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Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)

Page 6

by Burns, Rachel

  He ran his fingers through my hair as he laid in the cleansing water. Once I regained my senses, I resumed cleaning him with the sponge that had never left my hand. I felt him laughing under me and in me. I wished we could stay joined forever.

  He sat up and scared me a little. I reached around and tried to clean his back from my position. He laughed all the more because of my attempts to clean him without giving up my preferred perch. He lifted me off of him and sat me down in the corner of the tub.

  “No,” I begged, wanting to be close to him.

  He took the sponge from me and cleaned in between my legs until I had another small and relaxing orgasm. He knew my body so well.

  After I had recovered he handed me the sponge and turned so he was laying on his stomach. I cleaned him as lovingly as a mother would clean her newborn baby.

  He jumped out of the tub again and this time my body went to his as if our hearts were magnets, pulling us together.

  He loved me. I saw it in his eyes while he held as we waited for us to be magically dry.

  When we were, he reached back, grabbed my hairbrush and started in grooming me. He had to move to stand behind me. I moment later he moved me in front of the mirror so I was facing it. I got the impression that he wanted to see my breasts while he did that. I blushed a little and watched him. A happier man had never lived. I wished he was my husband. I wanted to keep him forever.

  He laid the brush down. I ran my hand through my thick brown hair. It was so much healthier and softer than it had ever been. Even I liked to touch it. I picked up a lock and held its softness to my cheek. I had probably made a very satisfactory pillow for him last night.

  He took my hand and pulled me out to the bedroom. I watched him get dressed. He spoke with his intercom as he did this. I was just disappointed that he was covering himself up, hiding his beautiful body.

  The doors of our room opened and a slave woman walked in. I jumped surprised that that could happen. She was carrying leather skins. Aide, as I was calling him in my head, took them from her. That name made sense to me. I sounded like the word – aid; to help, perhaps even rescue. The name fit him. He said something and the doors closed. The naked woman was still in here with us.

  He brought the leather skins to me. First he looked at the skins and then at me. He talked to the woman and it sounded like she was giving him instructions. He dived the skins into two. I realized what they were. They were clothes. One was a floor length skirt and the other was a bodice. He put the skirt on me first. He held it out so I could step into it. The material was softer than silk. He tied it up with laces in the back. Next came the bodice. He was having lots of trouble with that. The woman explained and explained until I gently laid my hand on his arm.

  He looked in my eyes and smiled. I put my arm in and turned so he could help me with the other arm. He did up the laces in the front. I had to lift up my breasts so it would close. It was very tight and soft. It gave me a feeling like he was cupping my breasts. I got a feeling like he should remove my clothes and kick the woman out so we could play in bed some more.

  Once I was dressed he took my hand and we left the room. The naked woman stayed behind. He walked me proudly down halls. I was the only woman who was dressed. I hadn't seen any yesterday and none today. Maybe the other women from yesterday would be dressed today too. We went into the dining hall. All the others were there already. One of the women was missing. It was the one who sat next to me. Her man was there but she wasn't. I wondered what to make of that.

  The men seemed to be congratulating my Aide. He beamed with pride as he looked at me. I smiled back lovingly. He sat on his chair and I automatically sat down on his lap. He gave me my goblet and I drank. When it was empty he took it so it could be refilled. He set it down and picked up a bowl and stuck his finger in it and held it up to me.

  I looked deeply into his eyes and then sucked his finger clean. I felt a bulge growing under me. He quickly got me more to eat. He didn't smile at me instead he looked at me very seriously. I decided to be good. I couldn't help him relieve his bulging penis at the moment so I should try not to make him uncomfortable. The problem was that this dress was having an aphrodisiac effect on me. It was so tight on my breasts. I looked down and saw that my nipples had formed hard peeks. I longed to undo the laces and take out a breast and offer it to him so suck on.

  He saw where my eyes were looking and followed my gaze. His bulge grew under me. He gave me more food. I could hear that the others were all eating too. I only had eyes for him. He didn't talk to the others either. Instead he fed us until I pointed for my water. He quickly grabbed it and brought it to my lips. He tenderly held my goblet so I could drink. I felt the others stare at us. I looked around and notice that the others didn't have anything to drink not even Aide. I tucked that information away to ponder on in the future.

  He was waiting with my next finger full of food. I sucked it greedily from his finger. His serious look returned and his bulge must be painful for him. I wanted to apologize but before I could he snapped his finger and someone cleared away our dishes. Once they were gone he picked me up and laid me down on the table on my back. He was opening his pants. Was he was going to have me right in front of everyone at the table? He lifted up my skirt and folded it over my stomach. I was scared. I stuck a finger inside of me and pulled it out wet. He smiled and said something to everyone. The men laughed.

  I was horrified that he was doing this to me. His penis filled me. I was too shocked to do anything, even to move. He grabbed my hips and pulled me back and forth on his penis while he stood straight with his head thrown back a little like he had in the bathtub. He moved his hand so his thumb was on that juncture in between my legs, undoing me. My hands flew to his wrists. I moaned in pleasure and forgot the others in the room watching us. Our bodies loved each other with a need that made us forget everything around us, just concentrating on each other. He was even bucking wildly into me. I was moaning and enjoying it, taking what he was giving me. I called out his name again as I came. He followed right behind me. I wrapped my arms around him protectively. He whispered into my ear and answered him. “I love you, too,” I whispered into his ear.

