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Make Me Stay

Page 17

by M. E. Gordon

  I turned back, lunging for him, pushing his big shot lawyer out of the way. I had been able to keep my cool through the laughing, chuckling, even the way he smiled as I explained what I walked in on in the woods. But meowing? Fuck, no. Even if I was over Caroline, that had done it. She was still B’s daughter and, even though I hated her, he loved his little girl, and I wasn’t going to let this fucker get away. I was an inch from his face, my hands gathered up in his shirt, when everything seemed to click. This was what he wanted. He wanted the reaction, and he wanted to rile me up. Fuck if I was going to let that happen.

  So I released his shirt, even smoothed it down for him. I smiled in his face, tapping his chest. “I hope you like getting fucked in the ass. I heard rumors that good-looking, fit, young men like you are a high commodity. Oh and you were a cop on top of that. They are going to fuck your brains out. Keep practicing your cat call, though, it needs to be a little bit higher in pitch.”

  I patted his shoulder one last time then walked away. I grabbed Chloe, pulling her close under my arm.

  She wound her arm around my waist as we walked away. “Are we going home? I need you to take me home. That was--Kane, I think you need to start wearing a suit more often. Oh, God, I want to rip it off with my teeth,” she said as we exited the courtroom.

  I stopped at the front doors of the building, took her face between my hands, and kissed her like I’ve never kissed her before.



  He was kissing her like he used to kiss me. She was the same tall height as him. He held her close. Their bodies seemed to fit together perfectly, his tattoos mixing with hers. They looked like a rock star couple.

  I was coming out of the restroom when I spotted them by the door. I hid behind a huge pillar a good distance away. I didn’t realize that seeing him, let alone seeing him with another woman, a woman who he clearly had feelings for, would be so, confusing. I had gotten over him. I had moved on, went on dates, even slept with a few, but fuck if it wasn’t hard to see him all over someone else.

  They ended their “bedroom kiss.” I called it that because it was the kind of kiss that usually led to having your clothes tossed all over the floor. Kane was facing away from me, so I couldn’t see his face, but I saw hers and knew exactly what she was feeling and who she was. Chloe, from Baltimore, the front girl from Fallen.

  I was so wrapped up in watching them, I hadn’t realized someone was standing behind me. I jumped and squealed a little as a hand tapped my shoulder. I whipped around to see a girl who I also recognized immediately as Nate’s younger sister Piper. I quickly turned back, praying that I hadn’t called attention to myself. Thankfully, I hadn’t. Kane and Chloe where already out the front door and heading for his truck.

  A sigh of relief escaped me as I turned back to Piper. “Piper, holy shit, you startled me,” I said, still clutching at my racing heart.

  She looked older, more mature than the last time I had seen her, which coincidentally was the night her brother drugged and assaulted me. She stared at me, and I wasn’t sure if she was going to punch me for ratting out her brother or start crying.

  “You remember me?” she asked, surprised.

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”

  “I just thought that since Nate, and then you left that...well, I just thought you’d hate me and forget who I was,” she said looking at the floor.

  She definitely wasn’t going to punch me. Her eyes were filled with tears as she tried to stay strong in front of me.

  “Hey, hey, hey. Piper, it’s not your fault. Your brother has some serious issues.”

  She laughed, a few of the tears ran down her cheeks. “He’s only a half-brother. The only thing we have in common is my mother,” she said.

  “Oh, I didn’t know that,” I said, fully taking in the woman she was turning into.

  I could remember Piper and her friend all gooey-eyed over ONS, young and seventeen. I remember her begin carefree and running along the lake, the guys running after her and her friends. That carefree girl that sat happily on JJ’s lap the night that Nate drugged me. That girl wasn’t standing in front of me. I felt bad that she had somehow lost her innocence, her glow. The whole mess with her brother was taking a toll on her.

