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Know Him

Page 13

by Courtney Loney

  “Sure.” Luke smiled. “Damn all I have is my bike.”

  Suddenly Reagan was behind us standing up removing her disguise. Shane was by her side ripping off his fake mustache that was clearly from the arcade.

  “Oh hi, guys! I just overhead you but I have the van! I can drive us.”

  “You have my mom’s van? Why not your car?” I laughed.

  “Who do you think sent me here! Your dad’s giving me an oil change or something.”She said as we all walked down the ramp to the car.

  We got to Luke’s house and he quickly ran inside and got Poppy. He carried her out in his arms, his muscles visible through his shirt. Poppy didn’t look good. When she got in the van, she laid across Luke’s lap.

  Reagan sped to the vet. Luckily, it was just in the center of town. When we finally got there they immediately took Poppy in the back. Luke filled out paperwork.

  “Poppy’s family?” Luke stood up and I stayed seated. “You come too, mom!” The woman said grinning at me. I felt awkward but stood up and followed Luke to the back.

  “So we did some x rays and it looks like she swallowed a marble.” Luke chucked a little bit.

  “Is she going to be okay?” He asked, also concerned.

  “Yes, it doesn’t look like it’s causing an obstruction, so she should pass it on her own. Just to be safe, we’d like to keep her overnight for observation and we’ll give her anti-nausea medication.”

  Luke nodded and thanked the doctor, shaking his hand. He then invited us back to see her.

  A technician led us into a back room and there Poppy was hooked up to an IV. Her tongue was hanging out of the side of her mouth and she was clearly so happy to have visitors. Luke and I spoiled her with love.

  “She already looks a little better, don’t you think?” Luke asked me. His eyes still filled with concern.

  I smiled. “Definitely.”

  “I’m going to stay here with her for a while but I’ll text you later? Thank you so much for coming with me.” He said, pulling me in for a hug.

  “I’m glad I could be here. I should probably get home anyways though. I’m on a tight leash these days.” Luke laughed.

  I walked towards Poppy to give her a little love. “Bye Poppy girl,” I said petting her.

  “Hey Sutton, how about see you later?” Luke said.

  I nodded. “See you later, Poppy,” I said kissing the top of her head.

  Luke sent me a text three minutes after I walked out of the vet’s office. Reagan had just pulled out of the parking lot.

  “He texted you already?” She asked, noticing I was grinning at my phone getting ready to type a reply. I smirked.

  Bianca will have to find a new partner tonight. It read.

  A few seconds later, a second text popped up. That was long overdue anyway.

  “This whole thing is nuts, Sutton, we should really contact the media about this. They could make a movie about you.” Reagan said. I laughed.

  “I can’t believe this is my real life,” I said out loud gently pinching my arm wondering if I would wake up soon.

  I texted Luke all night long. I wasn’t surprised when he told me he was going to sleep in a chair at the vet until they kicked him out. Everything just came so easy with him. Our conversation just flowed. Finally, Luke asked me the question that was burning inside me.

  What now? He texted me at 10 pm that night.

  I pictured him curled up on a chair, Poppy close by. The room dark and his phone glowing, lighting up his face.

  I wanted to ask you the same thing. I replied.

  It’s almost Thanksgiving. He said. I giggled out loud.

  Yes it is. What are your plans? I replied.

  Going to see my grandmother early in the day. My uncle invited me to his girlfriend’s house, but I have a lot of packing to do.

  Well if you want to come spend it at my Aunt’s, I’m sure you’re more than welcome. I threw my phone onto my bed after I sent that text, very nervous to see the response.

  A few minutes later I brace myself before checking to see if he replied.

  You really mean that? It read.

  Of course. I replied. A few minutes passed and I waited for Luke’s reply.

  Count me in. I picked up my pillow and screamed into it. A few seconds later Gia pushed my door open.

  “Did you just scream?” She said quietly, yawning.

  “What are you doing up?” I asked. She climbed up onto my bed.

  “Dad snores.” We both laughed.

  “Did it go good with Luke?” She asked, crawling under my blanket and curling up next to me.

