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Accepted Fate

Page 39

by Charisse Spiers

  "Knock it off Tex." A pair of arms I recognize snake around my waist. "Don't let him bother you," he whispers but not that quietly. "He can only get girls by being an ass hat. It's the only thing he has going for him."

  The guy begins clenching his jaw and moves forward slightly as if he's about to plunge at Breyson over the table. "You better be lucky I have some manners or we'd take this outside."

  "Don't threaten me Tex unless you're prepared to back it up. I'm tired of your cocky attitude towards everyone." Breyson stands up straight as if he's waiting for the challenge.

  "Sit down boys. Not on my property. Both of you know I don't condone fighting. Tex, you're one of the best hands I've got; don't make me fire you over stupidity." Pops takes a place at the head of the table and everyone else is already seated. Breyson goes around the table introducing me to each person before finally sitting down himself.

  The rest of dinner went by pretty uneventful. I realized I do like southern food, all except the sweet tea. It was horrible. I don't know how anyone drinks that stuff. I felt like I could go into a diabetic coma with one sip. I politely asked for water and everyone laughed after my reaction.

  We're standing at the door ready to leave and Breyson's grandparents both hug me tightly. "You make him bring you back, you hear?" Mims releases me and cups my face. "You can't get him to bring you, just give me a call and I'll come get you myself." She winks and releases me. "I could use a trip out of this house anyways."

  Pops comes to stand beside her and places his arm around her shoulder. "I have a feeling we'll be seeing her more, honey. Isn't that right son?" He looks at Breyson and his smile is broad, causing Breyson to nod happily in response as he takes hold of my hand. His grandparents are so cute together. It gives the world hope that there are actually happy endings.

  We pull into my driveway and the lights are on, signaling my parents are home. "Want to come in," I ask as he comes to a stop.

  "I would baby but I'm filthy. Can I just call you later? I promised Braxton some bro time. He's been riding me lately. Seems someone has taken up all my time in the recent months past," he says with a smile that makes my heart flutter.

  "Okay." He reaches across the truck and he trails his thumb across my bottom lip before he pulls me towards him. Closing his eyes, he kisses me. My whole body stills and I'm taken to my happy place; the place where thought escapes me. The place where nothing in the world exists for the time his lips are pressed to mine. No bad, no ugly; just the beautiful dancing of his tongue with mine.

  He breaks free. "It doesn't mean I won't miss you though. Every time I'm away, my heart longs for yours. One day Kinzleigh, we won't be separated by houses. Take it how you want, but the day will come. I love you beautiful girl."

  You know, it's funny how fate works. Months ago, I would have freaked out completely at hearing something like that; something so permanent. I guess people can change you, push you where you didn't intend to go. This wasn't the path I originally wanted my life to go, but sometimes change happens whether we're ready for it or not. I just hope I don't lose myself in the process. I've given in to the fate that I have been handed. I hope it doesn't steer me wrong. "I love you too."

  As I get out of the car I turn towards him. "Breyson?"

  "Yeah baby." He speaks as if he has all the time in the world.

  "Thanks for today. It was fun."

  "It was wasn't it? Thank you for trusting me Kinzleigh. Give me that and I'll give you the world." By the look in his eyes, I don't doubt it's true. "Goodnight baby."

  I shut the door and walk towards my front door. As he pulls away, I kiss my hand and wave. "Goodnight. My heart is always with you, please don't break it."



  Sitting on my bed, I hold the two envelopes in my hand. One, I've been waiting on since the night I got home from Breyson's grandparents' and ordered online from Ticket Masters. The other completely fills me with anxiety. The return address reads NCCAA, National Cheer Competition Association of America.

  This one envelope holds the key to my future. It excites me and terrifies me all the same. If I get accepted, I get to travel the world this summer and during college for competition meets. I don't know if I can open it. You can do this Kinzleigh. You are strong. It's just a letter.

