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Page 21

by Aishling Morgan

  It grew louder, the goblin musk rising until she was conscious of nothing but the urgent need of her body, a last flicker of rationality winking out as long fingers closed on her hips. Her bottom came up, instinctively, to meet the goblin as it mounted her. Something fat and round nudged her sex and slid up, its cock. Other hands closed in her hair, over her breasts, on her buttocks, her legs, her waist. She collapsed, beneath a pile of writhing creatures, their cocks prodding for the openings to her body. Her mouth was filled, gaping wide around two bulbous penis heads that had been jammed in simultaneously. Hands took her breasts, squeezing them around a thick shaft, to jiggle them against it. A finger invaded her bottom, deep up her rectum, to wriggle around in the hot, slimy flesh. Her hair was taken, and used to masturbate with. Both her armpits were used, fat cock tips prodding at the shallow, sweaty cavities.

  She resented nothing, not even when the first of them came inside her and was replaced by two others, one forcing her anal ring with its companion’s sperm as a lubricant. She merely pushed her bottom back as her rectum filled with cock, and a moment later another had got below her, finding her vagina. With every hole full and penes rubbing on every part of her body, she was went limp, allowing herself to be shaken, slapped, groped and pulled in every direction, aware only of her desperate desire for yet more attention.

  More started to come, in her mouth, a great gout of hot sperm delivered deep in her throat, choking her, making her gag, and bursting from her nose and out around her lips. An instant later, a full, slimy load was delivered into one of her armpits, another into her hair and face, splashing in her eyes. The one between her breasts came, smearing them with thick sticky come, another immediately replacing it in the wet slide of her cleavage.

  Her own first orgasm came when a second goblin tried to invade her sex, on top of its comrade, probing for her hole. It failed, sliding the head of its cock over and over in the wet mush of her tuppenny, full against her clitoris. She came immediately, her body bucking on their cocks, the tightening of her anus in orgasm triggering the one up her bottom to fill her bowels with sperm.

  With her climax done, she became lost in a forest of cocks, poking into every orifice, and a sea of sperm, coating her body, filling her mouth, her vagina, her rectum. She came again, over and over, every time her clitoris was prodded, but without volition, her body jerking and shivering, used, without the need for her to do more than keep her bottom stuck out. Time and again her vagina was filled, her anus too, more often than not at the same time. Her mouth was used repeatedly, often by cocks that had been in her other holes. Not an inch of her was spared, the groove of her spine, the soles of her feet, even the backs of her knees used to rut in, and all of it in an ecstatic haze, taking her far beyond conscious thought.

  Even when it began to subside her proper awareness did not return. Most had come, many twice. The weaker individuals and late comers where taking advantage of the sloppy holes into her body, letting her slump down, thighs spread behind her. When the two that had been fucking her from underneath finally crawled out, she collapsed into the mud. One was still in her mouth, holding her head up by the hair to make her suck. Another was up her bottom, seated upright on the firm globe, its cock jammed to the hilt in her anus, buggering her with urgent, sudden pushes.

  The one in her mouth came, and her face was dropped into the mud, only for her head to come up again, mouth open in the hope of being filled once more. It didn’t happen, and when the cock in her rectum jerked to empty a final load into her body it was over. Even as the erection was pulled from her anus she was collapsing into the pool of mud and sperm beneath her, utterly exhausted.

  She had been come in, and over, uncountable times. Her vagina was a gaping hole, running sperm and juice, her rectum packed with it, bubbling out as her anus struggled to close in a series of wet farts. Her mouth was full, her face plastered, with a thick coating in her hair, a slimy beard of it hanging from her chin and a thick tendril suspended from the tip of her nose. Her breasts were also covered, her cleavage slimy, the plump globes squashed out in the filthy mixture of mud and come which coated the passage floor.

  Half-conscious, still dizzy with musk, she gave no resistance as long, spatulate finger took her by her arms, her legs, her hair. She was dragged, through the slime and filth, along narrow tunnels, down shafts, through open chambers, all in total darkness. Occasionally a goblin would mount her, up on her bottom, fucking or buggering her depending which hole it chanced to find. Each time she stuck up her bottom, eager for more, her body sensing nothing but pleasure.

