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The Protectors Book 3_The Bodyguard

Page 6

by Jordan Silver

  I got my shit together when she pulled on her nipples so hard I was afraid she’d hurt herself. A look at her eyes showed she was lost in need, her pussy hungry to cum again as she worked herself on and off the sledgehammer that pierced her.

  I started fucking her again and now with the newly accepted feelings things were amped. I grabbed her up and held her close, showing her with my body what I was not yet able to say with my mouth.

  “Stop, fuck.” Too close. I was nowhere near ready to leave her body yet. If I could I would stay inside her forever, and yet I felt like if I didn’t get some relief soon I just might lose my fucking mind. I wasn’t going to be able to roll out and away from this one. Nope, I’m gonna need seconds and thirds and…

  I pulled my cock out all the way and her pussy stayed open like a newly dug well waiting to be filled before it begun to close up like a flower. I wanted to see that shit a thousand times.

  I flipped her over onto her hands and knees. “Ass in the air.” She canted her ass but it wasn’t high enough so I wrapped my arm around her middle and lifted her to where I wanted her to be.

  I smacked her pussy with my heavy cock making her jump and coo before rubbing the head up and down her weeping slit to her clit. With her hips in my hands I watched as I my cock forced its way back inside her.

  She was still tight but her pussy hadn’t dilated all the way yet and I was able to force a good eight inches into her belly at this new angle.

  “Grab the sheets babe.” As soon as her hands fisted the sheets I doggie fucked her like a beast, slamming my whole length home as I went in search of her sweet spot.

  She looked over her shoulder with her mouth hanging open and a look of sheer surprise on her face. I knew it wasn’t from pain that look, but from the pleasure I subjected her to as I used her body in ways she was obviously not used to.

  The realization went a long way to easing the residual anger I still held. When I leaned over her back and covered her mouth with mine while palming her firm tit, her pussy went off again. Showering me with her hot pussy juice as she screamed her release into my mouth.

  She danced back and forth on my cock shaking her ass every which way as my cock hit her spot time and time again. I held still and concentrated on her lips, giving her time to come down from that last high.

  “I love the way you cum.” I bit her jaw and licked my way to her ear before taking it between my teeth. Her pussy squeezed and my cock jumped. I needed to cum. I was way past the point when I should’ve already offloaded.

  My cock was rubbed raw from the tight friction and my balls were full, but I hated the thought of pulling out and leaving her sweet heat. She was so soft, so fucking sweet, so giving.

  The thought that anyone else had ever had her like this drove me fucking nuts. I pulled her head back with a hand around her throat and growled into her ear.

  “Who’s fucking you?” She didn’t answer fast enough, probably couldn’t the way I was ponding into her. “Answer me.”

  “Hunter.” It came out as a grunt because I chose that moment to fuck into her belly hard.

  Her ass was red where I’d smacked her and already new bruises were beginning to show on her neck and back from my teeth.

  It wasn’t good enough. I wanted to mark her deep inside, wanted to leave a mark that would never fade. Go where no one else had ever been. “What the fuck!” I stopped moving and shook my head to clear it. What the fuck…

  Fuck, what are you thinking here Hunter? Danger fucking zone. Speaking of which. I looked down at the base of my cock as it peeped out from between her thighs.

  I’d forgotten to use a trusty rubber. I knew this night was coming, had hoped for it, and yet I hadn’t gone out and got a supply. First time in my fucking life, pun intended.

  Was that some kind of subliminal message I was sending to myself? I went hot and cold all over but my body picked up the pace on its own. Shit suddenly felt even better and I got the warm and fuzzies; dick hard, heart soft.

  No joke, my cock got iron hard like he hadn’t been stroking out for damn near an hour already, and my heart felt twice the size and full of fucking gooey sweetness.

  The game changed in the middle of the play. I knew it, she didn’t. Did she even realize that we weren’t using protection? Should I let her in on what I was about to do to her? It’s probably the least I could do, seeing as how I was now dead set on disrupting her life.

