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Love, Desire & Intrigue. (Part one: First Lesson.)

Page 6

by Tabatha Wild

  I tightened my grip on his neck and little gasps escaped from my throat, as my orgasm approach. Charles seemed to sense that I was close and began to relentlessly power into me with faster and shorter thrusts.

  We came together and shuddered through our climax as one, gripping each other in a desperate embrace. Charles stilled, and he began to subside, I tried to clasp him, but it slipped away leaving me with a terrible feeling of emptiness. He continued to trail kisses over the top of my pouting breasts and up my neck to my ear.

  “Kylie, clean me,” he whispered in my ear. It wasn’t a request, it was an order, but I didn’t mind. In that precious moment, I was prepared to do anything for this gorgeous man.

  He stepped back, allowing me to slip off the basin and kneel down on one knee, where I gripped his limp muscle with both hands. I used my lips and tongue to envelope his crown and immediately felt him stiffen in my hands.

  “Oh Kylie,” he gasped, when I started to lolly-pop him with my salivating mouth and quick flicks of my tongue.

  His fingers began to move through my hair, guiding me, encouraging me to go further and deeper, but I took my time to slowly complete my task and then bring him to the edge of his climax.

  “Sweet, sweetheart,” he moaned from deep within his throat. When he finally arrived, his body began to jerk and his fingers grasped handfuls of my hair. I tasted his seed and this time I didn’t allow a drop to escape.

  “Oh Charles, that was so wonderful,” I said climbing to my feet.

  His hands stayed on the side of my head and his topaz eyes gazed at me, examining my face.

  “I wanted to tell you yesterday, when you came into the office…” he said wistfully.

  “What Charles?” I asked.

  “Your eyes Kylie, you have the most stunning eyes I’ve ever seen.” He leant forwards and kissed me again. A soft whispering kiss that lingered for a second, before he lend back and dropped his hands.

  “Let me dress you Charles,” I offered.

  He stood still, whilst I reached down and worked his underpants up his legs and back into place, followed by his trousers. I stood up to do his waist fastening and then looked up into his topaz eyes.

  I was a little afraid that the relationship I wanted wasn’t on offer, and that he wanted something completely different. But, I was thrilled to have gotten this far.

  “Kylie, I’m going back to join the ladies. I want you to clean yourself up, and before you return, nip down to the restaurant car and fetch me a black coffee.”

  He reached in his back pocket, fished out his wallet and handed me a £20 note.

  “And Kylie get whatever you want for yourself.” Charles lifted my chin and kissed me lightly on the lips. I wanted to grab him, hold him to me and never let him go, but I sensed that would be a step too far.

  “Remember Kylie, we’re a team.” He turned, unlocked the door, peeped out to check that the lobby was clear and slipped away to return to his seat.

  My tiny panties were balled up on the floor, so I unravelled them, and stepped into the garment. I quickly dressed, tidied my hair, checked my dress was smoothed out and left the lavatory.

  On my way down to the restaurant car, I began to consider the new life that Charles and Francesca were offering me.

  Did I have an alternative, I asked myself? I’d probably have to stay with Zoe until I found a flat on the outskirts of London and then there would be all the travelling…!

  I decided that I really had no option but to accept their offer and prove to them that I could be a good EPA.

  As I queued for coffee in the restaurant car, I began to wonder if I would ever be able to get over the thought, that I might have been James’s first murder victim. Had Charles and the company saved me from that fate? I will never know!

  I bought two coffees and a ham sandwich and headed back to my seat. Once I was settled, I nibbled my sandwich, whilst my three companions chatted away.

  I watched Charles carefully to see if his attitude had changed towards me, but everything seemed normal. The topic of the conversation was holidays and I listened to some really interesting stories, each one had to tell.

  I was a bit uncomfortable at the way Francesca was continually keeping his attention and occasionally touching his hand as it lay on the table in front of him. However, I quickly dismissed my silly thoughts, because I realized that they were probably old friends as well as close working colleagues.

