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Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)

Page 5

by Burns, Rachel

  He smiled at me like he was finished and ready to leave. I tapped him on the shoulder. I hoped my simple request wouldn't get me into trouble. I looked him in the eye and made my hand motion for drinking water. He snapped his hand and a naked serving woman stepped forward. He said something to her. She disappeared. I looked him in the eyes again and nodded my thanks.

  He looked at me very seriously. I matched his stare. My water goblet was brought forward. He took it from her and gave it to me. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I drank. I gave it back to him. He raised it a little and I nodded. Yes, I wanted more, a lot more. The woman poured and he took it again. He gave it to me and I quickly drank it again. I nodded that I wanted more. He laughed and said something to all the men. I figured that I was the butt of the joke because they all laughed as I drank again. I blushed but I still needed more water. He hardly looked at me as he took my goblet and gave it to the woman. She refilled it and he gave it back to me. I drank half in one gulp and the other half in the another gulp. I gave it back to him and shook my head.

  He set me on my feet floor and stood up after I did. Everyone else stood. The men reached out to their women and pulled them to their feet.

  My rescuer took me by my hand and pulled me out of the room. He stopped just outside of the door and tenderly laid his hand over my womb. He made a worried look. “I think I'm fine now. Just don't go so fast.” His eyes had been so expressive that I had forgotten that he couldn't understand me. He spoke and the intercom answered him right away. That meant that the intercom person was always listening. That it had heard everything. I leaned into the wall totally embarrassed. After the intercom person was finished, he picked me up and carried me again. He must have thought that I was too weak to walk. Too weak to walk but not to weak to spank, huh.

  He took me back to the room where I was when I first arrived here. The doctor was in there with a naked woman over his knees. His was spanking her with all his might and she was screaming profanities at him. They probably weren't going to be finished soon.

  My rescuer laid me down in the water again. He washed me gently while I had to listen to the woman scream and swear. It was probably a good thing that they couldn't understand us. He smiled at me like this was the most normal thing in the world. What planet was he from, I asked myself.

  The gentle cleaning was making me feel better. This was taking a toll on me more than I realized.

  The woman was still crying and I could still hear the steady blows he was giving her but it was slowing down. I exhaled when he finally stopped. My rescuer washed my face gently. I wish I always knew the right thing to do so he would never spank me again. I shook myself again. Like I said, Stockholm syndrome. After a bit the doctor came over and my rescuer explained to the doctor what was wrong. He pointed to the area between my legs. The doctor got out his half circle ray beamer thing and started at my feet again. The warmth felt good. My rescuer stood off to the side and held my hand. The doctor continued along. My female parts felt a lot better after the beam had passed over it. I sighed in relief. My rescuer stroked my cheek bone and gave me a look of pity.

  The beam continued on, it went over our joined hands and up further over my head and hair. Now that I wasn't afraid of it, I enjoyed it. My muscles felt so warm like I had just been massaged. My rescuer lifted me out again and held me in his arms. He stood still looking at me. I felt so loved. His eyes were saying things. After he decided I was dry he spoke to the doctor and carried me out of the room. I got a glimpse of the woman. She seemed to be hiding in the corner. The doctor was kneeling on the floor talking to her in soft tones.

  My rescuer proudly carried me through the halls. I hoped that it was bedtime. I was getting very tired. He brought me into our room. He still had me in his arms. I thought that he would lay me down on the bed but he brought me into the bathroom instead. He picked up my brush and went to work brushing it, smiling as he worked. He really liked this chore.

  A few minutes later he laid the brush down. He took my hand in his and brought me out to the bed. I saw my backside for a second in the mirror. It was all healed again. No longer a bright angry red but a pale white. I felt so very thankful that he had allowed me that. Sitting on his lap was so nice but it had been accompanied with pain.

