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The Girl Can't Help It (Unexpected Encounters)

Page 6

by Johnson, Jeanie

  Alessandro walked her over to a stunning couple who had to be his parents. “Mamma, Papà, this is Dr. Perry Sebastian. Perry, this is my mamma and papà.”

  “Buongiorno, Signori Strozzi. Thank you for having me,” Perry said while extending her hand to his mother since Alessandro introduced her first.

  Perry was surprised when her hand was ignored and she was embraced in a hug.

  “No thanks necessary. It is I who should be thanking you for dragging my son here. I usually have to resort to threats to get him anywhere.”

  “Usually have to threaten me?” Alessandro said. “You did threaten me, Mamma.”

  His mother admonished him and handed Perry over to Alessandro’s father. “Stop making me look bad in front of this beautiful young woman.”

  Perry smiled. “I mean no offense, but not even a burlap sack could make you look bad. I am glad he introduced you as his mother, else I might’ve been quite jealous to see him embrace you.”

  “You are surely going to be my wife’s favorite now,” his father said as he too embraced her. “Welcome to Strozzi Proprietà. I hope this is the first time of many that we shall see you here.”

  Overcome by the genuine warmth in his words and eyes, Perry squeezed Mr. Strozzi’s hands. “Grazie. If you can talk yourself into leaving your beautiful country and visit California, please know that you are welcome at my home anytime.”

  She could see from their shocked expressions that they hadn’t expected her offer. While her home was nowhere near the opulence of the Strozzi Estate, Perry would indeed be privileged and honored to show the Strozzi family hospitality.

  “You are as gracious as you are beautiful,” Signore Strozzi said.

  The moment was lightened with the arrival of two men who could be no one other than Alessandro’s brothers.

  “Who is this beautiful woman, Alessandro?” the taller of the brothers asked as he kissed her cheek. “Surely, one as beautiful as she, couldn’t be lowering her standards to be with a cretin like you?”

  “You must be allowing him to escort you out of pity?” his other brother joked as he kissed her hand.

  Before Perry could respond, Alessandro made introductions.

  “Christiano and Mattia—my brothers who are about to be maimed by me if they don’t back up.”

  “Mamma won’t allow you to maim us,” Mattia said as he raised Perry’s other hand to his lips and kissed it.

  “That’s because I will do it myself. Stop pawing your brother’s woman and pretend to be a gentleman tonight.”

  Alessandro smiled as he watched Perry. He knew she’d be a hit. Already having won over his genitori and fratelli, she easily won over the rest of his famiglia. She’d charmed them all, none more so than him.

  While he had often escorted beautiful women to various functions, he’d never brought any woman here, to his family’s private residence. That in itself told his famiglia that Perry was special. The way he looked at her and touched her told them everything else.

  He could look at this woman all day, even when she was doing something as simple as laughing with his mamma and zie. Women who’d been wealthy all of their lives, none of those in attendance outclassed Perry, not even his mamma, who was one of the classiest women he knew.

  Perry fit right in, talking fashion, current events and history like she was born and raised in the court. When the talk turned a bit risqué, he knew it was time to give them some space. He didn’t need to ever hear anything sexual come out of his beloved zie’s mouths.

  His fratelli had already done the smart thing and pleaded previous engagements. Excusing himself, he joined his papà in the study.

  “Perry is the one,” his papà stated rather than asked.

  “Sì, Papà.”

  Instead of the congratulations he was expecting, he was given a warning. “Do not play with this woman, il figlio. If you cannot love her for the rest of your life, let her go now.”

  “I cannot let her go, Papà.”

  “Do you have a ring?”


  “Make sure it is one befitting her.”

  “It is.”

  “Then why are you still here instead of taking her home?”

  “I was waiting for your blessing.”

  “You have it. Now go back to your woman else our relatives will monopolize her attention. I am anxious to introduce Perry as my nuora. My friends will be jealous, as they should be.”

