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Unbreakable Love

Page 9

by Claire Shaw

  “Do you see what a tease you are my pet? How much these men want you?”

  Looking to the men, I can see the lust in their eyes. It is not a lust you want; this is a dark, evil glint. His hands are all over my body causing my mind to go to its happy place. Any place is better than the here and now. He removes my bra and panties, forcing me to lie on the bed. He restrains my hands to each corner of the bed and the same with my legs, leaving me vulnerable and open. His hands continue to explore my body as he starts another demeaning sexual act.

  Closing my eyes and continue to go to my happy place, wishing he would just hurry up. It seems to last forever before he is finished. Opening my eyes, I can see the other men are now naked.

  “You have pleased me greatly pet; you will now please my friends,” he states.

  He nods to the first man, who replaces him between my legs. Closing my eyes again, I block out as each man takes turns.

  After what feels like a life time and I become aware of what’s around me. Blinking my eyes, I start to be aware of my surroundings. I am still in the basement and he is cleaning me up. I must have passed out from the pain at some point. He has a washcloth in his hand and is cleaning my body of the blood.

  “You are awake my pet. You did so well and made me proud, I will leave you to rest.”

  Once he has left the room, I take stock of my injuries. Nothing too bad but my skin hurts on my thigh, looking over I can see small round burns on the hip and thigh. Great, they clearly burnt me with a cigarette, I am covered in bruises, a few bite marks and someone also placed a few cuts on my arms.

  Curling back up on the bed I reach for the sheet and cover myself while I drift off to sleep.

  I spend a few days down in the basement recovering with him bringing me food and checking my wounds. After a few days, once he is happy, I’m healing well, he informs me we have guests this evening. He makes me dress the same as before and once again, he leads four men into the basement. Not sure if this is the same men as before but it is the same routine.

  This continues for a while. I’m not sure how long I am down in the basement but I know it has to be a few weeks. Men come and abuse my body; he then cares for me while I heal and we repeat the pattern.

  It’s now a few days since the last round. He comes into the basement.

  “How are you feeling my pet?” he asks.

  Looking at him as if he is crazy, “I’m in pain.”

  I don't usually admit this, but my body needs a break. Scoping me up in his arms, he carries me upstairs to my room.

  “Rest my pet.”

  Glad he’s gone, I make my way to bathroom and in the shower. I just want to be clean. Scrubbing my body but being careful round my burns and cuts. I stay in the shower for a while, letting the water run over me and wash away my tears as the stream down my face. Once the water is running cold, I get out and dry. Applying cream to my wounds, I curl back into bed and fall asleep as my body craves time to heal.

  A week or two passes and I’m able to get out of bed. Sitting at the kitchen table after making breakfast, he finally speaks.

  “You have healed nicely my pet. I will give you a few more days before I have some very important guests. We will be having a party,” he states.

  My body shakes and I feel sick. No, just no! This is the worst it’s ever been. I know I cannot take anymore. The multiple men and the things they do to my body, I cannot survive anymore. My mind starts to spin.

  “NO!” I scream as I jump out of my seat.

  The look of shock and then rage on his face is almost comical.

  “My pet you do not get to decide. I own you and you will do as you’re told!” By the end he is shouting at me, his face is red with rage.

  “FUCK YOU!” I shout.

  Yup I’ve lost it. I know he wanted to break me but not sure this is what he had in mind. The human body and mind can only cope with so much. I’m done!

  “You are a sick, twisted and evil person. I won’t say man as you’re not a real man. A real man would need abuse a women to feel good about themselves. You’re pathetic. You can’t even get a woman so he has to kidnap one. You have no clue how to treat a woman. As for giving me pleasure, that’s a fucking joke. Your pencil dick couldn’t cause pleasure if you tried. You need a map and a full guided tour to know how to please a woman,” I rant.

  Too caught up in my rant I didn’t see his fist until it was too late. I start laughing hysterically.

