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The Protectors Book 3_The Bodyguard

Page 9

by Jordan Silver

  I’d gone back and rechecked everyone in her circle, including the director and producers of the film she was working on, but they all checked out. I was beginning to think more and more that this was someone from her past, but like she said, her ex checked out.

  “You don’t have to be there, I do.”

  “Don’t be an ass. Do you really think I’m gonna let you go off to…where the hell are they filming again?”

  “Nebraska and you’re not ‘letting’ me do anything. This is my work, you’re just gonna have to deal with it.” She went ahead putting the finishing touches on the salad she was making like she didn’t just walk her ass into trouble.

  “Is that so? You sure you were listening to me that night? You know, a few weeks ago before I fucked you the first time? I could’ve sworn I told you how this shit works. Now, if you know something that you’re not telling, now would be the perfect time to do it.” And there it was out in the open. My reason for being such a dick to her.

  In the last couple weeks I’ve done everything I can to get her to fess up. I was no longer doubtful that she knew or suspected who this person might be. It was the way she reacted whenever it came up. The fear that I sometimes see when the phone rang or someone drove too close.

  That in itself is not enough, but the way she relaxes once the call has been answered, or she finally sees the face of the driver of the other car, is a dead giveaway that she’s expecting someone.

  “I told you, I don’t know…” She took the salad to the table as a way of escaping.

  “I’d rather you didn’t fucking lie to me.”

  “And I’d rather you didn’t pick a stupid fight with me just because you want to call it quits.”

  Okay that one pulled me the fuck up.

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You think I haven’t noticed that you’ve been distant lately?” Spare me from irrational fucking females.

  “Do you mean the nights that you fucking dragged in here after the stunt shit you’d been doing all day on the set? Or do you mean when you fell and hit your ass hard enough that it left a bruise and I brought you home, gave you a bath and put you to bed? Oh and let’s not forget that I held you all night and checked your forehead for fever every fucking hour on the hour.”

  “That’s just an excuse, I know all about the way you work.” Now she was in tears and I was wondering if it was her time of the month. It can’t be, I’ve been clocking that shit and she hasn’t had a period since I came on board, which means she’s late.

  I’ve been stressing about that shit too with a madman on her ass and feeling like shit because I haven’t been able to make her safe.

  “Do tell. How exactly do I work?” She stormed out of the room and into her bedroom that she hasn’t used in weeks. I was tempted to go after her but figured we could both use some time to calm the fuck down.

  I needn’t have bothered because she was soon back with her phone in hand. She scrolled through some shit and then held it out to me.

  “What am I looking at?”

  “That’s your girlfriend. She sent me that two days ago. Do you see where she’s blaming me for stealing you away from her, calling me a slut and threatening to go to the tabloids?” I read the words and wondered if I’d fallen down the rabbit hole.

  “So let me get this straight. The same person who’s accusing me of being a man whore is telling you how much in love we were and how you’ve destroyed her future with the man she claims uses women like Kleenex.”

  I let her absorb that shit for a second. “How did she get your number anyway?”

  “She didn’t, she sent me a DM on twitter.” Her voice had lost some of its steam.

  “Two days ago and you didn’t say shit to me. You sure do love your secrets.” I went back to plating our food so I didn’t give in to the temptation to wring her damn neck.

  “It wasn’t a secret. What was I supposed to say?”

  “I don’t know, the truth? You know I’ve been operating under the illusion that you’re an innocent little thing who only puts on this façade for the cameras, but I’m beginning to think I might be wrong.”

  “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means that you’re a sneak.” If her mouth dropped any farther it’d hit her chest. Now it was I who walked away and sat down at the table.

  Don’t ask me why the fuck I’m so pissed. I haven’t had her in two days. One because she was tired and two because she’d hurt herself the day before.

  Just because she was out of commission didn’t mean that I didn’t want her and the shit was irritating the fuck outta me. I’ve gone days, weeks without pussy before, now it felt like I was slowly dying because I hadn’t been inside her in the past forty-eight hours.

  She plopped her ass down in the chair farthest away from me and that was the last fucking straw. “Get your ass over here.” I kicked her usual chair out from the table and glared at her stubborn ass. She didn’t move and her eyes widened when I stood from my chair and went after her.

  “Don’t you dare.”

  I ignored her ass and picked her and her plate up before plunking her down where I wanted her, in the seat next to me.

  “Sit your ass there and eat and don’t say another fucking word cause you’re only going to annoy me.” She folded her arms and refused to eat and I dug into my steak and ignored her annoying ass.

  As long as she stayed where the fuck I put her we were straight. “Stop pouting, you’ll spoil my dinner.” Now I was just fucking with her. She’s entirely too cute when she gets her dander up.

  She threw a tomato wedge at me and it hit me in the forehead before dropping onto my plate. Did I really think she was sweet and amiable? I growled at her and the ass started laughing.

  “You can’t laugh at my manly man growl.” That sent her into fits of hysterics. I had to pull her back on the chair when she almost fell off she was laughing so hard.

  “Damn baby, even your fights are sexy.” And just like that it was over. She did still try to bite me when I went for her mouth but it wasn’t long before she was sitting in my lap.