  Perry couldn’t remember the last time she’d had such a good time, and then she’d looked across the room and caught Alessandro’s stare and remembered. Every day with him had been the best time. She didn’t know how long they held each other’s gaze, but when he walked toward her and held out his hand, she didn’t hesitate. She took it. When he bent and took her lips, she let him.

  “Come home with me, Perry,” he asked.

  She didn’t hesitate. “Yes, Alessandro.”

  “I hope to hear that from your lips all the rest of my days.”

  Perry smiled at the disgruntled sounds that came from Alessandro’s announcement that he was taking her home. She’d come to like his family in such a short time. The Strozzi’s shared strong family ties. They were good people, quick to laugh and to forgive.

  “Promise us you’ll come back for a visit,” his mother and aunts demanded.

  “I promise, Mamma,” he said.

  Perry was surprised at Alessandro’s quick acceptance, but pleased. She wanted to come back and visit.

  Perry smiled as she waited for Alessandro to seat her in his car. In Milan, they were usually driven around if they didn’t walk. She wasn’t surprised that he drove an Italian sports car or that he drove it fast. Alessandro handled the car with a finesse that didn’t surprise her. One day she’d take the wheel and show him her finesse. For now, she was content to enjoy the experience and the sounds of the R&B oldies Alessandro had come to appreciate during his time in graduate school in the States.

  Perry expected Alessandro to rush out of the car as soon as they parked, but once again he surprised her. Gripping the steering wheel tightly, he didn’t look at her as he spoke. “Perry, I want you…badly. I won’t rush you though so if you don’t want me…”

  Laying a hand on his arm, she interrupted him. Not want him? Was he kidding? “I do want you…badly.”

  “Thank goodness,” he said. He kissed her gently before coming around and fetching her.

  “Are you sure?” he asked as he leaned her against the low-slung sports car.

  “Yes, Alessandro.”

  He breathed his thanks into her mouth. “Grazie, Perry.”

  “Thank you, Alessandro,” she said before drawing him down for a kiss.

  He felt so good wrapped around her. She could’ve stayed in his embrace all night but she wanted more…a lot more.

  “Please, Alessandro. They’d had two weeks of intellectual foreplay and tonight she wanted physical satisfaction.

  “Anything you want, bellissima,” Alessandro effortlessly lifted her in his arms and carried her inside.

  Alessandro was on fire for Perry. Having her in his arms, he knew he held his greatest treasure. Opening the door, he paused. Tamping down his urge to speak in his native tongue because he wanted Perry to understand him completely, he switched to English. “Welcome home, Perry.”

  He hoped she knew he meant that in the literal sense. He didn’t just mean this house, but this country…and his heart. Her gasp pleased him. Feeling her hand settle over his heart, almost broke him. Seeing her acceptance, freed him.

  “I want you, Perry.”

  “So take me, Alessandro.”

  Taking her mouth again, he carried her up to his room. Setting her down, he picked up his tablet and turned on his stereo. Within moments the room was flooded with the sound of Otis Redding singing “These Arms of Mine.”

  “Dance with me, Perry,” he said even as he pulled her into his arms.

  “I’m not much of a dancer,” she admitted even tho
ugh she came to him without hesitation.

  “Just hold onto me,” he said and pulled her closer.

  At first, she was awkward but he attributed that to her surprise at discovering just how hard he was for her. Once she became accustomed to his need, she loosened up and rocked into him in time to the beat. He was sure Perry had no idea just how sensual she was. He could tell her but he’d rather show her. Allowing the passion he felt for her show in his eyes, he grazed his hand up and down her back.

  While he enjoyed the feel of the silk fabric beneath his hand, he was anxious to feel the silk of her bare skin. While he was confident that he was a good lover, his skill between the sheets would not be enough tonight. He was not content to be a good lay for Perry when he wanted to be everything to Perry.

  Chapter Undici

  Always choosing her clothes with care, tonight Perry had paid more attention to what she wore beneath her gown rather than the gown itself. The white silk looked good on her but the black lace strapless bra and panty set coupled with the lace-top thigh-high hose and garters made her feel sexy. She wondered how her lingerie would make Alessandro feel. Running his hands over her skin made her feel needy but the absolute passion blazing in his eyes made her feel as if she was the only woman in the world. His eyes were windows, and he concealed nothing. In that moment, Perry knew that Alessandro was a man who would cherish and care for her.

