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Hard Rock Hot Heart

Page 7

by Laura Anne Turner

  Our Baby Doll, Jet-Black Jenny, was wearing a skimpy black mini dress and fishnet thigh highs. It was the first time she’d ever worn a dress onstage, and she looked absolutely gorgeous. While our most recent intro, the ‘Pink Panther’ theme, played, I watched how she nervously pulled at the hem of her new dress. When she looked up, I flashed her an encouraging smile, and when she returned my smile I knew she’d be all right. And then the curtain rose, the spotlights went on, and we thundered into our first song ‘Savage Rock’. The crowd roared their approval, and a shiver ran down my spine as it always does in such moments, no matter if it’s a small or a big audience. I looked at Ina to my left, and when she tilted her head back, nodding at Jenny and me, we began to bang our heads to the rhythm of our song.

  The crowd was wildly enthusiastic. I looked down at the audience, at that strange mix of rockers, hippies, and punks, and the crowd cheered and whistled. There was a group of girls standing right in front of the stage, and they all seemed to be dressed as members of ‘The Coldhearts’. That’s absolutely fucking amazing! How I love our Crazy Bitches! They were cheering and dancing in place and banging their own heads in time to our beat. They were obviously having fun, and we had fun onstage, too. It seemed too soon when our first set ended. The curtain fell as we went backstage, and as a DJ took over, we could still hear chants of “Jet-Black Jenny, Jet-Black Jenny”.

  “You were fucking amazing tonight, Jen,” I said to her with a grin, and I meant it. Jenny was the perfect addition to our Coldhearts family.

  “Maybe it’s the new dress,” Ina said, giggling. “And all those girls who liked you in it.”

  Ina’s comment made me laugh. “And who obviously would’ve liked to get you out of it,” I added.

  Jenny groaned and shook her head, apparently embarrassed that we had noticed how her own crazy fan girls had been fucking her with their eyes. Taking a big swig of my beer I watched how Nellie put her arm around Jenny. “You were absolutely wonderful, Jenny,” she said, a big smile on her pretty face. “You played as if you were in a trance, it was so amazing. And as far as all those girls are concerned…even I heard them screaming your name.”

  “Yes, that was really weird,” Jenny muttered, still incredulous.

  “Oh c’mon, Jenny, you’re a rock star, and you look like one,” Nellie said, punching her arm playfully with her free hand.

  Then I had an idea. The way our fans had responded to our newest member made me think that we should feature her more. “Maybe Jenny should play a bass solo,” I suggested.

  Our black-haired beauty shook her head. “Nobody wants to hear drum or bass solos now. The seventies are so over, Bette,” she told me.

  “We could integrate it into a song, and instead of a guitar solo we’d have a bass solo. Think about it,” Nellie said coaxingly.

  “Yes, why not? It’s a great idea,” Ina agreed.

  “I’ll think about it,” Jenny finally replied. The idea seemed too much for her right now, but I made up my mind that it would be a nice addition to our set. “That’s my girl,” I therefore encouraged her with a smile.

  Suddenly Tanja popped into my thoughts again. “Now I’m gonna go find that Crazy Bitch Tanja or some other crazy chick to take home with me tonight,” I said, “Is anybody but Ina coming with me?”

  I saw that Ina grinned cheerfully, and we both turned our attention to Jenny. We both knew she wouldn’t come and neither would Nellie. From the way the two of them looked at one another they weren’t going to be fucking anyone tonight, unless it was one another. Jenny blushed adorably and shook her head. Of course Nellie just smiled and said, “I’m staying here with Jenny.” That was all that needed to be said.

  I tilted my head in the direction of the exit, and Ina followed me to the auditorium. During our gig I had spotted Tanja in the audience, and I started looking for her now. According to the schedule she should be back on stage with her band shortly, and so I started pushing towards the smaller auditorium, Ina by my side. We somehow made it there, and I was relieved to see that Tanja’s band hadn’t started yet, and the DJ was still playing oldies.

  Suddenly we were surrounded by a group of obviously drunk girls who were all dressed up as vampires. They were giggling and screaming, and they wanted Ina and me to drink from a suspicious-looking Vodka bottle. We both had enough sense to decline.