  “I don’t want to feel like the other woman. That’s the kind of stuff that can ruin your career.”

  “You’re not and it won’t. I’ll take care of it.”

  I hadn’t given Zeta a second thought since I got tangled up with my girl. Silly me, I thought our last and final conversation had taken care of that. I didn’t know what she was playing at, contacting Tara like that, and my guys hadn’t mentioned anything about seeing her so it was anybody’s guess what the fuck was going on with her.

  “So, you get kinda grumpy when I don’t make love to you huh.” She elbowed me in my gut and stole a piece of my meat.

  “Hey, I thought you didn’t want any.” Like every other female in the world she was always on some kind of fucked up diet. This week it was the no meat only rabbit food kick. She chewed and grinned at me with a mouthful of meat.

  “I got something else for you to chew on.” She howled and I pushed my hands beneath her to release my cock from my jeans. All this fighting had made me randy as a three-headed goat. She wasn’t laughing when I pushed her off my lap and onto the floor with her head under the table.


  “Oooh, he looks fierce.” She wagged my dick around like a toy before dipping her tongue in the tip to catch the drop of pre-cum that had gathered there.

  He jumped and stood up tall, showing his ass before she opened her mouth and took the head into its soft sweet warmth. “Oh shit!”

  She was getting too good at this shit. I held the back of her head and thrust up into her mouth protecting her head from the table’s edge. Her hand went down between her thighs and she touched herself while she sucked me off. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

  I damn near broke her neck when I pulled her up from her knees and dragged her over mine to sit on my cock after tearing her panties to shreds. “Fuuuuccckkkk.” Her puss
y had tightened back up from nonuse. It was like fucking her for the first time all over again.

  Her pussy was too tight for her to move much on her own so I took over, pulling her on and off my cock until she was taking all of me.

  Her back was trapped between me, and the table but I didn’t want to pull out long enough to move us upstairs. Instead I got to my feet and put her on her back on the table, barely moving the dishes out of the way in time.

  I put her feet up on my chest and kept them there as I opened her pussy with swift powerful thrusts. “Your little pussy’s going to be sore.” I planned on fucking her all night to make up for the last two days.

  Then maybe her disposition would change and she would go back to being my sweet little angel. I brought her off but held back on my own orgasm before pulling her down to her knees again.

  “Clean me up baby.” She got to work licking her pussy juice from my cock, teasing the shit outta me with her tongue, sucking my balls without me even having to ask and I almost blasted her in the face.

  I pulled her off my cock and got down behind her in my favorite doggie fuck position. “Can you take it?” I was asking about her knees because I didn’t want to hear her shit after she got her pussy full of cream.

  “Yes, do it.” She wagged her ass at me and I spanked her. She cooed and did it again. If she gets any more fucking perfect I’m gonna lose my shit.

  Already I’m like her little lapdog, panting after her when I should be busy doing other shit. I know she can handle a little rough, for fuck sake I’ve been deep balling her for weeks. But if she likes a little spanking with her fucks then that’s meet me at the chapel time right there.

  I slammed my cock into her and her body went into spasms. Her clit was soft and swollen between my fingers when I reached around to find it and she grunted in her throat.

  I saw her eyes rolled back in her head as she flung it back and forth on her shoulders and never felt so powerful and weak at the same time. How was she so fucking completely mine?

  How could this one person that I hadn’t even known existed until a few months ago encompass everything that I didn’t even know I needed. And how did I not know that I wasn’t really living until her?

  When I came this time she took everything out of me. “Were you planning on telling me you missed your period?” I didn’t even wait until my cock slipped out of her. Just leaned over her back trying my best to stay up and not fall and crush her. “What?” She was out of breath, winded.

  “Your period, you haven’t had one.” I kissed her ear and pulled out before helping her to her feet. She was a mess. There was a mix of pussy and cock juice making a trail down her inner thighs and from where I was standing her pussy lips looked red and swollen.

  “Um, yeah, I’m not thinking about that right now.” Weirdest fucking thing I ever heard. “Fine, but this other movie better not have any stunts or you’re out.” I stuffed my cock back into my jeans. I was feeling too mellow for another brouhaha.

  “Are you just dying for an argument?”

  “Nope.” I smacked her ass playfully and headed up the stairs behind her.

  “You do know that I’m under contract and am obligated to do this movie right?”

  “Never said different. I’m just saying, that flying through the air shit you did this week, you can’t do it anymore.” I guess her huff was supposed to mean something, either that she heard me or she thinks I’m an idiot.

  The next day was pretty much more of the same. She needed to be on set by five in the morning so we left the house at our usual four thirty.

  “You feeling okay back there? You’re kinda quiet.” I’d grown accustomed to playing twenty questions. She loved hearing stories about my hometown and my fucked up childhood. There was no farther proof that we came from different worlds.

  I’d spoken to her dad a time or two and her mom and I were like new best friends. I had no idea that she’d sent the older woman a photo of me and the other woman was perving on me.

  They’d offered an open invitation and we were supposed to head there before I took her home with me. So usually there was a lot for her to gab about but she wasn’t running off at the mouth so I knew something was up.

