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Love, Desire & Intrigue. (Part one: First Lesson.)

Page 5

by Tabatha Wild

  On my way to the station I rang Zoe to tell her about the weekend. She was so pleased about my invitation and jealous, when I told her that Charles Witham had taken me to lunch and kissed me!

  “Kylie,” she said “Dump that useless boyfriend, and make a play for this handsome prince. You may not get another chance!” I sat and thought over her advice for a few minutes and realized that that was exactly what I was planning to do.

  I decided to give James’s number a ring, so that he couldn’t say I didn’t try and contact him during the day. I switched my phone on, tapped his number in and to my surprise he answered on the second ring.

  “Kylie, is that you! What are you playing at?”

  “Er James, I have to go on this course…..” He interrupted me.

  “No Kylie listen to me. You switched your phone off again and I’ve been trying to contact you. I’ve booked a hotel, so we can have a romantic weekend together. I’ve cancelled the football trip.”

  “Sorry James, I won’t be there. I’ll be back Sunday night. I’ve got to go!” He tried to shout over me, but I cut the connection and switched my phone off quickly. He will have calmed down by Sunday night, I thought.

  The taxi pulled up outside the station, and after paying the driver, I climbed out and walked through the front entrance, into the main concourse. It wasn’t as busy as I expected, and I soon spotted Charles over by one of the coffee stands.

  He was standing chatting to two women who had their backs to me, but when he returned my wave, the two women turned to look in my direction.

  I instantly recognized the austere figure of Francesca, but the other lady was a stranger, I thought. My first reaction was disappointment, as I was hoping to be the only girl in a group of men, but when I saw Charles’s smiling face, those thoughts left my head instantly. He walked towards me and met me half way.

  “Kylie, good to see you. You look absolutely lovely!” He placed his hands on my arms and kissed my cheek, again in a business-like manner.

  To me it meant more.

  Having this handsome man’s face so close, caused my face to burn and my heart to flutter a little. Goodness I thought, what’s wrong with me!

  “Oh, thank you,” I replied “You look good too.” I added lamely.

  Charles took my small suitcase, put his arm round my waist, and walked me towards the two waiting ladies who were sipping their coffee. His right hand was lightly touching my hip, just below the line of my boned corset.

  That small contact, through the material, jangled the nerve endings, and sent a little thrill down my thigh. As the four of us came together Charles gestured towards the stranger,

  “Kylie, you remember Allison from accounts.” I stared at Allison and for a second, confusion caused me to stare.

  “Allison, I’m so sorry, I didn’t recognise you. You look so... er... different.” Gone was the plain, frumpy image that I remembered and in its place was a good-looking, confident, slim woman, whose features had changed completely.

  Her nose appeared smaller, her cheeks higher and her lips fuller. Her sombre hazel eyes had not changed, but her hair was much longer and she was wearing it with a fringe, similar to Francesca’s style.

  “Kylie. It’s so nice to see you again.” I detected a slight dryness in her voice, which put me on the defensive. The Alison I remembered was a carefully controlled individual, who hid behind a facade of coyness. Now she seemed to have turned that round and now appeared confident and aloof. Charles interrupted my train of thought.

  “Ladies we have to go and board the train. Let me take that.” Charles bent down and picked up Francesca’s bag, whilst Allison and I were left to carry our own.

  “Thank you Mr Witham,” responded Francesca, as she fell in beside Charles. So I’m not going to be able to call him Charles on this trip, I thought, that’s going to be a bit tiresome. Allison and I tagged along behind, like two daughters following their parents on a trip.

  As we casually sauntered towards our train, my mind drifted back to my conversation with James. A tiny feeling of guilt insinuated itself into the back of my mind, but I shook my head and cast it aside.

  * * *

  The four of us were seated together, Charles and Francesca, on one side of the table and Allison and I on the other. I had a window seat and sat opposite Francesca, whilst Charles and Allison sat against the aisle. After about an hour of chit chat we had all become completely relaxed, Charles looked across the table towards me.

  “Kylie, Allison and I are going down to the restaurant to have a drink, so you and Francesca can have a quiet chat. I glanced at Francesca’s serious face and sat up in my seat.

  “Will you be long?” I asked, trying to sound as if I didn’t want them to go.

  “About half an hour,” came the reply. I watched them head off towards the front of the train and wished I was with them. Francesca stood up and pulled her small bag down from the overhead luggage rack.

  Francesca had changed from her black and white jersey frock into a very smart, sleeveless Retro style fit-and-flare cotton dress which was covered in a pretty pink floral design.

  The short sleeved summer dress was knee length and cut low to reveal a fair amount of cleavage. Francesca sat down and once she was comfortable, took out a dossier, laid it on the table and replaced her bag above us. Goodness! I thought this looks serious.

  “I’ll get straight to the point.” she said in a very business-like manner. “As you know, our company is a worldwide organization and our clients are amongst the wealthiest moguls in the media world.” She paused to get my reaction.

  I thought I detected a slightly softening reaction towards me. I smiled at her, because I was well aware of the information she was telling me. She continued.

