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Page 20

by Aishling Morgan

  Across the gully, not more than thirty paces away, an ape was seated on a rock, a split cane in its hands, from which it was sucking the sugary sap. It was big, its hair long and straight, a brilliant red, not unlike her own, only covering the entire body save for the face, part of the chest and the belly. All these areas showed pale flesh, as did the ample set of genitals that hung between its legs, leaving no doubt whatever that it was a male. Watching it, Cianna found herself blushing, realising that the creature could only be a Red Ape, the man like beast that both Gaidrhed and Glaydrak had thought she resembled. Babalyn pushed in beside her, took one look at the ape and giggled. Cianna gave Babalyn a warning look and put her finger to her lips. Carefully, they moved back.

  ‘Is he dangerous, do you think?’ Cianna asked.

  ‘Only if attacked, if it is anything like the Forest Apes we get in Cypraea. They are black, but similar in form. They eat only plants. They have been known to chase people who run, but I think really in sport.’

  ‘Do they fuck girls?’

  ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘Good. Let’s go a little further, then down. His scent is strong. It might help to hide ours, or distract dogs.’

  They moved on, then down, descending the wall of the gully without difficulty. Glancing back, Cianna found the ape as before, chewing cane and paying no attention to them whatever. Both removed their boots, tied them around their necks and splashed into the stream, enjoying the feel of the cold water on their feet. For some time they walked, treading carefully on the slippery boulders, until the gully split, a shallow valley cutting into the hill.

  ‘A false trail here, I think,’ Cianna said, putting down her axe.

  ‘A moment,’ Babalyn replied. ‘I need to pee.’

  ‘In the stream, as always,’ Cianna reminded her.

  Babalyn nodded and began to undo her trousers. Pushing them down, she stuck her bottom well out to avoid urinating in them and let go. Cianna watched the thick yellow stream spurt out into the water, remembering how it felt to take it in her face. Looking back, Babalyn smiled, then giggled clearly thinking the same.

  ‘My turn,’ Cianna announced as Babalyn wiggled her bottom to shake the last few drops free.

  Squatting down, Cianna stuck her bottom out, as Babalyn had done. Relaxing her bladder, she let go, enjoying both the sense of relief and the exposure of her position. She let it flow out, her eyes shut, only to open them abruptly at a gasp from Babalyn. She turned, expecting to see men and dogs coming up the gully. There were none, only the Red Ape, no more than thirty paces away.

  Still peeing, she hesitated. Babalyn was moving backwards, slowly, and gesturing her forward. As the last of her pee trickled into the stream, Cianna began to rise. The ape was close, making soft little noises, his mouth pushing out in a strange kissing gesture. There was no hint of aggression, but plenty of interest, and sexual interest, to judge by the way his cock was growing, the head already half clear of the prepuce. Cianna smiled nervously. Immediately the ape’s expression changed, his thick lips peeling up to show big, yellowing tusks. Quickly she changed her own expression, pouting her lips out in imitation kissing motion it had been making.

  Standing straight, she realised that she had made a mistake. To pull up her trousers she needed to bend, effectively flaunting her bottom. Yet if she stepped out of them she risked losing them. Hesitating, she threw Babalyn a desperate look. Babalyn shrugged, looking back from where she had stopped, some twenty paces up the gully. Biting her lip, Cianna bent, clutching for her trousers. As her cheeks came wide she caught her own scent. Immediately the ape became more interested, moving quickly forward, close behind her, looking down on her naked bottom, his cock half stiff with blood. Cianna swallowed, not daring to move. The ape sniffed, dropped suddenly, into a squat, directly behind her. Soft hands took her bottom, feeling the shape of her cheeks and hips.

  She stayed stock still, trying not to enjoy the gentle fondling of her bottom, then telling herself that if she was going to be fucked it was pointless not to take pleasure in it. With a fresh flush of shame she stuck out her bottom, letting it fill his hands. Something firm and slightly damp nudged between her buttocks, pushing to her anus. Quickly she moved up, offering her vagina. The hands tightened on her hips, the cock slid up and it was done, she was being fucked, the ape’s penis deep in her body, his long hair tickling her buttocks where it touched.

