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SEAL of Approval

Page 15

by Lynn Faye

  They went to an Italian restaurant near the town center and close to the WPG building. Harold was leaving for the office when they were finished and he thought it was a good idea to dine somewhere close.

  “This is nice,” Harold remarked when they had taken their seats.

  Ethan knew the restaurant well. It was one of the places they often went for family gatherings when he was in high school. They’d dine out at least once per week when it was the cook’s night off.

  They were delving into their shrimp scampi, served with chardonnay when Ethan asked, “Tell me, Father, what’s going on between you and Mother?”

  Harold sipped his wife before answering. “She thinks I’m cheating.”

  Ethan frowned. “Are you?”

  His father chuckled. “The woman she’s accusing me of cheating with is just a girl I’m trying to help. The girl had a bad deal.”

  “Why not tell her the truth?”

  “I promised a friend that I would keep a lid on things. Anyway, the girl needs to keep things under wraps.”

  “How are you going convince her that you aren’t cheating?”

  Harold placed his force at the side of the place and dabbed his lips with the napkin. “I’m not worried about me. I’m concerned about Camila. Helen will try and make her life hell.”

  Ethan furrowed his brows, “Camila?”

  “Yeah, she’s living at Kristen’s house now, isn’t she?”

  “You mean, Mom thinks you’re having an affair with Camila?” Kristen’s words came back to him. Camila made her promise not to say anything, but Kristen was certain that Helen did this thing. This made perfect sense. A light bulb went off in Ethan’s head when he realized their case just got stronger. “You know what happened to her?”

  Harold narrowed his eyes and looked at Ethan for a few seconds. “What happened to her?”

  “She’s in jail and Kristen is convinced that Mother is responsible.”

  Blood drained Harold’s face as he stared at Ethan, bug-eyed. The man clearly was shaken by the news. He picked up his water glass with a shaky hand, gulping down the entire glassful.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened so I can help her, or will you make her rot in prison?” asked Ethan.

  Harold placed the glass on the table and fixed his gaze upon his son. “First tell me what happened.”

  “She was arrested two days ago for Hailey’s abduction. She’s in a federal holding cell. Charges are being filed against her as the mastermind behind the whole thing,” Ethan relayed. “You know what they found, Father? They found bank transfers to Matt Newman’s account… who the hell is this Newman guy anyway?”

  “Repeat the name?”

  “Matthew Newman. You know him?”

  Harold scrunched his face a though in deep concentration. “I’m not sure. Tell me more.”

  “The guy said that Camila was the one who called him and asked him to abduct Hailey. They found phone records.”

  “You think your mother did this?”

  “I don’t know, Father. That’s what I want to find out.”

  “You think she’s capable of going this far?”

  Ethan didn’t know how to answer that. “You tell me, you’re the one who lives with her.”

  “She must really think Camila’s child is mine,” Harold said. “I thought at the most she’d confront her or even threaten to take the child but to do something like this… it’s utterly unbelievable.”

  “Is Camila’s son your child?” Ethan had to ask, to get it out of the way.

  His father’s voice broke through his thoughts, “Far from it. The girl was raped. I’m surprised she didn’t tell her best friend.”

  “What?” Ethan thought he heard wrong.

  “Yes, you heard correctly. Two years ago, at the annual charity fundraising ball. One of the board members got a little drunk and…” Harold paused, his face growing red. He couldn’t finish the statement.

  “She told Kristen, but asked her not to say anything,” Ethan said slowly. “I’m certain of that.”

  “We’ve got to help her. I owe her that much,” Harold said.

  Harold told Ethan about the night of the event at the hotel and how he was searching for his friend to speak with some foreign investors. When told he’d gone one of the hotel rooms, Harold followed, thinking the man had fallen ill after having quite a few drinks. As he knocked the room door, he heard screams for help. Concerned that someone was in trouble he called for the hotel manager to open the room. What they found was his friend having his way with the girl. Her face was badly bruised and she was screaming for him to get off her.

  Harold knew that the man must have done something to prevent the hotel from getting the police involved. As for him, he’d made some bad business dealings some time ago that could bring disrepute to the company. Darnel Turpey was using it to keep his mouth shut. Harold could not risk having the company face legal issues because of that incident. He’d been making it up to Camila ever since, taking care of her the best he could.

  Ethan left the restaurant with much clarity than before. He now understood his mother’s motive and his father’s silence on the matter. But to frame someone for a crime was much too severe a punishment for an alleged affair.

  While Harold went to his office, Ethan made a stop before returning to the mansion. If he was going to gather intelligence, he’d have to do it like a Navy seal. He was on a mission to find the evidence, not only to get Camila out of jail but to stop his mother once and for all.

  Across town at the FBI office, Kristen waited patiently for Agent Morris to speak with her. She was told he was in a meeting and would be done in five minutes. She’d been waiting for ten.

  Seven more minutes and the agent finally came into the waiting area, his tie askew. “Miss Broderick, what can I do for you?”

  “Can I see my friend? I know she didn’t do this. Please let me see her,” she pleaded.

