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The Girl Can't Help It (Unexpected Encounters)

Page 5

by Johnson, Jeanie

  “Did your father resent your grandfather for that?”

  “I don’t think my papà resents much of anything. It was a different time. My countrymen weren’t far removed from World War I before they were dealing with World War II. War changes countries, economies, and family fortunes. It changes people. My papà didn’t experience Italy as my nonno did, but he lived with my nonno who was changed by those times. I know my nonno would have told my papà stories.

  “My papà worked in one of his famiglia’s factories. Nothing was beneath him, just like there is no honest work that is beneath any Strozzi male or female. My papà worked his way up through the ranks until he rose to the top. Even with the title, the money, the prestige, my father does not hesitate to step in when needed…wherever he is needed. He can do almost every job at the company. I’ve even seen him perform janitorial and landscaping duties when needed. That is why Adamo Strozzi has so much respect from his workers.”

  Perry could hear the pride in Alessandro’s voice. “It’s clear you’re proud of your father.”

  “I am. My papà put in so many hours at that job, and yet he never shirked his duties to my mother or us boys. We never had to wonder if we were as important as the job. We never had to wonder where we fit in his heart. He worked to make money to provide for us but he doesn’t love money. He loves us. We are first in his heart. That is why he has so much respect from me.”

  “Even respecting your father so much, did the younger version of you resent having to work, especially when your friends didn’t?” Perry asked.

  “Sì, certo. I wanted to drive fast cars and spend my weekends on the beautiful beaches or enjoying the nightlife like my friends. As my papà pointed out though, unlike many of my friends who didn’t have to toil, I took my studies seriously. You’re motivated to earn the highest marks in each class when you recall how long you had to work to pay for it.”


  “I also learned how important it was to deliver a quality product. Regardless of whether the consumer has millions of Euros to spend or just a few, every customer deserves the best we can deliver.

  “While I haven’t met your father, I bet you’re like him in many ways.”

  “I hope so, Perry. I strive for that but I am a long ways from being the man my father is.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, what is your mother like?”

  “She is like a female version of my father…maybe tougher.”

  Perry raised an eyebrow at that. Of all the things she expected Alessandro to say about his mother, describing her as tough wasn’t it.

  “I see you doubt my words. Wait until you meet her. Then you will see. Nothing gets pass Bibiana Strozzi. Nothing. Not even my papà. She might just be the smartest person I know.

  She has a second cycle degree in Economics from Università di Bologna, but she chose to remain at home with my two younger fratelli, Christiano and Mattia, and myself until we were older. Even then, she only worked part-time. It was probably for the best, else she would’ve been a young nonna instead of being a middle-aged professional and beautiful woman who laments the fact that she has no bambini to spoil like her friends do.”

  Perry could sympathize, having heard that same complaint from her own mother. “Your mother staying home was probably for the best. As handsome as you are, I imagine your brothers are equally handsome.”

  “Not even close, but neither Christiano nor Mattia are so hideous that they scare small children and old people.”

  Perry laughed. “Even if your brothers couldn’t hope to be as handsome as you are, I imagine there were many, many girls who imagined themselves in love with the Strozzi boys.”

  “Well, at least me, but all of them are in my past. I’m partial to only one girl now. Of course, I am smart enough to know that it is incorrect to refer to her as a girl when she is all woman…in all ways.”

  Perry’s breath caught in her throat. It was hard not to be overwhelmed with the attention he was paying to her. “Alessandro, you shouldn’t say such things.”

  “I speak the truth. Soon you will know it. Here,” he paused and touched her head. “I suspect you’re already starting to feel it here though,” he said as he touched the area over her heart.

  Perry wondered why her heart didn’t simply beat right out of her chest. His words moved her. His touch ignited her. She wasn’t sure what she would have done if he hadn’t backed off.

  “Tell me about your famiglia, Bellissima. Tell me about you.”

  “I’m an only child. Probably because my parents realized that they couldn’t top perfection,” she joked.

  “Smart people.”

  “Yes. Both of my parents are in academia. My father teaches Latin.”

  “Ah. Do you know Latin?”

  Perry laughed. She was surprised to realize just how much she did so in Alessandro’s company. “Just enough to know that I would be better served to find another language to study, which is why I squeaked by in French with a B minus.”

  “You’ll do much better with Italian. Especially with me as your teacher.”

  “Of course.”

  “What does your mamma do…besides make beautiful children?”

  “While her official title is provost, her unofficial title is Jedi® master. My mother molds the minds of students and professors alike. Of course she does it in such a way that few realize they’re being molded. She has a light touch.”

  “Ah, I’m sure she and my mamma will get along just fine. Strong women seem to gravitate to each other. I imagine that is why you and Vegas are such good friends.”

  Perry was taken aback at the realization that he thought she was strong.

  “You don’t think you’re strong?” he asked.

  “I never considered it. I’m much more reserved than many of my friends.”

  “That does not make you weak. You know what you want. You go after it. You make it happen.”

  “How did you come to that conclusion?”

