Hard Rock Hot Heart
Page 4
Nell looked at me and said, “Bette, on the way over here I played recordings of the songs we’ve been rehearsing for Jenny.”
I smiled at our pretty drummer. “That was smart of you, Baby Doll.” Then I turned to Jenny. “Okay, let’s get started then,” I told her. I showed her the chords of our new opening song ‘Cold Is This Heart of Mine’, and she easily managed to play the bass lines to it. I nodded at her and grinned. “Good! Now let’s all try it.”
Nellie counted us in, and then the four of us played together for the first time. Jenny made a few minor mistakes, but it was obvious she was a fast learner and a really talented musician. When the song was over I laughed like a madwoman and startled Jenny by high-fiving her. “Yeah, Baby! That was fucking awesome,” I shouted.
Grinning, Ina came over and did the same thing. “Yeah, Jenny, you played like you’ve been one of us for quite a while.”
The black-haired beauty just smiled bashfully and shrugged. Not only had Jenny’s arrival lifted the spirits of Ina and myself, she also brought something new to the band, a new chemistry. There must have been a lot of tension between Ina and Caro lately, and it had affected us in ways I hadn’t really noticed until now. Judging how Ina and Nellie were beaming at Jenny, I was sure they felt it, too.
After we thoroughly rehearsed three more songs I could feel myself getting really warm, so I pulled my sweatshirt over my head, leaving me in a black tank top with no bra, and my skin-tight yoga pants. I grinned when I caught Jenny staring at my boobs, and I grinned wickedly. When our eyes met she immediately looked away…at Nellie. She’d been exchanging glances with our lovely drummer quite often, and not only I had noticed. The smirk on Ina’s face and the look she gave me showed me that she had, too.
Realizing we had to get back to business I called out to our drummer. “Hey Nell! Did you play ‘Drive’ for Jenny?” She smiled and nodded. “Fucking awesome, Baby Doll. Count us in!”
Nellie did and we began to play our version of the slow, sensual lesbian ballad from the soundtrack of the American TV show ‘The L-word’, which was known and loved by girl-loving girls all over the world. We had only recently included the song into our set list. I sang the lyrics in a soft, husky voice, watching Jenny attentively, and smiling at her seductively.
‘Whatever you want I’ll give it to you, I’ll give it to you slowly, but you’re gonna have to ask me…’
I noticed that Ina was watching Jenny as attentively as I was, and I could tell the gorgeous girl with the black hair knew we were watching her, because she bit her lip and looked down at her instrument, doing her best to focus on playing the song’s bass line. But somehow she couldn’t keep her eyes from wandering back to Nellie, again and again. Maybe the song made her think of Nellie? The idea made me smile to myself.
‘Your fingers are trembling and your heart is heavy and red…’
The song seemed to make Nellie think of Jenny, too. She devoured Jenny’s delicious curves with her eyes while she laid out a hard beat that Jenny took up while I growled the song’s closing lines.
‘I hold you up and drive you all night I’ll hold you up and drive you Baby till you feel the daylight…’
When the song ended, the air in our rehearsal room seemed thick and hot. There was sex in the air, and when I looked around at the other girls I could tell they were feeling it, too. All of them were sweating as heavily as I was.
The ominous silence was broken by Ina’s soft laughter. “I think we need a break, ladies,” she said, smiling and wiping sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand.
Actually, we all needed to take a shower and Ina looked just like she might be up to taking a shower with me. But that had to wait obviously. “Yeah, Princess, we do need a break,” I agreed instead, my voice still husky. “And we all need something to drink.”
“Fucking right,” Ina replied. “Jenny, we have a fridge out there.” She nodded in the direction of the room outside our studio. “We have water, Diet Coke, and beer. What can I get you?”
“Water for me, just water,” she replied.
Smiling, Ina put her guitar on its stand. She left the room and came back with a bottle of cold water for each of us. Ina knew well enough Nellie and I didn’t drink anything but water during rehearsals, particularly after last night’s heavy drinking. Jenny looked a little surprised at that. Maybe she’d expected something different, although the band didn’t have a reputation for doing drugs. Rather an image of doing girls.