  “When does this other movie you have coming up wrap?” My dick was playing peekaboo with her cervix, just nosing around but not going in.

  I knew enough to know that that’s where I needed to be to fulfill this fucked up mission, and once I set my mind on something I like to do that shit right.

  “Huh?” She looked back at me like ‘what the fuck? You wanna talk about this shit now?’

  “When Tara?”

  “Uh, December.” She didn’t seem too sure or maybe she was just too focused on the dick that was moving in and out of her hot little cunt to give a damn.

  I did some quick math in my head and came up with three and a half months give or take. I cupped her tits in my hands and massaged until her nipples pebbled.

  “Good, you won’t be showing yet.” Her pussy went into overdrive at my words. Swear to fuck she came. Her whole body shook and she locked down on my cock like she’d never let go. Her back arched like a cat and I didn’t have a word for the sounds she made as her pussy drenched my cock.

  “You like that?” I was riding her hard now, forcing my cock past her tight folds and sawing in and out of her, going deeper each time. Her hand went between her thighs to touch her clit.

  I slapped her ass again, harder this time. “Hands off. I didn’t tell you-you could touch yourself.” She dropped her hand and keened in her throat as her face fell into the pillow. That only sent her ass higher, giving me an even better angle to drive into her pussy.

  I gripped her hips tightly between my hands and this time instead of just knocking around outside her cervix, I wanted in, at least the head. There were no second thoughts, no lingering doubts.

  I wanted it, wanted to plant my seed in her deep, where it would do the most good. I wanted this with her, no one else but her, and it was as exciting as it was scary as fuck.

  “This is going to hurt.” She balked when I fucked into her hard and I had to hold on tight lest she buck me off. She screamed blue murder when I pierced her cervix with just the head of my cock. That tight ring snapped around my cockhead and I started spitting cum deep into her womb.


  “Merciful fuck!” I lifted her chest off the bed with her cunt still locked down on my dick and wrapped my arms around her with her back to my chest.

  My cock was still shooting off inside her as I thrust uncontrollably. Her body shook continuously, which only made my cock keep going off. I pulled her down harder until there was none of me left outside her body.

  She fell forward and I held her up by her tits, which I was now using as handlebars. The sounds she made were a cross between agony and ecstasy. “It’s okay, you’re fine.”

  I looked over her shoulder and down her middle to between her thighs and saw her distended belly where my cock looked like it was trying to punch a hole through her skin.

  I eased her up my cock to give her pussy and insides a break, before sliding her back down again, easy this time. She grunted when I hit bottom, but there was no sound of pain.

  “Feel good?” She reached her hand behind my head and moaned out the words. “Oh yes, so good, I can’t…” She was fucked out, her body soft and lax only staying up because of the tight hold I had on her.

  I slapped her pussy, hitting her clit, and fucked into her hard. She came screaming like a banshee and rocked her pussy hard enough to bend my shit in half inside her.

  She made a lot of noise for such a small thing. She won’t be able to say her lines come tomorrow. Not after she’d screamed herself raw. I pressed down on her clit and this time she stiffened and her p
ussy gushed juice like a geyser.

  “Again.” I chewed on her neck as I pulled her body on and off my cock and pinched her nipple hard with one hand while attacking her clit with the fingers of the other.

  “That’s it. I can feel you building again. Go up for me baby.” I squeezed her tit and bit into the soft flesh of her neck, marking her as she showered my cock with more of her warm cunt juice.

  “Fuck I love the way you cum for me!” I wanted my teeth on her tits, my mouth actually watered. I had a hard time pulling out of her too tight pussy and swear to fuck she came again. I put her on her back and left her legs around my middle this time as I crawled between her thighs.

  I looked down into her lust-filled eyes as I led my slippery cock to her pussy with my hand. This time my cockhead slipped into her with more ease but we still had a long way to go.

  She hissed and inched up the bed a little, trying to escape the pressure of my cock as it stretched her, but I held her in place with a hand on her hip. “Don’t run away from me.” I worked another few inches into her and knocked the wind 0ut of her.