  As if she needed a cosign on her revelation, the last strains of Otis Redding’s song gave way to Etta James singing “At Last.” Stepping back a bit, Perry pushed Alessandro’s jacket from his arms. Folding it carefully, she laid it across the nearest dresser before pulling his shirt from his pants. Alessandro was so hard beneath her. Over six feet of hard, muscled man was hers for the taking. Tackling his shirt buttons, her hands shook but she was determined to move forward. She wanted to unwrap this man who was her very own present. Finished with the buttons, she parted his shirt and caressed his powerfully built chest.

  Hearing him inhale and groan out his pleasure, she gained confidence and moved to his pants. “Perry,” he rasped.

  “Please, let me.”

  He did and in no time at all, she had his pants undone and was pulling them down his muscular legs. She smiled seeing Alessandro’s black, silk boxers. It appeared they were of the same mind when they’d dressed tonight. She only hoped he’d appreciate her choices as much as she appreciated his.

  Waiting while he stepped out of his shoes and pants before dealing with his cufflinks and shirt, Perry simply stood back and admired him. He was an impressive display of masculinity.

  Clad only in his boxer briefs, he looked directly in her eyes and stepped out of the last piece of clothing concealing him. Seeing his physical desire for her, Perry reached out and stroked him.

  He breathed out his appreciation. “Perry.”

  “Alessandro,” she returned as she continued caressing him.

  “As good as this feels, it’s my turn,” he said as he turned her in his arms. Raining kisses over her shoulders, he took his time and unzipped her gown. Alessandro didn’t allow the silk to fall to the floor, instead trapping it beneath her breasts. He ran his hands over her back before reaching around and cupping her breasts through her bra. Lightly nibbling at her neck, he whispered to her in his native tongue. While she didn’t understand all of his words, he said them with such passion and touched her with such reverence that she knew they had to be praise.

  Finally, Alessandro turned her in his arms and allowed the dress to fall to the floor. Instead of asking her to step out of the dress, he simply picked her up. Retrieving her dress from the floor, he carefully placed it over his jacket. She held back a smile recalling how she’d told him off about being careless with his clothes.

  He winked at her before holding out his hand to her.

  “What about my shoes?” she asked indicating the red-bottomed black stilettos.

  “Leave them on. They make the outfit.” How could she not want a man who appreciated good shoes?

  Taking her mouth, Alessandro held nothing back as he kissed her. Leaving her lips, he slowly worked his way down her chest. He unhooked her bra and then spent time lavishing attention to each breast.

  Perry was breathless. He made her feel so many things, all of them good. With her head thrown back, he flung her bra across the room before lifting her up. “I can’t wait any longer, Perry.”

  “Neither can I,” she admitted.

  Laying Perry on the bed, Alessandro didn’t immediately follow her down. Instead, he simply gazed at her. She would’ve been nervous but he wouldn’t allow that. “You’re so damn beautiful, Perry. I wish you could see you as I see you. You’re every fantasy I’ve ever had.”

  She felt like it too, wearing nothing but her panties, garters, and stilettos. Seeing Alessandro’s reaction, she knew she’d make garters and thigh-highs part of her everyday wardrobe.

  Finally lowering himself to the bed, Alessandro, kissed her gently. Putting his weight on one arm, he gently caressed her with the other. “I pray that I make love to you the way you deserve…that I’m everything you dreamed of, Perry.”

  Perry couldn’t stop the tears from falling from her eyes. This powerful man had no idea just how wonderful he was, how desirable he made her feel. He cherished her with his thoughtfulness, he worshipped her with his eyes, he set her on fire with his touch.

  After he slipped her panties down her legs, his lips traced a path across her torso to her sex. The first flick of his tongue had her grabbing the bedding in her fists and biting her lip. The subsequent flicks had her panting. Thrusting her hips toward him, she stopped trying to be subtle and begged Alessandro for her pleasure.”

