out the door, flaming the heat swarming my cheeks.

  “What was that about?” Talon asked when we were finally alone in the hallway.

  “Nothing,” I snapped.

  He stopped and whirled me toward him, his eyebrow cocked. “Are you mad at me for something?”

  Yesss. “No.”

  Talon extended his forefinger and ran it over my forehead. “Then why is this vein doing that crazy fluttering?” He threw me a lopsided grin, and the annoyance dissipated. Slightly. “I thought the new Azara was going to be open and honest.”

  “I am,” I growled. “I guess I’m just aggravated. I’ve finally gotten my memories of us back, and I want to move forward, but you—” I chomped down on my lower lip. “It feels like we’re back in the friend zone.”

  The hint of a smile tipped up the corner of his lip before he schooled it back into a straight line. He stepped forward, and I took one back. I hadn’t even realized how annoyed I’d been at him until Flix and Valeria brought it up. With new memories resurfacing every day, I was beginning to realize this hot and cold thing was a pattern with us.

  He leaned closer, and my back hit the wall. Placing his palms on the black obsidian, his corded arms caged me in. “I’m sorry if I was unclear about my intentions. I wanted to give you some time to sort through your old memories before we started making new ones.” He framed my face with his hands, the rough pad of his thumb grazing my skin. “I love you, Azara. I want to date you, I want to woo you. I don’t want to screw this up. I want to do it right and take it slow.”

  The roughness in his voice sent a tingle up my spine. “Okay, I can do slow.” I couldn’t help the whiny twinge to my tone.

  “Believe me, it’s taking a lot of dragon willpower not to make you mine right here and now.”

  Warmth pooled in my lower half, and I squeezed my thighs together. I’d totally be okay with that. I was about to tell him just that when the rest of the inmates from the yoga class caught up to us, filling the hallway. Talon stepped back and I peeled myself off the wall, gulping in a lungful of air not tainted with his musky scent.

  I ticked my head at the restroom across the hall and mumbled incoherently.

  He chuckled and moved to open the door for me. “Don’t take too long.”

  I darted inside and slammed the door, leaning against the dark timber. Would I ever get enough of Talon? Hopefully not. Forcing myself off the door, I stumbled to the sink and splashed cool water on my face. As I replayed his words in my mind, the pungent scent of sulfur filled the air.

  A curl of dark smoke rose from the ground, twirling into the shape of a familiar man. My grandfather coalesced from the murky fog, his trademark grin stretched across his perfectly angelic face.

  “Luci, what are you doing in the ladies’ bathroom?” I squealed.

  He waved a nonchalant hand and leaned against the obsidian. “It’s the only time I could catch you without that detestable dragon on your heel.”

  I slapped my hands on my hips and narrowed my gaze. “That detestable dragon is the reason I’m alive right now.”

  “Ah yes, of course. No matter, I don’t have much time, but I did want to speak to you.”

  “Okay, what’s up?”

  “That Delacroix fellow is a brute. He has no idea of the finesse required to rule a realm, let alone the sixth. The demons are in an uproar, and I’m not sure how much time we have before the situation becomes truly precarious. If the other warlords refuse to confirm his position, the wards that keep the Underworlders from crossing into the human world will remain unstable.”

  “Luci, if you came here to try and convince me to take the throne from Delacroix, I already told you I’m not interested.”

  He paced in a tight circle before whirling back to me. “That’s what I was afraid of… Which is why I have an alternate idea.”

  “Which is?”

  “You and your rag tag group of SIA agents were friendly with him, perhaps you can talk some sense into the inexperienced warlord.”

  “You’re joking, right? You’re the ruler of the Underworld; why can’t you get him in line?”

  “My dear Azara, I cannot waste my time tutoring untrained demon lords all day. I have much more pressing matters to attend to, which is exactly why I have warlords to keep the unruly Underworlders in check.”

  I cocked my head at my devious grandfather. He was trying to get me to the sixth realm in hopes that I’d change my mind. Not happening.

  He tugged at his cleft chin, his skin like porcelain. “Besides, rumor has it that your cousin Thax is being held in the dungeons of his former castle. Should Delacroix be removed from his current position, it would leave it wide open for Thax’s taking.”

  A pang of fear streaked across my chest. With the resurgence of my memories came the horrors of my time in captivity. I squeezed my eyes shut as my own screams ricocheted across my skull.

  “I’m not exactly sure how you believe I can help, but I’ll think about it.”

  A broad smile spread his perfect lips and he crossed the space between us, pulling me into a hug. “Excellent, my dear. That’s all I was hoping for.” As he released me, his brow twitched. “One more thing. If you do intend on going there, I’d leave the dragon behind. I doubt his presence would move Delacroix to compliance.”

  I couldn’t disagree there. But giving my dragon bodyguard the slip to sneak off into the Underworld wouldn’t be easy. Not to mention, we were finally trying to work on us and lying to him wasn’t the best way to start.

  “I knew I could count on you, Azara.” My grandfather sauntered away as the black smoke began to swirl around his ankles.