  A knock sounds on my door before it opens. Adalynn is standing there in skinny jeans and brown leather riding boots with a olive green tunic. The girl loves green. I guess it's the red hair. "Hey babe, whatcha doing?" Sometimes the southern accent still makes me laugh. Everything is so run together and they talk so fast, but drawn out at the same time.

  She takes a seat on the edge of the bed next to where I sit criss crossed, holding the two envelopes in my hand. "Trying to decide if I want to open this envelope or not."

  She looks down at the two in my hand. "What is it?"

  "This one," I hold up the one I know contains Breyson's Christmas present, or part of it, "Is Breyson's Superbowl tickets. This one," I hand the other out to her, "Is my future."

  She takes it from me and reads the addressee. "National Cheer Competition Association of America." Her eyes widen, "Is this from your tryouts over the summer?"

  I nod. "It will tell me if I've been selected or not. I'm terrified because it only feels like one piece of paper. Don't you think it would be a thicker package if it's an acceptance letter? Usually rejection letters are short." I close my eyes trying to calm my nerves that are now running wild.

  "Stop doing that to yourself. Whatever is in this envelope doesn't define you. It may change your path but doesn't bring it to an end. Do you want me to open it?" I nod because honestly I don't think my nerves can handle it.

  She slides her finger beneath the seal, tearing it as she moves in a horizontal motion. Once completely broken, she removes the sheet of paper and unfolds it from the tri-folded state it's in. She reads in silence and it's only making me more anxious. "Would you tell me already. I'm becoming a nervous wreck over here!"

  She clears her throat and begins reading aloud.

  Dear Miss Baker,

  We are pleased to announce that you have been accepted to join our team for 2014 after careful consideration of your application and tryout video. You will receive a welcome packet by the beginning of the year giving you further instructions on your first assignment and requirements. Please be looking for this package in the mail sometime after New Years. Also, allow extra time for the holiday delays in the postal service. You have been accepted as a flyer; therefore, it is imperative to remain fit and in good health. Thank you for your interest in the NCCAA. We look forward to making you a part of this program.

  Thank you,

  Rachel Williams

  President and CEO, NCCAA

  I immediately stand and begin jumping up and down in excitement, squealing my happiness in the highest possible octave. I cannot believe this. This is my dream come true. Adalynn immediately hugs me, congratulating me. "Oh my gosh, I have so much to do. I need to start training again as soon as possible. I need to find another trainer! I don't have much time. What do I even do after this kind of information? I get to see the world! Pinch me, this can't be real!"

  Adalynn pinches me, hard. "Ouch! What was that for?"

  "I'm just following orders," she says and laughs as I roll my eyes. "All in good time my dear. You will do fine. Enjoy the holidays and then you can start fully the day after New Years. Tell me about these Superbowl tickets. How much did those bad boys cost?"

  "Let's just say I had to dip into my personal savings. My dad would have covered it because he has developed some kind of father and son relationship with Breyson, but I would have felt guilty charging that much on my credit card for someone else. Plus, then I wouldn't have felt like they were actually from me." I smile as I pull out the two tickets from the envelope, now slightly bent from my spurt of excitement, and wave them in the air. He is going to be stunned when he sees these. It will make it totally worth the mone

  She grabs them and looks at them as if they were gold. "He is going to flip. I'm jealous you get to go," she says still staring at them.

  "I'm not going."

  "What do you mean, you're not going? There are two tickets." She looks up at me waiting for my response.

  "Ryland is going with him. I've already booked the hotel and made both flight reservations. I figured they didn't get to see each other very often and last time Breyson spent a lot of it with me so a trip away would be good for them. When I called Ryland, he all but jumped through the phone. He even offered to pay for his flight and half of the room, but that's just rude to invite someone and make them pay. I've been saving a while. It set me back, but didn't drain me and now that I've made the team, I'll get it back up when we start getting paid."

