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Love, Desire & Intrigue. (Part one: First Lesson.)

Page 7

by Tabatha Wild

  Once we had selected what we were going to wear for dinner and tided everything away, Francesca turned to me

  “Kylie,” she started. “I’m going to give you your first lesson in obedience. Stand still whilst I undress you.” I was standing at the end of the bed wondering which one of us would shower and change first and immediately froze. First lesson?

  “Oh,” I said. “I can do that…!” I was taken by surprise and disconcerted by her order.

  “No Kylie, this is a lesson in obedience. Stand still. It won’t take a minute, then you can shower.” She stepped forwards and before I could protest again, she was lifting my arms up.

  “Hold them up whilst I lift your dress off.” She ordered.

  I stood still, whilst she bent down, grasped the hem of my frock and lifted it up above my head, where I assisted, by pulling my arms free.

  Francesca returned to her kneeling position and reached up to the waist band of my panties. I wanted to protest, but I desisted, knowing she would only rebuke me again. Then I couldn’t resist saying something when her fingers clasped the elastic.

  “Miss Francesca…” I began as she slowly peeled the pink tulle panties off my hips and down my legs.

  “Shush Kylie, this won’t take a minute.” I wasn’t reassured and began to fidget. Francesca then made me lift one foot at a time, before she was able to claim her prize.

  I watched her examine the tiny piece of fabric and then stand, so that her face was just 6 inches away from mine. She clucked her tongue twice.

  “You have been a naughty girl Kylie!” She held the garment up and my face began to burn with embarrassment. I was speechless. Her close proximity and her heavy perfume was making me feel dizzy. I was truly mortified that she was holding the evidence of my little indiscretion.

  “Turn round Kylie,” I was relieved to be able to turn my back on her, because I could feel my blush deepening. She began to release the laces of my corset and I sighed with relief when the garment finally came apart.

  Whilst my back was still turned to her, Francesca removed my bra and then peeled my hold-ups down to my ankles.

  I flinched when I felt her warm hand caress my bruised butt cheeks.

  “I hope you don’t give me cause to repeat this punishment, Kylie,” she whispered in my ear. Her hands began to wander up my sides and over my back, giving my skin a gentle rub. I wanted to move and yet the sensation was enjoyable.

  “Sit on the edge of the bed Kylie,” she ordered. I had to turn and then sit back, where I felt a little more comfortable, even though my body was naked. The tall austere woman knelt again and completed my disrobement by removing the stockings from my feet.

  “Kylie, I want you to lay back and relax,” she said. I immediately tried to rise, but she put a hand out onto my tummy and pushed me back, gently.

  “Miss!” I protested. “I need a shower!” It was the best excuse I could think of to avoid her attentions.

  “I know, I know,” she cooed. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.” Her hand exerted a little more pressure and I put my arms behind me to stop my body from falling right back onto the bedcover.

  “No Miss, I really do need to take a shower,” I was panicking because I was suddenly trapped. I couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t let me clean my body first, before trying to seduce me.

  “Kylie, don’t worry, I want to taste both yours and Charles’s flavours,” she said softly.

  “But Miss, I’m not a le…!” I began, but she cut me short.

  “No Kylie, but I am!” she pushed a little harder and realizing that Francesca would only be content with my total subjugation, I relented and laid back onto the bedcovers. My mind whirled, as I felt Francesca push my knees apart with little resistance on my part. I appreciated that I was in no position to fight her.

  I felt her move forwards, whilst her hands, which had been on my knees, moved up my thighs and came together on the flat surface of my belly.

  “Kylie … I have dressed … hundreds, if not thousands … of young women in my life … and I have to say that your body… is perfect in every way.” She spoke slowly and deliberately.

  Her hands began to search higher, until they reached my proud breasts, where they began to tease and pinch my tender areolas. I gasped and tried to control a flood of mixed emotions that were rising from my belly.

  The knowledge that I lay open and defenceless to her offensive was triggering a fiery sensation in my groin, the like of which I had never experienced before.

  “Oh Francesca, I want…” I gasped.

  “I know what you want darling.” She tilted her head, so that I could only see her glossy dark hair hanging down onto my fair skin.

  My hands reached out to grasp the bed covers, just as she dipped her head that little bit further to begin my first lesson in total obedience.


  Will Kylie be allowed to continue her burgeoning romance with Charles?

  How will Kylie fare with her first assignment for Witham & Morris?

  Look out for part two of this enthralling story and thank you for reading it.




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