  “The fact that your title is “Dottore” and you have several abbreviations following your name made that an easy conclusion to come to. I know that universities do not simply hand them out. That takes dedication, hard work…strength.”

  “It does. I just never considered it that way.”

  “Tell me why you chose therapy.”

  “I wanted to be a therapist since I was in high school. Though it can be difficult to work with people, it can be equally rewarding, especially when you help them make changes that lead to a more fulfilling life.”

  “I searched your name on the internet. You’re cited in many professional sources. It is clear that you’re well-admired by your peers for your work with youth.”

  “Thank you. It’s easy when you love what you do.”

  Alessandro laughed. “You’re one of the few individuals who want to deal with teenagers.”

  “I remember what it was like to be a teenager. Luckily, I had parents who listened to me rather than simply dictate to me. Their word was law but I felt included in my upbringing rather than a soldier. Does that make sense?”

  “Sì. I admit though that my parents did more ordering than listening. Of course, considering how hardheaded my brothers and I were, I can understand and appreciate that.”

  “There is no one right way to parent because all kids are different. When I work with children, I let them know who is in charge. But I also let them know that I am willing to hear what they have to say. I want to be one of the adults that really listen to them. I want them to know that I care.”

  Alessandro didn’t have to look at Perry to verify how much she cared. He could simply listen to her voice and hear her compassion. It was clear that while she enjoyed her career, it was the people she worked with whom she enjoyed most.

  “Isn’t it difficult though? Like priests, most people who come to you bring you a problem.”

  “It can be. I know that I can’t always change things for my patients, but at the minimum I can sh
ow them that I care. If I can get that across, then I feel that I’ve done some good work.”

  Having watched her closely this past week, Alessandro knew that Perry was compassionate. Perry didn’t want to just do well for herself; she wanted to help others strive in their own lives. He wondered if she knew just how awesome she was. This woman could easily grace the covers of fine living magazines. However, she was cited in professional journals for her groundbreaking work in the field of psychology.

  He might appear to be self-centered, but he despised apathy, especially when it pertained to people. While he wanted Perry, he didn’t realize until this moment that two things he’d desired in women were the two things Perry had in abundance: strength and compassion.

  Chapter Nove


  Perry awoke with the scent of Alessandro surrounding her. It wasn’t because the man was lying next to her but because she was wearing one of his dress shirts. She cringed recalling how it’d come to be in her possession.

  Waiting in his siting room while he packed, she’d spotted the handmade shirt on the floor, where he’d casually tossed it. She’d promptly “lost her shit” and told him off before commandeering said shirt. Of course, the man didn’t even raise a brow; he simply gave her a slow smile that made her feel needy.

  When the phone rang, Perry didn’t even bother to ask who it was. “Hello, Alessandro.”

  “How did you know it was me?” he asked.

  “Who else calls at the crack of dawn?”

  “It could be one of your hundreds of admirers trying to get to you before I could.”

  “Only hundreds?” she joked.

  “I would have had the staff weed out the riffraff.”

  “Of course.”

  “What are you doing today?”

  “I’m going to open my curtains and admire the beautiful view as I lie about in bed.”

  She heard Alessandro gasp and wondered what naughty thoughts he was thinking.

  “And tonight?”

  “If you’re not put out with me, I might be convinced to go somewhere with you.”

  “Even if I was put out with you, I’d still want you by my side, Perry. After seeing your passion, my desire for you has only increased. You have the exterior of a proper lady but you have fire beneath.”

  If Perry had lighter skin, she was sure it would’ve been red.

  “I apologize…not for what I said but for my tone. I was a bit harsh.”

  Alessandro’s chuckle filled her ear. “I like the way you describe it as ‘a bit.’”

  “I’m already embarrassed enough, Alessandro.”

  “Do not worry so, bellissima. I was not offended. You’re so compassionate about people. It is only natural that you’d extend that same consideration to your clothes. I like this about you.”

  “I’m glad. There’s a lot I like about you too, Alessandro.”

  “Will you return my shirt, or do you plan to continue holding it hostage?”

  Was she going to return it? Not a chance. Of course, she wasn’t going to tell him that. “I will keep it until I’m convinced you will treat it better.”

  “Keep it and wear it for me later. Just the shirt and a welcoming smile.”

  Knowing he didn’t hold her outburst against her, Perry decided to tease him. He deserved it. “But I have a pair of black leather Ferragamo® booties that’d go so well with it.”

  “Clearly, you’re trying to kill me.”

  “I am doing no such thing.”

  “You are. I’ll be sure to send over more of my clothing I wish to see you in.”

  Now it was Perry’s turn to wonder if the man was trying to kill her. “You’re going to get us both in trouble if you continue down this path.”

  “I’m already in trouble, bellissima. It’s taking supreme control not to unbutton my trousers and stroke myself as I talk to you. Your voice does things to me.”

  Before Perry could stop herself, her right hand was inside of her panties stroking herself in time to his voice. A small moan escaped but there was nothing she could do to hold it back. She wanted this man.

  “Perry, are you touching yourself?”

  “Yes,” she admitted without the least bit of shame. It was after all, his fault.

