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SEAL of Approval

Page 14

by Lynn Faye

  “Detective,” she greeted. “Agent Morris, please come in.”

  “Miss Broderick, we are here on official business. Is there a Camila Lopez at this address?”

  Kristen glanced behind her.

  “Yes, that’s me,” Camila said, approaching. “What can I do for you, officer?”

  “We have a warrant for your arrest for the abduction of Hailey Broderick. You have the right to remain silent…”

  Kristen couldn’t believe what she was hearing and seeing as the detective stepped forward and clamped a pair of handcuffs on Camila’s wrist.

  Kristen grabbed tried to step between them. “Wait what are you doing?”

  Camila’s eyes bulged and her mouth hung open. The incredulous look on her face told Kristen her friend was as shocked as she was. The detective continued to read Kristen her Miranda rights without interruption. When he was done, he led her to an awaiting patrol vehicle.

  Agent Morris lingered behind to explain. “We found a transfer from the suspect’s bank account to Matthew Newman.”

  Kristen shook her head adamantly. “No, you’re mistaken. Camila would never do something like that.”

  “The perpetrator confessed that he kidnapped your daughter at the request of Camila Lopez. Miss Broderick, both suspect’s phone records reveal they have spoken multiple times.”

  “No, that can’t be true. What phone records?”

  The agent cleared his throat. “I’m only sharing this information with you because you are the victim’s mother. It seemed your friend purchased a phone recently, which she used to make the calls to her accomplice. We found the phone in the hotel room where Miss Lopez had been living.”

  Kristen shook her head adamantly. “Camila would never hurt Hailey. What’s her motive?”

  “We have not established a motive as of yet. But we don’t need a motive to make an arrest.

  Kristen watched, helpless as the patrol vehicle drove away with her best friend. There was no doubt in her mind that Camila did not have Hailey abducted. She also knew in her heart that this was Helen’s doing. Helen would certainly have the means to do this.

  Kristen sprang into action. The first thing she did was call Ethan. She hated to bother him while his martial arts class was in session, but she had no idea how to help her friend.


  “Why would my mother do this, Camila?” Ethan demanded.

  “I made a promise to Camila not to say anything, I can’t tell you. But you must trust me that Helen is responsible in a big way.” She cupped his face and looked deeply into his eyes, trying to convey her sincerity.

  The police had taken Camila and she wanted to help her friend, Ethan knew that. He also knew by now that Kristen would never break a friend’s trust. Although he still felt a little uncomfortable, he nodded. “Okay, I trust you.”

  She sighed, dropping her hands and walking a few paces away. “Now we just need to prove it.”

  Ethan watched her as she bit her lips and twined a lock of her hair. She moved to the front window looking out over the lawn. He’d rushed home after she called, knowing she must be going out of her mind. Camila and Kristen grew up together. They were like sisters and Camila would never harm her, let alone her child.

  “I’m moving back to the mansion, temporarily,” Ethan announced after some thought. “That’s the only way to get to my mother.”

  Kristen whipped around to face him, a stricken look on her face. “No, Ethan. I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she protested. “What if she finds out what you’re up to?”

  Ethan cupped her face. “I was a Navy Seal. I think I can conduct a classified operation without detection.”

  “What will I say to Hailey?”

  “I’ll explain to Hailey, she’ll understand,’ Ethan assured her.

  Still not convinced, Kristen voiced her biggest fear. “I have a feeling you’re never coming back…”

  “You still don’t trust me?”

  “It’s just that your mother…” she replied.

  “Please trust me on this one. I’ll be back in three weeks.”

  “That long?” Kristen asked. She had a bad feeling about this plan.

  “The court date is in three weeks, I should find something by then.”

  “Are you getting her to drop the lawsuit?”

  “No, she’ll just think of something else when I move back home. We’ll use her own tactics against her to teach her a valuable lesson.”

  “And all this will help Camila?”

  “If all goes well, I’ll find the evidence to prove her innocence.”


  Going back to Broderick Mansion was the last thing Ethan wanted. A dark mood slowly settled over him as he packed. A part of him hurt that he had to deceive his own mother. He told himself that he was doing the right thing since she was obviously out of control. That didn’t make it any better.

  “What will you tell Hailey?” Kristen asked.

  Ethan took her hand, rubbing his thumb on the back of it. “I’ll tell I’m taking a trip.”

  “You’re lying to her? Why don’t you tell her the truth?”

  “Mom scares Hailey. You think if I tell her I’m going to grandma’s house, she’ll understand that?”

  Kristen gripped his hand tightly. “I don’t like this one bit.”

  “Me telling her I’m taking a trip isn’t a complete lie. I just won’t tell her where I’m going. I’ll be back before you know it and we…” his voice lowered, while he used his free hand to trace her cheek. “We can still see each other.”

  A lump rose in her throat as her heart skipped several beats before racing like a speeding train. It never ceased to amaze Kristen the way her body and heart responded to Ethan. Since the moment they met ten years ago, her response never changed. She’d tried replacing those feelings with resentment for Ethan. It didn’t quite work, but at least she could mask her feelings with anger. Now, there was nothing to be angry about and she found herself drawing closer to him.