  I smiled at them coolly. “It’s not that we don’t drink, girls, on the contrary, but we never go on stage drunk. And we never ever drink from a bottle when we don’t know what’s in it,” I told them.

  A pretty, blonde vampiress pouted at me and demanded a kiss from me. I was just about to give her what she wanted, I mean I’m not one to turn down a kiss from a pretty girl, when I spotted Tanja pushing through the crowd. I gave the vampiress a quick peck on the lips instead of the French kiss she’d expected, and started in Tanja’s direction.

  “Heyyyy, I thought Bette Coldheart was a better kisser,” the pretty vampiress shouted after me. She was clearly very disappointed.

  “Maybe next time, Babe!” I cried over my shoulder, eager to reach Tanja.

  When Tanja saw me, she began to smile, and my heart just skipped a beat, and then it started pounding. Like the first time we met, Tanja just remained standing at the spot where she was, smiling at me, and then she did it again – she wiggled her fingers in her cute little wave.

  “Hey, Baby Doll,” I said when I reached her. “It’s fucking awesome to see you again.”

  Her smile became even bigger, and her beautiful blue eyes sparkled. “Hey, Bitch Goddess! Glad you managed to escape from the pretty vampires,” she giggled. “For a moment I was afraid you were getting lost and they’d drink your blood.”

  “Yeah, I spotted you just in time,” I replied. I put my hands on her slender waist, and pulling her toward me, I kissed her, and as I kissed her, I pressed my fuller breasts against her smaller ones. She slid her eager little tongue into my mouth, and a sigh escaped her soft lips. I closed my eyes and forgot everything around us for a moment. When we broke the kiss to come up for air, we were both panting, and our eyes were locked together. For a long moment neither of us spoke, just two hearts pounding and two pairs of eyes staring at one another.

  “Listen, Baby Doll,” I said to her when I finally had my breathing under control. “I want you to come home with me tonight. Can we meet after our gigs are over?”

  Tanja smiled enigmatically. “Tell me one thing first, Bitch Goddess.”

  “What?” I asked her, abruptly feeling a little nervous she might turn me down. That was something that never happened to me.

  Very gently, as if she sensed my nervousness, she said, “I thought you never fuck the same girl twice? So, why the change of mind?”

  I blinked. That was a damn good question. For a moment I was at a loss for words, but I recovered my composure fast, and flashed her my tigress grin. “Well, maybe because you were able to keep up with me last time?” I said it smoothly like the great seductress of girls I normally was.

  The beautiful blonde giggled. “Oh, I’m sure I can keep up with you a second time, Bitch Goddess.” As if to prove it, she kissed me again, hard on the lips, leaving me breathless. When we broke the kiss, she agreed to meet after the show was over. I watched her as she glided away toward the stage on her impossibly high heels, giving me an excellent view of her tight little ass before she disappeared in the crowd.

  I sighed and shook my head, trying to focus on finding Ina, which wasn’t easy, because the crowd of partiers was huge. It took a good while too, because I had to stop to talk to a lot of Crazy Bitches and pose for pictures with them. There were plenty of girls and a few guys who tried to hit on me, but of course I turned them down.

  I finally found Ina flirting with a cute redhead who looked a bit like Jenny’s pretty girlfriend Emilia. It was clear Ina had found a girl to spend the night with, just like I had, and so I beckoned to her, and we made our way to the backstage area, where we’d left Nellie and Jenny.
  They were sitting together, holding hands and looking adorably full of desire for one another. Naturally, I couldn’t stop myself from teasing Jenny. “Holy fuck, Jenny,” I said in a shocked tone, “we leave you alone with Nellie for ten minutes, and your panties are wet already?”

  Looking panic-stricken Jenny actually looked down at herself. It made Ina and I laugh hysterically, and Jenny blush adorably.

  “Oh shit, Jenny,” I exclaimed, “I was just fucking with you, Babe! And it’s actually true?” I shook my head, and started laughing again.

  Ina added, grinning wickedly, “You two better not sleep in separate rooms tonight. You won’t be able to stand it.”

  I laughed so hard that tears began to run down my cheeks. It was just too funny to see how embarrassed Jenny still was. Nellie just smiled happily, holding Jenny’s hand. Of course she knew Ina’s and my humor well enough.