  She wiped the tears away and continued on. “My mother sent him here to live with his drunken bastard of a father when he was thirteen. She couldn’t control him anymore. I was three when he moved away, and only a few years ago was I able to see him. I knew about him, of course, and when I was fourteen, I think, my mother let him back in my life because she thought that he had gotten his life in order--you know, becoming a cop and all. She thought it was ‘safe’ to spend time with him. If I had known he was doing--I just want to say that I’m sorry.”

  I felt bad for her. She was going to be linked to that bastard for the rest of her life, not only by blood but, in this small town where everyone knew everyone’s business, it was sure to follow her.

  “Piper, you don’t have to be sorry for him.”

  “Well, he’s never going to say it, so I will. I know it doesn’t mean much coming from me, but you at least deserve an apology.”

  “Damn,” I said, crossing my arms in astonishment. “You really grew up, didn’t you?”

  She had more class in her pinky finger, than Nate did in his whole body.

  “So everyone says. I know this is a little forward but, do you still keep in touch with...” She pointed in the direction that Kane and Chloe had been standing.

  I followed her hand, realizing who she was talking about, and shook my head. “Nah, not really. I only know what my father tells me, and usually that’s not more than a, ‘He’s alive and well.’” I bit down on my lip nervously. How the hell did this conversation end up here?

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. What have you been doing since you left? Rumor has it you’re in New York again,” she asked, saving the conversation.

  “I am. I got a really good job, my dream job, actually.”

  “That’s great! I’m moving up there myself. I have no clue what I’m going to do, or where I’m going to stay, but I saved up some money and I’m going to try to start over. I need out of this town, fast.”

  Something I could definitely relate to. A strange feeling came over me, a feeling that I wanted to ball her up, put her in my suite case, and take her with me. I had been where she was at, needing to start over, run away from the past. We are kindred spirits, and you know what? Fuck it.

  “Are you serious about moving to New York?” I asked, apparently taking her off guard.

  She looked at me, clearly puzzled. “Yeah, as soon as this trial is over, I was planning on jumping in the car and leaving it all behind.”

  She was serious. I could see it in her green eyes. “Well, I have a huge place, an extra bedroom and bathroom that are just collecting dust. You’re more than welcome to it until you get your own.”

  She stared at me in disbelief. It was obvious that her childhood hadn’t been lollypops and rainbows. This was an opportunity for her to make something of her life, and if the huge smile on her face was any indication, she was going to say yes.

  “Are you serious, Caroline? I don’t want to put you out.”

  “As a heart attack. Plus I always wanted to have a little sister.”

  She covered her gaping mouth with her hand. “But you don’t even know me. Why are you doing this?” she asked, removing her hand.

  Why? Because I was her five years ago. “Piper, don’t ask questions, just say yes. I’m going to get you out of this small town nightmare. Pretend I’m your fairy God sister.”

  She laughed at me, covering her mouth with her hands again.

  “Well?” I asked, waiting for an answer.

  “Yes! Yes, please take me with you.”

  I wrapped my arms around her, as she did the same. Yeah, this was a good idea, added bonus--she was another distraction.

  I was so thankful to have met Piper in that
hallway. Together she and I made our way into the courtroom. I saw where my father was sitting and went right to him. I sat down, Piper still at my side. We sat through the trial until I was called up.

  “Dad, I can’t do this,” I said clutching at his arm.

  “Yes you can. You’ll be fine. Kane did great up there and I know that you will too. Just think how many women you are helping by doing this. Do it for those women who don’t have a voice, who weren’t as lucky as you were to have someone come and save them,” he said, squeezing my arm.

  My father was right. I was so lucky to have Kane there. For if he wasn’t, I would have been one of the silent women cowering in the courtroom with nothing to add. I was saved and it was my job to speak for them, since they couldn’t.

  I smiled up at my father with added strength. As I made my way up to the stand, I clenched my hands into fists to keep them from shaking. After being sworn in, I glanced up and got my first look at Nate in almost a year. He looked the same. Not much had changed about his appearance. He snickered to himself then nodded up at me.