  It began to move in her, rutting happily away in her hole, all the while its hand stroking her body, her buttocks, her hips and waist, them her breasts, cupping them with a puzzled sound. Cianna moaned, her head hung down, her mouth open, unable to take in what she was doing, or how nice it felt. He began to play with her breasts, bouncing them in his hands and slapping them together, all the while making joyful little hooting noises, and never once slowing the motion in her hole.

  His cock was big, and her vagina felt nicely full, not straining, but well stretched. She could feel his balls too, the big sac slapping against her sex. His pace was good, making her pant and gasp. At last she was unable to resist the pleasure. With a groan of pure shame she reached back, caught up the fat, squashy mass of his scrotum and began to rub it on her tuppenny. He grunted, pulling himself in closer, his cock jamming to the hilt in her hole. She sighed, rubbing harder to bump the big testicles over her clitoris, sending little shocks of ecstasy though her body. The shocks built, blended, and she was coming, sobbing and gasping with her head hung in utter shame, but also in ecstasy as she felt her sex squeeze tight on the full, hot length of his penis.

  The pleasure faded, slowly, dying to leave her weak kneed and gasping. She looked up, to find Babalyn staring down, open mouthed. At that moment the fat cock in her hole jerked and she was filled with sperm, sticky fluid erupting from her hole to splash over her hand where she still held her grip on his balls.

  Unlike the troll, the Red Ape did not lose interest once it had come. Instead, it watched as Cianna quickly douched herself and dressed. Babalyn kept her distance, waiting until Cianna joined her, then giggling and throwing sidelong glances as they moved on. The Red Ape followed them, slowly up the gully, then into a wood of sequacia and another tree strange to Cianna.

  ‘You seem to have found an admirer,’ Babalyn remarked.

  ‘Somebody,’ Cianna replied, ‘is risking being held down for my admirer’s amusement.’

  ‘I apologise,’ Babalyn said,’ but it was funny, the way he mounted you. The look on your face when his cock went up!’

  Cianna stuck out her tongue, unable to feel resentment in the face of Babalyn’s attitude to what had happened. Babalyn continued.

  ‘It may be to our advantage. In Cypraea, the Black Apes defend their harems ferociously. They’re incredibly strong, like trolls. Even five men would be no match for one. Also, if he thinks you are his mate, he may provide food. I for one am fed up with climbing banana palms.’

  ‘You may be right,’ Cianna admitted, blushing as she imagined the regular dose of thick cock she seemed likely to get. ‘In any case, if he wishes to follow, there is little we can do.’

  Making the best of the situation, they made no effort to lose the creature. Even thirty paces away they could smell his musk, which they knew could only be to their advantage. Nor was there any doubt that his shaggy bulk would offer protection, a sure deterrent for any small group of men, and even dogs. By noon they had become used to his presence.

  They had risen higher, the trees thinning further, with long grass between them. It was also possible to see the twin volcanoes in the distance, and tors of grey rock on the ridge above them, and Cianna realised that they were close to the place where she had fallen from the demon.

  The Red Ape had paused, at a thicket of thorn trees, each of which bore clusters of a waxy yellow fruit. As the ape was eating them it seemed reasonable to hope that she and Babalyn would be able to as well, so she joined in, finding them sweet, but with an odd prickling sensation to the taste. They ate their fill, paying little at
tention to the ape, only to finish and find him approaching them, holding his genitals in one big hand and stroking his thumb over the flesh of his penis.

  ‘Your turn,’ Cianna said, nodding to the rapidly stiffening cock.

  ‘Mine!?’ Babalyn demanded.

  ‘Yes, why not?’

  ‘Why not!? He’s an ape!’

  ‘So? What of Voqual?’

  ‘He is a troll, half-human. Besides, I was tied down. I always made sure I was tied down. You did it unrestrained!’

  ‘So it would be all right if I held you for him?’


  Babalyn’s answer had held more than a trace of a giggle. Cianna beckoned with a finger. Babalyn shook her head, glancing at the Red Ape’s now stiff penis. He had began to make the same little hooting noises he had before, and there was no doubt at all of his intentions. He looked at Cianna, then Babalyn, and back.

  ‘He prefers you,’ Babalyn stated. ‘It’s your hair. He thinks you’re his mate.’

  ‘Say that again and I will hold you down for him,’ Cianna replied. ‘Come, Babalyn, play fair. I let him have me, so must you. Turn your back to him, pull down your trousers and stick out your bottom. He’ll be up in a moment.’