  After a minute or two I managed to stop laughing and catch my breath. I became all-business Bette again and told my bandmates, “Okay, you two fucking lovebirds. We gotta get ready to hit the stage for our second set. Play now, and fuck later.” Blushing again, Jenny nodded.

  Going through our little pre-gig ritual once more helped us all to regain our focus, and after we high fived one another, we returned to the stage for our second set. Jenny was getting better and better with every gig we played. It was as if the emotional bond between the four of us became stronger and stronger. The audience seemed to sense the magic of the chemistry between us, and alternated between listening in rapt silence and going absolutely crazy. There were a lot of girls in the audience who were screaming and crying, but there were also quite a number of guys who were nearly as enthusiastic.

  Finally, I announced the last song of our regular set: our special version of ‘Drive’. And once again the song worked its witchcraft on the audience. There was a hushed silence in the aula while we were playing, but as soon as the song ended all hell broke loose. The audience cheered and roared, and the shrill screams of the girls in the audience were absolutely deafening. We smiled and bowed and curtsied to the audience, took our mandatory selfie, and then we left the stage.

  I looked at my bandmates who were covered in sweat as much as I was, and they looked ecstatic. I grinned at them all, and then I started to laugh raucously. “Oh fucking hell, that was absolutely, fucking shit amazing.”

  “Absolutely awesome performance,” Nellie said, a little out of breath. She was smiling as she toweled sweat from her pretty face.

  To my utter surprise it was Jenny who yelled, “Let’s go out again, and destroy that place.”

  “Yeah, let’s do that,” Ina squealed.

  I grinned at Jenny. “Wow, Jenny. I like your fucking attitude. And you know what? We’ll do your new ‘Cold-hearted Woman’ song as our encore!”

  Since she joined us Jenny had written a couple of new songs. While her first composition for us, ‘Back from the Dead’, had become a part of our regular set list, we’d only rehearsed her latest song ‘Cold-hearted Woman’, two or three times. But in spite of that I was certain we could do it, and I wanted to see how this crowd would respond to it, too.

  Jenny was taken aback, but then she nodded, and so we hit the stage again for our encore. The audience exploded in applause as we came back. I walked up to the microphone, and lifting my arms I made the sign of the horns. “Do you feel alright?” I screamed, and the crowd cheered. “I can’t hear you! I said, do you fucking feel alright?” And the crowd cheered and screamed even louder. “Our next song was written by our Jet-Black Jenny here! It’s called ‘Cold-hearted Woman’!”

  All eyes were on Jenny as she began with a slow, but heavy bass intro, before the rest of the band joined her. I began to sing in a husky voice,

  ‘My heart is black, my heart is cold, my heart was broken long ago…’

  And then the song exploded, becoming heavy and hard, and I growled,

  ‘I’ve become a bitch with an ice-cold heart! I’ll make you shiver and fall apart!’

  The audience listened, rapt, and when the song ended, the crowd cried out for more. I grinned at Jenny, and gave her an encouraging thumbs-up. Then we began our final song for the night, our funny cover version of ‘Love Potion No.9’.


  Even after our gig was over, I didn’t come down off my adrenaline high. I couldn’t get on the road soon enough. I was too excited at the prospect of taking my Crazy Bitch Tanja home with me. Strangely enough, I started to worry that she wouldn’t show up, even though not one girl has ever stood me up since I became Bette Coldheart.

  Just then Paula and Emma came backstage to see us and unintentionally distracted me. Paula went on and on about how incredible our performance had been and how it had become very clear that we were a band of girls who loved girls. Her girlfriend nodded whenever Paula said anything. Paula even opened a bottle of cheap champagne to celebrate. We all smiled politely and clinked glasses with them, and we made small talk until finally we were ready to leave.

  I’d just put my warm winter coat on over my skimpy dress and a scarf around my neck, when I glanced up and saw her, the pretty girl with the long, blonde braids. She’d changed into jeans and a sweater, and she had a winter jacket tucked under her arm. There it was again - my heart stopped for an instant, and then it began beating faster. I flashed her my most brilliant smile, and she just smiled back at me. It was enough to make my knees weak.

  Why does it feel so good having this girl wait for me after our gig? Somehow this was different, no comparison to other girls who had waited for me. Maybe it was because my heart was in it?