  “Yes. He wants to come for Thanksgiving.” I said. Putting my phone on my side table and cuddling up with Gia.

  “That’s so exciting Sutton.” She said in a sleepy voice. “I like him.” She added before closing her eyes.

  “Me too,” I replied pulling my sister in tight. Nothing but the sound of her soft breathes surrounding me.

  The next morning when I woke up Gia was still in my bed. I leaned over and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. It was 9 o'clock and there were three unread messages from Luke.

  Let me know what I should bring.

  Sweet dreams Sutton.

  Heading home with Poppy now.

  Good morning Luke. I texted back quietly hopping out of bed, hoping not to wake Gia up. I walked into the kitchen where my dad and Aunt Helen were sitting at the table. Aunt Helen scanned the newspaper in front of her and my dad sipped on a cup of coffee.

  “Good morning Sutton.” My dad said. I walked over to him and he planted a kiss on my forehead.

  “Good morning Aunt Helen.” I said with a smile. She gave me a subtle wave.

  “Where’s mom?” I asked.

  “She’s still in bed. This is the latest Gia and she have slept in months. Let them enjoy it.” I felt a little bad about that. I knew it probably had a lot to do with me.

  “I invited someone to Thanksgiving,” I said grabbing a piece of bread and shoving it into the toaster.

  “Full House this year.” My dad mumbled. “Shane and Reagan are staying. Ronnie and his family are joining us.” Aunt Helen sighed.

  “My first year not grabbing a crappy turkey dinner at the airport too.” He added picking up his coffee to take a sip. He winced a little bit then opened the sugar bowl with a clink filling up another heaping spoonful of sugar and dumping it in his mug.

  “I invited Luke,” I said just as my toast catapulted out of the toaster into the air.

  My dad took another gulp of his coffee and choked a little bit. I wasn’t sure if he had added too much sugar or was shocked by what I had said. “Oh yeah, what does he think about that.” He said, clearing his throat.

  “He wants to come,” I replied, hoping to ease his clearly nervous mind.

  “Oh great.” He replied. “Maybe he can help me figure out deep-frying the turkey.” My dad said licking his lips. “But run it by your mother first.”

  I nodded. “Will do.”

  A little while later my mom and Gia strolled into the kitchen.

  “I slept great in Sutton’s bed,” Gia announced stretching.

  “I actually got a good night’s sleep too.” My mom said cheerfully. “Now for a day full of Thanksgiving prep!” She smiled at Aunt Helen who smirked back at her.

  “Hey mom, can I talk to you for a second,” I asked as she poured her coffee into a mug.

  “Of course sweetie.” I grabbed a blanket and she followed me into the backyard where we sat at the picnic table.

  “Wow it’s warmer than I thought.” She said looking around the yard. “Is everything okay sweetie?” She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

  “Yes. Everything’s great. I just wanted to run something by you.” She nodded urging me to continue.

  “Could Luke join us for Thanksgiving?” She started grinning.

  “Of course honey! I love Luke! So I’m assuming yesterday went well too? How did his dog make out?” This was the mos
t enthusiastic I had seen my mom in a while and it made me beyond happy.

  “Yes. We talked and long story short, we seem to be on the same page. I really want to get to know him as much as I can before we go home.”

  My mom nodded. “Just be careful sweetie. He seems like a great guy but we’re only here for a few more days and I don’t want you hurt.”

  “I will mom.” I said pulling her in for a hug.

  I spent the day in the kitchen with my mom, Gia, Reagan and Aunt Helen. My dad and Shane sat planted on the couch watching the NFL channel. They promised to be in charge of the turkeys the next day and even to do the Thanksgiving dishes.

  I texted Luke throughout the day. He was working at the Pizza Shack since they would be closed for Thanksgiving. Meanwhile we were making all sorts of dishes with tons of food. Of course Aunt Helen’s famous pies, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes.

  The aroma that was traveling through the house smelled amazing. The cinnamon used in Aunt helen’s pies was strong and mouthwatering.