  The blossoming of something new happened inside of her reminding her of a new flower blooming. She was noticing the slightest things about him that she never knew before, like the way he held his fork or drank from a can of beer. She noticed how his Adam’s apple gyrated when he laughed and his lips slightly parted when he snored.

  “Where did you go?” Ethan asked.

  Kristen came out of her reverie and wound her arms around his neck. “You were saying something about sneaking around for the next three weeks?”

  “How about I sneak you into the mansion and we make love on mother’s bed?”

  Kristen erupted in a fit of laughter. She hadn’t laughed like that in ages. The idea was a great one, but she doubted they could pull it off.

  “I’m serious,” Ethan declared. “I’ve done it a zillion times while in high school.”

  Kristen pouted. “I don’t want to.”

  “Liar. You’re just jealous because you’re not the first one that I’d done it with.”

  “You are such a whore…”

  Ethan pulled her roughly to him. “You’re gonna pay for that.”

  “Let me go, you man-whore you!” she shrieked jokingly.

  Ethan dipped and slipped one hand beneath her knees, sweeping her into his arms. In mock terror, Kristen widened her eyes and flailed her feet.

  “Let me go, you pervert!”

  Ignoring her, he jogged up the stairs. When he entered the bedroom, he kicked the door shut and dumped her on the bed.

  “It’s almost time to pick up Hailey at school,” she giggled as Ethan pushed her back against the pillows and covered her body with his. Soon, their lips sealed and time was of no importance.

  Chapter 27

  “Ethan!” Harold exclaimed.

  It seemed this has become a habit, Ethan thought.

  “Hello, Father.”

  They eyed each other as Ethan stood in the living room of the Broderick Mansion. Planting a smile on his face, he waited for h
is father’s question.

  Harold’s eyes dropped to the duffel bag which Ethan gripped by the straps. “Are you moving in?”

  “Yes, Father. I’m home.”

  Harold narrowed one eye and raised the other brow, while sharply perusing him. After some moments, his face relaxed and he shrugged. “This is your home, always has been. Welcome home, Son,” Harold Broderick said, stepping a few paces closer to Ethan. “Whatever you have planned, be careful. Your mother is a shrewd woman.”

  “I don’t know what you mean, Father,” Ethan replied.

  His father chuckled. “Of course, you don’t. Anyway, whatever the reason you’re here, I’m happy.”

  “I’ll be in my old room,” Ethan said and walked away.


  Helen closed the bedroom door and leaned against it. She wanted to scream for joy, but she must contain herself. Dinner was a happy occasion. Her son was home and that was cause for celebration. Swiftly, she moved to her personal sidebar and poured herself a cognac. Bringing the glass to her nose, she inhaled the rich beautiful scent.

  “Cheers,” she said to the empty room. “One small victory deserves a small drink.”

  She’d come home from her weekly Women’s Club meeting to find her son waiting for her. He hugged her and told her how much he’d wanted to come home, but had been waiting for her to make the first move.

  “You’re not doing this for that girl, are you?”

  “No, Mother. You don’t need to drop the lawsuit. As a matter of fact, I encourage it.”

  At first, she’d been suspicious, but when he explained that it was time someone was held responsible for his brother’s death, she felt joy.

  “Finally, someone who’s on my side,” she replied, taking her long-lost son into her arms.

  “I love you, Mother, that’s why I am here.”

  “I love you too my son.”

  Harold had stood aside like a lost lamb, dumbfounded. On occasion, he cleared his throat as he observed them. He hardly said anything during dinner as well. She wanted to slap him upside the head for not showing more support. After all, he had been against her decision to cut Ethan from the will. So why was he not supporting his return home?

  Helen knew what Harold’s problem was. He must have been sulking because she warned him about going to visit Camila in jail. Camila was where she belonged and she would spend a long time there while Helen made sure she never saw her son again. She’d already started searching for adoptive parents for the child.

  She twirled the cognac glass and brought her mind back to her son. Finally, he saw through Kristen and came to his senses. Next on the agenda was making certain this time, she didn’t lose the court battle. She could have been done with all this by having Kristen terminated. But after what happened, she wasn’t taking any chances. Kristen’s death would raise suspicions and Helen could not afford that.

  Bringing the glass to her lips again, she took a sip. After swishing it around her mouth, she allowed it to smoothly slide down her throat. Closing her eyes, she savored another mouthful, basking in the glow of her small victory.

  Chapter 28

  Kristen turned, facing Ethan’s side of the bed. The bed felt cold without him. It was almost two in the morning and sleep eluded her. Ethan was on her mind as she wondered what he was doing. He hadn’t called since he left that afternoon.

  Hailey seemed to be handling him being absent better than she was. As promised, Ethan told her he was taking a trip and would be back in three weeks. He even left a calendar, which she would mark each morning to count down the days.

  What did Kristen have? An empty bed and lonely arms were what she had. Just around this time of the night, she’d turn and snuggle up to him, liking the heat his body provided. It was now fall and the temperature was dropping quickly. The room was chilly, but when Ethan was there, they’d warm each other.