  “I still haven’t agreed, Luci.”

  “No, but I know you’ll do the right thing. You’re just like your parents—pesky do-gooders.” He smiled. “They’d never want demons running amuck in the Underworld because we all know the human one would be next.”

  The wave of black consumed him as the last word tumbled from his mouth. The bathroom went silent, an eerie void filling the space, as if Luci’s commanding presence had sucked every bit of the room’s air with his departure.

  I couldn’t really do this, could I? Why did the fate of the sixth realm fall on me? I was trying to lay low, rein in my demon, and sort my life out. I didn’t need this crap.

  Two sharp knocks sent my head spinning toward the door. “Azara, are you okay?” Talon’s panicked voice seeped through the cracks in the entrance.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Be right out,” I called back. Now I had to decide if I really was the superhero my grandfather believed me to be.

  Chapter Two

  The charred scent of magic filled my nostrils, and my eyes snapped open. Shoving the blanket back in the pre-dawn light, I rea
ched for the note floating right over my bed. As soon as my palm closed around it, the mystical flames extinguished. I unfolded the fiery letter and scanned the familiar black scrawling.

  My dearest Azara,

  I hope this letter finds you well. Any chances you’ve reconsidered your position on a trip to the sixth realm? If you do not wish to do it for me, at least consider the voyage as closure. I am sure given your relationship with Delacroix he’d allow you a visit to your cousin in the dungeon. Wouldn’t that be worth the trip alone?

  Think about it.

  With fondest regards,

  Your grandsire, Luci

  * * *

  Ugh. I huffed out a breath and crumpled the note into a tight ball. It was the third one since Luci appeared in the ladies’ bathroom two days ago. Each one highlighted the chance at revenge on my fallen cousin, and I wasn’t going to lie, it was certainly tempting. Despite my stronger hold on my demon half, she still burned for vengeance.

  “You awake?” Talon’s gruff voice sent my head whirling toward the top bunk. Below him, Hayden snored peacefully. Our angel cellie could sleep through anything.

  “Yup,” I whispered. I still hadn’t told him about my grandfather’s visit or his annoying messages. Somehow, Luci managed to sneak them in at the exact moments when my dragon shadow wasn’t hovering over me.

  He leapt off the top bunk and crept forward, his mussed-up hair sticking up, and yet, somehow it made him look even more attractive. My eyes drifted from his hair down to the shimmering dragon across his chest. It wriggled and writhed with his movements, as if it would come to life and spring off his body at any moment.

  A low growl cut through the air as he folded down next to me, his gaze intent on mine. “Stop looking at my dragon like that, or I won’t be able to stop him from making a spontaneous appearance.”

  My fingers darted out to touch the mystical creature before I could stop them. “I’d be okay with that,” I murmured as the heat of his flesh warmed my fingertips.

  He chuckled. “Logan might not be when my dragon destroys our quaint little cell.”

  “Fine, fine.” I tore my palm from his chest and tucked my hands under my thighs. If we did go to the Underworld, I’d get to ride Talon’s dragon… A wave of excitement rolled through me. Might be worth it just for that. With the SIA still unaware of my whereabouts, I’d been stuck at Darkblood since Thax’s dethroning. It would’ve been nice to get out…

  “What’s going on in that little head of yours?” Talon swept an errant lock of hair behind my ear and ran his thumb across my temple.

  “Oh, you know, the usual craziness.”

  “Maybe there’s something I can do to get your mind off things for at least a little while.” A mischievous smile revealed that elusive dimple, softening the hard set of his jaw.

  “Like what?” I instinctively leaned closer, and my lips parted.

  “I want to take you out on a date.”

  My head snapped back, my eyes widening. “A date?” I thought he’d been speaking metaphorically when he’d mentioned dating and wooing me the other day. “How are we going to go on a date in prison?”

  Again, that mischievous smile before he booped me on the nose. “Leave that to me. Just be ready at nine tonight.”

  “But that’s after lights out.”

  His dark brow arched. “Since when has sneaking around been a problem for us?”

  I smirked, and the glow of my tattoo caught my attention from the corner of my eye.

  Ugh, I wish those two would just get it on already and let me sleep.

  I leapt up as a weirdly familiar voice echoed through my mind. My gaze jerked to Hayden, who was still stretched across the bottom bunk, lids shut tight. Hayden? I shot back mentally.

  The big angel rolled over, his blue eyes as wide as the Atlantic. “Hey, get out of my head, little pumpkin!”

  I stomped toward him and glared down at my cellie. “I wasn’t in your head. You must’ve broadcasted your thoughts over in my direction.”

  “What’s going on?” Talon appeared at my side a second later.

  “I heard him, in here.” I pointed at my temple as I searched for any other thoughts sneaking into my brain. “And he wasn’t being nice.”

  Hayden huffed out a breath and rose, stretching his long arms. “I’m sorry. Watching the two of you go back and forth is exhausting. I’m going to ask the warden for a transfer. I’d rather live with the conceited vampire and the sulking werewolf than you two.”