  "How exactly are you going to wrap that? It's not exactly going to be a surprise to just hand it to him like this," she says looking genuinely confused.

  "Well I found a long gift card box and I'm going to fold up the flight and hotel confirmations and put them in the box and wrap that. Besides, I got him some stuff to open too and so did mom so it won't be his only gift." I love Christmas time. It's my favorite time of the year. Me and mom always go all out on the tree and the decorations. We have been going at it since the day after Thanksgiving.

  There are lights, wreaths, garland and decorations covering the house, inside and out. "Dang girl. You're putting my gifts to shame. I hope Braxton doesn't compare." She laughs out loud.

  It's the week of Christmas and everyone is supposed to be coming in today. Konnor should be here any minute now. He's driving from Alabama. Mom and dad went to pick up Presley, Preston, and their parents at the airport. "What's the deal with you two anyways? Are you guys dating or not?"

  Braxton and Adalynn have been inseparable since we went riding at Red Creek. Her eyes zone out and a smile stretches from ear to ear. She has this day dreamy look on her face. "I was going to wait and tell you, but since you brought it up...Yes! We're a couple! I was okay with just being friends with benefits, but he officially asked me to be his girlfriend after my birthday dinner at Olive Garden with my parents. He gave me these earrings as my present." She pulls back her hair to reveal diamond studs.

  She is gleaming and I love seeing her like this. I immediately grab her in a bear hug. "Adalynn, I am so happy for you guys! Congratulations!"

  "I also have some more good news since we're in the information giving mood." She pauses to look at me.

  "Go on... spill!"

  "Okay well, you know how sometimes they have those modeling calls that come to like a hotel conference room in various cities looking for people?" I nod for her to continue. "Well... I went to one like a month ago not expecting anything to come of it and they called me yesterday!" She begins screeching in excitement.

  "Oh my gosh, what does this mean exactly?" I cannot contain my excitement either. Today has been a good news day and nothing can spoil my mood.

  She takes a deep breath to calm down from our moments of jumping in the air like two kids. "It would just be small time for now. Mostly just roll call or fill in type stuff. If I do well and get an agent, then I will get to play with the big boys: photo shoots, magazines, big brand advertisements, and even fashion modeling. We're talking Los Angeles, New York, Paris, and Rome. Oh my goodness, I can't even imagine the possibilities! I have an idea. Since we both have all this good news, why don't we wait and tell everyone together at the clubhouse New Year's Eve Masquerade ball?"

  The subdivision we live in was exactly as I expected. It's filled with the financially blessed: doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs. They have a club house that hosts regular activities for the home owners and guests. Apparently, Canebrake is the place to live for the rich and famous that lives around here. I've even heard through the grapevine of a Major League Baseball player that owns a house here.

  Over the past few months, my mom and Adalynn's mom, Rebecca Price, have kindled a friendship. Our dads are gone a lot with work, but they have met a few times. Her dad is the president of a large bank and her mom is a broker for Price, Witt and Herring Advisors. With both of our moms being in a business type career, I guess they both just clicked when they met. After they realized Adalynn and I were becoming best friends it basically became essential for them to meet. "I guess New Year's Eve would be as good a time as any to announce the information. It's only a couple of weeks away. Did you bring your presents so we can wrap?"

  "Yep, just outside the door. Hold on and I'll get them." She turns to walk towards my bedroom door and I go to the closet for mine. We decided to wrap together this year and make it a wrapping party as we named it. We went all out and got our paper and supplies from Forrest Paper Company. Adalynn and Londyn took me in there for a bow making class with some of the girls from the squad a few nights ago and I fell in love with the wrapping paper. I felt like a kid in a candy shop.

  Needless to say, a couple hundred dollars in I had to make myself stop picking things up. Londyn kept telling me I had a serious shopping addiction each time she swatted my hand away from the paper saying and I quote, "Easy girl, back away from the paper before I shoot," holding a bottle of body spray she drew from her purse like a pistol.