  My mind drifted towards the problem I was going to have when I returned from Scotland. Could I just shrug off James and would he try and find me? I wondered.

  I had learnt about his activities from the file Francesca had shown me and it was clear from the police reports that he was a man who wouldn’t give up his possessions lightly.

  I felt I could trust Charles to protect me for the time being, so I had already decided to take the job if it was finally offered to me. The journey seemed to fly by and I was soon joining in the conversation to tell them about a holiday I had in Thailand.

  I eventually became lost in my own thoughts and because I was tired, the gentle rocking of the train finally helped me to doze off into a restless sleep.


  The contract.

  “Kylie!” A man was calling my name. “Wake up!” I suddenly recognized the voice as Charles’s and opened my eyes. I had been having a bad dream and it was reassuring to see his face peering down at me. I quickly realized I was safe and away from the ordeal I had been dreaming about.

  “Charles!” I said shakily, sitting up. I looked past Charles, who was kneeling where Alison had been sitting, to see Francesca and Alison standing in the aisle. Francesca looked in my direction, with a resigned look on her face.

  “We’re just arriving at Glasgow. Time to grab your bag.” Said Charles.

  I looked out of the window and could see that the train was slowly pulling into Glasgow station. I got to my feet groggily.

  “Are you OK?” asked Charles in a concerned tone.

  “I’ll be alright in a minute,” I replied, as he handed my bag to me. We filed out along the aisle and followed the queue down the steps and onto the platform. Charles spotted a man in a chauffeurs’ outfit who had come to meet us, and we followed him out of the station to where a posh Mercedes mini bus was parked. We handed our cases to the chauffeur and climbed into the back of the vehicle.

  I was amazed to find that it wasn’t a bus at all, more like a tall executive limousine, as there were only six large leather seats in the back. All the windows in our cabin were blacked out and we were separated from the driver’s seat by a more transparent smoky glass screen.

  Four of the seats faced each other in the middle of the vehicle, whilst two more at the back faced the rear door. There was also a narrow gap between the seats, so that someone could squeeze through to swap positions. A man in a grey suit, who had a very officious look about him, was already sitting in the far seat, with his back to the drivers screen.

  “Allison, you can sit in the back, whilst we sort out Kylie’s paperwork,” suggested Francesca in an authoritarian voice. I watched Allison squeeze through the gap and settle into a seat, whilst I sat down, as directed, next to the stranger.

  I was sitting facing the two seats occupied by Charles and Francesca and I got the feeling that something was about to happen on the journey to the castle. As the Limo pulled away and started our journey, I sat there wondering what paperwork Francesca was referring to.

  “Kylie,” Charles gestured towards the stranger beside me. “This is Sir Gordon Houghton. He is the barrister who handles all of ‘The Company’s’ legal matters. He is here to finalize your contract and make sure you are happy with all the arrangements.” I turned to look toward the stranger.

  “I’m pleased to meet you Miss Kylie,” he spoke in a very posh voice.

  “Thank you Sir,” I replied

  “Now Kylie this is the contact that has been prepared for you and we have plenty of time for you to read thr
ough the documents and ask me any question you like.” He handed over the contract to me.

  Gordon Houghton stared at me with kind intelligent eyes, over the thick lenses of his horn-rimmed glasses, perched on the end of his nose. He had a round ruddy face, lots of thick white hair, and teeth that were whiter than they should have been, for a man of his age.

  “How long will it take to drive to the castle?” I asked.

  “An hour, probably.” replied Charles.

  Charles was being very business-like and I suddenly wished we were alone in the limousine and he was ravishing me again. Unfortunately, I had to sit opposite Francesca who just sat there staring, with a curious expression on her face.

  I looked down at the document and noticed that it had mine and the companies name on the front. Witham & Morris Media Ltd had obviously taken it for granted, that I would accept the job, I realized, to have printed a contract ready for me to sign.