  “How rude,” I hissed.

  “Forget about what Hayden said,” Talon interrupted. “We should be focusing on the fact that you were able to read his mind without even trying.”

  That was true. With my demon running amuck for the past few months, I hadn’t been able to focus on my burgeoning warlock abilities. Maybe now was the time.

  “This magical ESP could come in handy,” Talon continued. “Have you spoken to Garrix about it?”

  I shook my head. Somehow, I’d never quite found the right time. Also, the fact that my grandfather didn’t have that ability frightened me. What would he think when I told him?

  “You should. Maybe he can train you to develop that power. It would help to know who exactly your enemies are within the prison.”

  “You’re right. I’ll have him come for a visit soon.”


  “Now that that’s settled,” said Hayden, “I think I’m going to check out my future living quarters. He nudged his Triad brother in the side and grinned. “You can thank me later, T.”

  A thrill shot through my spine at the idea of living with Talon alone. Maybe I should be thanking my angel bunkie too.

  “I don’t know, Hayden,” said Talon. “While I appreciate your selflessness, I feel better knowing Azara has both of us around.”

  He hitched his finger at the wall separating us from Dallas and Vander. “I’ll be right next door, brother. She’ll be perfectly safe.”

  Talon grunted, and a swirl of disappointment pummeled my insides. Did he not want to be alone with me?

  “Or maybe if you’d prefer, I can swap with Vander.” A cheeky grin lit up the angel’s azure irises.

  “No!” we both shouted in unison. Things were hella awkward between the three of us since my lusty she-demon decided to take advantage of Vander. Talon wouldn’t even speak to his brother, which I felt awful about.

  A loud chuckle tumbled from Hayden’s lips as he sauntered toward the door of our glass enclosure. “I’m going to take a shower. I need to cool off after the blistering sexual tension in this room. Just think about my offer. It could be fun for everyone.” The annoying angel strolled out, his chuckles resonating across the hallway.

  “I should probably grab a shower too, before they get too crowded,” I mumbled when the silence lingered a little too long for my liking.

  Talon followed me to my bed as I rummaged underneath the mattress for my dingy towel. “Azara, it’s not that I don’t want to be alone with you…”

  I popped up and hung my towel on my arm, avoiding his direct gaze.

  He tipped up my chin and forced my eyes to his. “You know my reasons for taking it slow, and they haven’t changed. If we’re alone—together—my thoughts won’t be on approaching footsteps in the hallway, muffled voices, hidden weapons or all the other things I need to focus on to keep you safe.”

  I restrained the urge to roll my eyes. “But what’s the difference?” He’d already said he loved me and wanted to be with me, what difference would it make if we actually acted on it?

  He squeezed my shoulders and pulled me closer, his head lowering to meet mine. “I told you about my dragon. He’s incredibly possessive and after everything we’ve been through, I’m worried that once he’s had you, he’ll never want to let you go.”

  Heat blossomed in my core. I was certain I’d feel the same. I wrapped my arms around Talon’s waist and tipped my head up so my lips were only inches from his. “Just your dragon, huh?”

  His lips melted into a megawatt smile before capturing my own. They were soft and gentle, not the usual fire that ignited between us. His tongue caressed mine slowly, his hand cradling the back of my head. Too soon he pulled away, and my body screamed at his absence. “Let’s save this for tonight,” he whispered against my lips.

  “Fine,” I whined and took a step back.

  He ticked his head at the door and grabbed my towel. “How about that shower?”

  I really needed it now.

  Later that night, I stared at my reflection in the dingy mirror as my heart catapulted against my ribs. Flix had been right, the lip gloss and mascara from the commissary were totally worth the splurge. The warning bell for lights out had already rung, which meant I only had a few minutes until nine o’clock and my big date with Talon.

  I drew in a deep breath to still the mad flapping in my belly. Which was just ridiculous. Talon and I had been through so much, and this was only a date. Then why did I feel like I was back in high school about to go on my first date with the hot quarterback?

  Pulling my brush through my long locks one more time, I spun away from the mirror. As much as the little bit of makeup helped, it didn’t distract from the hideous black jumpsuit. I’d almost asked Talon to sneak me some of Ella’s old clothes, but my cousin was still a sore subject.

  From the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Dallas’s dark form outside my cell. Talon had agreed to give me time to get ready without his ever-looming presence, but that didn’t mean he’d left me completely unguarded.

  Whispers drew my attention to the hallway where Hayden joined my vampire guard. He held something in his arms, but Dallas was blocking my line of sight. A second later, my angel bunkie knocked on the glass. “You decent, little pumpkin?”

  I’d almost forgotten about the mystical screen I’d conjured to keep the nosy inmates from peering into our cell. “Yup, come on in.”

  The door whooshed open, and Hayden’s mouth curved into a beaming smile. “I come bearing gifts.” He revealed the bundle tucked under his forearm, and my jaw dropped.


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