  “Abduction is a serious crime, Miss Broderick. I don’t think you understand what your friend did.”

  Kristen was losing her patience. “I tell you, Camila did not kidnap my daughter. She’s like a sister to me, she would never do something like this. She was set up. I know it.”

  The FBI agent straightened his tie. “Okay, I’ll give you five minutes. Wait here.”

  A few minutes later, he returned and led her to a room she assumed was an interview room. She’d seen rooms like this in the movies. A camera was near the ceiling on one wall. In the center of the room was a table with a few chairs. Standing near the door was an agent who quickly departed when Agent Morris stepped in.

  Camila sat at the table with her head down and her hands clasped together. She picked up her head when they entered and what Kristen saw made her heart ache.

  Staring back at her were bloodshot, swollen eyes. A smile appeared on Camila’s face when they saw Kristen. “Kristen,” a hoarse voice said. “I didn’t do it. You believe me, right?”

  “I know you didn’t do it.”

  A sob escaped Camila, “I’m afraid for my son. What will happen to him?” she asked, then a stricken look crossed her face. “She’s planning something big. I know it. What if she tries to take my son?”

  “She can’t do that,” Kristen assured, taking a chair across the table from Camila.

  Camila reached across the table and grabbed Kristen’s hand. “Please, you can’t let her take my son. Please, you’ve got to help me.”

  Agent Morris walked over and advised them that there would be no touching of any kind. He returned to the door and leaned against the wall, keeping his eyes on them.

  “We’re doing all we can to get you released. Don’t worry.”

  “How is Loranz?” Camila asked. “I miss him terribly.”

  “I’m taking good care of him. He’s a very good boy. Right now Harold’s old friend Carla watches him.”

  Camila closed her eyes, twisting her lips. “I hate that bastard Turpey. He’s the reason I’m in t
his position.”

  “Camie, I’m getting you a lawyer and you have to tell them the truth. You have to tell them everything so they’ll know Helen has a motive to do this.”

  After about ten minutes, Agent Morris informed them that the visit was over. Reluctantly, he allowed them to hug before Kristen left.

  “We’ll get you out, just be patient,” Kristen assured her.

  They said goodbye with much tears and heartache. Kristen blamed herself to some extent for Camila being in jail. This was her fight. Helen only brought Camila into it because she thought she was sleeping with Harold. That did not justify a prison sentence for something she didn’t do.

  “I just hope Ethan finds something soon,” Kristen mumbled to herself as left the FBI field office.

  Chapter 30

  “Oh, dang it!” Ethan swore under his breath.

  Standing in the hallway on the second floor, he’d waited for just the perfect moment to declare his cell phone useless. He tapped it several times and hissed through his teeth.

  Helen, who was heading to her own room, halted. “What’s the matter?”

  “This darn cell phone has broken and I need to make an urgent call.”

  “Why don’t you use the house phone?”

  “I’d rather not. The call is somewhat sensitive,” he told her.

  Without delay, she took her phone from her purse and handed it to him. “Here, use mine and tomorrow we’ll get you a proper phone.”

  “Thanks, Mother. I’ll just be a second. He began dialing a number and waited for the person to pick up. Helen departed to her bedroom while he pretended to wait on a call.

  As soon as the door closed, Ethan removed the back of the phone. Taking from his pocket a small round device resembling a watch battery, he placed it into the back of the phone and snapped the back into place.

  Helen returned to the passage within five minutes and Ethan handed her phone to her. After taking it, she told him she was heading out to meet some of the women from her country club. That was good.

  Soon, her car was cruising down the driveway, leaving Ethan to complete his tasks. He also tapped the house phone and placed a few listening gadgets in his mother’s bedroom. The items placed in the phones were routers, which would allow him to listen in on her calls from his cell phone.

  His next task was to find whatever he could. Any documents would suffice if they looked remotely suspicious. He spent the next hour scouring Helen’s room and anywhere else in the mansion he thought she might hide things.

  While searching his mother’s room, he found a safe he knew was not there before. A lot happened in the decade he’d been away. He knew there was a safe in his father’s den, but now his mother had her own. Without the combination, he needed special equipment to open it. That task had to wait for another day.

  Chapter 31

  Somewhere in a federal jail cell, a man in his early thirties rested his forehead on the cold concrete wall. Doubling both his fists, he pounded the wall in frustration. He should have been free by now, she promised. He was growing increasingly impatient waiting for her to get him a lawyer. She’d promised she would get him off as soon as he confessed. Looking back at the whole deal, of course this sounded ridiculous, but this woman had money. Tons of money. And with money, everything was possible.

  He’d been locked in the jail cell over a month and she hadn’t visited once. He did everything she asked and named that woman as the one who hired him. Matthew Newman clenched his jaw as he raised himself up from the wall. He was due in court in a few days. How foolish he’d been to believe her.

  Matthew stomped from one end of the small cell to the next. If he didn’t do something fast, he’d end up rotting in a federal prison. He stopped his pacing and gripped the bars of the cell. Peering down a passageway, he made out a figure sitting on a chair.

  “Guard!” Matthew called. “Guard!”