  For the first time since I had woken up I didn’t have a feeling that something was missing in my life. I was enjoying my time with my family and I couldn’t be more grateful that I had a second chance at life.

  Chapter 10:

  The next morning we all woke up and ate pie for breakfast while the floats in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade meandered across the TV screen.

  Around noon, the doorbell rang. Ronnie’s family joined us in front of the TV. They were all dressed to impress. Ronnie looked absolutely adorable in his tailored suit. An aura of joy filled the house. Even Aunt Helen had a smile on her face.

  A little while later there was another knock at the door. Everyone looked over in my direction and I stood up and took a deep breath. When I opened the door, there Luke stood.

  “Hiya!” He said wearing the same wrinkled blue polo and khakis I remembered him wearing when he first met my family.

  He pulled a bouquet of sunflowers out from behind his back with a grin. “For the Greys family, thank you for having me as your guest.” He took his other hand and wrapped it around me to pull me in for a hug.

  I brought Luke into the living room where the station had changed to football. “Luke this is everyone. Everyone this is Luke!” I said. Everyone waved and said hello.

  My mom stood up and hugged him. “So glad you’re joining us.”

  “For you guys.” Luke handed her the flowers.

  “Oh my gosh, thank you so much; let me put these in a vase.” My mom scurried into the kitchen.

  “Luke!” Gia shouted, running towards him wrapping her hands around his waist.

  “Hi, Gia! Long time no see!” He hugged her back gently.

  We joined everyone in the living room and Luke talked football with my dad. For a moment I felt like I was on the outside looking in on my life and I couldn’t think of a better feeling than I had right then. I was alive. I was surrounded by the people I loved and I was happy.

  “Hey, your dad invited me to help him and the other guys with the turkey. Do you need anything?” Luke asked. I looked at him for a minute. Could he be any more perfect?

  “I’m all set. Have fun and good luck.” I giggled.

  I looked out the window and watched all the guys gathered around two boiling pots of oil. They yelled back and forth trying to figure out the perfect contraption using rope and a tree branch to drop the turkeys into the oil.

  “Good thing we know someone who works at the Pizza Shack.” My mom whispered in my ear. I giggled.

  “We might have to make him sneak in and whip us up a few pizzas depending on how this goes.” I agreed.

  We decided to set up a few picnic tables back to back in the yard, covering them in a few mismatched Thanksgiving tablecloths to make one long table. We set it and lined the center with all of the parts of Thanksgiving dinner.

  Somehow the turkeys came out perfectly golden brown and they looked delicious. All eleven of us gathered around the table and sat down to enjoy a nice meal.

  My mom insisted that we prayed before we ate. Everyone nodded and held hands. “Dear Lord, thank you for all the blessings we have today. Thank you for allowing us to be surrounded by loved ones. Thank you for allowing us to be in good health and especially, Lord, thank you for allowing Sutton to be here with us.” She started to get choked up a little bit. My dad rubbed her back and Luke squeezed my hand. “We truly have a lot to be thankful for this year.”

  We all dug in and the food was delicious. It was the biggest meal I had eaten in a long time and I enjoyed every bit of it. We all sat at the table together, laughing and smiling, and it may have been the best Thanksgiving I could remember.

  Ronnie’s family went home after dinner and everyone was exhausted. Every year after Thanksgiving dinner we all gathered in the living room to watch Christmas movies. It was my mom, Gia and I’s absolute favorite time of year. I quickly glanced around the room.

  My dad snored with my mom’s head tucked into his side. Gia’s head laid on her lap. Aunt Helen was asleep in her wheelchair, her mouth hanging wide open. Reagan and Shane both laid on the floor next to Luke and I. They were passed out too. Luke and I were the only ones awake. He laughed at “Elf” which was playing on the TV.

  Last year, my mom, Gia and I were sitting in our house, just the three of us, watching “Frosty the Snowman”. I was a senior in high school, super eager to graduate the following May and I wouldn't ever have imagined my life ending up the way it was right then. It’s crazy how things can change in a year.

  “Want to go on the hammock?” I whispered to Luke.

  “Sure.” He said with a smile, standing and pulling me up beside him.