  “We employ a small group of women as External Personnel Assistants who provide our clients with a uniquely trained subordinate escort.” My ears pricked up. I didn’t like the word escort, because it had all sorts of connotations.

  I began to get a bad feeling about the job offer, but I continued to be silent, as she continued.

  “The contracts that we are negotiating are worth millions, sometimes billions. Our clients have certain prerequisites that normal companies just don’t understand. That’s where we, and more importantly you, come in.” She paused again.

  “Am I to understand that the EPA’s are providing an escort service for your rich clients?” I stammered

  “No Kylie, they are much more than that. I like to think that they are more like company agents, working at the heart of the deal, within the companies’ work place...”

  “Spies!” I interrupted her, which I could tell irked her considerably.

  “It’s true Kylie, that there is a certain amount of undercover work, but remember that you will be there at their request and therefore fully sanctioned by their company.”

  “Why did you chose me?” I asked.

  “Well you’ve been Steve Randall’s PA for two months now. When we moved you to the international section, you were earmarked for the EPA job. Mr Randall has been very impressed with your work and recommended that you be given a chance. He thinks you can get close to the clients and provide us with vital information on the structures of their companies.”

  “I can’t do that Miss Francesca, I wouldn’t know where to begin. Surely you need someone with more experience.”

  “But Kylie, you do have the experience, and I think you know what I’m talking about.” She opened the folder and pulled out a couple of files. “Kylie, this file is a report from a private investigator on your current boyfriend James Bremner. He has been abusing women for over ten years.” Francesca pushed the file in front of me.

  I stared at the first sheet of paper. A young photograph of James stared back at me. It was attached to a ten year old police report on a domestic violence case. The woman was beaten around the head, but eventually withdrew her accusations against James.

  The soft clickety-click of the train wheels and
the gentle rocking of the carriage, were at odds with the sudden buzz that began to invade my mind.

  As I began to turn the pages, my face began to burn and a terrible realization began to hit me. I didn’t know the man that I had been living with for the last six months!

  There were page after page of reports, charges and statements. I closed the file and covering my face with my hands, rested my elbows on the table and shook my head.

  “How….. How did you get that?” I stammered.

  “Ah Kylie, you will soon learn that we have tentacles that reach into every corner of your life.” Her green eyes looked sad and I could see that she wasn’t enjoying my discomfort.

  “How long have you known about it?” I gasped, absolutely horrified that they might have been able to warn me earlier.

  “As soon as we had Steve Randall’s recommendation, we commissioned a report into both you and your partner’s background. Its standard practice for all EPA’s,” she paused.

  I was beginning to realize that there was more to Witham and Morris than just a media company.

  “The minute that report hit Mr Witham’s desk, we decided to offer you the job.” I heaved a sigh of relief. At least they hadn’t been sitting on it for some time.

  “But why me?” I persisted. I was beginning to think clearly.

  “I’ve already said that you have the outside knowledge of our international clients and the language skills. Now we need you inside, to expand that knowledge and help us close the deals with the client. You are young, beautiful and we have a lot of admiration for someone, like yourself, who can live with an abusive man like James Bremner.”

  I was speechless and blushed furiously at Francesca’s reference to me being beautiful. I couldn’t understand her expression, because it was a mixture of curiosity and distaste, not so much towards me, but more towards the subject of domestic violence.

  “Kylie if you decide to take the job, we’ll put you in a new flat and you’ll never see him again. We’ve spent a lot of time and money preparing the ground, and now Charles thinks you are perfect for the role, whereas I still have my doubts,” she paused.

  I was flabbergasted. I began to rationalize my situation. In reality the company were offering me a way out and I would be a fool not to at least give the new job a go.

  “Over this weekend we will be examining your obedience levels and how well you respond to instructions. Once you have settled into the job, you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about!” I didn’t like the sound of that, but I kept quiet.

  “You will be on exactly the same footing as the other EPA’s. They all accept that punishment is required to improve their response times to instructions and develop their behaviour in the workplace.”

  “Punishment?” I queried.

  “Loss of wages, that sort of thing. Of course, if you don’t want to take on this challenging role with the company, then we can go our separate ways. But Kylie, remember what we are offering you. A secure job, a huge salary, expenses, a car, a company flat and an endless array of outfits to choose from.”

  I was speechless and didn’t know how to respond to the things she had said. The hard work didn’t scare me, but to be constantly moved from one client to another was something I needed to think about.

  “Does this mean I can’t go back to my old job Miss Francesca?” I asked meekly.

  “If you do, then you’ll be going back to your old life and you’ll have to sort out the problems on your own.” she let the words hang in the air.

  I began to think furiously. This certainly wasn’t the career that I had hoped to follow, but travelling the world was certainly one attraction. I wasn’t at all confident that I could do what they are asking, even though I already had the outside knowledge of the company’s international clients.

  “Can I talk to Charles about it?” I ventured.

  “Mr Witham, Kylie, don’t let me hear you call him by his first name again!” she said sternly, already assuming a more dominant attitude towards me.