  I was eager for sleep but when I looked down at the bed I saw the blood, my blood from before. It was so much. I wept at the sight of it even though I had already been fixed. I turned away from the bed. Reality had returned. I didn't want to eat off of his finger or drink from a cup after he had touched it. I didn't want him to hurt me, in any of the ways that he already had. I wanted to go home.

  He let go of my hand and did something with the bed. He turned me so I could see that the blood was gone. The blanket had disappeared. He looked so worried about me. This Stockholm thing was very hard to fight. He petted my hair with one hand and my cheek with the other. I took a step back away from him. I didn't even know his name. He didn't know mine either. This was scaring me. Maybe I would feel better if I knew his name and if he knew mine.

  I pointed to myself. “Melissa.” I pointed to him and shrugged my shoulders.

  He stepped in closer, he wanted to kiss me.

  I darted away. He smiled thinking I was playing a game with him.

  “Melissa.” I moved my hands showing I meant all of me. “Melissa.” I pointed to him again and shrugged my shoulders.

  The intercom came on again and spoke to him. Great, I had forgotten about that. Big brother was listening. Whatever it had said it made him happy. He reached out and pointed at me. He tried to say my name. It was too hard for him. I had to wonder what language didn't have a 'M' sound. I couldn't think of any. It came naturally like when you ate something that tasted very good. A child's first was usually mama.

  I grabbed his hand and placed it on my throat and made a 'M' sound. Then I got hold of his other hand and placed his fingertips on my lips. I continued making the 'M' sound. He tried to make it with me. He couldn't quite do it but he was enjoying this kind of language play. I think he would like any game where he got to touch me. But I continued trying to teach him. Learning new sounds was familiar to me because of all the languages I learned.

  “Melissa,” I repeated for him again and again. He said something that was close enough. I would know he meant me when said it.

  I pointed to him again, wanting to know his name. Thinking of him and my rescuer was annoying while he spanked me.

  He smiled and said something that I couldn't repeat even with all of my language training. I moved my hands to his throat and lips and waited for him to repeat as I had done for him. He repeated his name and I felt a burst of his air on my fingers. I felt his throat vibrate. It was somehow sensual. He repeated his name a few times.

  “Ai-de-yon-ung?” I asked, wondering if he too would say close enough.

  He repeated his name several more times. But that was they closest I got to his name. Eventually he smiled and gave up. He took my hands in his and walked over to the bed smiling at me the whole time.

  I was feeling a little wary of him again. He looked so happy. He let go of me and started to undress himself, but he peeked up at me and smiled every few seconds.

  He was so eager. No one was ever that happy about going to bed. He wanted sex again. I felt tears gather in my eyes. Why had he taken me to be healed when he was just going to hurt me again?

  He noticed my tears and looked confused.

  He grabbed me and pulled me down onto the bed. His hands went to my breasts again. He took one in his mouth and suck on it. I look down and saw the top of his head over one of my breasts and his hand kneading my other breast. I moaned with a pleasure I couldn't keep pent up inside anymore. His hand let go of my breast and slowly caressed me on its way down to the secret place he had found earlier. He stroked me there and suckled on my breast. I had to wonder where his other hand was. I sighed when I realized my head was resting on it. He had me completely in his control and I liked it.
/>   My hips raised and rocked against his fingers. He moved his fingers faster and my hips moved with him. I felt an extreme urgency, wanting more of what he had showed me earlier.

  I climaxed, screaming out his name in my pleasure. His mouth let go of my breast so he could look me in the eyes. He looked happy to have made me happy. I sighed lovingly at him. He moved in between my legs. I opened my legs wide for him, still mindless in my orgasm. He very carefully thrust into me, slowly working his way deep inside of me.

  Again I screamed in pleasure. My body made itself wet so he could better enter me. My hips lifted up to him, welcoming him. He moaned and started his thrusting. Aide wasn't as careful anymore. He didn't need to be. I was showing him quite clearly that I wasn't in pain. The opposite was true.

