Know Him

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Know Him Page 10

by Courtney Loney

  Luke meets my family at dinner

  Classy date with Luke where I learned about his life

  Fourth of July & incident with Luke’s Uncle Roger

  Breakfast with Uncle Roger & meeting Luke’s grandma

  Party in the woods

  Luke got Poppy

  My dad came to visit & met Luke

  My dad took my mom out & Gia’s turtle died

  Luke gave me a promise ring



  Home videos

  Visiting his grandma with Poppy

  Surprise party

  Staying up almost all night

  Waking up in this bed

  By the time I finished my timeline it was almost midnight. I left space for Gia to add pictures to it. I looked the whole thing over, held it up in front of me, and silently sobbed into my pillow. How could all of this be a lie? How could my brain have fabricated all of these events? And how could my feelings be so real for someone who I really haven’t ever met?

  “Sutton?” I opened my eyes to see my mom sitting at my bedside.

  “Hi, mom.” I stretched and smiled at her.

  “Hey, I know this is a lot where you just woke up but sweetie, you made this timeline?” She had a concerned look on her face holding it in her grasp in front of me.

  “Yes. Is something wrong?” I put my hand on hers.

  “No no. I just want to talk to Dr. Weston before you go see him.” She forced a smile and handed the timeline back to me. “Did you see Gia added pictures?”

  Later that afternoon I took the walk to Dr. Weston’s office with my timeline in hand. As I approached the door I saw my mom standing there talking to him. I knocked on it and they both turned around to look at me.

  “Sutton, come in! Take a seat!” Dr. Weston said pointing towards the couch.

  “What are you doing here mom?” I asked. She wiped a single tear from beneath her eye and before she could reply, Dr. Weston said “Sutton could your mom join us for today’s session?” I nodded and sat down confused.

  “So let’s see that timeline!” Dr. Weston rubbed his palms together and took a seat in his chair.” I passed the timeline to him. He put on his glasses and started to look it over. I sat in silence playing with my hands.

  Dr. Weston said something under his breath and rubbed the black of his neck with the palm of his hand.

  “Okay. Now. Mom, since you’re here along with the medical records we can help make a timeline of the chain of events that actually happened.” He walked over and stood next to the large whiteboard in the back of the room and started sketching a line with tick marks in it.

  Together, my mom and Doctor Weston made a timeline of the events that actually occurred using my timeline as a reference. Their bodies covered the whiteboard most of the time but when they stepped away and took a seat again I noticed something. The timeline they had, obviously had fewer events on it because I wasn’t conscious, but some of the events on my timeline and their timeline lined up.

  “Wait a second..” I said out loud standing up and approaching the whiteboard. You’re telling me the end of June was the first time Luke came here and that’s when you met him?” My mom nodded and appeared noticeably upset. “And Luke brought a golden retriever puppy here and her name was Poppy?” A single tear rolled down my mom’s cheek and she nodded again. “And at the end of July, dad and you actually did go on a date and on the same day Gia’s turtle died?” My mom nodded again and started to bawl her eyes out.

  Dr. Weston put his arm around my mom. I felt my face getting red and I tried to swallow the knot in my throat before I exploded with tears. “I don’t understand any of this. I thought I was in a coma you’re telling me it’s just a coincidence I knew this stuff?”

  “Sutton, if things were discussed in front of you, your brain could have been making connections all along. It’s not uncommon for coma patients to recall actual events. I have actually never heard of a patient doing so, but this isn’t anything to be upset over. Your brain and your story are remarkable.”

  “Mom, what’s making you cry?” I looked over at her as she tried to pull herself together.

  “I just feel like you have been in there this whole time and I wonder if there’s more I could have done as your mom to help you.” She sniffled.

  “Lynn, I can assure you there is absolutely nothing you could have done. She was still unconscious and she was not stable enough to be the Sutton you know and love at that time. I think it’s important I meet with Dr. Grebs and we look over all of Sutton’s records again so we can assure you that she has received the best care possible and everyone has done everything they could for her.”