  “Er, sorry Miss Francesca. I need to talk to Mr Witham.”

  “Good, here he comes now,” She looked up at the young executive as he arrived beside our table. “Kylie would like a chat with you.” Charles looked down towards me.

  “Kylie I think it would be a good idea if I took you down to the bar for a drink.” I jumped to my feet before Allison could be seated, and she allowed me to step into the aisle, before returning to her own seat.

  Charles gestured for me to lead the way, and I set off towards the back of the train. The door slid open in front of me and moments later closed behind Charles.



  We found ourselves in the little lobby, where the toilets are situated and the carriages join together.

  “Kylie,” Charles was calling me, so I slowed down to let him catch up. Charles put his hand on my shoulder, and turned me round to face him.

  We were alone in the small space and he closed the distance, so that there were just inches between us. As Charles placed his hands on my upper arms, I looked up into his tanned, handsome face and drew my breath in.

  “Do you think I can do what you want,” I whispered, desperately hoping he would kiss me.

  “You can Kylie. I won’t be training you, but I will be personally in charge of your development, and you will always be able to come to me for help.” A young couple came through the lobby and I allowed Charles to push me gently against the lavatory door.

  He reached down beside me, and I heard him turn the door handle, and felt it give way behind me. I continued to stare up into his seductive topaz eyes, as we moved into the little closet.

  Once inside the confined space, the door automatically closed behind us with a loud click. Charles moved his hand, and I heard a softer click, as he locked the door and I knew I was trapped.

  I suddenly felt like his prisoner, wrapped tightly in my boned corset and encircled by his arms. The mirrors on all sides, the gently rocking carriage, the rhythm of the train wheels and his heavenly fragrance all added to the intensity of the moment. I pressed my straining breasts against his muscular chest.

  “Charles, I.......”

  “Shush,” He put a finger on my lips. “We are going to be a team....” As his hand slipped up the side of my face, my ears began to burn and my heart started to thump in my chest. Charles’s lips hovered a hairs breadth away from my own.

  Goodness! I thought, he’s going to kiss me. I moved forward and as our lips melded together, I reached up and wrapped my arms round his neck and crushed my soft wanton mouth onto his firm demanding one.

  I turned my head slightly, as his wicked tongue began to search out and fight my own. We teased each other with darting little flicks, before finally our tongues became entwined, and we clung to each other tightly.

  His right hand began to travel down my spine and as it rested on the upturn of my buttocks, his fingers began to gather up the soft material of my dress, until he had the hem in his hand above the line of my flimsy panties.

  I was thrilled that he wanted to ravish me, after finding out about my past and I didn’t think to question his motives. We broke away from each other’s lips and he began to caress my neck and cheek with little soft kisses.

  “What is it Kylie. What do you want…?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Oh Charles,” I sighed, “I want you...” my voice trailed away, as his fingers became more urgent in the waistband of my panties. I allowed him to push them off my buttocks and hips, but they became stuck when the material rolled up at the top of my thighs.

  I reached down with one hand and pushed them down over the top of my hold-ups. My dress was getting in the way, so I pushed away from him, grabbed the hem and in one swift movement lifted it off, over my head. He stood back in amazement.

  I slipped out of my shoes, wiggled my legs, and together we slid my flimsy panties down to my knees, from where they dropped to the floor.

  “Oh Kylie
, you are so incredibly sexy,” He whispered, feasting his eyes on my scantily clad body. The satin corset and matching bra, were of the finest quality and made me feel a million dollars.

  He took me into his arms again, encircling my tightly corseted body.

  “I’ve watched you from afar in the office and dreamt about holding you like this,” he said softly.

  His hands went back to massaged the under swell of my buttocks, whilst starting to caress my face with gentle kisses. I felt him become excited against my corset, so I reached down and deftly released the hook on his trousers.

  His zip slid down easily, enabling me to push his trousers and underpants down off his hips and wrap my small hands round his magnificent rock hard erection. It was perfect, I thought and began to squeeze and massage the soft outer skin.

  “I want you in me.....!” I sighed, trying to push myself up onto him. He wildly explored my mouth again and slowly lifted me up his body by my buttocks. I wrapped my arms around his neck to help him, and as I felt his erection slowly slip down onto my belly and over my vulva, I lifted my legs to make it easier for him to enter me.

  He was a lot stronger than I expected and easily lifted me a little further, and by leaning back slightly, he was able to steer my butt to the edge of a small washbasin in the corner of the closet. It was cold on my bare skin, but I hardly noticed, as his own heat, first nudged my portal and then slowly filled me.

  “Oh Charles, that feels wonderful…” I sighed.

  He built up a rhythm, which seemed to match the beat of the flowing railway track beneath our very feet.

  Charles’s arms were still wrapped round my hips, and mine round his neck, as our mouths and tongues fought each other for dominance. I had to concede though, to his power, when he forced my head back and pounded himself into my soft body.

  I yielded and wallowed in his arms, as electricity began to sparkle in my veins, and the rhythm of the vibrating train helped to intensify the sensations running through me.


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