  My return quip to her was holding my hands up in surrender saying, "Oh please, what are you going to do? Spritz me to death with your Victoria's Secret, Love spell?"

  Her response: "I aim to kill and I don't miss. I will use force if necessary." I laugh out loud at the memory. I absolutely love my friends. They keep me young at heart, never fearing of becoming an old grump with them around.

  "Why are you laughing?" I break from my reverie to Adalynn walking back into my room with an arm full of stuff to wrap. I had no idea I was even laughing out loud. That's a little embarrassing. If she didn't know me, she would probably think I was a weird kid. I think she's used to me zoning out by now. I tend to do it without thinking.

  "Just remembering the bow wrapping class. It made me laugh."

  "Awesomesauce! You would swear we had been drinking when we all get together. Our silly meter tends to get cranked up to high." She laughs as I did, aloud, in my room with no other people. If walls could talk....

  I look at the clock on my bedside table and realize we have been wrapping for two hours. Did we really have that much to wrap? Looking around the confinement of the room at the presents scattered everywhere, answers my question. As I'm putting the bow on the last gift, I hear the door shut down stairs.

  I can hear someone running up the stairs. "Kinzleigh! You up here?" I know that voice. One I've missed dearly. You don't realize how much someone makes an impact on your everyday life until they aren't in it as much. Konnor. My brother is finally home from school.

  "Up here," I shout back hoping he can follow my voice to the right room. It's the first time for him to see our new house. For some reason he didn't come home for thanksgiving. He has become the private one lately. We used to talk about everything and I feel like he's been distant lately.

  "He sounds hot," Adalynn whispers as she combs her fingers through her hair. She's already trying to primp before he's in the room. It'll be interesting to see her reaction to him. Konnor has always had girls at his feet; he just never wanted them when he was with Sophia, but times have changed. Maybe Presley can finally get his attention.

  The door opens and he takes in the two of us as well as the present speckled room. My eyes widen at the sight of him. Oh my...."Which one is mine? You know I'm going to shake all the presents so go ahead and spill," he says as a smirk plays out across his handsome face.

  Konnor always was the one who couldn't wait for Christmas. Once, I caught him sneakily opening the paper at the corners to see what was on the inside so now I have to hide his until Christmas morning. We always go big on each other for Christmas. I can't take my eyes off his body. It's not what you're thinking in some kind of perverted way. I haven't seen him since this summer and when he left his body was a clean sla
te with the exception of two tattoos. Now, he is covered in ink.

  He glances at Adalynn and his eyes take on a look I've never seen in them before. With Sophia, it was always love and passion. What I see now is just gross. Something I never wanted to see on my brother. It's raw lust. His eyes sweep her body, slowly, making me want to step in front of her in sheer protection. There is a fire in his eyes that scream one thing: sex. What on earth has he been doing? Can he even have all those tattoos on the football team?

  "I suppose Kinzleigh has forgotten her manners. I'm her brother Konnor and you are?" He is still glued to Adalynn as he speaks and she doesn't even look like she is breathing. I can't do anything but watch this interaction. This side of him is completely foreign to me.

  "I'm Adalynn; the best friend." She manages to get it out without stuttering; although, it seems like she had to work at it. He is wearing a cream colored henley with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows revealing the tattoos along his right arm. His jeans sit loosely on his hips. The more he talks, the more I notice something silver.

  Standing, I walk over to him and grab his clean shaven face in the clench of my hand. "Konnor Aston Baker! What is in your mouth?" He purses his lips at an attempt to hide it, but it's too late. "You got a tongue ring! What the heck Konnor? I haven't seen you in months and you come on completely tatted and pierced? Why haven't you talked to me? Just how many tattoos do you have now?"

  "You really want to do this here?" He looks back at Adalynn whose eyes now look dilated at my sudden anger outburst.


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