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The Protectors Book 3_The Bodyguard

Page 7

by Jordan Silver

  I acknowledged the truth of my words to myself as I said them out loud for the first time. “Ever since that day I’ve been fighting this, fighting wanting you, because I knew…” I stopped talking because I was saying shit to her that I hadn’t even thought out myself.

  But I couldn’t help but study her in amazement. I’d never have believed that this could be possible. Even these last few days when I was only beginning to accept that I wanted her for more than an easy fuck, I never imagined this. Didn’t even know this shit was really possible.

  I always thought that people who claimed to have this were full of shit. Now I see them in a new light and I have one fucking question. How the fuck does anyone survive this shit? The thought of leaving her body left me cold. I can’t imagine having to be away from her, ever.

  Things were getting too heavy for me to hold it all in, so I whispered how much I loved her body, how fucking amazing it felt being inside her. “Your pussy was made to sheath my cock. She’s straining to take me, but she fits like a perfect glove.”

  I wonder if she knew that this wasn’t the norm? That a man didn’t fuck a woman this long and hard unless there was something else there, something more than just a physical attraction. I had the burning need to make her understand. To share some of what was growing inside me with her.

  “No one else will ever fill you like this. She knows me now, knows who she belongs to and by the time the sun comes up so will you.”

  I didn’t give her a chance to answer, just kissed her as soft and gently as I could while holding my hunger in check.

  I eased my cock slowly in and out of her heat while palming her tit or playing with her hair, never leaving her lips.

  It was only fear of hurting her by staying in her too long that made me race to the finish. All it took was the feel of her nails scraping down my back and her breath in my ear and I followed her into paradise.

  It was hard as fuck the next day pretending that nothing had changed. Though I meant it when I told her that if I wanted her in the middle of a take she’d better come to me, I wouldn’t do that to her. This is her work, I respect that shit, same as I’d want her to respect the times that I needed to be away from her in the future.

  That said; I have a whole other kinda problem. I didn’t know this shit before because I’ve never been here, but I have to catch up quick or I’m gonna find my ass in deep shit.

  As long as I’ve been fucking around out there, mixing it up with the opposite sex, I never realized that when a woman becomes ‘your’ woman, shit changes on a dime.

  Case in point. For weeks I’ve watched her smile and wave to every swinging dick that called out to her, didn’t mean shit to me; that was her job. Today, I find myself wanting to eat the heart of every motherfucker who did that shit raw, with a dirty fork.

  The first time it happened I almost fell over my feet in surprise. It was new to me, these raging irrational emotions. I’m a fucking soldier, I’m all about control, so where the fuck did it go?

  I crowded her more than usual, and did everything but put a stamp on her forehead after the first few times it happened. When she looked at me questioningly I pretended not to know what the fuck. The truth is, I didn’t know myself what was going on with me.

  But everyone got the memo when I glared at any male who got too close. I could only imagine the whispers. Like I give a fuck. I was miserable as shit though. No way I could sustain this level of crazy for much longer.

  She soon caught on and took great pleasure in pulling the tiger’s tail. She had a new bounce in her step and her ass was swishing a little more than usual. And fuck if she didn’t take that flirting shit up a notch.

  Since she was in the middle of filming and I was stuck on the sidelines I had to satisfy myself with the promise that when I get her back in my bed I’m gonna work her ass over. See how much of a tease she will be then.

  My boy gave an ‘oh yeah’ and when she turned her head and gave me a little secret smile like she was thinking pretty much the same thing, my beast calmed the fuck down.

  It was so bad that for the first half of the morning I’d almost forgotten what I was doing there. I’d lost sight of everything else but her and what we’d shared the night before.

  Not even in high school when I’d had my first real ‘girlfriend’ did I feel this giddy. I’m man enough to own this shit though. I thought I had the upper hand, that I was the one in charge; the truth is, she owns my ass and she’d done that shit effortlessly.

  The only thing saving my ass right now is that I don’t think she realizes it yet. Heaven help me when she does. I gotta get ahead of this thing before I go completely nuts.

  I wish I’d paid more attention in the past when motherfuckers went on and on about this being in love shit instead of writing them off as pussy whipped assholes. Now I’m out on that limb by myself, and the shit’s just a little bit scary.

  I could ask some of my guys who’d bit the bullet about this shit but I’m afraid they’d laugh my ass to scorn and rightfully so. I hadn’t been exactly supportive when they were going through it. Though I do recall one or more of them cursing me with this fate.

  I sat there watching her, wanting her, like I hadn’t just spent the last couple of hours inside her. When I woke up this morning with her soft weight on my chest it didn’t take me a minute to have her on her back beneath me sore dick and all.

  The sun hadn’t risen yet and I knew she was sore as fuck, but I told myself she wasn’t doing anything too strenuous on the set today so she could take me again.

  Her pussy had tightened back up on me and it took my cock three tries to get inside her. She came awake to my mouth on hers and my tongue trailing a path along her lower lip.