  “Dr. Weston we appreciate this hospital more than words can describe and everything you have done for Sutton.”’ My mom replied.

  “I know that but it’s important for me to discuss this case with my colleagues and assure you Sutton received the best care possible. Sutton, how are you feeling? Once again. I know this is a lot to take in.”

  I sighed. “I just don’t know what to think. I have never been so confused in my entire life and I’m grateful to be here but I just feel lost and I also feel like something’s missing.”

  Dr. Weston nodded. “I completely understand why you feel that way. Let’s schedule a meeting tomorrow with Dr. Grebs and myself and we’ll discuss everything, including your care while you were in the coma, all the way to the progress you have made and the next step.”

  “Okay thank you.” I shook Dr. Weston’s hand and my mom and I strolled back to my room.

  The fan was always blasting in Dr. Greb’s office. It was November and he still had air circulating in the room. I assumed it had something to do with his desire for everything to be sterile.

  “Alright. All the important people are here so let’s discuss!” Dr. Grebs smiled. His teeth were so shiny white they almost blinded me. I looked over at Gia. She was trying to count all the plaques he had displayed on the wall. That would take her all day.

  “So the good news is Dr. Weston and I ordered some Chinese last night and spent a lot of time reviewing everything we possibly could about you Ms. Sutton.”

  “We’re basically experts now.” Dr. Weston added as he raised his eyebrows up and down.

  “The good news is we can assure you that you received the best care we could have given you while you were in this hospital. We ran all the tests necessary, we monitored you closely and it can be confirmed that you have, for sure, been in a coma for the past few months.” Dr. Grebs said. “So we can all breathe a sigh of relief about that.”

  “We’re going to be honest with you all. We are unsure how it’s possible that some of the events Sutton remembered, lined up with actual events that occurred.” Dr. Weston said. “And as I said before, it's more than likely Sutton was basically dreaming about these experiences she had with Luke. In some instances, she may have subconsciously heard people discussing things around her. I know it can complicate things, raise questions, and possibly make things confusing but we should think of it in the most positive way possible.”

  “Sutton is okay. She’s here with us. Her brain was showing obvious signs of strength even while she was in the comma.” Dr. Grebs added. “And she is about ready to go back to living a normal life.”

  “A normal life?” My dad said. “Like outside of the hospital?” Both of the doctors nodded.

  “We would like Sutton to finish off the week here so we can run a few last tests, evaluate her both physically and mentally and then she can go home.”

  “Oh my gosh that’s great news!” my mom threw her arm around me and rubbed my back. Her smile was giant and genuine.

  “Will she be okay to travel with us to Coopersville for Thanksgiving?” As soon as I heard the word Coopersville my heart skipped a beat.

  “Once she is released from our care, all we need is for you to set up consultations with a physical therapist and psychologist. Otherwise, she can resume her nor
mal activities. Sutton, I wouldn’t go home and go skydiving but you got a second chance at life and I would take advantage of it.” Both of the Doctors stood up and shook all of our hands walking us to the door.


  “I’m getting out of here!” I screamed into my cell phone.

  “You are?” I could hear the hope in Reagan’s voice. “Sutton! I need to see you like yesterday.”

  “We’re going to Coopersville for Thanksgiving with Aunt Helen before we head home.” Reagan paused for a minute. I looked around my room. My mom, dad, and Gia were nowhere to be found.

  “Okay, Reagan I know this is going to sound crazy but-”

  “You want to find Luke right?” she cut me off.

  “Yes,” I said. A few seconds of silence consumed the line. “I know it sounds crazy Reagan but I know him. I know him better than I know a lot of people and I need to figure out if he’s really who I think he is.”

  “I don’t think it’s a bad idea.” She replied. “I just don’t want you to get hurt. You have to remember that you could be let down. You probably will be. Even if he’s willing to get to know you, you don’t know him as well as you think you do.”