  “You even punch like a fucking little girl.”

  That was not the right thing to say and the final nail in my coffin as he launches himself at me, his hands wrap around my neck and we're falling to the floor. We landed with a thud and his full weight on top of me, his hands still wrapped round my neck. He started to squeeze and I could feel myself struggling to breathe. Remembering what my dad told me about keeping calm and fighting back, I planted my feet firmly on the floor and using them as leverage; I bucked my hips trying to push him off. I clawed at his face and try hitting him everywhere I could reach.

  Managing to find his eyes, I pushed my thumb into his eye socket. The scream ripped from him as he let go of my neck, his hands going to his face. Rolling over and trying to get as much oxygen into my lungs, I attempted to stand up. I feel his hand in my hair as he grabs a handful and pulled me back to him.

  “You stupid fucking whore!” he howls.

  Kicking back at him as he tried to smack my face into the unit but not having the power after our fight earlier but fuck it still hurt as my face hit the wood.

  “Get off me you prick,” I say. I kept kicking and he kept punching me.

  Feeling with my hands across the unit, I came across something cold. Wrapping my hand around the handle, I lifted the frying pan and swing with all my might, colliding with his head. Seeming dazed, I managed to make my way down the hall to my room.

  Running into the room, I slammed the door closed and quickly found the gun I had hidden earlier. My vision was starting to blur, I fumbled clicking the safety off, just as the door slammed open, hitting the wall as he stormed into the room. I point the gun in his direction.

  “Don’t come any fucking closer.” I warned

  His laugh was manic.

  “You don’t have the guts to shoot me. You’re weak and pathetic,” he states. Smirking at me, he started to step closer. “I broke you. You are MINE!”

  Grinning back at him, “You never broke me and never will,” I reply. With a manic laugh of my own I add “I hope you rot in hell!”

  With my parting words I emptied the clip into him. I could see the shock on his face as he slumped to the floor. Dropping the gun, I felt my own body fall as the world went black.

  Chapter Twelve


  I’m sitting in the family room with Beau as he decides what film to watch next. Slowly we have been watching all the kids’ films I can think of, to try and work out what he likes without being too babyish for him.

  “Well, well I never did I think I’d see the day big bad Joker would be watching a kids film,” a feminine voice quips from behind me.

  Turning to see the source of the voice stands a blast from the past.


  “In the flesh baby,” she replies.

  Jumping off the couch, I pick her up in hug and swing her around.

  “When you’d get back?” I ask her while completely shocked she’s standing right in front of me.

  Kate is Tanks sister and has been off dancing in New York. This girl is an amazing dancer.

  “I got back earlier today. Who’s the cute kid?” she asks.

  Beau stops flicking through the channels and looks over at us.

  “Come here Beau, want you to meet someone.”

  Coming over to us, he stands next to me.

  “Beau, this is Kate. Kate, this is my son Beau,” I say as I put my hand on his shoulder.

  The look of shock that flicks across her f
ace is priceless.

  “How long have I been gone?” she asks laughing.

  Holding out her hand to Beau she says, “Well, it’s nice to meet you Beau.”

  Beau shakes her hand and then goes back to the television.

  “Seriously Joker, what the fuck have I missed?” she asks.

  “Have you not seen Tank yet?” I reply.

  “No, I came straight here from the airport. Wanted to surprise little bro,” grinning as she says this.

  “Oh, it will be a surprise for him,” I state.

  “Look, you know why I had to leave,” she says getting quiet.

  I understand why she left, shit went down and she felt she couldn’t stay.

  “He’s still a member of this chapter,” I remind her.

  A soft look crosses her face.

  “Can’t hide forever, at some point I have to pull my big girl pants up, flick him the bird and get on with my life. It was his decision, not mine.”

