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The Protectors Book 3_The Bodyguard

Page 8

by Jordan Silver

  “How do I know that you won’t cheat on me? You did it with that Zeta person.”

  “Because she wasn’t fucking you. I told you, she wasn’t my girl. She was fucking other people I was fucking other people. You on the other hand, if you fuck anyone else and they’d be looking for your corpse. Last night I asked you if you understood, before I touched you I spelt this shit out for you…what the fuck are you laughing at now?”

  “You, you’re so easily riled. But I like the fact that you feel so passionate about it. I like the way your nose flares when you want to wring my neck.”

  Fucking Hollywood! “Yeah you keep playing with that shit and I really will heat your ass up one of these days. I don’t know when you’re playing, you’re gonna have to leave that acting shit at the door.”

  “Why would I wanna do that? This is so much more fun.” She flipped up the bottom of the shirt and showed me her ass before making her escape under the pretense of setting the outside table.

  I’m gonna have to keep my eye on her, she seems a little squirrelly to me. I’m serious about that acting shit though. She keeps catching me out there and I’m strung way too tight to play around with this shit. Plus it’s too new for me to have my footing and I feel like a newborn calf. Shit, I need some pointers here.


  Dinner was an exercise in fuckery. I saw yet another side to her. Playful, carefree and full of spunk this one. She had a million questions all of which I answered truthfully while digging into her shit.

  There were a few times I thought she was evading my questions, but she did that shit so expertly that it seemed that I was over reacting.

  “You mind telling me why you’re not more spooked about this stalker situation?” I decided to come right out and ask since it was always that one issue she seemed to skirt around. She shrugged her shoulders and refused to make eye contact and my guts tied itself in knots.

  “No reason. I figure everybody else is already freaking out as it is, no point in me adding to the drama.”

  “You do know that that shit makes no sense right. I’ve seen the shit this asshole wrote to you, you can’t tell me it doesn’t bother you.” I watched her carefully and my suspicion only grew.

  In the beginning I hadn’t paid too much attention to the way she seemed almost removed from the shit as dangerous as it is. It was easy to brush it off weeks ago, to find excuses for her behavior.

  But I’d come to know her and the shit didn’t jive. Not that I wanted her to be spooked out of her fucking mind, she had the right amount of caution, but there was something missing.

  “Do you know or suspect who this might be Tara?” She shook her head and took a healthy gulp from her water glass. Lying ass. If this turned out to be some good ole farm boy from back home I’m gonna skin his ass right after I tan hers.

  ‘Tell me more about this Kevin guy you dated in high school.”

  “Kevin? Please, he wouldn’t harm a fly. No, Kev’s married with a cute little baby girl. We ended on friendly terms. It was never that serious between us. He was just someone I hung out with at the local Dairy Queen when the mood struck.”

  Say what now? That did not sound like the guy she gave her virginity to and it was burning a hole in my tongue to ask more. She’s not the type to be so blasé about something like that, and her answer only left me with more questions than answers.

  “You call him Kev?” Seriously Hunter? Which size panties are you wearing here? She stopped with the fork halfway to her lips with a look of surprise on her face and laughter in her eyes.

  “That’s what I’ve always called him. I knew him since I was like three.” She ate her pasta and tried to hide her smile. Somehow I still didn’t like the softness in her voice when she talked about this asshole.

  “When’s the last time you saw him?” Maybe I’ll figure out how to not let her go home since this fucker still lives there. Do you hear yourself? Didn’t I tell you to get fucked?

  Nothing like a private conversation with oneself, to lighten shit up. All day I’ve been doing this shit. It appears crazy isn’t ready to take a break in this bitch. “Well, when was it?”

  “Last Thanksgiving. That’s the last time I saw him. We catch up by email sometimes but I don’t think his wife likes us being close, she feels threatened I think. But Kev and I are just friends.”

  I was with the wife on this one and was trying to format the right words to put that shit out there when she zinged me. Fucking female, I’m beginning to think that innocent shit is a trap.

  “So what are you gonna tell Zeta?” Nice way to change the subject. No worries, I’ll get back to that shit soon enough. “Tell ‘er about what? I think we said all we had to say to each other the other day.” She smirked and rolled her damn eyes at me.

  “I don’t think so; you’re such a guy.”

  “What do you want me to be a teenage girl?” She almost fell off her damn chair laughing.

  “Very funny but no. I just mean that if she’s ever had feelings for you she won’t let things end like that, over the phone.”

  “Is that something you’re worried about? Because if you are, don’t.”

  “If you say so.” Typical female. Always looking for trouble where there isn’t any.

  “Let’s take a walk on the beach.”

  “Ooh, can we? Is it safe?” I looked out towards the water where the beach was clear.

  This time of evening the locals had already packed it in. The moon and stars were just beginning to come out and the water was still and beautiful with reflected light.

  I took her hand and pulled her up from the table before remembering our state of undress. We went to our separate rooms to take care of that, me with a shirt and she found some shorts and then we walked hand in hand down to the water.

  I was beginning to sound like a broken record to myself, but it had been longer than forever since I’d done anything like this with a female.