  I clung to him while he rode inside of me. My screams of pleasure came often making him move faster. He threw his head back as he pushed in even deeper to me. I felt him grow even larger in that moment. My own body reacted to his, gripping him and holding my tightly inside of me. Clasping around him again and again. This orgasm, with him inside of me took me to new levels of enjoyment.

  As my climax began to wane and my breathing slowly started to regulate, I noticed that my hands were in his hair. I let go and hoped that he wouldn't be mad about that. I was still breathing very heavily when he grabbed one of my legs and bent it so my knee was by my chest. He rolled me to the side. He laid down behind me and laid his arm around me, resting his hand on my breast. I was glad that he was still inside of me. He knew that it would have made me sad if he would have left me.

  He was whispering in my ear again. I couldn't understand him but it sounded so nice.

  “I love you,” I sighed as I fell asleep.

  Day 2

  I woke up often in the night. I usually rolled this way and that in the night. But he was holding me in such a way that I couldn't move at all. My ear was tingling. All my blood seemed to have collected in it. It annoyed me so much that I couldn't think of anything else.

  I tried to at least turn my head but he was laying on my hair. I was completely trapped. He had his right hand under my head and his left on my left breast. He wasn't cupping it anymore but it laid relaxed there. His penis was still inside of me and his left leg was over my right leg. I had to support my weight on my right knee.

  I desperately needed to move. My right arm just fell asleep too. I was getting scared. Remembering yesterday, wondering what today might hold. Would they swap women today? Would I be sitting on someone else's lap today? The thought of that sadden me so much that I was crying again. I started shaking in fear that someone else would love me and want to take me to their bed and over their knees when I was bad. I just wanted to be loved by him and spanked by him.

  His hand left my breast and went to my face. I turned to look at him as much as I could with him on my hair. He lifted his head and reluctantly moved his new found pillow to the side so I could look into his eyes.

  I reached out to him as best as I could in this position. I saw a spark in his eye. He grabbed my leg again and flipped me unto my back again. He was already inside of me so I could feel him growing and hardening inside of me.

  Would this be the last time we ever made love? I needed to enjoy it while it lasted. I raised my hips to meet his thrusts, thoroughly enjoying each and everyone of them. Being with him was so amazing. I already loved him so much. I wished that he would keep me forever and do this to me all the time, needing to be this close to him. I needed him to fill my body in the space that I hadn't even realized had been so empty.

  He quickened his pace. I laid my hands on his bottom, urging him on. My climax seemed to be just a breath away but it didn't come until he did. I had been waiting for him. I called out his name again and he smiled so devilishly happy at me. He thrust himself into me a few more times while he watched me enjoy his body with my many climaxes. When I had finished and I was able to take notice of him on a different level again I saw that he was lovingly petting my face and smiling at me. He tried to say my name and my heart melted with my love for him. How could I have fallen in love with him so quickly?

  He held me and petted my hair for a long time. I ran my hand up and down his strong arms.

  This would have been the normal time for pillow talk but we couldn't understand each other. I was just enjoying being with him and staring into his dark eyes, that I believed were filled with love for me.

  He pulled himself out of me. After having him in me for so many hours it was honest pain to be without him. I felt a heavy frown form on my face. I whimpered and continued to look into his eyes, trying to guess what I had done wrong.

  He picked me up and held me to his chest. He sat down on the bed with me still in his arms, holding me close, cuddling and kissing me. He took my sorrow so seriously. I loved him more with each minute.

  He stood after I had laid my head and happily sighed on his chest. In the bathroom he set me down on the toilet again while he called for the bathtub. I was used to going to the bathroom in front of him already too. I hoped with all my heart that he meant well with me. I wanted to be his for the rest of my life.

  He said the words that flushed the toilet. He picked me up and laid me in the bathtub. He went to the bathroom, even pooping. I would have thought that he wouldn't want to do that in front me but he did as if it was the most normal thing in the world. He felt that comfortable with me. Could I in front of him? Would I have to?