  I held still and let her get used to being fucked by a baton again. She wiggled around to get comfortable and my dick slipped even deeper in her. “Ooooh…”

  “I love that fucking coo.”

  She came on my cock when I pulled her legs over my shoulders and licked her nipple into my mouth. Her pussy squeezed and massaged my meat in the best fucking way.

  I was just a little bit surprised that my boy was still going strong. Something else I wasn’t used to. I usually needed a little recuperation once I shot my load, especially one as big as the one I’d just emptied inside her womb.

  The thought of what I’d done and what it could mean set me off again and I pounded her into the bed until her legs were flopping around beside my ears.

  “Fuck your pussy’s so good; what the fuck…” I think I mumbled a few more inane things in her ear as I ground my cock as hard and as deep as I could, and she screamed herself hoarse.

  I calmed her down with soft tender kisses and light touches until her heart no longer felt like a runaway train.

  Once she was settled I eased out of her and slid back in, watching her eyes to make sure she wasn’t hurting, too much. As greedy as I was, I knew I couldn’t stay inside her much longer or she wouldn’t walk for a week.

  We set up a new rhythm and once her pussy stopped throbbing in renewed pain I gave my cock free rein and let him pound away inside her. I couldn’t get enough, no matter how deep I fucked it wasn’t enough; I wanted more.

  I rolled onto my back and let her ride my cock the best she could until she grew tired and her head started flopping around on her neck. I pulled her down and swallowed her tongue as her pussy worked my cock like it owned my shit.

  Her hot little noises added to the excitement and that added to the tight hot feel of her cunt had me close again. Unbelievable! I thought I would last at least another half an hour after that last round.

  But I needed to cum, badly. My balls were beginning to hurt and I knew her pussy was going to be sore. I threw her to her back again and felt the buildup from my toes all the way up my spine.

  “Open your eyes sweetheart.” They were glazed over and there was a bit of strain, but no pain. I put a crick in my neck to reach her tit again but it was worth it.

  I used my tongue and teeth to inflame until she fucked herself like a wild woman on my cock; gearing up to cum again. She’s the most responsive woman I’ve ever known, and she was making me crazy.

  If I could pull her under my skin I would. There was a wild need in me as I wrapped my arms tightly around her, holding her as close as I could without harming her.

  “Fuck I wanna eat you so bad right now.” I did, I needed to have my mouth on her but there was no way I was leaving her pussy to do it, so I did the next best thing.

  She came as soon as my teeth bit down hard on her nipple. Her legs went higher and my cock slipped the last few inches inside her, going deep into her belly where I knew I had to be hurting her.

  “Shh-shhh, you can take it.” I fucked through the pain and smashed my pelvis into her clit for some added stimulation as I fed her my tongue before sucking hers into my mouth.

  I couldn’t believe the way she kept up with me, pound for pound, her hips moving wildly as she took everything I gave her.

  I moved my hand beneath her and teased her rosebud with my fingertip and her eyes rolled back in her head as she locked down on my cock again.

  She ground her clit into me and came again, her body lifted, holding us both suspended. I watched her in awe, my heart even more full than when we started.

  Never in my life has anyone been able to handle this side of me, to even draw it out from where I’d kept it hidden. I couldn’t separate the rush of tenderness that mixed with the wild need in me for her.

  My heart was suddenly too full and I knew it was her taking her place there. A cold rush of fear spiked through me but I beat it back. No way am I going to let anything fuck this up.

  Her body went limp and I looked down at her lax mouth, and closed eyes. I didn’t stop fucking as I kissed her awake. I couldn’t.

  My cock had swelled up even more inside her with my thoughts and her swollen walls held me captive. I did slow down a little. I wanted her awake when I came. Wanted to watch the moment I shared my essence with her.

  “You good?” She nodded and searched for my mouth again. Her body was hot to the touch, like she was running a fever and she attacked my mouth voraciously. I took that to mean her pussy was feeling no pain, and drove my cock into her.