  I grabbed the blanket we were tangled in and brought it outside with us. We laid on the hammock covered in a sea of fabric.

  Luke held me close to him. “So now what?” I said looking towards him. So many memories flashed through my mind when I looked into his eyes.

  “I have to be out of the house on Sunday so I should probably figure out where I’m going,” Luke replied.

  “What’s your plan?” I asked.

  “I didn’t really have one.” He said running his fingers through my hair.

  “Your dad actually mentioned something interesting to me.”

  “Really?” I asked, confused.

  Luke nodded. “How do you like Dainstown?”

  “I love it,” I replied. “It’s my favorite place in the world. Oh my gosh, Luke, you should see it at Christmas time... don’t worry Coopersville is a definitely a close second though.” I laughed. “Why?” I asked, confused.

  “I was talking to your dad and he knows the CEO of the EMS there. He said he could get me a job on an ambulance easily.” My heart skipped a beat.

  “What about your life here?”

  Luke shrugged. “That’s the true question. My uncle is moving on. He’s doing amazing. So is my grandma. I felt like I had ties holding me here before but now I just feel like if I wanted to leave I could. If I moved to Dainstown, I’d still come to visit, of course, but I don’t really feel like I have anything keeping me here anymore. And I have one big reason I would consider moving to Dainstown.”

  “Oh yeah and what’s that reason?” I asked, my heart practically beating you out of my chest.

  “It’s you, Sutton.” Luke pulled me in and kissed me deeply. “I really want the opportunity to get to know you. I have a lot to think about tomorrow.” He sighed. “It sounds crazy for me to move to Dainstown but sometimes life can be a little crazy, am I right?” I nodded. “I’m just nervous. Say I leave; what if my uncle relapsed and my grandma goes off. Who will take care of them?”

  “You have a right to be scared Luke, but you’re always taking care of everyone else. It’s time to take care of you. I would love, more than anything, for you to come to Dainstown, but most of all, I just want you to be happy, whether that’s here or in Dainstown or even somewhere else.”

pulled me in close. “I’m really glad this crazy experience allowed me to meet you, Sutton.”

  “I couldn’t agree more Luke,” I replied, kissing his cheek.

  Once it got too cold to bear on the hammock, I walked Luke out to the front steps. He pulled me in close leaning his head on my shoulder.

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow Sutton. Thank you for a great day. Your family is amazing.”

  “Thanks for coming,” I replied.

  “I’ll text you at some point tomorrow. I have to be up super early since it’s Black Friday. Believe it or not, some people do their shopping on the boardwalk and stop and get pizza at 3 am.”

  I laughed. “Good luck!”

  Luke backed away from me, still holding my hands and slowly let go, grinning. “See you later Sutton.”


  “I’m telling you, Sutton, we should do this every year. Black Friday shopping for the comfort of a couch is so much better than fighting with crazy shoppers in the store.” My mom said. She, Reagan, Gia, and I were all squished on the couch, our eyes focused on the same laptop screen.

  “I don’t mind going out.” Reagan shrugged. “But I don’t mind being here, either.” She laid her head on my shoulder and ran her fingers through my hair.

  It was early afternoon and I hadn’t gotten a text from Luke yet. Yesterday couldn’t have gone any better, so I was trying not to freak out. I knew he went in at 2 am and was working straight through until noon so I hoped I’d hear from him sooner than later.

  I stood up and walked into the kitchen to grab a drink. I also checked my phone again. Reagan followed me.

  “No word from Luke yet?” She said quietly to me. I shook my head no. “Try not to worry about it too much.” I nodded and poured some eggnog into a cup.

  The day was dragging. When I looked at the clock for the hundredth time, it was only 3 pm. That meant he had been out of work for three hours already. My mom must have seen the look in my eyes.

  “What’s wrong honey?” She asked, rubbing my back with her hand.

  “I just thought I’d hear from Luke by now,” I said looking down at my hands. “Sweetie, he’s a nice boy. I'm sure you’ll hear from him at some point. Why don’t you shoot him a text.” I sighed.


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