  “Stop, Perry. If you come, I want to be with you. I can imagine how you will sound but I want to be there to witness it. I want to cause it.”

  She wanted the same thing. Removing her hand, she issued a command. “Then give me something else to think about other than how good you can make me feel.”

  Alessandro let loose a string of what she was sure was strong cuss words. Hearing him heavily exhale made her smile. She didn’t want to be in this alone. “My mamma is throwing a party. I did not plan to attend but she convinced me it was in my best interest to. Will you accompany me?”

  “Your mother will be there.”

  “Sì, along with most of my family. Per favore,” he asked. “I need you there tonight.”

  Hearing the pleading in his voice, she acquiesced. “I’ll be there.”


  “You’re welcome. How can I say no when you’ve been so good to me?”

  “It’s easy to be good to you, Perry.”

  She had no words for that so she asked about the event. “What is the dress code?”

  “Gowns and tuxes. Do you need me to send over a dress?”

  She could only imagine the type of dress he would send over. As tempting as the offer was, Perry declined. She always traveled with a spare evening gown or two…just in case. “Thank you, but no. I have a gown, Alessandro.”

  “Okay, then. I will see you tonight, bellissima.”

  “Yes.” He’d see her and she’d wow him. There were few things she enjoyed more than dressing up. However, dressing for Alessandro, and perhaps undressing for Alessandro, might be numbers one and two on her list.

  There were a lot of things Alessandro had anticipated: Christmas Day as a child, earning praise from his parents, envy from his enemies. None of it compared to what he felt all day. He couldn’t wait to see Perry, knowing that whatever she wore, she’d blow him away. It wasn’t simply what she would wear that he could see, but what she’d wear beneath her gown that had him hard.

  Knowing he would not be able to keep his hands off of her, he sent a car for her. He knew Perry wasn’t a car person, nevertheless he hoped she’d be impressed by the Maybach®. It was a classy vehicle, just like the woman who’d be riding in it.

  Women, he corrected. Instead of his regular driver, tonight, Godiva Seville would be driving. There were vehicles the rich and famous used and there were drivers they wanted to ferry them. Godiva Seville was one such driver. She didn’t simply get people to their destinations on time; she got them there safely. Of course, one could expect no less from the former race-car driver and now one of the highest-rated security drivers in the field. He didn’t expect trouble but Perry was so precious to him that he could do nothing less than send the best for her.

  Along with the car, he’d made sure to stock it with gifts befitting a lady of her caliber…befitting the woman he loved. Going with his theme of “the best of Italy,” he’d ordered a bouquet of red, long-stemmed roses from the Puglia region, a bottle of Giacomo® Conterno Barolo Monfortino™ from the winery in the Piedmont region, and a box of dark, silk chocolates from award-winning chocolatier Nerva Imperatores, whose shop was located in the Trentino-Alto-Adige. The flowers, wine and chocolate were all classics, just like the woman who held his heart. Hoping that she’d appreciate and enjoy the Italian selections, Alessandro prayed that she’d consider him the best of all that Italy had to offer.

  He would like for the evening to end with her in his bed, but if she was not ready, he’d wait. He’d wait forever for this woman because she was worth it.

  Chapter Dieci

  Familiar with Alessandro’s tastes, Perry was still overwhelmed by how far he’d gone to see to her comfort. She wasn’t knowledgeable abou
t vehicles but going by the uniform of the woman who opened the door for her, which was hand-tailored, she knew it had to be expensive. Before the car had taken off, the chef that accompanied the driver poured a glass of red wine for her before handing her a dish of the most visually exquisite chocolates she’d ever seen.

  No one had given her a chance to decline the luxury, and she wasn’t in a mind to argue. Sitting back in the butter-soft leather seats, she listened to smooth jazz as she indulged her palate. If this was an indication of how the night would go, Perry knew it was going to be something special.

  Something special turned out to be an understatement. When Alessandro said they were attending a party, she had no idea it was going to be at a private home. The estate they pulled up to was simply breathtaking. Considering the architecture she’d spent the past two weeks admiring that was really saying something. Yet, as beautiful as the estate was, the man who awaited her made everything else fade into the background.

  Alessandro wore another hand-tailored tux but this time he wasn’t simply HDG but the man she’d come to love in such a short time. Not waiting for the driver to open her door, he did the honors himself.

  “You look beautiful, Perry. Thank you for coming.”

  “Thank you for inviting me. And thank you for all of this.” Perry extended her arm toward the vehicle.”

  “If you enjoyed it, then it was worth it.”

  “I did.”

  “Good. Come, so I can introduce you to my famiglia.”

  Bending down to speak directly in her ear, he continued, “And thank you for waiting to come. If putting off your pleasure is half as hard for you as it is for me, we are both feeling needy.”

  “Alessandro,” she moaned his name.

  “Perry,” he responded before lightly taking her mouth.

  Walking in, Perry was surprised but pleased to see less than two-dozen people in attendance. Not a fan of crowds, she preferred more intimate settings, especially when getting to know people.


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