  “Please, please, please,” she begged.

  He chuckled into her sex and continued taking his time. Grabbing a fistful of his hair, she attempted to drag him up.

  He admonished her gently. “Careful, bellissima. I don’t want you hurting yourself trying to drag me up.”

  “Then give me what I ask for,” she demanded.

  “What is it that you want?” he asked before taking a nipple into his mouth.

  She gasped. “Everything, Alessandro. Everything.”

  “Buono, because everything is exactly what I want to give you. It is what I’ve wanted to give you almost since that first moment.”

  Wrapping her hands around his neck, Perry pulled him down to her and kissed him. She poured her thanks into the melding of their mouths, wanting him to feel just how good he made her feel, wanting him to know just how much she wanted him, craved him, needed him.

  “Take me, Alessandro,” she said as she wrapped her legs around him and arched up into his hardness.

  “Every day for the rest of our lives,” he said and thrust into her in a single stroke.

  They gasped simultaneously. The feel of their joining shaking them both deeply, both of them voiced their pleasure.

  “So. Damn. Good,” he said.

  “It’s so good,” she said and pulled him closer.

  Alessandro withdrew and slid back in, but he did not move. Taking her lips, he kissed her thoroughly before issuing a command. “Don’t look away. I want to read your pleasure in your expressive eyes.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  Showing a restraint that she could do nothing but admire, Alessandro took his time taking her. Every stroke touched her in all of the places that made her shudder. He made love to her body but he managed to touch her heart at the same time. Wanting to be an equal participant, she didn’t simply lay there. Throwing herself into their lovemaking, she touched him everywhere she could. She kneaded the muscles of his back, caressed the taut skin of his sides, and rubbed her soft breasts against the hardness of his chest. She was thrilled to use her body to gift him with pleasure, but she wasn’t content with that. She wanted to touch his heart, to show him that she cherished him.

  She thought of the moving pieces of music and prose that transported her to happiness. Despite their collec
tive beauty, all of it together failed to convey even a fraction of what Alessandro made her feel. Using her own words, regardless of how inadequate they were, she poured out her soul to this man.

  A private person, she didn’t get the chance to feel anxious about her confession because Alessandro responded. He answered first with his tears and then with his touch. Noting the way his hand shook as he caressed her face, she held it there before pulling it back and kissing the fingers that had brought her such pleasure. Her man did not stop there. He also responded with his words. Just as his hand shook when he touched her, his voice shook when he confessed his love.

  “Ti amo, Perry. Like Milano, you’re my home.”

  There simply was no higher praise from a man who literally wrapped himself in his country and carried it everywhere he went.

  “I love you, Alessandro. You make me feel at home.”

  “Wrap yourself around me, bellissima. Gathering her closer, he gave her all of him and she accepted it.

  Chapter Docici

  Alessandro should’ve felt exhausted after spending almost the entirety of the night making love to Perry. Instead, he felt invigorated…almost invincible. There was nothing he could not accomplish with this woman at his side. Even with that knowledge, for the first time in a long time, he felt fear.

  He could run a company, reinvent it on the fly, and take it global with his eyes closed. Given enough time there was not an intellectual challenge that he couldn’t master. With enough prompting from his fratelli, there wasn’t a dare he wouldn’t take. While he hadn’t swum with sharks, he had climbed the Alps and skied some of the world’s most challenging slopes including Delirium Dive in Banff, Corbet’s Couloir at Jackson Hole, Black Hole in Smuggler’s Notch, and Harikiri in Mayrhofen. But women, or more accurately, one woman, the one he happened to love, scared the shit out of him. What if he failed Perry?

  He’d seen women broken by men who’d claimed to love them. He knew what a broken heart looked like because he’d seen it on his zia’s face when she’d discovered her husband’s infidelity. Hating adultery, he’d never step out on Perry but what if he wasn’t enough? What if one day, she woke up and realized she wasn’t in love with him anymore? Would he have the strength to let her go? He didn’t even finish that thought already knowing the answer. He’d never have the strength to let her go but what if something else took her from him?


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