  At last she was dumped, face down on wet earth. There was a final flurry of use, one goblin fucking her, another in her mouth, and she was left. Crawling to the edge of the chamber, she set her back to a slope of earth and grass roots, cocked up her legs to spread her sex and began to masturbate. She came, twice, before warm flesh pressed beside her. Her arm went out, between Babalyn’s plump thighs and down, to a tuppenny as swollen and sperm sodden as her own, finding the big clitoris even as the favour was returned, to masturbate each other to repeated ecstasy, and finally to oblivion.

  Cianna awoke from lewd dreams to an urgent need for sex. Dimly, in the back of her mind, she was aware that she was down a goblin burrow, creating a lingering spark of fear insignificant beside her need. Her head was on someone’s leg, a human leg, and with barely a thought she moved to press her face into the V at the top. She found a plump, moist sex, female, which she began to lick, evoking a moan of pleasure.

  Moving higher, she twisted her body, straddling the girl’s face. A tongue found her clitoris immediately, lapping at the little bud. She did the same, only vaguely aware that her partner’s sex was less opulent than Babalyn’s, the lips not so plump, the clitoris smaller. It made no difference. Wrapped together, they brought each other to orgasm. As Cianna came, she sensed an increase in the strength of the musk. Hands took her by the bottom, a cock pushed between her thighs and up, the balls dangling into the mouth of the girl who’d been licking her. She was fucked, briefly, pre-emptorially, the cock stuffed in, pumped, faster, and jerking inside her to fill her hole with sperm, which the girl beneath her lapped up from her sex and the goblin’s balls.

  The goblin took her body, rolling her off her partner. Something pressed to her lips, a skin bag. She tasted water, cool and fresh, and drank, swallowing down gulp after gulp until, until the bag was pulled away. Propping herself up on the wall, she lay in her dizzy, musk induced haze, idly toying with her tuppenny and breasts as she wondered when she was next going to get a fucking. Around her she heard others drink, of interest only in that there would be other girls, to lick and to lick her when she wasn’t full of fat green penis.

  Time passed, a haze of half-waking urgency, of touching, of being licked, of licking at other girls’ bodies, of being mounted, of cocks in her vagina, her mouth, up her bottom. When she needed to pee she simply let go, enjoying the feel of the wet stream gushing out of her sex and running down her thighs to the soil beneath. Water was given, and food, more often than not in the form of a helping of goblin sperm down her throat. The chittering noise of the goblin’s became something welcome, something to signal a new round of fucking, greeted with no fear or regret, but only lust.

  Again and again it happened, the same routine of cocks and tuppennies, or water and sperm, until the sound of excited chittering was not immediately followed by her being mounted, but by angry, panicked noises. A new noise penetrated her mind, a scrapping. Light hit her eyes, blinding after the long darkness. Goblins screamed, full of rage and fear, dragging at her legs, dropping her as new, brighter light burst in on her. Voices reached her, male, full of excitement and revulsion. A surge of cool, fresh air caught her face.

  Her mind began to clear, slowly. Earth walls became apparent, thick with grass roots, her chamber, and a passage, through the roof of which light broke, far off. A goblin screamed in rage and she glimpsed a green head, vanishing down a shaft in the passage. Voices sounded ag

ain, and a spade head appeared in the hole, knocking down earth.

  Still dazed, but with the goblin musk clearing in the fresh draft blowing through the chamber, she looked around her. Babalyn sat to her side, naked, plastered with filth, eyes unfocussed, mouth hanging open with goblin come still running from one side. Other girls were beyond, two, both stark naked. Red hair was visible in the dim light, blonde curls, white skin, all encrusted with dirt. A new waft of air caught her, fresh and clean, and she struggled to find her voice.

  ‘Sulitea, Mistress?’ she asked. ‘Aeisla?’

  The mop of filthy red hair turned. Aeisla’s face appeared, the eyes blank, then slowly filling with recognition. Her mouth came open, but no sound came out, then a hoarse croak. Cianna forced herself to move, shaking Babalyn’s leg, then crawling across it. Aeisla reached out, their hands met, clasping tight together. Cianna came close, hugging Aeisla to her in a brief, passionate embrace, then Sulitea, whose eyes were shut. A muffled thud sounded along the passage, the hole expanding suddenly as new earth collapsed into the passage. Again voices sounded, now clear.

  ‘It’s a burrow all right. I can smell them.’

  ‘The right one, do you think?’

  ‘Must be. There’ll be a maze under half the hill. The problem is where the girls are hidden. There’ll be a lot of digging yet.’