  If there was anything that convinced me of my deep feelings for her, it was the kind of sappy juvenile shit I wanted to do with her. I ran a little experiment on myself as we walked in silence, testing myself to see how it felt to be here like this with her.

  My only experience with this love shit is what I see in the movies or from watching my lying ass boys with their women. I can’t take their word for shit. Pussy whipped motherfuckers would say anything to keep what they have, a woman at home to warm their beds when the mood strikes. But maybe, just maybe it was more than that.

  The first thing I realized was, that my heart had a strange new feeling. It wasn’t just that fullness, like something had literally moved the fuck in, but there were all these other anomalies.

  For the first time in my life I wanted to make plans with someone for the future. I imagined the years ahead; kids, family vacations, bed. I think I’m obsessed with fucking her.

  I looked down at her bent head as she kicked the sand playfully and something squeezed my chest. Oh shit, she’s my responsibility. For as long as I live, this precious human being is going to be mine to love and protect.

  What the fuck, I wouldn’t even let myself get a dog. She must’ve felt the change in me or maybe it was the way I just stopped moving, because she looked up at me just then and I pulled her into my chest, covering the back of her head with my hand. Poor thing she didn’t have a fucking clue what the hell was going on.

  “I love you.” It came out sounding like a surprised exclamation and the words felt strange on my tongue. I’ve never said them to anyone. And just like that a whole fucking tsunami of emotions went riot wild in my system.

  I had the dick hard soft heart thing going again and I didn’t even care that she hadn’t said the words back. I’m guessing this is about the time I’m supposed to sprout a vagina.

  When I lifted her head there were tears in her eyes and her lips trembled. Before she could say anything, I covered her lips with mine. But instead of the out of control ravaging, this one was warm, soft and gentle, like the
feelings I had in me for her.

  Even her skin felt different under my rough hands as I held her face in place for my kiss. Our tongues played around with each other as my heart beat wildly. Shit felt like I was dying.

  I lowered my hand to her chest and placed it right over her heart where hers was just as out of whack as mine. I didn’t need the words, I wanted them, but I didn’t need them to tell me that she was in love with me too.

  “Say it!” Okay so I lied. I held her head back so I could see into those expressive eyes. The light of the stars shone bright in her beauties and she nodded before breathing out those four little words that had such an impact. “I love you too.”

  I picked her little ass up until her legs wrapped around me and my cock hit her right where I wanted it to. “Ummmm”, I moaned into her mouth as she deepened the kiss and rubbed her pussy against me suggestively.

  I held her head with one hand and her ass in the next, pressing her harder against me. When I said the words a second time to try them out, they weren’t so hard. I felt like, laughing so I did. In between kissing the shit out of her.

  “Let’s go back.” She nodded her head and placed it on my shoulder as I turned and walked back the way we came. I would’ve taken her down right there but I couldn’t forget there was someone out there who had her in their sights. I was practically running with her in my arms by the time the house came into view.

  I kicked the door shut behind us after fumbling to open it and laid her down right there. She pulled the shirt off over her head while I knelt between her thighs shedding my clothes. I wrestled the tight shorts off down her thighs and threw them over my shoulder before coming down on top of her.

  Her body was warm to the touch when she wrapped her legs around me and pulled my lips back down to hers. I fixed my cock so it laid along her slit up to her lower stomach, making sure to get her clit with the ridge that ran the length of the underside.

  Her pussy was already juicing and she humped her hips up at me in heat. I gave her my fingers while feeding on her tongue, opening her up to take me.

  My cock dribbled cock juice all over her stomach and Mons and I drove my fingers deeper, screwing them around until she screamed around me tongue. Her ass tightened and she crushed herself tighter against me. “Please Hunter, now.”

  I pulled my fingers out of her and licked them clean as I made my way down between her thighs to give her my mouth.

  I took her ass in my hands and lifted her pussy to my mouth like an offering, sinking my tongue into her heat. Her pussy grabbed my tongue and her taste fucked with my head it was so good. I licked deep, trying to suck all that sweetness into me. It was all for me, no one else ever.

  Her hands in my head urged me on and I ate her until my mouth grew tired and my tongue was sore. “You’re still so fucking tight.” I gave her slit a few licks before lying next to her. I wanted to see her beautiful face.

  I finger fucked her as I looked down into her dreamy eyes. She tugged on her nipples and held them up for me and I couldn’t refuse lowering my head to her bounty.

  Her nipple pearled on my tongue and I moved on to the other giving it the same attention. “Get on your knees.” She rolled over and I helped her get into position. I took her hands in one of mine and pulled them behind her as I led my cock to her open pussy.

  She was still tight as fuck but it was getting easier to slide into her. As soon as he was planted firmly in her I started fucking. Deep hard strokes that bounced her on and off my dick.

  Her moans of pleasure made me nuts and my plans to go slow died a quick death. I watched my cock split her tiny pussy in, out, slam. What a sight.

  Her pink pussy lips plumped up around my cock as it pounded in and out of her faster and faster as she pushed her ass back at me for more.