  Yeah Cass was completely in love with Kate, but shit went down and he decided she couldn’t handle the life. Thing is, she was raised in this life and knows nothing else. Cass, short for Cassanova, couldn’t handle her being hurt so pushed her way. Only thing is he pushed too far and pushed her all the way to New York. At least she’s home now.

  “Anyway! Enough of the walk down memory lane, where did Beau come from?” Kate asks.

  “Beau is mine and Carries son,” I explain.

  Her face goes pale.

  “Carrie is back? You found her?” she asks. You can hear the excitement in her voice.

  “It’s a long, complicated story,” I reply. I take a breath, more for me than her. “Beau showed up with a woman who has been helping Carrie. She is being held by a sick psycho fuck. We have been searching for Carrie and got close a few times but just missed them as he keeps moving them around. But Wire and some other whizz hacker are on the case. I’m getting my girl back!” I declare.

  “Wow Joker, that's a hell of a lot of information and a hell of a lot you’re leaving out too,”

  Kate always was too smart for her own good.

  “Yeah but I don’t wanna put that crap in your head or talk about it with Beau so close.”

  Just then the door opens and in walks Tank.

  “Brother, we got church,” he states in an almost bored tone. He turns to leave until he gets a look at who I’m talking to. That stops him dead in his tracks and his eyes go wide with shock.

  “Kate,” he gasps.

  “Miss me little bro?” Kate asks.

  Quicker than someone his size should be able to move; she’s scooped her up into his arms and gives her a massive hug.

  “Fuck when did you get back?” asks Tank.

  “About 10 minutes ago. I came straight to the compound to look for you but found Joker and Beau instead,” she replies.

  “Well we have church but you okay to wait for me? Then we can catch up?”

  “Yeah I’ll wait with Beau while your all in church,” she says.

  Bringing her in for a hug of my own I say, “Thanks Kate, Beau I got church but Kate is going to stay with you.”

  Beau just nods his head and goes back to the television.

  “Yeah he’s a little obsessed with that thing at the moment. He hasn’t watched one before he came here so we’ve been slowly introducing him to stuff.” I declare sheepishly.

  A concerned and confused look crosses her face.

  “I’ll explain later,” I assure her.

  She ushers us out and off the church. Leaving them in the family room, we join the rest of the brothers in church. Tank still has a huge smile on his face.

  “What you smiling at?” Bull asks.

  “Kate’s back. She’s in the family room with Beau,” Tank confirms.

  “Fuck brother it will be good to have her ass back where it belongs,” Bull replies. Bull has always thought of Kate as a daughter as she and Tank spent so much time at our house when we were growing up.

  I look over at Cass, his face is showing no emotion but his eyes are showing everything he’s feeling. That man still loves Kate.

  “We going to have a problem?” Tank asks Cass.

  “No,” his short answer is very telling.

  Tank just nods his head. Banging the gavel, BJ brings church to order.

  “Okay, well we will welcome Kate back later. As Bull said, it’s good to have her home. Now back to our other princess. Wire has found more videos. These are recent and I’ve made the decision not to share them,” he states.

  Murmurs go round the room of why BJ has made this decision. Could they really be that bad?

  “Why?” Reck asks before I can.

  “Look brother, I see how those videos affect you and Joker and the rest of the brothers too for that matter. What good does it do for you all to see her like that? It won't help us find her and we need everyone with clear a head,” BJ demands.

  This is why he’s President. BJ is always a few steps ahead and see’s everything from all angles.

  “I wanna see them. I wanna know what is happening to my baby girl so I know how best to help her. I don’t want her to have to relive them by her having or feeling the need to tell us. That would break me more than seeing the videos,” Reck declares.

  “I feel the same as Reck. I don’t wanna get her back and then do something that would trigger a flashback or upset her in anyway,” I add.

  Prez seems to be thinking this through and looking to Bull. An unspoken conversation seems to be happening between them.

  “Fine, Wire show them the latest video but that’s it,” BJ states.

  Wire nods and starts clicking away at his laptop. A few moments later the screen in church comes to life.