  ‘A thousand standard buys all the digging it takes.’

  Cianna’s memory came rushing back at the words, Ulourdos, dead on the floor, flight, Julac, the long journey through the hills, the ape, being chased, and finally the goblin burrow.

  ‘Men?’ Aeisla asked groggily. ‘Oh father…’

  ‘Men who mean to kill me,’ Cianna babbled. ‘Quiet, please! Babalyn, wake up! Sulitea, Mistress, it’s me, Cianna. Can you see me?’

  ‘Babalyn?’ Aeisla asked. ‘Babalyn N’Jukolana? Why is she here?’

  ‘She was with me,’ Cianna answered, ‘as a slave. Mistress, Sulitea, wake up!’

  Sulitea’s mouth had come open, her tongue lolling out. Babalyn whimpered. Cianna shook Sulitea, whose eyes came slowly open, blinked, and slowly filled with recognition and awareness.

  ‘Cianna?’ she said. ‘You too? Why is it light?’

  ‘The goblins have gone deep down,’ Cianna said quickly. ‘Men are digging out the burrow, bad men.’

  Sulitea shook her head, reached up to wipe dirt from her face. Aeisla had risen to a crouch, Babalyn turning towards them, looking on without apparent comprehension. A fresh clod fell in the passage, some twenty paces away. A boot appeared, kicking loose a clump of earth and grass roots. Cianna looked frantically around, to find that their chamber ended in a narrow vent, too narrow for her.

  ‘I killed a man, an important man,’ Cianna said quickly. ‘These here, they mean to take me, Babalyn too, for death. Can you summon, Mistress?’

  Slowly, Sulitea pulled herself into a kneeling position. Again she shook her head, then raised one hand and drew in a deep breath. Aeisla took a water bag from where it lay on the floor, pressing it to Sulitea’s lips. Sulitea drank, sat back on her haunches. Returning the skin, she began to take deep breaths, then to move her hands in slow, precise motions. More earth fell from the passage ceiling and Cianna felt her heart jump. Sulitea stopped, gasping.

  ‘I can’t,’ she panted. ‘The air, the musk. I’m too dizzy.’

  ‘Try, please, Mistress!’ Cianna urged.

  ‘It’s not possible,’ Sulitea sighed. ‘I just can’t. I can barely think at all.’

  ‘What will they do, these men?’ Aeisla asked, glancing to the hole, now a long slit of brilliant sunlight in the passage roof. ‘Kill us?’

  ‘No,’ Cianna answered. ‘They mean to execute me in Kea, a great city, Babalyn also. You they will make a slave.’

  ‘Then we go out,’ Aeisla said. ‘Be defiant. Mock them, fight, anything to draw their attention from Sulitea.’

  ‘They have bows,’ Cianna said, ‘nets, spears.’

  ‘Then do nothing until Sulitea emerges. Sulitea, feign exhaustion.’

  Cianna nodded, fighting down the bubble of fear in her throat. Slowly she began to crawl down the passage, Aeisla following. At the opening she clutched for her necklace, muttered a prayer and stood, blinking in the light. Men stood back, exclaiming in surprise. As her vision cleared she found one with a crossbow trained on her. Another was pointing a tube that looked uncomfortably like a miniature bombard, a third had his sword drawn, standing close to the trench at the bottom of which she stood. Two more, with spades, stood in the actual trench. Beyond was Glaucum, laid out in the grass.

  ‘Out,’ he ordered, ‘and no tricks.’

  Slowly, Cianna crawled up the slope of the trench, pulling herself to the lip on clumps of grass. The man with the sword moved back, keeping it levelled at her chest. His face was familiar, like that of Ulourdos but firmer, harder. Realising that it was Nairgren himself, she backed carefully away.

  ‘Hands behind your back,’ he ordered. ‘Raigos, tie her. Gag her.’

  The bowman came close as she put her hands behind her back.

  ‘Another!’ one of the diggers called out.

  Nairgren took a step back, turning, but never taking his eyes from Cianna. Aeisla climbed from the trench, the gun moving to cover her. Standing her full height, the top of Nairgren’s head barely reached her chin.

  ‘A giant!’ Raigos said.

  ‘Tie her like the other,’ Nairgren ordered. ‘Aqual, up.’