“Come on, Jenny, there are times when we only drink water,” Nellie told her, smiling good-naturedly.
“Yeah, we definitely don’t brush our teeth with Jack Daniels,” I added, and then drank half of my bottle of water in a single gulp.
“So, Jenny, how do you like things so far?” Ina asked her.
“Oh, it’s amazing,” Jenny replied breathlessly. After she opened her bottle of water and drank from it, she went on. “Everything feels so good and right, and the metal version of ‘Drive’ was just…” She shook her head, apparently at a loss for words to express her feelings.
Then Nellie spoke up, smiling at Jenny, sweetly. “Covering the song and making it metal was my idea.” She paused to take a sip of water. I noticed a gleam in Nell’s molten dark chocolate eyes as she gazed at the black-haired girl. In a voice that was as husky as mine, she added, “Glad you like it.” Jenny stared back at our drummer in obvious attraction.
I laughed softly, putting a hand on Nellie’s shoulder. “Oh, our Nellie here might look quiet, but she’s a smoldering volcano.”
Jenny glanced over at me, startled. Finishing teasing Jenny for the moment I decided to get back to business. “Listen, Babe, the next time you’re here, we want to take pictures of you.” She gave me a look of total incomprehension, and therefore I added, “The Coldhearts have a website and a number of social media accounts, like on Twitter and Instagram. We’re going to need to post pictures and maybe a little video of you on all of them to introduce you to our fans.”
Winking at Jenny flirtatiously, Ina told her, “I’m sure a lot of girls are going to come to our gig next Saturday just to see you.”
Jenny looked a little overwhelmed. “I’m not used to things like that at all.”
I smiled at her reassuringly and put my arm around her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Babe. You’ll get used to it. And Ina’s right, with your looks and the long black hair you’ve got…” I playfully touched a loose strand of her hair, and went on, “And with your curves, you’re going to catch a lot of girls’ eyes. And the guys will find you hot, too.”
Once again I felt Jenny tense. I couldn’t be sure if it was because of what I said, but I felt more inclined to believe it was every time I came close to her. I smiled as I let go of her. I made a mental note that I’d have to ask her about it sometime. Or maybe I should ask Nellie? Anyway, I noticed that our drummer had been watching the whole interaction between Jenny and I, and apparently had noticed Jenny’s discomfort.
“Jenny, Sweetheart, you should go to Ina’s boutique to pick out some things to wear on stage,” Nellie said quickly, changing the subject.
“You work at a boutique?” Jenny turned toward Ina.
“Oh yeah, I’m part owner of a boutique,” Ina replied smiling. She was very proud of the place, ‘Rock the Goth’, which she ran with her older sister. Giving Jenny a mischievous look from beneath her long lashes she told her in a husky tone, “I’m sure I can find something for you that’ll make you look even hotter than you already do.”
Watching the two of them I felt a deep sense of relief that Ina had gone back to her usual flirtatious self so quickly. I couldn’t have expected that, not after what had happened to her the night before. I’d better keep an eye on her, though, I decided. I know very well what breakups are like, and I know how long they can keep hurting. I suspected that Ina would still need my help getting over what Caro had done to her.
Obviously, Caro was far from my blonde bandmate’s mind at the moment, s
ince her focus was on Caro’s replacement. “Maybe I can bring you something to try on when we have our next rehearsal, Jenny,” she said cheerfully, taking out her iPhone. “Do you know your measurements?”
As it turned out, the black-haired girl did know her measurements, and Ina noted them down in her phone.
Checking my watch I decided that our break had gone on long enough. I clapped my hands and declared, “Okay, my Heavy Metal Bitches, let’s get back to work! We have a gig coming up and practically no time to get ready for it.”
We went back to rocking, and by the end of the afternoon Jenny was able to play half a dozen of our songs without making mistakes. I was thrilled, but I knew we had more work to do. So before Nellie took Jenny back to the city, I got the other girls to agree on another rehearsal the following Monday.
Then it was time for Jenny to go, because she was waitressing this Saturday night. Ina and I walked her back to Nellie’s car, and before she got in, both of us hugged her and kissed her swiftly on both her cheeks.