  He was disgusting, and now I had all the ammunition I needed to tell my story.


  I came home late. The condo was lit up. Every lamp was on and the music was blaring. I tossed my bag on the island in my over-the-top kitchen, in my over the top condo, the company had put me up in for a year. Glancing in the family room off the back of the kitchen, I saw Piper dancing around the room. She had been living with me for almost two months and I still couldn’t help smiling when I walked in and saw her. She was just what I needed--a burst of fun in a life that had gone very stale.

  Piper turned down the music and stared at me from the couch. “Caroline! You’re home, before seven. Is everything okay?”

  I kicked my heels off, ran to the couch, jumped over the back, and stood next her. “Well, turn the music back up. We’re going out tonight and I need to get in the mood.”

  She looked quizzically at me. “We’re going out?”

  “Yup, another one of Sarah’s great ideas.”

  Jumping off the couch, Piper pulled at her sweatshirt and PJ pants.

  “I gotta get ready--and so do you!” Grabbing my hand, she pulled me off the couch and down the hall to our, I mean my closet.


  Dressed and ready to leave, I sat on a stool in the kitchen, wishing that I could just stay in and catch up on sleep. Work had been crazy and I knew that Sarah thought that getting out and meeting guys was stress relieving, but it wasn’t for me. Sleeping in my cozy bed, now that was stress relieving.

  “Do you know what Sarah has in mind? Oh, I hope she’s taking us to Blue. I heard it’s amazing and if we got the chance to meet Spencer Salvatore, I think I could die happy.”

  Piper was thoroughly enjoying her time in New York. She was working for a fashion magazine and, although she started out in the rack rooms, she was quickly making a name for herself with all the right people.

  “I’m not sure where we’re going. She said it was a small bar that had live music. So, unfortunately, I don’t think you’re going to meet Mr. Millionaire tonight,” I said, tossing my unruly mane of hair around.

  “Hey, I’m going to get into that place, you just watch.”

  I nodded while patting her shoulder. “I know you will.”


  This “small” bar was anything but. Sarah had us front and center, and the band that was currently on stage was making my ears bleed.

  “Can we go now?” I asked, leaning across the table.

  “No, we cannot leave yet. My brother told me that we have to stay and see the next band. He thinks they’re really good, and I trust my brother, plus, if he likes them, than that means they look good too. Haven’t you ever fantasized about being with a rock god? I know I have and if there’s a chance I can make that happen tonight, I’m going to make that happen.”

  “You don’t even remember the band’s name?” Piper asked.

  “Details. All I needed to know was that they’re hot,” Sarah said, brushing Piper off.

  I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair. I had been with a “rock god,”, or so he called himself. Was it amazing and everything that Sarah was probably fantasying about? Um that’s a big fat yes. Not that she would know that about me. She was usually too busy talking about herself to even ask about my past conquests. Trust me, I did not mind.

  Piper on the other hand learned that lesson a day after she moved in. She asked me about Kane. I quickly put her in her place and told her never to speak of that man in my presence.

  Talking about Kane was bad, but when I saw him at Nate’s trial with Chloe, I nearly lost it. The flood of emotions I had been suppressing came rushing back. Then finding out that it had been him who managed to get others to speak out about what Nate had done to them, then my father giving me the whole Kane-saved-you-you-should-feel-lucky speech was icing on the cake. The stone wall I had put him behind crumbled the day of Nate’s trial. Thankfully, I was safe in New York, hundreds of miles away from Kane.

  “Sarah, what are you--never mind, I don’t want to know.”

  Danny was standing behind me. The three of us turned to see his finely dressed physic. He was leaning on the back of my chair, a few fingers grazed my bare back, which sent a chill down my spine. That’s different. I sat all the way back and looked up at him.

  “You two need some alone time?” I asked, winking at Sarah.