  A serving woman appeared with a bowl and a green and blue sponge. He took it from her still inside of me. He set the bowl down and slowly pulled out of me. I reached for him in protest. I was red faced with embarrassment but still it saddened me to lose our closeness.

  He washed himself. I closed my knees at an attempt of modesty. Aide shook his head and I slowly reopened my legs for him. He cleaned me up very lovingly, pulled my skirt down and pulled me up to standing. He sat down and I went to his lap without being told. I buried my face in his chest until I heard heavy breathing. I looked and saw two others couples also making love. I looked up at him, smiled and blushed. We had set off an orgy. He turned me so I could watch. He watched too. Everyone was. I looked at the women faces and noticed that they weren't making love as we had. The men were having sex with them. Their was a big difference. The women weren't enjoying this like I had once I had forgotten that others were there. They couldn't forget it. They looked around the room with frightened eyes to see who was watching them this way. I had only looked in his eyes. I was filled with a sadness for them. I leaned into Aide. He held me tight. I once again had a feeling that he could understand me. I raised my right hand up to cup his face. He turned his head so he could kiss the palm of my hand. He took my hand in his and he cuddled against it.

  The men almost seemed to be in a contest with each other. One of the women was crying as he worked over her. Her man had his eyes on the other woman and not on his wife's as he should. I knew that Aide had kept his eyes on me because I had kept mine on his.

  I was glad when the show was over. I relaxed a little. But then the woman who had cried got turned over her man's knees after he had cleaned her. He spanked her brutally. She screamed out how much she hated him and everything about him. She bit, scratched and pounded her fists
at him. He took it as if he couldn't feel it at all.

  I believed her that she hated him. I buried my head again and Aide didn't make me watch. I guess he figured I didn't need to learn her lesson. With the others he had wanted me to learn not to do what the other women had done, thus saving me a spanking.

  Finally breakfast was over. He stood me up and my hand reached out to him. He took it and he led me out of the room.

  We were going someplace new. He went into a huge room with another throne in it. He sat and I sat on his knees. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. I laid my arms around his neck. A line of people had already started building up. They were going to their leader with their problems. Men as well as naked women were lined up waiting for his attention.

  The first one came forward, trying not to stare at me but not being able to take his eyes off of me. I had to wonder if it was because of my mere presence or was it because of the clothes that I was wearing. He spoke and Aide listened and asked questions. The line behind this man was long but Aide took his time.

  My mind wondered back to the women who had been raped at breakfast. One couldn't call it anything else. Had I been raped too? I didn't fight him. If I had then it would have been rape. Would he have stopped if I had fought him? He had always been very careful not to hurt me when he took me. Only the deflowering had truly hurt me. I didn't think he would have hurt me that way. He would have readied me to take him, making me mindless with need.

  The others weren't as close to their men as I was. They had been picked out of a lineup, not very romantic. I had been saved from certain death. Did that have something to do with it? Was I suffering from Stockholm syndrome? Did it matter if it made me happy? Should I have put up a better fight? Would I regret what had happened?

  I snuggled in closer to him and laid my head on his chest. Thinking about fighting him and being away from him had made me feel sad. If I honestly did have Stockholm syndrome then I was happy, so what did it matter? I felt safe with him. I let my eyes close. We hadn't slept much last night.

  I woke up in my bed alone. I looked around for him. “Aide,” I called out to him. My eyes darted over to the wall that held the bathroom behind it. It was closed and it was always open when we were in it. I got up and looked around for him. He wasn't in the living room either.

  I had to go to the bathroom. I went and stood in front of the door. I figured the intercom person was listening maybe I could get lucky. I tried to say what he always did to no avail.

  “Open sesame.” Nothing. I was getting desperate.

  “I have to go to the bathroom, please open up.” The door opened. It took me a moment to believe what had happened. I went in and went to the bathroom. I enjoyed the privacy.

  Great now onto the next problem. How was I going to flush?

  “Flush, please.” I called out. It did. They had programmed the things in here to listen to me too. I liked that. It could only mean that I was going to be here awhile.

  I washed my hands and brushed my hair. A smile began to grow on my face. I could finish it in under a minute but Aide would need at least five.

  I went out and sat on the sofa, arranging my skirt so it fell prettily around me. I wanted to look nice for him when he came in. Perhaps the intercom would call him, telling him I was awake. He didn't show up and I wasn't used to not doing anything so I grabbed my laptop and turned some music on and sang along with it. It felt good to understand what was being said or in this case sung. I listened to sad songs because I felt a little lonely without him.

  I decided to start a journal. I probably wasn't allowed to write on my computer but he wouldn't know what I was up to. I typed in everything that had happened to me and how I felt about it and how I was feeling at the moment.

  I sang and typed, feeling pretty happy even though I was separated from Aide. I finished and looked around. He was laying on the bed. I closed my computer and the music stopped. He sat up and looked at me.