  “Stop shouting, I’m not deaf.” The guard got up from his chair and began coming down the passage.

  “I need to make a phone call,” Matthew informed him. The man paused and frowned. “It’s important. It’s my right.”

  “Alright, you’ll get your phone call.”

  A few minutes later Matthew was standing at the desk down the hall. Holding the receiver to his ear, he dialed. The guard was standing a few feet behind him, waiting to escort him back to his cell.

  A woman on the other end of the line answered, “Hello.”

  “Where is the lawyer you promised me? You told me you would see to it that I was freed.”

  “Are you out of your mind? If I hire a lawyer for you, don’t you think the feds will get suspicious?”

  “What am I supposed to do? You promised!” Matthew hissed, trying to keep his voice low.

  “I paid you well. Get your own damn lawyer… and don’t you call me again.”

  Before Matthew could respond he heard a click and then silence.

  “Hello… hello?”

  The line came back empty. He settled the phone in its cradle and slapped his palm against the wall. “Fucking bitch!”

  He’d already given his statement, if he changed it now, she could just deny it. He needed a lawyer who could help him.

  Matthew turned to the guard whose eyes were fixed on him. “Can I make another call?”

  “You just used your one call, buddy. Let’s go.”

  “Please, I need to call my lawyer. Please.”

  The officer relented, “Make it quick.”

  Matthew eyed the desk, noticing a telephone directory, which he picked up. He quickly rifled through it and found a law firm in the yellow pages. He called the number and spoke with a man who promised to pay him a visit the following day.

  With that settled, the guard escorted him back to his cell. Once there, he began plotting his strategy. One thing was for certain, he was not going to serve a prison sentence for this crime.


  Agent Morris read the statement given him by Matthew Newman. He then scanned the report he had prepared for the case. The phone that made the calls to Newman was found in Camila’s room with her fingerprints on it. Everything seemed to point to her.

  He was in the open office where several agents sat with their head down in paperwork. A few feet to his right, Agent Linda Bale had her eyes fixed on her laptop. He looked away and resumed his reading. Something nagged at Morris. He’d been doing this long enough to know when something didn’t add up. There was no motive and in his fifteen years of experience as a field agent, he knew that premeditated crimes always come with a motive. Especially crimes of passion.

  Morris stood and walked the few paces to Agent Bale’s desk. She looked up from her monitor and perused him with soft baby blue eyes.

  “I can’t find a motive,” he said. “The child’s mother swears Miss Lopez would never hurt her daughter, even with the evidence.”

  Biting on her bottom lip, she squinted her right eye. “Did Kristen Broderick visit her recently?”

  “Yes. She is standing by her friend.”

  “Did you gather anything from their conversation?” she asked.

  “I didn’t listen in, but we can view the recording.”

  Morris moved away, Agent Bale following close behind to a room on the left. In it was another agent surrounded by monitors showing different sections of the department.

  “Charles,” Morris said upon entering. “Can we view the tape of interview room two for when Mrs. Broderick visited her friend?”

  “Sure,” Charles replied. He looked through several DVDs for the one with the correct information and then slipped the disk into the slot on one of the computers. They waited only about ten seconds before the interview room came onto a screen. Charles increased the volume in order for them to hear what Kristen and Camila spoke about.

  “Who is this ‘she’ they are discussing? They said someone will take her baby?” Bale asked.

  Charles looked up at Morris. “She did mention a Darnel Turpey, you thin
k he’s involved?”

  “Perhaps,” Morris said. “Anything is possible. But this other woman is who we need to find and figure out what’s going on.”

  Bale looked thoughtful. “If Newman was paid to kidnap the child, why ask for ransom?”

  “I think it was just a sham. He wanted us to find him. There was no resistance or pleading and he quickly led us to Hailey. In addition, he has no prior record of kidnapping.”

  “It could be that it’s his first time and he was scared,” Charles remarked.

  Agent Morris shook his head. “No, he didn’t look at all scared. On the contrary, he was very confident the whole time. I’m heading out. Wanna join me, Agent Bale?”

  “Sure, where are we going?”

  “To see a man about a phone.”


  “No, I’ve never seen that woman before. But I can’t remember everyone that comes into the store.”

  Agents Morris and Bale stood in the electronic store where the phone was sold. They’d traced the serial number back to this retailer. Morris had shown the man behind the counter a photo of Camila and received a negative response.

  “What can you tell me about this cell phone?” Morris asked, placing the phone on the counter.

  The man picked up the phone, turning it over in his hand. After examining it, he removed the back, then typed on his computer. He seemed to rifle through the data, stopping when he spotted what he was looking for. “Yeah, I sold it to a Camila Lopez. I remember her. She was some rich lady with an attitude.”

  “Is that her?” Morris showed him the same photo as before.

  “No, that’s definitely not her. Camila was older with blond hair and the most frightening pair of gray eyes.”

  Agent Bale leaned forward, “Would you be willing to testify to that?”


  Morris’ eyes scanned the shop. There were two cameras he could see. If he knew what the woman looked like, it would make it easier to determine her identity. “Would you be able to find the security recording for that day?” Morris asked.


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