  He joined me in the tub. He smiled as he cleaned me. I could tell he enjoyed doing it. I had never been so clean in all of my life as I was at the moment when he was finished with me. He held the pretty orange and yellow sponge out to me. I gave him a loving smile as I took it and started washing his feet working my way up, no longer afraid to touch him anymore. I enjoyed it even. He was showing me with his growing hardness how much he enjoyed it. I cleaned his manhood longer than necessary. He groaned and I longed to straddle him and feel him inside of me again. Would he mind and spank me or would he like that I wanted him and even needed him again.

  He was laying back enjoying my touch as I continued to clean him. I couldn't bare it any more. I leaned my wet breasts onto his stomach and laid my head on his chest. I didn't stop cleaning his long penis.

  The water was deep in this tub. When I sat it still covered my breasts. I was truly amazed that his thing was so big that the tip was sticking out of the water. Would I even be able to take all of him in me if I were on top? Would it hurt? Would I end up making a fool out of myself? I looked up to his face, he was definitely enjoying was I was doing to him.

  I moved my leg over his still watching his face. I took my hand away from his penis and started cleaning his chest. He made a disappointed sound. I smiled to myself and rolled completely on top of him as I scrub his broad chest and pushed myself back a little so my female parts pressed firmly into his pelvis. By rising up that way my wet breasts rubbed against his upper tummy, tickling both of us. I reached up and cleaned his shoulders. My wet breasts pushed into him.

  He still didn't look at me. His head was thrown back just enjoying what I was doing for him. I decided to be very brave. I sat up. The water was running down my front dripping from my full breasts. I had one leg on each of his sides. My female parts directly over his. I cleaned his stomach as if nothing special was happening. He had moved his head as I had moved. He eyes roamed over my body and his hands had gone to my hips.

  Not smiling at my own mischievousness was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do in my life. I raised my legs up on my knees and cleaned his already clean chest. As my body raised so could his penis. His hands stayed on my hips.

  My mind work on ways to sit down catching his penis inside of me. I didn't think I could do that. I needed to take his penis in my hand and guide it inside of me. That would make it obvious what I was up to. Would he mind? His penis wouldn't but would he. I remembered yesterday when I had touched him and he looked so unsure of whether or not his was mad. It didn't matt
er, my need had become so great that I had to have him inside of me.

  I stayed it that position over him and I worked on cleaning downwards again. I sighed as I got to his penis again. I cleaned it again. Petting and stroking it, wiping it with the sponge. I held it in my hand and sat down on it, moaning as it filled me, closing my eyes and enjoying the moment. That was a mistake. I needed more. This just wasn't enough. If he got mad and pushed me away it would break my heart. I opened my eyes to see how he reacted to my assault on him. His hands moved to my breasts. He was happy not mad.

  I arched my back, thrusting my breasts up to him, filling his large hands. I lifted my body slowly up and slowly lowered it again. I closed my eyes at the pleasure I was taking from him. I continued on loving him with my body. His hands never left my body. He petted, stroked, pulled and rubbed, driving me mad with need. I needed to go faster but my legs were already getting tired. I ignored the pain and placed my hands on his strong chest. I moved faster up and down on his penis. His mouth was half open and he was moaning too. I moved faster and faster until the muscles in my arm and legs gave out. I cried at my own failure.

  He simply grabbed onto my hips and raised and lowered me himself and at the speed he needed. I too moaned on his chest. I was coming so close. My need was pure pain and pleasure at the same time. He climaxed and held my hips tightly so I couldn't move. I was so frustrated that I wiggled wanting my own release. He was relaxing again and he lifted my hips up and down again. I sat up again and rock on top of him blind for need. I was so thankful that he wanted me to come too and did with a scream louder than any spanking had ever gotten out of me. He let me rock on him as I needed and two more orgasms came after the first one. I laid down on his chest once I was completely sated. The words, 'Please, keep me,' ran through my head again and again.


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