  I felt someone’s gaze fixed on me. I looked over to the doorway where my mom had apparently been standing for at least the end of my conversation with Reagan.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled into the phone monitor. “I got to go Reagan. I love you. I’ll see you soon.”

  My mom didn’t say anything she just came over and sat at the edge of my bed looking at me.

  “Mom I just... I know him. I need to see him in person. I need to talk to him. If I get out of here on Sunday we have three days before it’s even Thanksgiving. Just give me those few days to try my best to see him then I promise if it doesn’t work out I’ll let it go. Dr.Weston even told me to take advantage of my second chance at life.”

  My mom lifted her hand and put it on mine. She gave it a little squeeze. “I love you more than words can describe Sutton and I am so glad you are here and you are okay. I want you to run it by Dr. Weston, but if it’s okay with him, it’s okay with me.” I grabbed her and pulled her into an embrace.


  Dr. Weston sat in front of me for our last meeting before I got discharged. He had a perfectly outlined side part and his hair was slicked to one side. He wore a light blue button-up under his white coat and a red polka dot bow tie.

  “Okay, so. Normally I’m asking you the questions but I’m wondering if you have any questions for me before you go out into the real world again?”

  I took a deep breath. “I do have one question for you. My family is going to Coopersville for Thanksgiving. I was just wondering if you thought it would be okay for me to find Luke.” There was a pause. It felt like it went on forever. It was interrupted by Dr. Weston clearing his throat.

  “I don’t think it’s a bad idea at all. I think that you currently have an accurate depiction between reality and fiction and I also believe it may be a great form of closure for you.” I sighed out loud. “You just need to have realistic expectations, Sutton, and if you need anything before you transition to find a therapist at home I’m only a phone call away. You have come a long way in a short amount of time Sutton.” Dr. Weston smiled.

  “Thank you so much, Dr. Weston. I appreciate everything you and Dr. Grebs have done for me, more than I can describe.”

  Chapter 8:

  The nurses and doctors lined up at the door and clapped for me as I walked towards the exit. I could see my dad straight ahead dressed in a full suit, as usual, leaning on the car door grinning. Gia walked next to me holding my hand. My mom was a few steps behind us hugging each person we walked by.

  The automatic doors opened and a gust of crisp air surrounded me. This was the first time I had been outside in five months. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. I could hear my heart thumping. I stopped in my tracks and lifted my head up, closing my eyes. Everyone watched me. I stood there in silence, letting the wind blow through my hair.

  When I opened my eyes, Reagan and Shane were standing in front of me. Shane held a single rose and had tears in his eyes. Reagan wasn’t kidding about his crew cut but I didn’t mind it. I thought he looked handsome. Reagan walked up to me and pulled me right in.

  “I love you” she whispered. When she let go of me, Shane walked up to me. He handed me the rose, said “I’m so sorry” and burst into tears.

  I pulled him close to me and whispered to him “None of this was your fault and I’m okay.” He held me for a while and I could feel his body shaking against mine. I wondered if maybe he had it worse than I did.

  My dad opened the front seat of the car and I sat down. “Buckle up princess.” He said softly just like used to. I buckled my seatbelt, still in a daze. None of this felt real. My real-world had Luke in it.

  “Wake up sweetie.” My mom touched my arm gently. I stirred and finally opened my eyes. I looked around a little bit confused. The ocean air drifted into the car and I knew exactly where I was; Coopersville.

  Aunt Helen’s house was in front of me. It looked like it was frozen in time just the way I remembered it. The only difference was there was an abundance of leaves covering the front yard in all different shades of brown, red, and orange. My Jeep was parked in front of us in the driveway. Gia scurried up the steps. I could see my dad leaning down hugging her in the doorway. I guess my accident really had brought everyone together. I was happy about that, at least.

  My mom put her hand out and I grabbed ahold of it to pull myself up. I basically felt back to normal since waking up. I was still just so tired and weak. Normal tasks were just exhausting for me.

  My mom continued to hold my hand as we walked up the front step into Aunt Helen’s house.