  “I’m going to cum deep inside you again.” She tensed up, probably finally realizing what I was trying to do to her. I saw realization dawn when she pulled my head down to stare up at me. “And you’re going to let me.”

  I didn’t wait for an answer before covering her lips with mine. “Move that pussy on my cock.” She’d stopped moving until my command and then her hips started moving again, tentatively at first, but the pleasure was soon too much and she picked up the pace.

  “That’s it fuck yourself on my rod until you cum.” I just held still and let her do her thing and my cockhead flared as my nuts hardened.

  “Feel what you do to me.” I led her hand to the root of my cock where it met my balls and let her feel the size and power of what she was taking inside her.

  My cock jumped inside her pussy when her nails scraped me there before moving on to my balls. Again she couldn’t get a good reach, but what she did with her fingernails was enough to have my cock doing gymnastics inside her.

  I pulled her hand away and slammed them both on the bed next to her head holding them there as I looked down at her.

  “Brace yourself!” That was all the warning she got before I pummeled her pussy with my rampaging cock. Only my hips and ass moved as I put all my energy into deep fucking her.

  There was no doubting that I was hurting her with each knock into the hard wall of her cervix. There was pain mixed with the pleasure in her screams as she thrashed around beneath me, taking my cock like a champ.

  Her whole body was completely covered by my much larger frame as I fucked her through yet another massive orgasm. You need to rein it in Hunter before you hurt this girl.

  Something about her pussy makes me lose my damn mind. So much so that when I should be at my most tender with her, I find that I can’t.

  I let my hands speak for me since I had lost all control of my cock. I growled and slammed down hard as she bit into my shoulder.

  Her teeth in my flesh marking me sent me into orbit and I pounded out my lust in her frail body until I roared out my orgasm.

  “Fuck-shit-damn…” She clung onto me with her hands on my shoulders, her legs around my waist, and tried to keep up.

  My hips moved like a piston as I pushed my cock into her, pushing through her cervix but not going too deep, she needed to be able to at least walk tomorrow.

  Once again the w
omb shot sent her off and she clamped down on my cock, starting off a Jetstream of cum that hit her just where I needed it to go.

  Her arms and legs flopped down beside us as her body finally gave out. I stayed lodged inside her as I kissed her face down to her chest and made love to her tits. “Now I’m going to make love to you.”

  “What again?” She looked at me with surprise in her eyes. That made two of us.

  “Complaining?” I started fucking again.

  “No, I didn’t know, I just…no.”

  “Get used to me being inside you as often as you breathe. I like to fuck and I especially like your tight little pussy on my cock.”

  It wasn’t easy reaching all the right places with my cock still buried to the hilt in her short body, but what I couldn’t reach with my mouth I let my hands handle. She jumped when my fingertips grazed across her ass, right over her tight little rosebud.

  “Don’t worry I’ll make sure your ass is ready before I fuck you there.” Her eyes flew open wide and her face heated.

  “Oh yeah.” I said at the surprise in her eyes.

  “I’m going to own every inch of you, that includes your ass. The only place I won’t try to breech is your ear.” I teased as I brushed the sweat-drenched hair back from her forehead.

  “Your nipples are very sensitive.” Her face blushed as I squeezed her nipple hard while looking into her eyes. “You hurting?” She looked away and shook her head.

  “Hey, eyes on me.” She looked back at me. “I asked you if you were hurting.” I lifted my brow at her, daring her to lie to me again.

  “A little, but don’t stop.” Her face really went up in flames then as she clutched at my shoulders to hold me there. I laughed out loud, first time in my bed for sure, and couldn’t resist kissing her adorable lips.


  “Do you know when I first knew I wanted you? It was the first day I drove you. I was watching you in the mirror and there was something, something I’d missed before. If all I’d wanted was a fuck I would’ve seduced you that night, but even then I knew I wanted a hell of a lot more from you.”


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