  Babalyn threw Cianna a dirty look, but dropped slowly to her knees. Her big bottom formed a round ball in her over tight trousers, a target on which the ape’s eyes were fixed, unblinking. Babalyn looked back doubtfully.

  ‘You see, he likes you too,’ Cianna said. ‘How could he resist that bottom? Come, he’s more gentle than Jelkrael and no more selfish than Bulzar. You’ll enjoy it.’

  Hesitating, Babalyn turned Cianna another dirty look. Her hands were at the fastening of her trousers, but motionless.

  ‘Come, Babalyn, down with your trousers and stick it out,’ Cianna instructed.

  Babalyn bent forward, making her bottom rounder still. The ape moved closer, his erect cock held in his hand. With a last dirty look to Cianna, Babalyn pushed her trousers down over the ripe swell of her bottom. Cianna immediately caught the scent of aroused female, as did the ape. Wasting no time, he got down behind Babalyn, took her by the hips and plunged his erection into her body. She gasped, going down onto all fours. Her mouth came open and her eyes glazed as he began to fuck her, with strong, deep pushes that made the meat of her buttocks wobble and quiver. Cianna watched, open mouthed, imaging how she herself must have looked, puffing and gasping her way through sex, with the great red ape mounted on her upturned buttocks, cock deep in her hole.

  He was getting faster, making Babalyn’s breasts swing in the tight shirt, with the nipples sticking out, hard and proud. Babalyn had her eyes closed, her mouth wide, a trail of spittle hanging from her lower lip. Suddenly she was pulling at her shirt, fumbling with the buttons, tearing one, to spill her fat brown breasts out into her hands. She caught them, feeling and squeezing the plump flesh, her nipples sticking out between her fingers. One had went back, to her sex, and she began to masturbate, shaking her head in her ecstasy as she brought herself towards climax with the huge ape humping ever faster on her bottom.

  Cianna’s own hand was between her thighs, feeling her sex lips through the tight material. She felt wet, and swollen, ready for her own share of cock. The decision was immediate. An instant later she was struggling to get the trousers down, pushing them off her hips, falling to all fours, crawling close, only for the Red Ape to grunt and jam himself hard into Babalyn’s body as he came.

  He pulled back straight away, extracting his cock from her hole, sticky with come and juice, leaving her with a beard of sperm hanging in her pubic hair. Cianna crawled forward, cuddling Babalyn, kissing her, on the mouth, on her back, on the full swell of her bottom. Giggling, they fell together, going head to toe by instinct, Cianna’s tongue burrowing into Babalyn’s sperm slick sex. Babalyn sighed in pleasure as Cianna lapped up the thick come.

  Tongues to each other’s clitorises, hands on each other’s bottoms, they licked urgently, both eager for her orgasm. Cianna’s face was smeared with come and Babalyn’s juice, filthy and slimy as she rubbed it between Babalyn’s thighs and buttocks. For a moment she let her tongue probe the wet anus, deep in, to get the taste. With that she started to come, going back to Babalyn’s clitoris, licking hard. Their peaks came together, in perfect unison, to leave them panting on the grass, wet with sweat, sodden with come, and thoroughly satisfied.

  ‘There, was that so bad?’ Cianna asked as Babalyn finally rolled off her.

  ‘No,’ Babalyn admitted. ‘Not so bad.’

  Cianna laughed and hugged Babalyn to herself, kissing her. The kiss was returned, their mouths opening together in a long, sticky exchange, sharing the sperm in Cianna’s mouth. When they broke apart a long streamer of it remained between their lips, which snapped at their giggling response. Again they came together, Babalyn’s hands now going to Cianna’s breasts, Cianna’s to Babalyn’s bottom, their passion rising once more, to be abruptly cut off by a distant sound that set the hairs prickling on the back of her neck.

  Cianna stopped, listening. The sound came again, more clearly, the bark of a dog. Babalyn threw her a worried glance and they jumped to their feet. The Red Ape also rose, looking to the south and east. Another bark sounded, closer, and from a different direction, immediately down slope from them. The ape sniffed the wind, growled and loped quickly off towards the trees, climbing into a huge sequacia.