“You were fucking amazing today, ‘Jet-Black Jenny’. Thanks so much for coming over today,” I said, stroking her back. This time she didn’t tense up when I touched her, she just smiled at me. She looked much more relaxed than she had a few hours earlier. “With you on bass, we’ll totally fucking rock the house next Saturday.”
I was sure we’d do just that, just as I was somehow sure that the gorgeous and gifted black-haired girl would not only be a member of ‘The Coldhearts’ for the years to come, but also that she would be an enrichment for the band.
Monday came and once again ‘The Coldhearts’ gathered together in the rehearsal space in our barn. Before our second rehearsal with Jenny started, I took some photos of her for our website and our social media accounts. The day before Ina and I had gone through the farmhouse and gathered together the clothes Caro, and some of the fan girls Ina or I’d had one-night-stands with had left behind. I had no idea how someone could forget their clothes, but in the end we’d found some things we thought Jenny would look good in.
As could be expected Ina was right; the black-haired beauty looked stunning, even in other girls’ cast-offs. Even so, Ina wanted Jenny to come to her boutique to get some new clothes to wear on stage, and our new bass player agreed readily enough, though she didn’t really understand why she needed new clothes. She was the kind of girl who thought we could go onstage in our everyday clothes. In a way she was right of course. We needed to win people over with our music in the first place. But then a real stage outfit was part of a cool rock show.
Jenny’s top was a black lacey shirt I’d found in my own closet. I had no idea which girl had left it behind in my room. Anyway, it showed off Jenny’s tattooed arms nicely. The black jeans we’d made her wear came from one of Ina’s ex-lovers. The jeans were a little bit tighter fitting than those Jenny usually wore, and didn’t leave much to fantasy. Ina’s old, studded ankle boots had much higher heels than our black-haired bass player was used to. Nevertheless those things fit her very well. The other three ‘Coldhearts’ were totally excited about her new look, and when she herself in the full-length mirror in Ina’s rom, even the black-haired beauty had to admit she looked like a hot and sexy rocker girl.
“You’ll look like a rock goddess in these picture, Jenny,” Nellie said. “Bette really knows how to take photos. Did you know she works as a freelance designer?”
“No, I wasn’t aware of that,” Jenny admitted.
I grinned at her. “I’m full of surprises, Babe. You should know that by know.”
“Well, you certainly are, I have to give you that, Bette”, Jenny replied laughing.
“Bette also designed our band website”, Ina added. “We’re going to post a couple of your shots on it. And of course on our social media accounts, like on Twitter and Instagram for example.”
“Don’t I have a say in which photos you’re going to post online?” Jenny asked, clearly a bit nervous.
“Of course you have, Babe”, I replied, “but believe me, we know very well which pictures will work best for our purposes.”
It was Nellie again who seemed to sense the beautiful bass player’s uneasiness. “We can decide that later. Jenny doesn’t have time to stay very long today and we should really go on with our rehearsal.”
After the photo shooting and Nellie’s words we began our rehearsal, and things went even better than during our first one. Nellie had given Jenny our CD as well as recordings of our newer material, so she could practice the bass lines at home. Once again our newest bandmate showed that she was both a fast learner and a talented musician. Quite obviously she was less tense than last Saturday and she seemed to totally love playing our songs.
We lost ourselves in our music, and we soon lost track of time, until Nellie checked her watch und cried: “We’d better stop now. It’s already a quarter to ten and Jenny needs to catch the last bus!”
Nellie was of course right and so we finished our rehearsal. I went to the door and was totally taken by surprise by what had happened outside. “You can take your time, Jenny. I don’t think your bus will come at all tonight. It looks like there are twenty centimeters of snow and more is coming down. Roads won’t be cleared until tomorrow morning,” I said over my shoulder.
Jenny and my other two Coldhearts joined me at the door. Seeing the massive amounts of snow outside our black-haired beauty seemed to be slightly desperate. The more so when she heard what Ina had to add. “You won’t get back to the city tonight, Jenny. It looks like you must spend the night here with us.” Ina grinned smugly. “That’s certainly not the worst thing that could happen to you.”