  She wasn’t making cute little noises now no, these were full on grunts and pussy hurt moans like I was killing her. I tried to go easy but my brain wasn’t sending the right message to my dick. So what she got was a pounding instead of the nice slow ride I had on tap.

  I dropped her hands and grabbed her hips, so I could fuck even harder. Her moans had turned into screams and I knew my cockhead knocking into her cervix was causing her pain and I tried to slow it down but no fucking dice.

  If her cunt wasn’t juicing like an overripe hot peach I might’ve been alarmed, but the way she arched her back and canted her ass in the air told me that the pain wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle.

  My toes cramped and my spine tingled with the telltale signs of impending climax. I eased out of her and gave her my mouth, eating her out from behind and giving myself a little reprieve. I didn’t want to cum yet, didn’t want to leave her body so soon.

  She reached back and grabbed my head when her orgasm hit and mumbled some shit that was too confusing to understand. I waited until she settled before sliding my cock back into her again.

  I ran my hands over the firm globes of her ass as I stroked into her nice and slow, bringing her off again before getting to my feet with her locked onto my cock and my arms wrapped around her.

  I made it as far as the staircase because while I was walking she was doing gymnastics with her pussy muscles. She got her ass fucked up against a spindle for her troubles.

  Her body was trapped between me, and the wood when I lost control. All I could hear was the echo of my hips slapping into her ass as I fucked out my seed in a flood.

  The aftershocks had me pulling her back hard until my whole cock was lodged inside her. Her ass never stopped moving as she worked the last few drops of my seed out of my nuts. Damn, is it any wonder I love her ass? Perfect fucking fit.

  I ran my hands lovingly along the front of her body as her ass calmed down to small slow circles, making use of the lasting hardness.

  “You’re trying to kill me right, that’s your plan?” I nuzzled her ear. She tilted her head and I covered her lips while trailing my fingers through her folds over her clit.

  I felt a sudden rush of overwhelming tenderness towards her, like if it were possible I would draw her under my skin and keep her there forever.

  The love was powerfully overwhelming. She made me feel like all the good I’d missed out on in my life was wrapped up in this one little package. Like she was my reward.

  I wrapped my arms tighter around her as one last drip of cum leaked inside her. We were both too weak to move but once the tread of the stairs started digging into my knees I knew it was time.

  I tried walking up the rest of the stairs with my cock stuffed inside her pussy and by the time we made it to the bed I was at full length again.

  I just leaned her over the bed and waited for her to grab on before fucking into her again. I love the way she looks back over her shoulder at me as if she can’t believe that I could do this to her.

  The way her pussy juice ran down my thigh I knew she was enjoying this fuck. I on the other hand was simply amazed that one little body could endure so much.

  No matter how much cock I threw into her she took it and pushed her pussy back for more. I diddled her asshole with my finger, letting it go deeper than ever before and she tried to break my dick off.

  “You like that? We’ll have to try that out later.” I’m not much into ass fucking but if she reacted this way I could always give it a try. I’d rather wait until I was sure that my boys had done their job fertilizing her womb though.

  Again my cock got new life at the thought of shooting off potent sperm inside her and I crushed her against the mattress, pounding out my lust inside her until we both came.


  For the next few weeks or so we settled into a new routine. The word was out though we hadn’t made any sort of official statement, but it would’ve been hard to miss the looks and the easy touches that passed between us.

  There wasn’t much of a scuffle once her handlers got wind of the new relationship, only one little blip from one of the members of her management team. It was the first time I’d seen her in action.

  She’d knocked down every argument the asshole had and refused to even contemplate firing me as her bodyguard. Her people refused to not pay me so I told them to donate the shit to charity.

  Of course someone leaked the news to the press and I fielded about twenty calls from my team, who all had a lot to say amidst the well wishes. I even let her talk to a couple of the guys who all seemed to know more about her than I did in the beginning.

  It was then I learned that my jealousy didn’t just run to the unknown men who were always vying for her attention, but to men that I knew and trusted. I was overly possessive of her time and couldn’t get her off the lot quick enough at the end of each day once she was done.

  Since we were no longer a secret we spent a few evenings out on the town, having dinner and even taking in a movie once. I was only a little uneasy at the fact that I hadn’t heard shit from her stalker since the news broke.

  Up until then we were averaging one letter or email a day. I knew shit was about to come to a head soon. So even as we sat out on the lanai making plans for the future, my mind was distracted.

  It was hard separating the man from the bodyguard. As her man I wanted to take her home behind the protective gates of my home where I knew my state of the art security system was sure to keep everyone out, but she had a job to do.

  Then I questioned what the hell I was gonna do if I didn’t draw this guy out soon and she had to go off on location for the upcoming movie she was supposed to work on. And that shit led to our first argument.

  “I can’t be there, I have other jobs to take care of.” I’d already spent more time than I’d planned to on this one, but the truth is the guy was good. Each time I pinned down a location the authorities were always ten steps behind. By the time they showed up he was long gone.

  Now he was hip to us and had taken to using cafes and shit. Whoever he is, he had an amazing code system that seemed to be tracking us as well. I knew he couldn’t get into my shit, so he had to have eyes on her some other way.


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