  With no more than a shared glance, the girls began to move off to the west. Alternately running and walking, they made there way along the fringe of the trees, only to reach the lip of a deep valley. It ran clean across their path, a wide belt of farmland cutting through the jungle and up into the hills. Far below, people could be seen working in the fields. With no choice, they turned yet further inland, pushing through the long grass of the highlands, half-crouched and feeling dreadfully exposed. Reaching a stunted thorn tree, Cianna risked looking back. Grass stretched away, down to the fringe of trees, empty, until a sudden movement caught her eye, near the sequacia the ape had climbed. There were men, five, and a dog. They ignored the tree the ape had climbed, dispelling that last hope that they might be hunters.

  ‘They have our scent,’ she said, to which Babalyn responded with a little whimpering noise.

  They ran on, higher still, ducked low. Twin urges warred in Cianna’s head, to run in blind panic and to turn and fight. Barking sounded behind her and she looked back quickly, to see the dark shape of the dog coming at them at a run.

  ‘Run for the tors,’ she urged.

  ‘What use?’ Babalyn panted. ‘Let’s not anger them further. Let’s give in.’

  ‘There are goblins up there,’ Cianna answered. ‘Don’t you smell them?’

  ‘Yes,’ Babalyn answered. ‘I can’t…’

  ‘You can,’ Cianna said, grabbing Babalyn’s hand. ‘Come on.’

  Once more they ran, now upright. The tors loomed above them, grey against blue sky. Again Cianna risked a backward glance. The dog was coming, streaking through the grass towards them, far faster than they could run, its great black back rising and falling as it bounded through the grass. In despair, she turned, clutching the axe and waving Babalyn to run on. Babalyn hesitated a moment, then went, leaving Cianna to hiss a prayer through grated teeth as she braced herself.

  The dog came closer, racing across an open space, and Cianna recognised Glaucum. Suddenly the axe felt heavy in her hands. Hesitant, she forced herself to keep her grip on the shaft. He bounded up, leapt, and she found she could not strike, going down under his weight, his huge tongue licking her face, his nose pressing to her neck, her breasts, his cock pushing on her belly, to her vagina, and up her.

  ‘No, not now,’ Cianna gasped, as he began to fuck. ‘No biscuits. No biscuits, Glaucum.’

  Immediately he stopped, his cock pulling from her hole, allowing her to roll clear. He sat as she quickly stood up, his great tongue lolling from his mouth, his eyes huge and pleading.

  ‘Biscuits soon,’ she
said, holding out a folded hand. ‘Biscuits.’

  She ran, and he followed, bounding beside her and jumping for her hand, which she held up, away from his mouth. Ahead, Babalyn was close to the rock, then at it, Cianna joining her, to collapse panting against the rough grey stone. The men were still far below them, but coming on at a run, yelling orders to the dog.

  Cianna began to search, looking for the goblin burrow with the scent strong in her nose and her tuppenny growing rapidly moist. Almost immediately she found it. A narrow slit opened under one of the rocks, with footprints in the mud at its mouth, small and strangely shaped, with abnormally long toes. The reek of goblin was strong, make Cianna weak at the knees and filling her with the urge to lift her bottom into a position for mating. Glaucum growled at the scent, pawing the ground and pointing at the burrow with his nose.

  Babalyn looked down the slope, with fear in her eyes, her lower lip trembling. The men were spreading out, into a crescent, and unlimbering equipment from their backs, bows, nets and spears. The leader was yelling at Glaucum, his voice angry, pre-emptive. The dog whined, sniffing at Babalyn’s sex. Babalyn ducked down, squeezing herself into the goblin burrow. With a final prayer to her mother, Cianna followed.

  Immediately the scent became overwhelming, far too strong to resist. She could hear herself whimpering as she squirmed her way down into the dank earth, her need for sex rising to push everything else aside. The darkness meant nothing, nor the closeness of the passage, nor the thought of the men outside, but only the urgent, overwhelming need to have her tuppenny filled with fat, rigid penis.

  Scrabbling at the earth, she pulled herself lower, all light gone, her body filthy with soil. Rough stone bruised her arm, but she took no notice, nor when the passage flattened to a pool of thick mud, leaving her filthier than ever. She sat up, her body swaying drunkenly, lurching into Babalyn as she too fell into the pool. Immediately they clung together, kissing and licking at each other bodies, tearing at the fastenings to their clothes. Babalyn’s huge breasts spilt free. Cianna clamped her mouth to a nipple, sucking, as a noise came to her ears, a faint, staccato chittering.


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