  “Morning baby.” She opened her mouth and let me in and wrapped her legs around my hips in answer. I forced my cock past her tight as fuck pussy folds and held still when she moaned into my mouth, even though it almost killed me.

  I knew from the sounds she made that she was having a hard time taking me and wish like fuck I was the kind of man to take it easy on her. I’m not.

  Maybe if I didn’t feel like I’d fucking die if I didn’t have her again it might’ve been easy, but I woke with a hankering need for her that nothing but being inside her would appease.

  I’d stopped worrying about the danger of my sudden obsessive need for her sometime during the night, after about the third or fourth time I’d turned to her.

  It wasn’t as if I had any control over the shit anyway, but I tried to convince myself that it was because this was all new. That soon the novelty would wear off and I could go back to being me.

  But once I slid inside her I knew that for the lie it was. Nothing felt as good as being inside her. I knew then that as long as I live, I would never, not feel this way about her. I’m always going to need this with her.

  “Tell me when you’re ready.” I kissed her lips one last time before burying my face in her neck. Her makeup person was gonna have a hell of a time hiding what I’d done to her body. I’d left my mark in more places than one and wasn’t too concerned about how she was going to explain that shit.

  “Ready.” Her voice was still soft and dreamy from sleep as I slipped the last couple inches inside her. She started moving before I was fully planted and my dick slipped even deeper until she was cutting off my blood flow.

  “Don’t move baby.” I gritted my teeth against the pleasure pain, afraid that if I fucked her as hard as I wanted to I’d tear her or some shit. Of course she moved and of course all my self-control flew out the damn window again.

  I only left her when the time for her to be at work drew near, and even then I had her in the shower again. She’d lost most of her shyness during the night but there was still a lingering shadow of something when we shared a cup of coffee before leaving the house.

  I figured it was just the newness of the situation; that she was going through the same things I was in her own mind. So when she looked a little spook
ed when we headed outside to the car I brushed it off.

  She wanted to ride up front with me but I talked her out of it even though I wanted it too. I couldn’t forget that she was still in danger and it was my job to protect her. The lines had become blurred and I knew it was going to take us both a minute to figure shit out.

  “Are we going to tell people about us?” I looked at her in the mirror when she asked that question. I hadn’t given much thought to how her management team was going to react to this new development, but I didn’t much care.

  They can fire me as her bodyguard I guess, but there’s no way they were getting rid of me now.

  “Do you want to? We’ll do whatever you decide.” I could be magnanimous now, because there was no doubt for either of us, who she belonged to. Everyone else could pretty much get fucked. At least I hadn’t lost my balls completely.

  I didn’t need weeks or months to know what my heart had already told me. She was it. As long as that holds true, no one, not even she, can change that shit.

  “I haven’t thought about it.” She worried her lip and that sketchy look came into her eyes again. I was beginning to get the feeling that that shit was about more than the skell that was stalking her, but what?

  I hadn’t seen anything hinky since I’d been here. There was no old boyfriend harassing her, no entanglements of any sort. And yet every once in a while I get the feeling that there’s something she’s not telling me, or anyone else for that matter.

  “One thing I’m sure of; I’m not taking money to watch over you.” She opened her mouth to argue but I shut her down fast. “Fuck that. If that outs us so be it, but no way am I going to be that guy. It goes against everything I stand for.” She nodded as if she understood but I knew she was full of shit by her next words.

  “We’ll talk about it later, but I don’t think one has anything to do with the other. You’re doing a job, you should get paid for it.” Spoken like someone who’s accustomed to paying everyone around her for every little thing. Poor kid, she probably hasn’t had a real friend since coming to this fucked up town.

  I’d left it at that since we were pulling into the lot by then, but my mind was already made up. Not even if I’d needed the money would I contemplate such a dick move. Now I sat in my usual corner and fought not to rip her costar’s head off and skull fuck his corpse.


  “Do you know that kid?” We’d barely made it through the door before I dragged her upstairs to our bed. I’d foregone the foreplay and just gave her pussy a cursory pass with my fingers before slipping my dick inside her. I think I broke the speed barrier getting us here I was that hot for her.

  She didn’t help matters any, teasing my ass with her shit. She was trying out her new chops on me I suppose. She’d taken her sweet time saying goodbye to her peers as we left, and I could’ve sworn all those takes she had to do for that one kissing scene was all for my benefit.

  I even warned her on one of her breaks but she just laughed and put her hand on my chest as she looked up at me with that innocent look of hers. Probably thought I was playing with her ass. If she only knew half of what was going on inside my head she’d have ran hard in the opposite direction.

  But now I have her just where I want her and she’s about to pay for teasing my ass all day. Or maybe the shit was normal and I was reading too much into it. The fuck I know, I haven’t had a sane thought since I made her mine and it’s all her fucking fault. Why the fuck did she have to be an actress? I’m so fucked.

  “What kid?” She strained her body against mine, and used her pussy muscles to draw me in, enticing me to fuck. But I needed some answers before I gave her what she wanted. What we both wanted truth be told. Because even as mad as I was, there was no denying the fiery need she’d unleashed in me again.