  Grabbing my guitar case, I walked up to her. “Hey, Baby Doll,” I said. No further words were needed, as our lips met for a kiss.

  I looked around for my bandmates. Nellie and Jenny, who were holding hands, were ready to leave, too. Ina’s girl for the night, the cute redhead, was waiting at the exit, too. I nodded, took Tanja’s hand, and together we went to the parking lot where the chartered minibus was waiting for us.

  After we put our guitars into the trunk, we got inside. Jenny and Nellie climbed onto the backseat, Tanja and I took the middle row, and Ina and her redhead sat in the front row behind the driver.

  Once we were under way, Ina grinned and opened a bottle of champagne, telling us it wasn’t the cheap kind we’d had with Paula before. If that was true it was a real sacrilege that she took a big swig right from the bottle. Her redheaded companion followed her example, and then passed the bottle to us. I drank, and discovered that she was right about the quality. I gave the bottle to Tanja who took a big gulp, too, and after she passed the bottle to Nellie on the backseat, her moist lips met my own for a deep and passionate kiss.

  I broke the kiss as Nellie tapped on my shoulder, and handed me the bottle again. Soon Ina opened another bottle, and we were all half-drunk when we arrived back at the farmhouse.

  We stumbled out of the minibus, laughing, and after I opened the front door, I led our little party into the huge living room. I sank down on the couch with Tanja giggling and clinging to me. Grinning mischievously Ina turned on the sound system, and Joan Jett’s version of ‘AC/DC’ blasted from the speakers. It made me laugh so hard I fell over, with Tanja giggling hysterically, and landing on top of me. She rubbed her cute little nose against mine, and began covering my face with kisses.

  Ina brought yet another bottle of champagne from the kitchen, took a long swig, and handed the bottle to the cute redhead. I was now lying on the sofa comfortably, exchanging sweet little butterfly kisses with Tanja, but while I was doing that I happened to glance over at Nellie and Jenny.

  Immediately, I realized that they badly needed to run upstairs and fuck one another’s brains out, but they were apparently too shy to do it. Sitting up and pulling Tanja into my lap, I fixed my eyes on the two lovebirds. “You two better go upstairs right now,” I said in an imperious tone, tilting my head in the direction of the bedrooms upstairs.

  Jenny blushed adora
bly, while I went on with a smirk. “You don’t look like you’re going to be able to control yourselves for much longer and I can’t stand watching it any longer.”

  By that time, Tanja, Ina, and the redheaded girl were all staring at Nellie and Jenny, and they all started giggling. Nellie started giggling too, while Jenny kept on staring at me, apparently not trusting her ears. Nellie grabbed her hand and squeezed it, while I continued, “Seriously, you two, it’s your time. The rest of us are going to stay down here for a while. We’ve got to wait for Ralf and our road crew to arrive. I’m sure they’ll need a drink or two once they get here, and the girls they’re bringing will too.” I laughed raucously and said, “Now off you go, and fuck each others’ brains out.”

  The rest of the girls squealed with laughter, and they all waved at the two lovebirds and blew them kisses. Of course Nellie and Jenny didn’t need my permission, after all they were old enough to know what to do and what not to do. Nevertheless my remark seemed to have given them the final push to follow through with their desires.

  After they left, I told Ina she could follow their example and head to her bedroom with the redhead, but Ina declined, saying she wanted to stay up with us. So I made myself comfortable on the sofa again with Tanja lying half on top of me. We kept on drinking, kissing, and making out, until Ralf and his friends showed up with our equipment. I told them to leave it in the truck, since we had another gig scheduled the next evening.

  This time our road crew showed up without any girls in their wake. They just helped themselves to a couple of beers from the fridge. I knew that I could trust Ralf to leave the rest to him. Therefore I took Tanja’s hand and pulled her upstairs with me.

  While lounging on the sofa downstairs I’d felt a bit sleepy, but now with Tanja alone in my bedroom I was wide-awake again. This Crazy Bitch caught me by surprise, though. As soon as I closed the door, she pushed me back against the wall. Pressing her lips on mine she cupped my breasts and let them pop out of my skimpy dress. She slid her tongue into my mouth, while she palmed my breasts and pinched my suddenly erect nipples. I felt a wave of desire sweep through my mind and body.


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