  “What are you doing on your phone back there?” I didn’t mean to sound like an overbearing asshole, but I know her, all her moods and something was definitely fucking with her.

  She put the phone away in a hurry like that shit was gonna work. “Is that Zeta again?” I was planning to call her later and set her ass straight.

  “No, it’s nothing, just work.” I slammed down on the brakes and pulled over on the side of the road. Thank fuck sensible people were still at home safe in their beds.

  “I told you about lying to me. Who was on the phone? This isn’t your man talking now, this is your bodyguard.” Fuck if it was but she didn’t need to know that.

  “Would you calm down? It’s nothing, just someone I worked with a long time ago that I don’t want to work with again.”

  She worked really hard at being believable and I chose to give her the benefit of the doubt. The truth is she wasn’t in the habit of keeping shit from me, except for the Zeta thing and I kinda understood that, so I dropped it for now.

  Nothing else untoward happened the rest of the day and she was back to her smiling self when we left at the end of filming.

  “I’m feeling a bit queasy.” We were just about to enter the house when she told me this. My first thought was the baby, but even I know it was too soon.

  After making sure the coast was clear I decided to run down to the pharmacy, which was a quick five minutes away, after putting her to bed. She wanted soup from her favorite place so I called it in and headed out.

  While at the pharmacy I decided to grab a couple pregnancy tests, not realizing that anyone was even watching me move around the store. I’m not a star so the idea that I would be followed while she wasn’t around never registered.

  I picked up her soup and a couple salads and sandwiches in case she felt well enough to eat later, and rushed back home to her.

  She was bundled up under the covers with the TV running and I felt real fear grip me. “Baby?” I rushed to her side and felt her forehead but she was cool to the touch, if a little clammy.

  “Come, sit up for me, I’ll feed you your soup, what hurts?”

  “Nothing hurts, I just feel tired and weak.” I gritted my teeth and held my tongue. She had one more week on this movie with a month downtime before filming started on the next one.

  She looked miserable when I helped her sit up and I did my best not to yell. Don’t know why I felt like yelling in the first damn place. It’s not like she made herself sick on purpose, but damn, I’m new at this shit.

  I don’t think anyone had ever called me when they were sick before, so I’m not sure if my wanting to freak the fuck out was normal or not.

  She got her color back once she finished the soup and I bullied her into staying in bed the rest of the night. I knew I was for sure in love when I stayed up all night with her asleep on my chest just watching her breathe.

  She was fine the next morning, like nothing happened. I kept checking her for any lingering issues but she was flitting around the house like she got her second wind while I was dragging ass. “We’re almost done, oh my word I can’t wait to be done with this movie.”

  She chomped into her banana, smacked my ass and headed out the door ahead of me. Meanwhile I was looking at her like she was a clone. Due to me never having lived with a woman before, I wasn’t sure if this was normal or if she was setting me up for some shit. I was seriously thinking about googling this shit for some pointers.

  She read her magazine and talked my ear off until halfway there she screeched and almost made me run off the road. “What the hell Tara?” A look in the rearview didn’t reveal any clear and present danger and she wasn’t bleeding.

  She did look at me like she’d seen her grandmother’s ghost though. “What? Your favo
rite boy band break up or something?”

  She held the magazine out to me. “You know I can’t read that, I’m driving here. Just read it to me, whatever it is I’m sure it’ll be fine.” I rolled my eyes out of her view.

  For someone with her own star power she sure does lose her shit over other celebrities. That’s part of her appeal I guess. The fact that she doesn’t seem to realize that she’s a big deal.

  “Super hunky bodyguard and latest heartthrob of our favorite star Tara A, was seen buying out the pregnancy test aisle at the local pharmacy. Speculation has already begun and people are counting back the days on their fingers….” Oh shit, I forgot about the damn tests.

  “Problem?” She did that huffing shit but I didn’t see the big deal and told her as much.

  “What’s the big deal? I have a PR person to handle things like this. You can’t just announce to the world that I might be pregnant before I’ve had a chance to talk to my manager, my agent, etc.”

  “That’s your deal. And I didn’t announce shit to anyone. If assholes don’t have nothing better to do than follow my ass around in the local Walgreens that’s not my fucking problem. Besides, it’s nobody’s business but ours.” Fuck if I’m gonna ask her handlers for permission to breed my woman. Fucking fishbowls.

  She berated my ass up one side and down the next the rest of the way but I ignored her. “I only got those for confirmation, I’m pretty sure your horny ass is bred.”

  Don’t ask me why I was fucking with her; she was already spitting mad back there. That cute little accent of hers was front and center, years of speech therapy out the window.

  She didn’t wait for me to open her door but she did try to hit me in the balls. “Hey watch it. I plan on having more than one kid you know.” You could boil water with the steam that came out of her ears.

  “Would you keep your voice down?” she gritted out the words and looked around the dark lot like anybody else with sense was walking around this bitch at fuck this shit o’clock.

  “I don’t think you’re supposed to get this riled up cupcake, it can’t be good for the little one.” I patted her flat stomach for pure shits and giggles and watched her lose her shit.


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