  “The one you were kissing for two fucking hours on the set.” She stopped all movement and looked up at me warily. “You do know it’s just for the movie right.”

  “I know it’s just a movie but I’m asking, do, you, know, him?” Did I mention that I’d lost my fucking mind?

  “No, we’re not even friends. We just got picked to do the movie together.” She ran her hands soothingly up and down my chest as I leaned over her. Kind of the way you would a wild animal that had broken out of its cage.

  “Doesn’t stop me from wanting to break his fucking face though. Pretty boy motherfucker.” She found my meltdown funny. I bit into her neck and stroked into her hard. “What’s so damn funny?”

  “It’s funny because ‘you’re’ my pretty boy.” She barely got the words out through her laughter, and moved her hips suggestively like my show of manly power didn’t even faze her. And then her words registered.

  “What the fuck? Who you calling a pretty boy? You see this jaw that chin, that’s all man baby.” She howled with laughter and it was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard. My heart opened just a little bit more and she took what she hadn’t already owned.

  “Yours huh!” I brushed the hair back from her face and looked into her smiling eyes. I no longer felt murderous, now I could get down to the business of making love to my woman.

  “For now.” What the fuck! Now it was my turn to stop moving.

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  My heart which had only seconds before taken flight felt crowded with something not good.

  “I don’t mean it like that. It’s just… I know you don’t like it here, and I love acting. I know when this is all done you’re gonna leave me.” There was such sadness in her voice it helped calm me down. She wasn’t throwing me away, not that she could; I wouldn’t let her.

  “We’ll deal with that when we get to it. You do know they have planes that go both ways right? Besides, it might not be an issue for much longer.” I started thrusting again now that I was no longer imagining strangling her ass. And since when do I have meaningful conversations while I fuck?

  “What do you mean?” She clutched at me and slapped my ass with her heels to get me to move faster, but I was in the mood to love her. Plus I had to pay her back for the hell she put me through all day. “You’ll know in about nine months.” Yep, there goes my dick. Every time I think about breeding her he acts up.

  I gave her a few rough strokes for good measure and she got caught up in the action. At least she wasn’t calling me out, or questioning me to death. I spoke too soon because she pulled my head down and glared at me. So ferocious my little butterfly.

  “I knew that’s what you were doing.” I didn’t miss the fact that there was no real heat in her words, and she hadn’t stopped fucking herself on my cock. “How do you know I’m not on the pill?” Well shit; missed that one didn’t you asshole?

  I stopped fucking and looked down at her. “Are you?” The thought made me feel off, like I’d been robbed. I’d gone from never wanting this shit to suddenly needing it more than anything in my damn life.

  She shook her head no and the sun came out again. I can’t believe how happy that shit made me. And since I was being such a sap I needed her with me. I’m seriously beginning to think I’m paying for my past fuckery. All those times I accused one of my guys of growing a vagina has come back to bite me in the ass.

  “So why did you let me cum inside you? Unprotected.” Her eyes got that look. The one that was always hidden behind the lust. But it was there now, naked, bare and I saw into her soul. My cock jumped and spat pre-cum like a busted hose. Go figure. My girl was getting sentimental and I was getting horny. I’ma have to work on that shit.

  “Tell me.” My voice had gone soft with emotion because of what I’d seen in her eyes.

  “I don’t know why, it just seemed right somehow.” She pulled my head down and covered my mouth with hers, putting an end to the conversation. It was enough for now, the fact that she seemed to be on the same page as crazy as the shit was.

  It was hours before I finally let her up. I was starving and knew she had to be as well. She waddled to the bathroom with her
hand covering her pussy as if to protect it and I followed behind her, promising myself not to take her again.

  We rushed through our shared shower and she evaded my arms when my boy rose to the occasion again. In the bedroom she pulled on one of my shirts while I threw on some running shorts and headed down to the kitchen to scrounge around for something to eat.

  It felt like the most natural thing in the world to make dinner together. Here she wasn’t America’s sweetheart, or the woman every man with a heartbeat was probably jacking off to behind closed doors. She was just my girl.

  I maybe shouldn’t dwell too much on what other guys wanted from her; that seems to be a hard no for me. Fuck knows how I’m gonna deal with it for the rest of my life.

  “I know you said you wanted to go home when this movie wraps before starting the next, but I wanna take you home with me at some point.” I don’t know why that should surprise her, but surprised she was. “Really?” I stopped chopping the carrot in my hand long enough to look at her.

  “Tell me something, what do you think I mean by owning you?” She rolled her eyes and went back to stirring the sauce she was making for the pasta we’d decided on. “I thought you were just being a guy, you know…saying whatever it takes to get what you want.”

  “Look at me. You really believe that shit?”

  “Not exactly, but I wasn’t planning on holding you to it.”

  “Are you trying to piss me the fuck off?”


  “So if you thought I was just bullshitting you why the fuck did you let me fuck you?”

  “Don’t be mad, I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “What exactly do you mean Tara?” See, this is why I don’t do this relationship bullshit. Somebody is always trying to get the other put away for life.


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