  Aunt Helen’s wheelchair was parked just a foot from the entryway. She had clearly been waiting for me. “Oh my gosh, my little Sutton Rae. I have been waiting to see that face for a long time.” I leaned over and she put both of her hands on my cheeks, just staring at me for a moment.

  When Aunt Helen released my cheeks I stood upright and looked around. Everything was in the same place. Tacky nautical decor on all the tables and walls. Aunt Helen's shell collection lining the picture window sill.

  “Let’s have your favorite boardwalk pizza delivered for dinner!” My dad yelled from the kitchen. He picked up his phone and called the Pizza Shack on speaker. My heart was beating out of my chest.

  “Pizza Shack pick-up or delivery?” The voice on the other end of the phone said. I tried to calm down for a minute and catch my breath. I could see Luke in my head, rushing on his bike crashing into me. I shook my head trying to force the memory to fade.

  “I’m going to run to the bathroom,” I said.

  “You okay?” everyone said, all at once.

  “Yes, I’m good.” I lied.

  I stood in the bathroom, my eyes fixed on my face in the mirror. My summer freckles had faded. My hair was long and not as light as it was before. My face looked slightly thinner and I looked tired. My scar was still visible on my temple. I traced it with my finger tips. I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing grey sweatpants and a black oversized hoodie.

  “Maybe I’ll change.” I said to myself out loud.

  I quietly opened up the bathroom door and crept down the hallway to the bedroom I had stayed in over the summer. I pulled open the dresser drawers. All of my summer clothes were there, untouched. I grabbed my only pair of ripped jeans and put them on.

  “Sutton?” I could hear my mom calling from the kitchen. I had been away from them for less than 10 minutes and they were already worried.

  “Coming!” I called back, taking a deep breath to go back out there.

  Reagan and Shane came in the front door as I entered the living room again. We all sat on the couch watching Wheel of Fortune, waiting for the pizza to arrive. I wasn’t actually waiting for the pizza. Even after weeks of hospital food, I wasn’t hungry. I was waiting for the pizza delivery
boy - Praying that it would be Luke so I could just sneak a peek of him.

  The doorbell rang and I jumped up.

  “I’ll get it, baby girl.” My dad said motioning for me to sit back down.

  “I’ll come help you.” I gulped. The front door swung open and a boy stood there with pizzas stacked in front of his face. He lowered the pizzas and his identity was revealed.

  “$42.30,” he said to my dad, ignoring my presence completely. The boy had chestnut-colored hair that flowed to the side and red and black braces. Obviously, it wasn’t Luke. I felt half broken and half relieved. I wasn’t sure I was ready to face him yet, but I knew it had to happen one day soon if I wanted it to happen at all.

  My dad slapped a piece of pizza on a paper plate for each of us and passed them out. I folded my piece in half and took a bite. “So how long are we staying here before we actually head home?” I questioned as I chewed. My mom pretended not to hear me, staring at the TV. She must’ve known my motive.

  “Eh. Probably leave here next Saturday. Black Friday will be too crazy to travel.” My dad said, his eyes also fixed on the bald man who had skin as red as a lobster on the TV. He had a huge smile on his face and was taking his turn spinning the wheel.

  “Okay,” I replied, trying to be nonchalant.

  Reagan smirked and whispered in my ear, “we’ll figure out a plan tonight.”

  It was 10 pm and the house was quiet. I could hear the frogs croaking from outside the window and the murmur of a boxing fight coming from the living room where Shane and my dad were planted in front of the TV. I was surprised my dad didn’t want to kill Shane since he was driving but it seemed like the accident had softened him.

  My mom had gone to sleep hours ago. I hoped for the first time in the past five months she could actually get some sleep but I was sure she’d still worry about me at least a little bit.

  Reagan and I were sprawled out in opposite directions on my bed.

  “Okay, so we have exactly six days to find Luke,” Reagan said biting the side of her lip. “The sooner the better.” She added. “Because the sooner you see him the more time you have to spend with him.”


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