  Kristen never realized just how much she was missing until she and Ethan shared a bed. When Andrew was alive, they shared the same bed but they would never cuddle. They used separate covers to keep warm and most nights their backs would be turned to each other. She never felt she was missing anything until the warmth of Ethan.


  Ethan clasped his hands behind his head on the pillow while he stared up at the dark ceiling. He felt strange sleeping in his old bed. Homecoming should be a happy occasion, but for him, it brought a sour taste.

  Was he wrong for trying to stop his own mother from self-destruction? What would happen if he found evidence of criminal behavior? Would he be able to turn his mother over to the authorities? He decided to make that determination if and when the time arose.

  Kristen. His mouth formed her name. A slow heavy thudding of his heart accompanied a ball of heat in his belly at the thought of her. For the past couple of months, they’d spent every night together. He’d grown accustomed to her breasts pressed into his back as she hugged him from behind. If they fell asleep apart, sometime during the course of the night they’d find each other. This night, he was acutely aware of the absence of her body next to him. Her shallow breathing as she slept always relaxed him and helped him fall asleep.

  Without thinking about it, he turned and reached for his cellphone on the nightstand. He was dialing her number before it dawned on him what he was doing.

  “Hello?” she answered after the second ring.

  His heart skipped a beat. “Why aren’t you sleeping?” he asked.

  “Who says I wasn’t sleeping?”

  “Okay, go back to sleep. Bye,” he grinned.

  “Don’t you dare hang up that phone!” she squealed, then lowered her voice. “I can’t sleep without you.”

  “Me either,” he muttered.

  “What are you wearing? Wait, don’t answer that.”

  He heard her giggle on the other end as she answered, “I assure you I am fully clothed.”

  “Me too,” Ethan said and then stared down at his nakedness and erection. He never slept in clothes and he wasn’t about to start now. Kristen knew he was lying, but he liked the game they were playing. He pictured her in her nightshirt. At some point during sleep, the shirt would ride up over her curvy hips. She’d be wearing lace panties and he’d sometimes slip his hand into them and touch her pelvic area. She’d moan and open her eyes.

  “Have you fallen asleep?” she was asking.

  “I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep now, even if I tried.”

  His cock was now throbbing fiercely. Ethan could not understand how his body responded to the mere thought of her. Just this afternoon they made love before he left the house. Now he was aching to bury his face between her breasts.

  “Why?” her voice sounded husky and he knew she was thinking of him the same way.

  “You know why.”

  The line went silent and Ethan wondered if she had fallen asleep. He held the phone closer. A faint sound like a low grunt came back to him. Her breathing was light and shallow and the sounds were grunts, reminding him of when they made love.

  Ethan’s entire body flushed with heat, his cock reaching its breaking point.

  “What are you doing,” he growled.

  Her voice came out breathy, “I’m rubbing my clit.”


  Kristen put the phone on speaker. Snaking her hand into her panties, she found the flesh between her thighs. Lying on her back, she was able to raise her knees and parted her legs. Ethan’s deep sexy voice came through on the phone, making her heart flutter. His voice always gave her good chills.

  From the sound of his tone, she knew he was wanting her. Hot fluid rushed from her vagina, dampening her lace panties. With little effort, she wiggled from the skimpy garment and returned her hand to where her awaiting pudenda was hot and wet.

  As she touched the tip of her index finger to her clit, a thrilling sensation coursed through her. She did it again, groaning as the feeling enveloped her.

  Only that afternoon Ethan’s thick shaft was massaging her walls and that
memory t made her body ache all the more. Closing her eyes, she imagined him lying on his bed in the mansion, his cock sticking up in the air and him gripping it with his large hand.

  “Are you sleeping?” he asked, his voice almost startling her.

  “Hmm?’ she could not answer for the emotions which ran through her body. “I’m rubbing my clit.”

  “Oh, God, woman, you’re nasty… so damn nasty.”

  “Tell me what you’re doing,” she breathed.

  He groaned into the phone. “I can’t talk now.”

  “Oh God, you doing it,” she managed as she rubbed her clitoris in a circular motion, then plunged her index finger into her vagina.

  She could hear Ethan hand as it made a fapping sound with his cock. The sound caused her to imagine him plunging into her depths, as her hot wet flesh closed around him. Kristen moved her hips while using her free hand to rub her nipples.

  Ethan grunted a few times, then his voice became strangled as he was obviously experiencing his own release. Her entire body felt as though she was melting as her insides trembled. The explosion within ricocheted throughout her whole being. Her body spasmed, and she let out a cry which resonated through the room.

  Her cries of pleasure quieted and her body slowly returned to normal. When she next listened on the phone, a light snore returned to her. She chuckled as she shut the phone off and closed her eyes. Sleep found her easily with a pleased smile gracing her face.

  Chapter 29

  A couple of days went by during which Ethan and Helen reacquainted themselves. She played the loving mother, and him, the adoring son. Harold kept his distance, only speaking with Ethan when his wife wasn’t around to request they meet for lunch. Ethan was curious about what his father wanted to speak with him about and made the lunch plans as promised. Helen’s face registered her disapproval of the father and son time alone. Harold, on the other hand, seemed to relish that she was displeased.


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