  “I’ll warn you; this is not as bad as the others but also worse at the same time.”

  Nodding but not really understanding what he means until the video plays and I feel the vomit rise in my throat. He’s right, it’s not as bad as the others as they aren’t assaulting her body as much, however watching them doing a train on her is ripping my heart out. Each of them is taking it in turns to rape my girl. Some even burn her and at times she tries to fight back. Turning to Reck his head is in his hands.

  “Turn it off,” he cries.

  “We did warn you brother. This is the reason I didn’t want to show you,” Prez confirms.

  “I get it but we needed to know so we can help her,” I say.

  After a few moments of silence while everyone gets a grip on what they just saw, the Prez resumes church.

  “We think we have a location of where the video was uploaded from. Now they are on the run, he getting sloppy and slipping up. The location is a cabin in the woods a few miles out of town. We had thought of going in under the cover of dark however most people who are on the run expect that, so we have decided to use the element of surprise and go early in the morning while they are sleeping.”

  I like this plan; the soon we can reach her the better.

  “Get some sleep tonight and make sure all guns are clean and loaded. We ride first thing tomorrow morning.” Banging the gavel to end church, Tank and I head straight for the family room.

  Walking in I find Beau bouncing around the couches.

  “Dad I’m Peter Pan and Kate is Tinkerbell,” he says as he flies from one couch to another.

  Laughing I turn to Kate “I see your corrupting my son with your Disney crap.”

  Kate is a huge Disney nut. She has always loved it, even from being a kid. Seems she hasn’t grown out of it.

  “Dad it was great, we watched Peter Pan and Mary Poppins. I'm going to tell Grandpops about the Crocodile.”

  He runs off singing something about flying a kite in a fake British accent.

  “Kids a regular Dick Van Dyke,” Kate laughs.

  “Yeah, kids got a great sense of humour. He does these impressions of the brothers. Cracks me up,” Tank says.

sp; “He’s a good kid Joker. He misses his mum,” she adds.

  With a sigh I drop my head forward. I knew this conversation was coming.

  “Not now sis! Just know were going to a location tomorrow where we think Carrie might be,” Tank says giving his sister that look.

  He may be the younger of the two but he’s always been protective. Not that Kate has ever really needed it. Kate is badass in her own right. When the shit went down with Cass, she didn’t need saving as she saved herself. We just came in at the end and help her clean up the mess. Tank and I made sure Kate could handle almost any weapon and is also mixed martial art trained too. I smack Tank on the back.

  “Thanks Brother, I’m going to make sure Beau hasn’t managed to get into any trouble and leave you two to catch up. Kate, it’s great seeing you and I’m glad your back. This is your home,” I say. Giving her a big hug, she hugs me back.

  “Thanks Joker, it’s good to be back and feels like home too.”

  Leaving them both to catch up, I head off to hunt my son down.

  Later that night once Beau is finally tucked up in bed, I’m at the table in my room cleaning my guns. I know I need to be prepared for what’s to come tomorrow. I still can’t get the image of them sick fucks taking turns on my girl. When we get her back, we’re going have to make sure she’s okay. Not sure how I’m going to bring it up but she’s going to need to be checked over by Doc. Make sure there are no lasting effects on her and also who knows where they have stuck their cocks before. They could pass anything onto Carrie, so we need to make sure she gets the medical help she needs. Once my guns are clean and all ready to go, I head downstairs to the bar. Maybe a shot or two will help me sleep. Just need something to switch off my thoughts.

  Only a few brothers are at the bar, with Tank and Kate at a table in the corner. Cass is at the bar, his eyes on Kate.

  “You okay brother,” I ask.

  “Yeah, fuck Joker I can’t believe she’s back.”

  “I know, been a long time,” I reply.

  “I thought over time things would change. I did what I thought was right at the time. She was nearly hurt because of me. It was my fault,” he says with shame as he hangs his head.


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