“Don’t worry, we have a guest bedroom. The farmhouse is huge,” Nellie added quickly, well aware of what must have been going on inside Jenny’s pretty head. “You should call Emilia and tell her what’s going on here.”
Jenny hesitated briefly bevor she took out her phone and called her redheaded girlfriend. As far as I could tell from Jenny’s replies, Emilia was concerned about decency in the Coldhearts’ house. I couldn’t really blame her.
When Jenny ended her call I started laughing and couldn’t resist teasing her. “Awwww! Your girl worries that we can’t behave ourselves? That her sweetheart is in the claws of evil bitches? Well, there’s nothing she needs to be afraid of, at least not tonight. What do you think, Ina?”
I put my arm around Ina’s shoulder and pulled her close. “Ina needs a little attention tonight and I promised to take care of that.” I gave my blonde bandmate a long, slow, passionate kiss. When we stopped making out, I realized that Jenny was staring at us. Her rosy cheeks gave her away. Our little public display of affection hadn’t left her unaffected.
Before I could say anything however, Nellie blurted out. “Let’s go back to the house. I’m starving,” she said. “Come on, Jenny.” She took her hand and dragged her out into the snow.
Ina watched the two of them trudging through the snow. She started giggling and there was a devilish grin on her face. “What do you think about a snowball fight, Bitch Goddess?”
I readily agreed and so we quickly prepared a couple of snowballs and threw them at Nellie and Jenny. We hit them in their backs. They started squealing, and as soon as they’d overcome their surprise, they fired back. And then we were right in the middle of an epic snowball fight. We were laughing and giggling like madwomen. The whole battle ended with me slipping and landing on my butt. This made me laugh so hard that I wasn’t able to get up on my own, and the others needed to help me get up.
Once inside the house we had dinner together and drank red wine.
Of course Nellie wasn’t able to take Jenny home, because the roads were too bad for that. We had plenty of room in the farmhouse, but I wouldn’t have been especially surprised if Jenny had decided to spend the night in Nellie’s bedroom, considering how well the two of them had hit it off. However, our black-haired beauty opted to sleep in the
guest bedroom instead.
I didn’t concern myself too much with that, though, since Ina was feeling the effects of her breakup with Caro again, and I didn’t have any intention of letting the poor girl sleep alone. I certainly had no intention of letting her cry herself to sleep. So, I made very sure Ina didn’t cry herself to sleep. I spent hours making passionate love to her until she was finally exhausted enough to fall asleep in my arms.
After one more rehearsal with Jenny, I was sure ‘The Coldhearts’ new lineup was ready to hit the stage for our gig the following Saturday. How right I was! It was an incredible night.
For that special night I was wearing my tight black leather mini skirt, combined with black thigh highs and black studded ankle boots with dangerously high heels. I knew the heels were going to kill me, but I wanted to look really hot onstage. Of course I always do look hot onstage, but that night was special. I was also wearing a low-cut, black tank top that screamed ‘Cunt Band’ in red. I wasn’t ashamed of anything that we were, or anything that I was, either. On the contrary, it was a point of distinction from other bands. I let my thick, blonde mane flow freely over my shoulders in perfect waves. I knew I drove the girls in the audience crazy when I let my long hair fly as I banged my head to the hard beat.
As always, my now best friend Ina was on the stage to my left, at least at the beginning of the show. As far as it was possible we would change positions during the gig a lot to make a good show. Our lead guitarist was wearing tight-fitting, black leather pants, and a sleeveless vermillion leather vest, which revealed the black studded bra she wore underneath. It showed off her tattooed arms, too. Ina’s blonde hair was up in a ponytail.
On my right hand side, for the first time ever onstage, was our new bass player Jenny. I liked her a lot, and I’d have fucked her had she wanted to, but she had a girlfriend and didn’t do casual sex. She was the youngest of us all, just nineteen, while I was twenty-seven. For her first gig with us she was wearing tight black jeans and a black camisole, as well as a short, studded, black leather jacket that matched her studded ankle boots perfectly. She wore her long, jet-black hair down, just as I did. It was really, really long, reaching nearly down to her waist, and it was absolutely thrilling to see her banging her head together with Ina and me, whipping her long hair back and forth.