  I thought back to when Charles had first spoken to me in his office. He had given me a card with my name on the back. Then there was the file on my boyfriend James, which was comprehensive and very detailed. And now these documents in my name.

  I realized that the decisions had already been taken for me and that I was being left with very little option but to accept their offer.

  “You said that Mr Morris would be making the final decision,” I challenged Charles, who was watching me intently.

  “Well, Kylie, that wasn’t quite correct. He will accept our decision and we have decided to offer you the job.” He explained.

  I suspected that that was the case. I flipped through the pages and found it was full of legal terms which I couldn’t comprehend. Sir Houghton watched me like a hawk, whilst I scanned through page after page of confusing terms and statements. I arrived at the page where I had to sign and turned to the barrister.

  “Sir, will you tell me, in a nut shell, what I am committing myself to?”

  “Well Kylie, you would be committing the next five years of your life to working as an EPA, for Witham & Morris Media Ltd. The rewards are simple, a 37K annual salary, a luxury company car, a company two bedroom flat, expenses and all your clothing paid for.” I liked the sound of that bit!

  “Your first year bonus could be 37K, second year 74K, third year 148K, fourth year 296K and your final bonus could be 592K.” I stared at him in disbelief, but his face told me everything. He was deadly serious!

  “Your training would start tomorrow in earnest. You need to be schooled in how to work as a shadow within the target organisation. Miss Francesca will be handling your education, whilst Mr Witham will manage your overall strategy. Mr Morris is in complete charge of the EPA program and is the one who you must ultimately impress, as only he assigns the EPA’s to the appropriate clients.”

  “How long is the training sir?” I asked meekly. Francesca scowled in my direction

  “You will be ready by the end of the weekend.” I swallowed the lump I had in my throat.

  I already appreciated what a formidable woman Francesca was and I wondered if I would be able to please her, and show the right level of obedience. Sir Houghton was arranging his papers again and continued to explain the conditions attached to the contract.

  “You must not have sexual relations with anybody, other than employees of ‘The Company’ or with clients, unless permission has been granted by ‘The Company’.” I stared at him in wide eyed shock!

  “You must agree to all forms of punishment ‘The Company’ decides are warranted, due to a failure or a misdemeanour on your part. The company can only terminate your contract if you refuse the punishment. If ‘The Company’ terminates your contract then there will be a seven day cooling off period in which time you must return all company property and move out of your company flat.”

  “The part about sexual relations,” I interrupted his flowing explanation. “What about boyfriends?”

  “You need my permission to start a relationship, Kylie!” stated Francesca. I would have accepted the statement, if it had come from Charles’s mouth, but it seemed incongruous coming from her.

  Charles sat stony faced in his comfortable leather seat.

  “I’ll continue,” said the Barrister. “You on the other hand, may terminate the contract at any time, but you will lose all of your benefits after the same seven day cooling off period.”

  My mind was a bit scrambled and I quickly tried to think of a reason why I would back out of this scary opportunity they were offering me, once I had taken the position.

  My relationship with my abusive boyfriend, James was over and I had high hopes of seeing more of Charles. Maybe then, a limitation on my sex partners would suit me for a while, I reasoned. Then I realized, that technically, I would have to tell Francesca about my budding relationship with Charles.

  I flipped through the documents and arrived at the clause, mentioning sexual arrangements and sure enough it stated categorically that I needed her permission. I looked up at Charles, who was still watching me intently, but wasn’t showing any sign of commenting on the contract.

  Then I realized that I was going to have to ask Francesca about Charles. The very thought scared me witless!

  “Where do I sign?” I asked. The barrister produced a pen and showed me three locations on the document.

  Once I had put pen to paper, Charles and Sir Houghton witnessed the signatures and the paperwork was tucked away in his briefcase.

  “Your copy will be sent to your new address on Monday,” said the elderly barrister. He now produced another sheet of paper and handed it to me.