  One of the diggers scrambled from the pit, moving to tie Aeisla’s hands. Cianna watched as her own were lashed off, seeing Aeisla clealy for the first time, the tall, slim figure, long legs sheaved in muscle, high, proud breasts, broad shoulders, firm, tight bottom, belly rounded out in the first stages of pregnancy. Cianna gasped in horror, her mouth falling open.

  ‘Where is the Aprinian?’ Nairgren demanded.

  ‘Here,’ Babalyn sighed, standing up in the trench.

  ‘Up,’ Nairgren ordered as Raigos pulled the thong on Cianna’s wrists tight. ‘Tie her, Telak.’

  The man with the gun put it down, reaching to pull Babalyn from the trench. Meekly, she put her hands behind her back, allowing them to be tied.

  ‘One more, stranger still,’ the digger still in the trench announced, ‘white skinned, with hair like an elf’s.’

  Sulitea began to climb from the hole, dragging herself, only to fall back. The digger took hold of her, pulling her to the lip, where she collapsed in the grass.

  ‘Tie her,’ Nairgren ordered. ‘They are not to be trusted, these savages.’

  Cianna ran, instantly, wrenching herself free of Raigos’ grip as he attempted to fit a gag to her. She saw Aeisla kick out, and Aqual go down, clutching his side in pain. Nairgren moved, pushing his sword point to Aeisla’s neck, but Cianna was already free, bounding through the grass in great leaps.

  Glaucum gave voice behind her. Male laughter rang out. She tried to look back, stumbled, tripped, going down hard, struggling to her knees, only for Glaucum to crash into her. She went down, kneeling, the breath knocked from her body. He was on her back, panting, his cock probing for her hole, sliding between her buttocks, probing again, to find not her vagina, but her anus, still slick with goblin sperm and her own juice. Frantically she bucked her bottom, trying to get his cock to the proper hole. It was too late. Used to wriggling girls, he stuck to the hole he’d found, pressing, streetching out her slimy ring, bursting it. She gasped as her rectum was invaded, the full, fat length of Glaucum’s cock jammed inside her with three firm pushes.

  He began to bugger her, his balls slapping her empty sex, his hairy belly rubbing on her upturned bottom. The men were laughing, and as they came close they realised what had happened.

  ‘He’s in her arsehole!’ one called. ‘Raigos, look, Glaucum has put it up her arsehole. He’s buggering her!’

  ‘I’ve seen plenty get it in the cunt,’ Raigos answered, ‘but never up the arse. Will you look at him pump though!’

And the way his balls slap her cunt,’ the first man said. ‘A standard says she comes before he’s done his load.’

  Cianna felt a stab of shame at his words, knowing he was likely to win his bet. Glaucum’s heavy ball sack was smacking over and over on her sex as he buggered her, the coarse hairs tickling her clitoris. She could do nothing to stop it either, her body pressed hard down by his weight, her hands tight in the small of her back, beneath his belly. She was helpless, and as his cock moved in her rectum his knot was swelling, straining out her anal ring. The feeling was impossible to resist, even with the leering men watching and making remarks on her obscene sodomy.

  ‘I’ll not take that,’ Raigos said. ‘Fat Jelkrael says he is trained to take half-an-hour in their cunts, never less. How can she not come?’

  ‘She will regret running, come or not!’ the first laughed. ‘Ho, Aqual, come and watch. Glaucum has his cock up her arse!’

  Cianna shut her eyes, trying to block out their voices, and the feelings in her own sex. It was impossible, each slap on her clitoris brining her closer, and closer still. Nor was that all, with the knot swollen to full size in her anus and the big cock moving in fast, hard jerks in her rectum, putting her in a breathless ecstasy over which she had no control whatever. She was panting, then whimpering, and at last screaming out in an unbearable mixture of shame and ecstasy as her orgasm hit her, peak after peak, with each slap of the meaty, rough scrotum on her spread tuppenny.

  The men called out in delight to see her come, clapping and slapping at their legs. Glaucum took no notice, humping away up her bottom, faster and faster, his cock squelching in her slimy cavity, the knot filling her anus to bursting point as she gasped out her passion into the grass. Her body was collapsing slowly lower, onto the ground, jammed down by his weight and the thrusts of his cock in her rectum. Dizzy, drool running from her open mouth, juice from her gaping sex, Cianna let it happen, jolt after jolt of orgasm running through her as she was buggered. Glaucum began to come, pumping hot sperm into her gut to make it swell, but never stopping, never even slowing, and again a climax hit her.


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