  He was here. That was why I wasn't so sad anymore. I quickly went to him and sat down next to him, laughing at my own belief that his presence alone had the power to control my moods. How silly was I going to get?

  He said something. I shook my head and raised my shoulders. Trying to show him that I didn't understand.

  He got up and went to my computer. He brought it back to me.

  I guessed he wanted to hear more music. I started it and looked for something romantic. I didn't have that much romantic music, having been single up until now. That made me smile. I wasn't single anymore. I started the same music as before and smiled at him. The music filled the air.

  He looked at me so intently. He had wanted something else. His fingertips slowly reached for my throat. Like when we had practiced each other's names. He wanted me to sing along.

  Oh, this could get embarrassing. I wasn't that bad of a singer but also not that great. But he had already heard me singing, when I hadn't realized that he was here.

  Here goes nothing, I thought. I sang and he listened and smiled. He still had his fingertips on my throat. I sang him a couple of songs. Then I closed my laptop.

  He looked a little mad. I pet my throat to show him that it would hurt me to go on singing. I put my fingertips on his throat, wanting to hear him sing too. I smiled at him encouragingly.

  He shook his head.

  My head tilted to the side. I was disappointed. I had sung for him. I wouldn't understand what he was singing anyway. Couldn't he sing?

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him again. I got more stares in the hallway. I almost had a feeling the people were bowing at both of us and not just him.

  I smiled to myself, thinking clothes made the man, or in my case the woman. I was the only woman dressed here. I wouldn't have believed it yesterday but today I felt silly this way. I didn't like sticking out like this. I hoped some of the other women would also have clothes soon. I wondered what I had done to earn them or had I gotten them because he was the leader, captain or whatever of this ship?

  I was surprised at how steady she sailed. We must be on the ocean or on a lake with the boat not moving at all. I thought about a movie I once saw about the end of the earth. They all got onto huge boats too. Had the world come to an end and the men decided that this was how things were going to be?

  We entered the lunch room. The table was already set but not everyone was here yet. I made it my goal not to get spanked or have sex during this meal. I wasn't too worried about a spanking. He probably wouldn't do that to me anymore. Not now that we loved each other. That had been the goal. Now that it was achieved we could be happy with each other.

  We sat down on his throne. Once we were sitting comfortably the others also sat. He gave me my goblet. He had figured out how important water was to me. Another woman was drinking too. Her man was giving her a different goblet after every sip. I watched the way she smiled at him, thankful that he cared to do that for her. I wasn't the only one suffering from Stockholm syndrome. She seemed to like more than I did. I just wanted water.

  I smiled at Aide. Their happiness rubbing off. He smiled back. He reached for a bowl and sunk his finger into it. He offered it to me and I ate as if I had never done anything else in all of my life. More people were coming in. The late comers went into the middle of the U-shaped tables and bowed. The men who had women made them bow to Aide too. None of the other women had clothes on. I was still the only one. Would I stay the only one?

  The last pair came in. He looked mad and so did she. They were both red faced (she was also red bottomed). They looked like they had had a huge argument. I was glad we didn't fight like that. He came forward and bowed, jerking her forward but she wouldn't bow. He grabbed her behind her neck and pushed her head down. Then he pulled her over to the their spot and spanked the daylights out of her. I don't think that I had ever been spanked that hard, not even when I bite him. He smacked and smacked at her. Did he see her crime as being that large?

  Aide didn't make me watch. Mayb
e this was a crime that I couldn't commit. The others were making sure that their women were watching. I was afraid that she might pass out by the time he had finished. He pulled her close and let her cry on his shoulder. He hugged her and gave her tender kisses. She had been forgiven. He wasn't mad anymore and she had apologized dozens of times while she could still speak, he just hadn't understood her. She clung to him wrapping her body around him as he whispered in her ear what I felt could only be words of love.

  She reached in between his legs and massaged him. Her need for him was obvious to all of us. The whole room was watching them. Normally I would never do something like that but the world's oldest excuse was proving to be very true. Everyone else was doing it.

  He opened his pants so she could better get at him. As soon as his penis was out she grabbed on to it and pumped it in her hand until it was completely hard. She took him inside of her and moved up and down on him much better that I had been able to. Would Aide prefer her to me now? She was clearly better at doing 'it' than I was.

  I leaned into him and he laid his arm around him. He rubbed my arm like we were watching a romantic movie, like Love Story or something.

  She was getting close to her climax. Had I been that loud before? All I can remember was that I didn't care. In fact this scene in front of us was increasing my need for him again. I wanted him more than I wanted to eat. I turned and looked at him. He smiled at me. Should I pet him like she had? I was tempted, really tempted. He stared in my eyes as we listened to both of them climaxing behind me.

  I reach up and touched his face. He smiled and shook his head. Wasn't I allowed to touch him either anymore? I started to worry. Did he want her? And not me?

  He was laughing at me. I hoped he couldn't read my mind. He picked up my goblet and let me drink something. He was content feeding me. I ate my food from his finger until I was full. I leaned onto his thick warm chest and watched him eating and looked around the room at the others.


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