  “Kylie, sign this and we’ll arrange for your belongings to be moved to your new flat, whilst you’re away for the weekend.”

  “I’m afraid that won’t be possible. I sold all my furniture when I moved in with James. I gave all my other belongings away to my friend Zoe. Besides, I think it would be better if I just made a fresh start.”

  “Well Kylie that’s exactly what we’re giving you.” Charles pointed out. “We’ll arrange a hotel room for you for a couple of nights whilst you pick some carpets and furniture to furnish your new flat.”

  “I’ll arrange a driver to collect you Sunday Evening at Kings Cross station and deliver you to a hotel. He’ll have the keys and address to the flat and you’ll be able to go and look at it Monday morning.” Added the Barrister.

  Goodness! It was really happening, I was going to be an EPA after my training was over! Sir Houghton rose from his seat and squeezed through the gap in the seats to join Allison at the back of the limousine.

  I sat back and began to relax, for the first time since leaving Glasgow station.


  First Lesson.

  It was dark beyond the confines of the limousine, which swayed to and fro, whilst it wound its way into the Highlands of Scotland.

  Charles and Francesca continued to chat, whilst Allison moved to the seat beside me, to join in our conversation. During the hour long Journey, I had a very interesting chat with Allison, who recounted some of her experiences of being an EPA.

  Her first posting had been with a multi-national tyre company, where she shadowed the Managing Director’s PA for a month. Charles pointed out that the company had been so impressed with her knowledge and abilities that they had tried to headhunt her, unsuccessfully of course.

  It wasn’t explained to me what particular information Allison had gleaned to assist the contracts being signed, between the two companies, but Charles seemed very pleased with her performance.

  The limousine came to a sudden stop and Francesca handed out lovely black velvet cloaks for the women to wear. When the door swung open, we all climbed out into the cool night air. Two young men in smart green uniforms were standing to attention beside the car, presumably to collect our luggage.

  The car had parked in a gravel driveway and my stilettos crunched on the little stones, as I stepped away from the car. It was a clear, moonlit night, so we found it easy to follow a long p
athway through some trees and up to a large stone building.

  I counted ten windows across its width and three stories high, making it look more like a stately home than a castle. As we entered an arched doorway a man dressed in a tartan kilt and smart blue velvet jacket, welcomed us to the Castle and handed some keys to Charles.

  We were in a circular hall, from which a huge spiral staircase rose up to the top of the building. I could hear bagpipes playing somewhere close, in the castle, and voices laughing in merriment, but Charles led us up two flights of stairs to the top of the building.

  The top floor was like a hotel, but whereas in a hotel, the rooms are numbered, here they had people’s names on them. We headed off down a corridor, which was decked out with thick red carpeting and honey coloured wood panelling along the walls. Large oil paintings of historical figures were hanging between each bedroom doorway.

  We stopped at a door marked Allison, and when Charles gave her a key, she let herself in and disappeared into the room. We turned a corner and the first room was labelled Francesca. After the austere woman had ushered me inside, Charles headed back down the hall, presumably to find his own room.

  The suite was magnificent. There was a living room and a bedroom with an enormous king bed. Francesca told me to remove my cloak and then help her with hers. I noticed her sparkling green eyes watching me carefully, as I undid the cord, took the cape from her shoulders, folded it and placed it on a chair on top of mine.

  There was a soft knock on the door. Francesca answered it and I watched one of the uniformed young men enter pushing a small trolley. He then proceeded to unload the bags just inside the suite. Francesca closed the door behind him and turned to me.

  “Kylie, help me unpack our bags and then we can have a shower, before getting ready for dinner.”

  She seemed in a remarkably good mood, as we proceeded to take the bags into the bedroom and put the clothes away in the robes and drawers.

  I was disappointed at having to share a room with Francesca, and I didn’t like the prospect of sharing a bed with her either, even if it was 6 feet wide!


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