  He placed his hand on my head, pushing it down so I couldn’t look up at him anymore. “Ha-ha, Caroline, that’s funny.”

  “I don’t think it’s funny. I could use some alone time with hunky boss man,” Sarah said, licking her lips seductively.

  She was hopeless and clearly didn’t have a problem putting herself out there, even if the guy was not interested. Trust me, that didn’t stop her.

  “You guys care if I join you?” Danny asked. “My friend’s running late.”

  “Not at all, pull up a chair,” I said, scooting mine over to make room for another.

  Piper elbowed me, nodding in Danny’s direction. “That’s your boss?” she asked under her breath.

  I nodded and laughed to myself as she leaned back in her seat to get a better look at him.

  Finally the loud, almost ear splitting music stopped, a DJ from somewhere, jumped up on stage as the band was leaving. “Let’s hear it for Lonely Girls. Come on, give them a hand!” the DJ yelled, clapping as he spoke.

  “I’ll be back. I’m going to stretch my legs,” I said, standing from the table.

  As I walked away, Piper jumped into my seat and began introducing herself to Danny.

  My bad. I’m not the best at that. I shrugged the guilt off and went in search of the restrooms. I walked down a long corridor, passing a group of giggling girls and a couple getting a little too familiar against the wall. Suddenly, I felt like I was back at my father’s bar. Chuckling to myself, I kept on, stopping at a room filled with furniture and instruments. The sign on the door read VIP, but there was no one to be found. I peeked my head in searching for a bathroom, looking left then right. It was on my glance to the right that I felt all the blood drain from my face.

  There staring at me was a guitar, red and glossy, with black scripture all over it. I was back at my father’s bar. This was clearly a dream. I had had this dream many times since leaving Maryland. I’d walk up to Kane’s guitar, he’d come up behind me, holding me in his strong arms.

  After that, I’d usually wake up. But I was not waking up. I was still standing in the back of some bar, looking at his guitar, JJ’s, Trent’s base, Reece’s drum sticks on the table, along with Aiden’s distinct handwriting on a stack of papers. I backed away from the door, hitting the wall behind me. I had a one-track mind, I needed to get Piper and get out of there, fast.

  I ran back to the table, sitting in Pipers empty seat. I looked around the bar again, noticing this time the shirts that some people were wearing. At every glance, I saw an ONS T-shirt on an e
xcited fan. This couldn’t be happening. Of all the bars, in all the places, he was here in New York, at this bar, where I happen to be sitting front and center. How did I not see all this before?

  “Caroline, you okay? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” Sarah asked from across the table.

  I grabbed Pipers forearm, taking her off guard. “We need to go.” The urgency in my voice made her scrunch her brows at me.

  “What’s going on? Are you all right?” she asked, turning to me, concern washing across her green eyes.

  “She just realized that the man whose heart she broke is in the same building as her. Isn’t that right, Cuz?”

  I quickly, stood from my chair, to find JJ standing behind me. Scanning the area, I let out a relieved sigh when I saw that he was alone.

  “You know this guy?” Danny asked standing as well.

  “She’s my cousin. Of course, she knows me, you hipster asshole,” JJ said, getting in Danny’s face.

  I moved to stand between the two of them, a hand on either’s chest. This isn’t happening. It can’t be happening. My old life couldn’t mix with my new one. The only exception was Piper. She was the only one who knew about both.

  I turned, facing Danny, JJ at my back. “Danny, I’m sorry. My cousin doesn’t get out much. He’s a bit one dimensional.”

  “What the fuck, Kitty? One dimensional?”

  JJ took my arm and spun me around, so I was forced to see his face, forced to accept that this wasn’t a dream and that he was standing before me. “JJ, that’s my boss. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t get me fired,” I said under my breath.

  He pointed aggressively in Danny direction. “I don’t give a fuck who he is. He clearly thinks he’s going to get a piece of your ass, and I swear to God, if you let a fucking hipster weasel his way into our family, I’m going to lose it!”


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